Not entirely accurate Rogue.. I've been following your suggestions on this one, much as I have followed Bernard's in posts constructing ships that he has been aware of, KF's suggestions in other posts, etc etc. But some of this is also my doing too.

I also put myself up to it here.
Here's the thing, I love doing ships that are a challenge, and are usually challenged right at the start. Azel's "Alseides" is a prime example of a ship that I love to do. Underpowered and way overtorped. Almost got the most negative reaction I'd ever seen to one of his drawings, and for Atolm, it's rare that anyone hates his stuff. So naturally my ears perked up.

I didn't particularly want people to see this as a bad design, but to try and see it as he saw it. That's what I attempted to realize with it, incorporating some new ideas of my own into it that I've never heard being done before. The arboretum in it has a day and night sky that change depending on lighting! The walkways in it light with spots for nighttime strolls. There's a simulated dusk on the walls. I loved doing that ship for all that and because it turned out so pretty.

I'm enjoying working on this ship because I knew that this one would have a similar sort of reaction. (Hence the title). In canon TV Trek, we have never seen a carrier (that I've ever heard about). In SFB, they exist, and in TV Trek, there have been shown fighters and trainers, must they not also launch from somewhere? And for those here that just have a problem with the design.. umm, ladies and gentlemen, isn't that what we do here? Push the edge of canon and non-canon design and see what comes out of that work? Some of us here are FASA people, some are SFB, some are TV Trek, and some are SFC, and the really neat thing about this place is that here, that can all come together and reveal some truly remarkable designs that help to flesh out something different than the "saucer and cans on sticks" design approach that usually is seen with most Feddie designs.
I have some design issues with some ships released here, the same as you. But those are usually my issues, and I've been here long enough to know that you can get people worked up enough that they leave never to return if they never recieve any constructive encouragement. That's one of the reasons why I'm doing this now with Federation designs. They're pretty well known, they're usually the ships most asked for, they are usually someone's dream ship, they've usually wanted to see that ship forever, and usually the person asking doesn't know how to do this and is too quiet to ask for it. Rogue asked, I saw the design, thought that it was doable, and am helping to fill that request. And his reason for asking was a good one and he wanted this for general release so that everyone else could benefit by it.
I'm just glad that I could help out Rogue in this.

The only thing that I ask in return (as always) is that I get a screencap of it ingame being used. You'd be surprised by how infrequent that actually does happen..
Dizzy, thanks for your comments. I always find it weird to see people saying that they like my stuff, and I appreciate the fact that you don't like the design. I kind of do simply because it's kind of "Galactica" looking, and I always did like that cheesy old show. Surprise surprise, I'm also a big fan of cheesy horror movies and when Godzilla comes out of the water to stomp on Tokyo, I'm right there with a bowl of popcorn.