Topic: Exrta in a Red Shirt Please help me get out of it or tell me how?  (Read 7381 times)

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Re: Exrta in a Red Shirt Please help me get out of it or tell me how?
« Reply #40 on: March 13, 2004, 10:38:28 am »



Set phasers on Hollow Point...  

  I dont see that setting on my phaser. All I see is stun and crispy critter.      

You need the special Redneck edition phaser for that setting.  It is only used for "hunting".  




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Exrta in a Red Shirt Please help me get out of it or tell me how?
« Reply #41 on: March 05, 2004, 04:09:08 pm »
 I would like to know how to get out of being an exrea in a red shirt.I was asking in fan and fiction would any of you like to see newer version of EAW and OP similiar to that of no.3eg.refit and officers selection energy managment real cloak and the authentic weapons of all the Empires eg.Klingons with disrutors and photons like no.3.This will be when all is settled with Activision and Paramount.I would really like to see Interplay get thier license back lets all considering writing to Paramount to tell them this.I would really like to get out of this red shirt or did tactical officers wear red shirts let me Know.
 Thanks Age  


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Re: Exrta in a Red Shirt Please help me get out of it or tell me how?
« Reply #42 on: March 05, 2004, 04:17:02 pm »
You are an extra in a red shirt until you get your post count up.

Another SFC game? Hmmmmm hadn't thought of that...  

We'll take your request for more, as praise since we are geeks and think anything short of being fragged is a complement.

Welcome to our forums and keep posting!



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Re: Exrta in a Red Shirt Please help me get out of it or tell me how?
« Reply #43 on: March 05, 2004, 05:44:20 pm »
... only 33 posts to go ... as of 3/5/04 5:39pm CDT US ... till then your fodder ... j/k  

Welcome to the party!  



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Re: Exrta in a Red Shirt Please help me get out of it or tell me how?
« Reply #44 on: March 05, 2004, 06:22:30 pm »

... only 33 posts to go ... as of 3/5/04 5:39pm CDT US ... till then your fodder ... j/k  

Welcome to the party!  


Only if he manages to survive all the electrical consoles shocks and away missions...  
« Last Edit: March 05, 2004, 06:31:55 pm by MarianoDT »


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Re: Exrta in a Red Shirt Please help me get out of it or tell me how?
« Reply #45 on: March 05, 2004, 07:51:51 pm »
I am not for any more SFC games.  Yes there are many that prefer keeping to the SFB format, but that was designed as a board game.  Taldren did a splendid job of converting it to a video game. Yes its excellant, however I want the next Trek game to move away from hexs and be less restrictive. An excellant game like that is Freelancer. Though the actually combat in that game is too simple and repetitive.  The game design itself  is outstanding.  Perhaps a Trek game could be along those lines .  I also feel that SFC3 basically trashed the SFC name thus losing its credibility to be used again in a future game. Best to build a 3d engine, incorporate some of the battle systems from SFC and call it something else. Start  a whole new game.  



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Re: Exrta in a Red Shirt Please help me get out of it or tell me how?
« Reply #46 on: March 05, 2004, 08:00:45 pm »
I´m sure the developers are learning what works best for a Trek-fan game.
Imagine taking the best of SFC (all of them) + BC + Freelancer.......It would be really cool.  


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Re: Exrta in a Red Shirt Please help me get out of it or tell me how?
« Reply #47 on: March 05, 2004, 09:47:48 pm »
Heck, while we're inventing fantasy combos, let's throw in character models, ala Elite Force, Away Team, and DS9: The Fallen, and we can have a full-out RPG like Star Wars: Galaxies.  


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Re: Exrta in a Red Shirt Please help me get out of it or tell me how?
« Reply #48 on: March 05, 2004, 11:29:58 pm »

Heck, while we're inventing fantasy combos, let's throw in character models, ala Elite Force, Away Team, and DS9: The Fallen, and we can have a full-out RPG like Star Wars: Galaxies.  

Or maybe something even better...and if I said more *zap*


Damn that hurts...  


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Re: Exrta in a Red Shirt Please help me get out of it or tell me how?
« Reply #49 on: March 06, 2004, 02:02:42 am »


Heck, while we're inventing fantasy combos, let's throw in character models, ala Elite Force, Away Team, and DS9: The Fallen, and we can have a full-out RPG like Star Wars: Galaxies.  

Or maybe something even better...and if I said more *zap*


Damn that hurts...  

uh oh... Toasty knows something....


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Re: Exrta in a Red Shirt Please help me get out of it or tell me how?
« Reply #50 on: March 06, 2004, 03:05:57 am »
 I am in the twenty third century I don't Know who are but I know who I am
  someone once said that 13 years ago it start with a  six I believe yes i think it does
  See you on the flip side    
« Last Edit: March 06, 2004, 03:20:27 am by Age »


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Re: Exrta in a Red Shirt Please help me get out of it or tell me how?
« Reply #51 on: March 06, 2004, 03:15:39 am »
 How would you like vote or a poll on this I think you are in the minority on this Do not Blame Taldren for SFC3 being a disaster blame Activision they pushed them to get the game out in time for the movie and the movie didn't do well either to bad.  
 See you back at the barn
 Pestalence you great person you I could use your help on this Thanks
« Last Edit: March 06, 2004, 03:26:11 am by Age »


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Re: Exrta in a Red Shirt Please help me get out of it or tell me how?
« Reply #52 on: March 06, 2004, 11:13:13 am »
Well, I spent $10.00 the other day to grab Homeworld, and I love It's engine. I had played the Demo a few years ago, But It would be interesting to see How an Engine like that worked with the SFC line.

That being said, I do like the Hex based movement alot. You can do so much with It, and It allows for alot of Strategic planning for a long Campaign. It would be interesting though to see how such a thing would play out with out hex's and just a free form 3d map of the galaxy, But who would want to write the code for such a thing.



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Re: Exrta in a Red Shirt Please help me get out of it or tell me how?
« Reply #53 on: March 06, 2004, 11:40:29 am »
sfcop is great!!! and i wouldnt change too much in another trek game.
but i would love to see some things added
here are my suggestions:
-stay tmp era or all earas beginning with tos
-true 3d space
-ingame mission/campaign builder wich supports browsing the soundfolder (u could make ur own ingame voices via microphone for mission instructions and such)
-weapons should be modable (adding some new ones at least on a limited base,strength , range,recycle , etc)
-real cloaking (one out of 2 things i like in sfc3)
-real class names (the other thing i like in sfc3)
-better damage effects (i never liked the way the ships exploded in sfc3 or bc - ka wasnt so detailed but it looked better!)
-mouse and keybord control like in sfc2 (the mous whel could be used for the z axis)
-a little more canon
-environments like in ka
-commandships should have a tactical overview screen wich alowys u to give orders to a whole fleet
-a bit of a cool storyline (maybe like a grafic novel between the missions (like in max payne but moddable) that would allow to make real cool storries for the game and give it more of a deeper feeling
-movie/series missions : wrath of khan, balance of terror,the undiscovered country,etc.

something that would be cool but i dont think it will ever be done:
a second cd with away missions (moddable like the other part of the game) which are connected to the simulation part of the game. u arive at a planet with your ship - u get a mission-u insert cd2 and u complete that mission as a character on the planets surface. that would be soo uber cool.

and beside the fact that it would be cool - it could bring a whole lot of money - just think about all the expansion pacs that would be possible ..WHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEHHHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA !

a name for the game: just pure and simple STAR TREK - the game

just my 2cents:)

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by ganymad »


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Re: Exrta in a Red Shirt Please help me get out of it or tell me how?
« Reply #54 on: March 06, 2004, 12:30:54 pm »
Age, if you read my post carefully, you will see that at no point do I  blame  Taldren for anything.  You are adding that in for some reason.  I suggest doing a search to find all my posts. You will find that I have a very high opinion of Taldren.  SFC3 does fall way short compared to previous versions, however I never blamed Taldren.  I am aware of it  being rushed to market and Activision not allowing an official patch release cause of the political situation.  I believe you have made an assumption here on my position or perhaps you are trying to start something.  

Actually AGe, your last 2 entrys dont make any sense. Pestelance has not posted in this thread and what is it exactly that you need halp with?  It seems like maybe your idea of getting out of a red shirt might be to start posing a bunch a drivel.  We have had plenty enough trolls here. I hope you are not going to be come one.


« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by red_green »


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Re: Exrta in a Red Shirt Please help me get out of it or tell me how?
« Reply #55 on: March 06, 2004, 04:43:12 pm »
 If it wasn't for us extras, Chekov would never have made it to the movies    


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Re: Exrta in a Red Shirt Please help me get out of it or tell me how?
« Reply #56 on: March 06, 2004, 09:23:12 pm »
Hehe, I love It when the Newbies Argue.  

Seriously Guys, It's no big deal. all is good with Taldren, and Expect Big things in the Future from the Company. I have a feeling though that Age's first language may not be English, so Let's all give everyone the Benifit of the doubt. It does no harm, and besides, you all Could better use your time making fun of my spelling errors.  

Stephen The Dyslexic.



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Re: Exrta in a Red Shirt Please help me get out of it or tell me how?
« Reply #57 on: March 06, 2004, 10:12:52 pm »

I´m sure the developers are learning what works best for a Trek-fan game.
Imagine taking the best of SFC (all of them) + BC + Freelancer.......It would be really cool.  

... a better combo would be SFC + E&B + EF2 ... add to that a fully 3D interactive "universe" and you would probably have the "killer" ST game of the ages ... IMHO



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Re: Exrta in a Red Shirt Please help me get out of it or tell me how?
« Reply #58 on: March 06, 2004, 10:45:35 pm »
  I would still prefer for the next SFC to fill out the 'missing races' from SFB, the Andromedans and Tholians. I saw some nice mods for themsomewhere, but being lazy, would prefer to see them on a disc.

I'm still hoping there is a future for Trek titles, I also would love to see the Cardassians get their time in the sun.


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Re: Exrta in a Red Shirt Please help me get out of it or tell me how?
« Reply #59 on: March 07, 2004, 02:10:29 am »
  Sorry about that but I just thought that you were blaming Taldren for a bad jop on SFC3 put it towards Activision,It would be nice if Interplay still had the license.I know no.3 is not perfect I had to patch it up with the new direct x 9 and the add on with scimitar and I hate it evertime you fail mission single player you lose the campaign that did not happen in EAW or OP.I was asking Pestalence for some back up on newer versions thats all sorry for the misunderstanding we have give those Great workers at Taldren something more challengeing for Us and they are Great at making these games. so sorry  
 PS everytime I uninstall the game I have to download the direct x agian.What to you people do?How do someome become one a troll or moderator
« Last Edit: March 07, 2004, 02:39:14 am by Age »