Those of you who frequent the forums got to see me whine, bitch, and complain about five fun-filled days of shoveling two fee of snow from driveways, driveways again, carports, and second-floor roofs. Yuck. Well, all that effort didn't stop an inevitable fact of valley life: flooding.
This weekend I got a frantic and tearful call from my girlfriend that her house was flooding! So I've spent a lot of time trying to save sofas, carpets, and a host of other things. Fortunately, she had a second story that was still dry. Unfortunately, that meant I had to carry everything up those stairs. Who'd have guessed that a mere two inches of standing water could do this much damage?
Why am I wasting your time with these tales of personal woe? Well, the upshot of all this means that I haven't done a $#@! thing with Day of the Eagle in slightly over a week. So to those with whom I spoke privately last week and said it looked like I'd be ready to start in two weeks: I'm afraid it still looks like I'll be ready to start in another two weeks.
It can't possibley snow or flood anymore this winter. Again I apologize for the delay, and I beg your indulgence.
-Herr Burt the Horrified