Hey I tried different things with the saucer. What looks best is a rework of the original. The spacing between sections is evened out now. I couldn't figure out how I was going to get them even. But I slept on it and it came to me. It was so easy.
Thanks ModelsPlease for the feedback on the saucer. Hope you like the improvements. Once again posting updated pics. This time I included a straight on shot that better illustrates the sharp upward bend of the saucer top.
Azel with all this blue its starting to look TMPish.
No further revisions well be made unless there is a hull breech
Azel hope you like, oh and thanks for the compliment on the hull before. I said this about a week ago but I'll send this out tommorrow.
If its longer its cause I am still installung software. Need WINRAR stil. btw I save so often my hard drive is now full.
Saucer revision pics EDIT- Hmm-well I was looking at the saucer from above. And well something is missing. The saucer textures don't tie into the bridge very well. I have an idea that I hope works out. Nothing radical but I am holding this ship hostage again till I try it out. So still open for any revisions while I work on the top.