What route you gonna go Active? You have a degree, going to give being an officer a go? Or go enlisted and apply for OCS? Army or Air Force? Stay away from Navy and Marines, too much deployment time IMO. You already been there and done that.
Being an ex 91B, might I suggest the medical field? You get a good clinic or hospital duty assignment, I guarantee you will be going to school while serving. If you fo enlisted as a 91B, and you have the required core classes, apply for P.A. school (physician assistant), big demand in the civilian world for them. You have the power of a doctor, but are not exactly a doctor, but you are above a nurse.

BTW, Ft. Sam Houston is in San Antonio, you'll LOVE it, Riverwalk, so many places to go to and things to do. You have the beach only two 1/2 hours away, Mexico 2 1/2 hours away, and Austin is 1 1/2 hrs away. School there? You'll learn A LOT, but it is also one big party place too! Beware the "meat market" on post, hehehehehehehehehehehe.