Topic: Atolms Soulwolf designs.............please read  (Read 5196 times)

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Re: Atolms Soulwolf designs.............please read
« Reply #20 on: March 08, 2004, 11:31:04 pm »
I bet u posted 2 seconds after me.  Yea WZ's stuff rocks. I can only dream of doing that quality, but I  keep getting better with each project.  I am keeping the saucer pretty clean as TOS era doesn't have much frills.  Now thats its done feel free to nitpick stuff - but I am not changing the registry unless its spelled wrong.  If its ok I'll see about HP's and  a break model tomorrow, once I start on that its too late for revisions to the mesh, just textures then.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by red_green »

Rod O'neal

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Re: Atolms Soulwolf designs.............please read
« Reply #21 on: March 08, 2004, 11:57:36 pm »
It looks really nice, man. I didn't mean to infer anything about the quality of yours compared to WZ's stuff. I hope that you didn't take it that way. I just thought that because the Intrepids saucer wasn't round that it might help to see how he shaped and mapped the saucer texture and stuff.

Nitpicks? Hmmm, Is Soulwolf (Soul Wolf) one word or two?  



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Re: Atolms Soulwolf designs.............please read
« Reply #22 on: March 10, 2004, 11:10:34 am »


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Re: Atolms Soulwolf designs.............please read
« Reply #23 on: March 10, 2004, 10:34:22 pm »
Where are all the critics?  If you look at the bottom of the hull. There is a line that doesn't meet. No one caught this?  I am disappointed. You guys must need glasses.  At least Rod caught the Registry.  I will correct it so its 1 word.

Oh and sorry but I wont be able to do breaks or hp's as I had to reimage my h drive and I havn't found the software I need for that.

 Soulwolf pics
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by red_green »


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Re: Atolms Soulwolf designs.............please read
« Reply #24 on: March 11, 2004, 08:18:20 am »

Where are all the critics? If you look at the bottom of the hull. There is a line that doesn't meet. No one caught this? I am disappointed. You guys must need glasses. At least Rod caught the Registry. I will correct it so its 1 word.

Oh and sorry but I wont be able to do breaks or hp's as I had to reimage my h drive and I havn't found the software I need for that.


Its A wip... so I expect mistakes and fine tuning
Like the saucer texture
and blue glowing light behind the deflector
and  not using Red on the Registry... which on the ventral side should be 2 on the sides of the sensor dome
I Know that she is a WIP...I know that You are very good at your work
So I'll wait

Awesome Job sofar Mate!!!
Shes a Real beauty
« Last Edit: March 11, 2004, 08:54:58 am by Azel »


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Re: Atolms Soulwolf designs.............please read
« Reply #25 on: March 11, 2004, 08:35:01 am »
Oooooh...mistakes or no, I LIKE this ship!

It'll be neat to fly her next to her 30th Century counterpart.


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Re: Atolms Soulwolf designs.............please read
« Reply #26 on: March 11, 2004, 06:27:58 pm »


Where are all the critics? If you look at the bottom of the hull. There is a line that doesn't meet. No one caught this? I am disappointed. You guys must need glasses. At least Rod caught the Registry. I will correct it so its 1 word.

Oh and sorry but I wont be able to do breaks or hp's as I had to reimage my h drive and I havn't found the software I need for that.



Its A wip... so I expect mistakes and fine tuning
Like the saucer texture
and blue glowing light behind the deflector
and  not using Red on the Registry... which on the ventral side should be 2 on the sides of the sensor dome
I Know that she is a WIP...I know that You are very good at your work
So I'll wait



Actually I  am not up on canon details and ship terms. I dont know what you mean by sensor dome.  Should the registries be placed along the sides of the bottom or nearer the center?  I am not good at registries. I use red but on small lettering it either wont show or is too wide. Thus it looks all red.

The way the bottom is mapped, the registry must be mirrored horizontally and vertically to be read correctly. Its all mickey mouse. I just flying by the seat of my pants.    

Another question. Does TOS have transport pads, and if so where  are they placed and what do they look like?
It just occured to me I think I can add in the red border for the registries using a glow plugin. Its important that I get  these correct cause they can add or take away a lot from the ship.  

 Goota run. Yesterdays Enterprise is on
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by red_green »


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Re: Atolms Soulwolf designs.............please read
« Reply #27 on: March 11, 2004, 08:25:44 pm »
Check these out


I got those from here :



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Re: Atolms Soulwolf designs.............please read
« Reply #28 on: March 11, 2004, 08:36:17 pm »
Very cool model,I bet it lights up,judging by the windows and  the narcells.


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Re: Atolms Soulwolf designs.............please read
« Reply #29 on: March 12, 2004, 04:03:24 am »
Nice model. OK well I tried it like in photos but it wont work because of sharp curves and  the saucer shape. See the last pic in the link. Both the registries and I had also added in those triangles( transport pads)  and they were warped big time.

Even in TOS they would have to come up with a new placement. Because of this I will put the registries as before. Only this time they will be solid black. Took me a few hours to do alot of minor stuff. I added the dual red stripes along the top of the sec hull. remapped the delfector. Replaced bottom phaser and added  a few details to top of saucer. I will send along some blank saucer textures when I am done and you can always adjust on it. But if you see ships with this shape hull. The registries are usually stright across because of the problems shown in the last wip pic I posted.

 wip pics



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Re: Atolms Soulwolf designs.............please read
« Reply #30 on: March 12, 2004, 05:58:11 am »
Looks good sir,but why does the saucer pattern look like it's stretched out and not actually part of that ship?  


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Re: Atolms Soulwolf designs.............please read
« Reply #31 on: March 12, 2004, 06:43:07 am »

Looks good sir,but why does the saucer pattern look like it's stretched out and not actually part of that ship?  

Once you get the ship in game. You will see that the saucer  really curves in the middle.    Its harder to see from the pics, but the center is quite a bit higher then the edges. The lines in the textures are just following the curves up towards the middle.   This is why placing the registry has been time consuming. If I move the registry back 1/'4 inch on the saucer the letters well rise sharply so that from the front it is hard to make out 1 or 2 letters.  A possible way to make the textures seem more part of the ship might be to bevel every other section down slightly. This would add shading and some depth.
I admit the saucer looks smooth but this is the style of the TOS era. The textures were not azteced or bumped up in any way.

Actually though the textures are stretched  in the back of the saucer, not the front. Is that what you mean. There a bit curved cause I was trying to get by with a texture from a round saucer. But alas I have been caught  

Tell you what. I well eraise the curved lines and  redo them. Seeing as the rest of the ship is prettty buff may as well do the saucer right.  But it may not be a drastic difference thats why I was cutting corners.


 Finished texture pics  
« Last Edit: March 12, 2004, 07:00:40 am by red_green »


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Re: Atolms Soulwolf designs.............please read
« Reply #32 on: March 12, 2004, 07:04:30 am »

 Nice model. OK well I tried it like in photos but it wont work because of sharp curves and the saucer shape. See the last pic in the link. Both the registries and I had also added in those triangles( transport pads) and they were warped big time.

Even in TOS they would have to come up with a new placement. Because of this I will put the registries as before. Only this time they will be solid black. Took me a few hours to do alot of minor stuff. I added the dual red stripes along the top of the sec hull. remapped the delfector. Replaced bottom phaser and added a few details to top of saucer. I will send along some blank saucer textures when I am done and you can always adjust on it. But if you see ships with this shape hull. The registries are usually stright across because of the problems shown in the last wip pic I posted.

The Hull details are spectacular man!!!
Just need to add Blue behind the Deflector dish (its a personal prefference)
I see what you mean about the about sideways on the bottom rather than horizontal
so that the registry can be read from the port and starboard elevations ???  


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Re: Atolms Soulwolf designs.............please read
« Reply #33 on: March 12, 2004, 09:09:33 am »
  I might be reworking the saucer 1st cause the spacing is off between sections. I am getting lazy you know  So anyways I posted a pic called saucer,  showing an alternate layout. Kinda looks armored.  Would you prefer this or should I just redo the original with better spacing OR should  I just screw it and slap on  the registries. If so I'll try sideways. But  I kinda feel like that might not work either. Cause there is a bit of a lip right by the edge.  Let me know how you feel about the saucer cause modelsplease made a good point.  

Oh and gotcha blue behind the dish. Piece of cake.  Regardless I'll be taking a bit of a break from this and back to my rommie just to break things up.  I'll check back in a day or 2 to see if you like the alternate saucer tex or not.
« Last Edit: March 12, 2004, 09:12:42 am by red_green »


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Re: Atolms Soulwolf designs.............please read
« Reply #34 on: March 12, 2004, 06:59:44 pm »
Hey I tried different things with the saucer. What looks best is a rework of the original. The spacing between sections is evened out now. I couldn't figure out how I was going to get them even. But I slept on it and it came to me. It was so easy.
Thanks ModelsPlease for the feedback on the saucer. Hope you like the improvements. Once again posting updated pics. This time I included a straight on shot that better illustrates the sharp upward bend of the saucer top.

Azel with all this blue its starting to look TMPish.    No further  revisions well be made unless there is a hull breech  Azel hope you like, oh and thanks for the compliment on the hull before.  I said this about a week ago but I'll send this out tommorrow.     If its longer its cause I am still installung software. Need WINRAR stil.  btw I save so often my hard drive is now full.  

 Saucer revision pics

EDIT- Hmm-well I was looking at the saucer from above. And well something is missing. The saucer textures don't tie into the bridge very well. I have an idea that I hope works out. Nothing radical but I am  holding this ship hostage again till I try it out. So still open for any revisions while I work on the top.

« Last Edit: March 12, 2004, 07:52:01 pm by red_green »


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Re: Atolms Soulwolf designs.............please read
« Reply #35 on: March 12, 2004, 08:09:52 pm »
It's looking much better sir,but I see what you mean about the saucer textures.Keep up the great work !!!!


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Re: Atolms Soulwolf designs.............please read
« Reply #36 on: March 12, 2004, 09:16:18 pm »
Thanks ModelsPlease. Added two more pics. pics 8 and 9 show how I better integrated the saucer to the bridge.  Plus its a little less cluttered near the top. Well I am done for real now!!!!!   Going to go celebrate.     I always think I am done. The reason I always keep chamging stuff is I am learning as I go. I'd hate to release it and have to rework it a week later.

Rommies are up next. The Tal Shier(sp?) is at the door now. Gotta run.


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Re: Atolms Soulwolf designs.............please read
« Reply #37 on: March 13, 2004, 12:40:35 am »
Outstanding  rework sir, ( Tal Shiar)sp ,one other  question,the blue behind the deflector....for lack of a better phrase it looks out of control.To me it kinda looks like the deflector is floating in the sky if that makes any sense.Don't get me wrong I like the blue glow behind the dish,but it just looks off,no true definition to it.   Am I making any sense ? (shrug)


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Re: Atolms Soulwolf designs.............please read
« Reply #38 on: March 13, 2004, 01:23:35 am »

Outstanding  rework sir, ( Tal Shiar)sp ,one other  question,the blue behind the deflector....for lack of a better phrase it looks out of control.To me it kinda looks like the deflector is floating in the sky if that makes any sense.Don't get me wrong I like the blue glow behind the dish,but it just looks off,no true definition to it.   Am I making any sense ? (shrug)

What?  Who?  I thought I was done.  Say Azel, you better take this one cause it was your idea     Ok I understand that TMP era  has blue  deflectors, but this is behind the deflector, unless I misunderstood what you wanted. I didn't give it much thought,  but if I knew the purpose,  I could make it look more functional.  Its your ship so please advise. Did you want it this large and any details in it?  I mapped that area seperate. So i can add as much detail as you want in there. I have great interest in wrapping this up  just so I get the satisfaction of finishing a project.  I'll still redo small stuff like that.  IMHO its starting to really push the TOS envelope. But It does look like a bridge to TMP era.

Say where is DarkMatrix, Didn't he request this ship.  Havn't heard his 2 cents. Guess he is busy converting about 100 ships over.  Soon as I get the word. I can either email this to you or rework some stuff.  

I have an idea. I could add in those rings that are behind the dish. I could do  the outer one gold and the inner one blue. That would tone down the blue some. I would add them to the mesh. It wouldn't have any more polies than when you sent it to me. As I managed to reduce it by about 400 by reworking the hull.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by red_green »


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Re: Atolms Soulwolf designs.............please read
« Reply #39 on: March 13, 2004, 03:53:52 am »
You are right sir TOS didn't have any blue behind the deflector,TMP did,but I have seen a few models that incorporated both.
I_Mudd did one like that.


 USS Proxima
I hope that helps.