Topic: Tonight's Enterprise  (Read 29424 times)

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Re: Tonight's Enterprise/For IKV Nemisis
« Reply #80 on: March 11, 2004, 10:30:20 am »

Lmao, you don't have a clue, do you? Now I admit the CWLP wouldn't stand a chance against a heavily modded ship, but then again, anyone can make a modded uber ship and then brag about it, can't they? As for my ability to defeat missile using opponents, just pop into the D2 forum and ask people there about me and my little Lyran ship    

Moggy play nice or someone will bring up the STL incident.


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Re: Tonight's Enterprise/For IKV Nemisis
« Reply #81 on: March 11, 2004, 10:50:29 am »
That was all about fighters Sten, totally irrelevant


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Re: Tonight's Enterprise/For IKV Nemisis
« Reply #82 on: March 11, 2004, 10:53:00 am »
  A King Eagle is a first generation Romulan ship upgraded with better tech to make it more effective.

A Firehawk is a deadly Romulan Heavy Cruiser, not something you want to have to fight close up.


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Re: Tonight's Enterprise/For IKV Nemisis
« Reply #83 on: March 11, 2004, 11:24:41 am »
Age, the King Eagle does suck in a running fight, with a top speed of 29 when fully armed.  However, if you ever want to defeat me, you'll have to slow down to get through my shields, as I can cloak to evade missiles.  

I've never flown the Firehawk, believe it or not...  I'm not much for the newer Romulan designs.  I like a fight where I'm out-gunned

As for that D7L with 50-something power, we'll see how my I-CCZ will take care of you.

AI is nothing.  I found out the hard way what a properly flown K-D5C can do.  Several times.  Meet me on GSA sometime and I'll show you how a *real* Romulan handles a Klingon


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Re: Tonight's Enterprise/For IKV Nemisis
« Reply #84 on: March 11, 2004, 01:18:18 pm »


Lmao, you don't have a clue, do you? Now I admit the CWLP wouldn't stand a chance against a heavily modded ship, but then again, anyone can make a modded uber ship and then brag about it, can't they? As for my ability to defeat missile using opponents, just pop into the D2 forum and ask people there about me and my little Lyran ship    

Moggy play nice or someone will bring up the STL incident.  

   You tell him whatever the STL incident.What is that anyway please explian (You people just crack me up sometimes)  


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Re: Tonight's Enterprise/For IKV Nemisis
« Reply #85 on: March 11, 2004, 01:29:41 pm »
    I would up to the challenge it is the Klingon way I am no coward and besides you stay cloaked mush longer to charge
 up those plasma torpedoes they take longer than photon set on overload and I will have the decoy ready along with sp  
 with type 4 missles how is that I took out a Hydran BB using those they do hurt .
   That it for now  


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Re: Tonight's Enterprise/For IKV Nemisis
« Reply #86 on: March 11, 2004, 01:44:13 pm »

Age, the King Eagle does suck in a running fight, with a top speed of 29 when fully armed.  However, if you ever want to defeat me, you'll have to slow down to get through my shields, as I can cloak to evade missiles.  

I've never flown the Firehawk, believe it or not...  I'm not much for the newer Romulan designs.  I like a fight where I'm out-gunned

As for that D7L with 50-something power, we'll see how my I-CCZ will take care of you.

AI is nothing.  I found out the hard way what a properly flown K-D5C can do.  Several times.  Meet me on GSA sometime and I'll show you how a *real* Romulan handles a Klingon  

   I said something about that in an earlier post.I will say it agian I took it out in less than two minutes I had a  my shield at 90% not mush internal damage but the ICCZ was taken out easly .You are one of those are you I hope the
Andromodians teach you a lesson you will never forget for the hard time you gave us before.
   This why the Klingon High Coucil has decided to refit our ships with photons and the cloak.Watch out for the Romulan and Gorn aswell
   I can't stand the ISC they have no honor
    Bye for now  


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Re: Tonight's Enterprise/For IKV Nemisis
« Reply #87 on: March 11, 2004, 01:48:16 pm »


Age, the King Eagle does suck in a running fight, with a top speed of 29 when fully armed.  However, if you ever want to defeat me, you'll have to slow down to get through my shields, as I can cloak to evade missiles.  

I've never flown the Firehawk, believe it or not...  I'm not much for the newer Romulan designs.  I like a fight where I'm out-gunned

As for that D7L with 50-something power, we'll see how my I-CCZ will take care of you.

AI is nothing.  I found out the hard way what a properly flown K-D5C can do.  Several times.  Meet me on GSA sometime and I'll show you how a *real* Romulan handles a Klingon  

   I said something about that in an earlier post.I will say it agian I took it out in less than two minutes I had a  my shield at 90% not mush internal damage but the ICCZ was taken out easly .You are one of those are you I hope the
Andromodians teach you a lesson you will never forget for the hard time you gave us before.
   This why the Klingon High Coucil has decided to refit our ships with photons and the cloak.Watch out for the Romulan and Gorn aswell
   I can't stand the ISC they have no honor
    Bye for now    



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Re: Tonight's Enterprise/For IKV Nemisis
« Reply #88 on: March 11, 2004, 01:50:53 pm »



Age, the King Eagle does suck in a running fight, with a top speed of 29 when fully armed.  However, if you ever want to defeat me, you'll have to slow down to get through my shields, as I can cloak to evade missiles.  

I've never flown the Firehawk, believe it or not...  I'm not much for the newer Romulan designs.  I like a fight where I'm out-gunned

As for that D7L with 50-something power, we'll see how my I-CCZ will take care of you.

AI is nothing.  I found out the hard way what a properly flown K-D5C can do.  Several times.  Meet me on GSA sometime and I'll show you how a *real* Romulan handles a Klingon  

   I said something about that in an earlier post.I will say it agian I took it out in less than two minutes I had a  my shield at 90% not mush internal damage but the ICCZ was taken out easly .You are one of those are you I hope the
Andromodians teach you a lesson you will never forget for the hard time you gave us before.
   This why the Klingon High Coucil has decided to refit our ships with photons and the cloak.Watch out for the Romulan and Gorn aswell
   I can't stand the ISC they have no honor
    Bye for now    


   I ahd 0% internal Damage How is that and 905 Shields to bad  


  • Guest
Re: Tonight's Enterprise/For IKV Nemisis
« Reply #89 on: March 11, 2004, 04:33:39 pm »




Age, the King Eagle does suck in a running fight, with a top speed of 29 when fully armed.  However, if you ever want to defeat me, you'll have to slow down to get through my shields, as I can cloak to evade missiles.  

I've never flown the Firehawk, believe it or not...  I'm not much for the newer Romulan designs.  I like a fight where I'm out-gunned

As for that D7L with 50-something power, we'll see how my I-CCZ will take care of you.

AI is nothing.  I found out the hard way what a properly flown K-D5C can do.  Several times.  Meet me on GSA sometime and I'll show you how a *real* Romulan handles a Klingon  

   I said something about that in an earlier post.I will say it agian I took it out in less than two minutes I had a  my shield at 90% not mush internal damage but the ICCZ was taken out easly .You are one of those are you I hope the
Andromodians teach you a lesson you will never forget for the hard time you gave us before.
   This why the Klingon High Coucil has decided to refit our ships with photons and the cloak.Watch out for the Romulan and Gorn aswell
   I can't stand the ISC they have no honor
    Bye for now    


   I ahd 0% internal Damage How is that and 905 Shields to bad    


I cannot follow this conversation at all anymore.  What are we talking about here?



  • Guest
Re: Tonight's Enterprise/For IKV Nemisis
« Reply #90 on: March 11, 2004, 05:32:19 pm »





Age, the King Eagle does suck in a running fight, with a top speed of 29 when fully armed.  However, if you ever want to defeat me, you'll have to slow down to get through my shields, as I can cloak to evade missiles.  

I've never flown the Firehawk, believe it or not...  I'm not much for the newer Romulan designs.  I like a fight where I'm out-gunned

As for that D7L with 50-something power, we'll see how my I-CCZ will take care of you.

AI is nothing.  I found out the hard way what a properly flown K-D5C can do.  Several times.  Meet me on GSA sometime and I'll show you how a *real* Romulan handles a Klingon  

   I said something about that in an earlier post.I will say it agian I took it out in less than two minutes I had a  my shield at 90% not mush internal damage but the ICCZ was taken out easly .You are one of those are you I hope the
Andromodians teach you a lesson you will never forget for the hard time you gave us before.
   This why the Klingon High Coucil has decided to refit our ships with photons and the cloak.Watch out for the Romulan and Gorn aswell
   I can't stand the ISC they have no honor
    Bye for now    


   I ahd 0% internal Damage How is that and 905 Shields to bad    


I cannot follow this conversation at all anymore.  What are we talking about here?


  Just go back and read a little further to where IKVNemisis starts  

IKV Nemesis D7L

  • Guest
Re: Tonight's Enterprise/For IKV Nemesis
« Reply #91 on: March 11, 2004, 05:43:33 pm »

  My Ship is certianly is a K D7L and a fine ship it is The IKV Blue Fire.My specs I am an honorable Klingon and it is my honor to tell you this my exact total warp power is 58 and my BPV is 213.I would have to look up the rest for you.    

You have the engines of a Battleship and call it a D7L?   I suppose that you have X weapons as well?  Anyone can create a super ship and win.  My K-D7L is stock.  Boasting of beating stock (AI) cruisers with a Battleship that you call a cruiser is not honourable.

You give your "cruiser" the engines of a K-B10 and add a cloak but your BPV is far less than the B10s 343.  Rather unreasonable and decietful and lacking in honour I would say.

   I guess you have heard that Klingon Engineers have been testing with photons torpedoes and cloaking devices and they say that the photon is more mightier than those old disruptors and that the cloak gives us an element of surprise and mostly defence,That is why they have been testing out KE3Y and KD7T both have photons and have found them preferable to disruptors.The KE3Y they found the cloak a good for defensive purposes    

The K-E3Y is a failure, it needs to have the Photons placed on separate hardpoints to be successful.  The K-D7T is a competent ship.  It takes a hybrid of the Sabre Dance and Plasma Ballet to use it well.  There should be a stock K-D7TY variant as it can make practical use of the cloak.  The various disruptor armed cloaking vessels should not exist as the cloak voids the advantages of the disruptor.


  You took out an F-CVA with a KD7K with all those fighters on you.I find that hard to believe I had a hard time taking it out with KD6DB  

You don't fight all the fighters at once and you don't fight them near the ships.  A competent player would not have allowed it, but the AI is not nearly as good and is very predictable.   The F-CVA ended without sufficient power to charge weapons or move.  The F-SCS that I captured had engines and shields but no weapons except the probe launcher.


How did you end up with six ships you don't have that many transporters aviable to you and you don't carry that many marines aswell are you being honorable I do not like dishonorable Klingons any how that is what I can tell you so far.

I will give you some information.  The D7K has more than adequate transporters to run multiple captures especially if you buy (legitimately not mod in) the maximum number of marines.  If you then choose as the first ship to capture an enemy antimissile vessel you become immune to most enemy missiles and fighters.  Follow that by captureing the missile cruiser(s) and the balance becomes easy.   In addition the marines used to capture one ship can then be used again in capturing others.

When you learn to fly stock ships and beat superiour enemy vessels then you might have some right to judge others, but at present your comments on the honour or dishonour of others has no value.


  I to place Loyalty to the Empire,the Council,my crew,my ship,my house and then myself  How is that I do have seat on the coucil

 Your Name is Kayn is it I haven't heard much from that house have you been paying your Taxes to the Empire if not we wil confiscate everything you own I guess that is why you have that unrefited K D7L that is an embaresment on the Empire.Cannot aford to refit it shame.  

You haven't been here long have you?  I could have a K-C7 or a K-C8K but I happen to prefer the K-D7L and where appropriate I use it in combination with a pair of K-D7K.  

I have flown for the Romulans and when I could have had a BCH I chose instead to fly a squadron of 3 Battle Hawks (stock versions of course).  Why?  Because it suits me to do so.  When flying for the Lyrans my ideal is the L-NCAL though I could have a DN if I wanted, the L-NCAL suits me.  

I suggest playing on the D2 vs real players not just singleplayer vs AI.  


   You want ot know my cloaking cost divide it by four as for the same as you only I can launch four SPs or 4WW they do go after suicide sh*tlles.
  Untill next time Quapla  

Since you have battleship engines you should have battleship cloak and movement costs.  The R-K10R uses 45 power to cloak.  So should your vessel.      So once more you vessel should not be fast while cloaking and overloading.  You are eating cheese and deluding yourself that you are a gourmet chef.  You are merely a gourmand.  
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by IKV Nemesis D7L »


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Re: Tonight's Enterprise/For IKV Nemisis
« Reply #92 on: March 11, 2004, 09:18:21 pm »
  Being something of a pureist myself, I also prefer the "stock" ships.

Playing the game, I often have the most fun with Romulan ships, since you have something of a margin for error when you do stupid things, not much but some. From a Trek fan's point of view, I still love the old Constitution class, but in battle, I prefer the better equiped excelsiors, or a nice Bismark, but for a frigate fight, the fed version is always a gas.

Klingon and Mirak ships are the hardest for me, especailly the smaller hulls, it is so easy to get a shield blasted and take some major pain, but both of these fleets have excellent looking ships, especailly the Mirak fleet.

Not a big fan of Lyran, Hydran and Gorn ships, although all are fun, in my mind I still roleplay a bit, easier for me with the other fleets. The ISC ships I just don't like, ugly brutes they are. The Orions are ok also, for a change of pace.

Probaly the best time I ever had with the game SP was with old Romulan ships, they look cool, but have those limited phasers and but one big punch.

Years ago, back in the old SFB days, I designed a campaign around the old Romulan ships, sort of a "Guadacanal in space," the Feds come with second like and old ships to take a Romulan planet, and the Romulans defend with their out-dated fleet through a series of scenarios, that culminates in a RoC being committed against old Fed CLs, and the Fed's desperate attempt to save the attack force (a little Leyte gulf also in that).


  • Guest
Re: Tonight's Enterprise/For IKV Nemisis
« Reply #93 on: March 11, 2004, 10:17:29 pm »






Age, the King Eagle does suck in a running fight, with a top speed of 29 when fully armed.  However, if you ever want to defeat me, you'll have to slow down to get through my shields, as I can cloak to evade missiles.  

I've never flown the Firehawk, believe it or not...  I'm not much for the newer Romulan designs.  I like a fight where I'm out-gunned

As for that D7L with 50-something power, we'll see how my I-CCZ will take care of you.

AI is nothing.  I found out the hard way what a properly flown K-D5C can do.  Several times.  Meet me on GSA sometime and I'll show you how a *real* Romulan handles a Klingon  

   I said something about that in an earlier post.I will say it agian I took it out in less than two minutes I had a  my shield at 90% not mush internal damage but the ICCZ was taken out easly .You are one of those are you I hope the
Andromodians teach you a lesson you will never forget for the hard time you gave us before.
   This why the Klingon High Coucil has decided to refit our ships with photons and the cloak.Watch out for the Romulan and Gorn aswell
   I can't stand the ISC they have no honor
    Bye for now    


   I ahd 0% internal Damage How is that and 905 Shields to bad    


I cannot follow this conversation at all anymore.  What are we talking about here?


  Just go back and read a little further to where IKVNemisis starts    



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Re: Tonight's Enterprise/For IKV Nemisis
« Reply #94 on: March 11, 2004, 11:07:19 pm »

What a great pic!  


  • Guest
Re: Tonight's Enterprise/For IKV Nemesis
« Reply #95 on: March 12, 2004, 03:41:28 am »
   Well Kayn hear are my ship statistics in the Vessel library
    BPV 210
    Movement Ratio 1.00
    Turning Class 1
    Crew 46
    Marines 16 Stock Complement
    Total Warp Power 40
    Impulse Power 8
    Auxiliary Power 4
    Total Engine Power 52
    Battery 5
    Transporters 7
    Tractors 5
    Shuttles 2+2
    Cloaking cost 5
    4 Times Photon
    2 Times Missle Rack B
    5 Times Phaser 1
    4 Times Phaser 2
    2 Times Amd
    There you go all my ships stats does not sound like BB to me F-BCE has 51 Power and it known to be a Battle Cruiser
    If youlike stock ship then I really think this in either the General War and other D2 battles be played the the way y   you
    bought the Game no other modifications should be made no Firesoul shiplist ,WW misssion packs ,EEK Karnak ,Magnumman
    or Tracet G. pack aswell and all the rest aswell as the 2552 Patch It should be played the way it came out of the
    box with the excepton of Interplays Patch to be played on Window XP.The reason I modified my shiplist is the same
    For the above reasons to make the game more exciting ,interesting and fun I get bored with the same ship or weapons
    I thought considering untill the time there are newer versions of these games I like the authentic weaponery for all
    the Empires Klingons if you watch the movie used Disruptors for thier primary and photon as thier heavy weopons
    they got it right in No.3 The Bird of Prey ,Kvort and K tinga are all from the 23 century and all have the same type
    of weapons on them maybe upgraded.Remember Star Trek 6 when Chang fired a photon at Gorkons Ship They all thought
    that torpedoe came from Enterprise and they do not Charge them up either just load and fire like on submarine .
    Well now can you see why I put photons on Klingon Ships it is really thier heavy weapon not the disruptor and it is
    thier side arm aswell you don't see Federation officers or crew wearing photon side arms do you?
    I hope you are trying to understand what I am trying to say hear if you are going to modify this game then accept
    modified ships aswell and there are three Empires who use plasma torpedoes I think another Empire not just the
    Federation should use the photon and I know it should be the Klingons It does make for more fun game.With stock
    Ships it seems the only one other than the Federation are the Orion Pirate Cartels useing the photon.I am just doing
    what the rest of you are doing with this game. Who makes the rules in the General War or other D2 Star Fleet Cammand Games
     that goes on Game Spy Arcade.I hope you and the rest can see wear I am coming from .I modified my fighter
    aswell and shuttles didn't Firesoul do that?I am on Shred server right now and I am tyring to decide on cable or

     I hope all of you can understand what I am saying and who makes up the rules for all of this?  


  • Guest
Re: Tonight's Enterprise/For IKV Nemisis
« Reply #96 on: March 12, 2004, 03:43:19 am »
You got me giggling at work with that one Doggy - great pic and comeback

Does this Age remind anyone of  foofighters, with his inane ramblings and spamming?


  • Guest
Re: Tonight's Enterprise/For IKV Nemesis
« Reply #97 on: March 12, 2004, 05:44:54 am »


  My Ship is certianly is a K D7L and a fine ship it is The IKV Blue Fire.My specs I am an honorable Klingon and it is my honor to tell you this my exact total warp power is 58 and my BPV is 213.I would have to look up the rest for you.    

You have the engines of a Battleship and call it a D7L?   I suppose that you have X weapons as well?  Anyone can create a super ship and win.  My K-D7L is stock.  Boasting of beating stock (AI) cruisers with a Battleship that you call a cruiser is not honourable.

You give your "cruiser" the engines of a K-B10 and add a cloak but your BPV is far less than the B10s 343.  Rather unreasonable and decietful and lacking in honour I would say.

   I guess you have heard that Klingon Engineers have been testing with photons torpedoes and cloaking devices and they say that the photon is more mightier than those old disruptors and that the cloak gives us an element of surprise and mostly defence,That is why they have been testing out KE3Y and KD7T both have photons and have found them preferable to disruptors.The KE3Y they found the cloak a good for defensive purposes    

The K-E3Y is a failure, it needs to have the Photons placed on separate hardpoints to be successful.  The K-D7T is a competent ship.  It takes a hybrid of the Sabre Dance and Plasma Ballet to use it well.  There should be a stock K-D7TY variant as it can make practical use of the cloak.  The various disruptor armed cloaking vessels should not exist as the cloak voids the advantages of the disruptor.


  You took out an F-CVA with a KD7K with all those fighters on you.I find that hard to believe I had a hard time taking it out with KD6DB  

You don't fight all the fighters at once and you don't fight them near the ships.  A competent player would not have allowed it, but the AI is not nearly as good and is very predictable.   The F-CVA ended without sufficient power to charge weapons or move.  The F-SCS that I captured had engines and shields but no weapons except the probe launcher.


How did you end up with six ships you don't have that many transporters aviable to you and you don't carry that many marines aswell are you being honorable I do not like dishonorable Klingons any how that is what I can tell you so far.

I will give you some information.  The D7K has more than adequate transporters to run multiple captures especially if you buy (legitimately not mod in) the maximum number of marines.  If you then choose as the first ship to capture an enemy antimissile vessel you become immune to most enemy missiles and fighters.  Follow that by captureing the missile cruiser(s) and the balance becomes easy.   In addition the marines used to capture one ship can then be used again in capturing others.

When you learn to fly stock ships and beat superiour enemy vessels then you might have some right to judge others, but at present your comments on the honour or dishonour of others has no value.


  I to place Loyalty to the Empire,the Council,my crew,my ship,my house and then myself  How is that I do have seat on the coucil

 Your Name is Kayn is it I haven't heard much from that house have you been paying your Taxes to the Empire if not we wil confiscate everything you own I guess that is why you have that unrefited K D7L that is an embaresment on the Empire.Cannot aford to refit it shame.  

You haven't been here long have you?  I could have a K-C7 or a K-C8K but I happen to prefer the K-D7L and where appropriate I use it in combination with a pair of K-D7K.  

I have flown for the Romulans and when I could have had a BCH I chose instead to fly a squadron of 3 Battle Hawks (stock versions of course).  Why?  Because it suits me to do so.  When flying for the Lyrans my ideal is the L-NCAL though I could have a DN if I wanted, the L-NCAL suits me.  

I suggest playing on the D2 vs real players not just singleplayer vs AI.  


   You want ot know my cloaking cost divide it by four as for the same as you only I can launch four SPs or 4WW they do go after suicide sh*tlles.
  Untill next time Quapla  

Since you have battleship engines you should have battleship cloak and movement costs.  The R-K10R uses 45 power to cloak.  So should your vessel.      So once more you vessel should not be fast while cloaking and overloading.  You are eating cheese and deluding yourself that you are a gourmet chef.  You are merely a gourmand.    

  I tried using that NCAL and I was Killed off in less than 3 minutes it was agianst Z-MDC+ 190FX misssles
  I really do like AMDS I do not knlw how to use the ESG. properly like it says inthe book but I try do it
  differently and it does not work .I guess I would not make a great Lyran the only Empire that I am good at
  are the Federation and Klingons .I really like using the K E4D to get started though you can make up a lot
  of points with those FX missles agianst the Hydrans and I am going at speed 31 to aviod thier fighters no mod.
  I can usually take out thier big BCs with it no ECM/ECCM aswell does that really work?Do you care for the ISC?
  When I sign on in D2 do not draft me for the Lyrans I will tell you when I am ready in the forums I can not wiat
  Where can I get information on the GW?I am not deluding myself .


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Re: Tonight's Enterprise/For IKV Nemisis
« Reply #98 on: March 12, 2004, 09:45:11 am »

You got me giggling at work with that one Doggy - great pic and comeback

Does this Age remind anyone of  foofighters, with his inane ramblings and spamming?  

Heheh...the whole rampling borders on the absurd.  It's befuddling.

I mean..sure..mod your ships however you like if that makes you happy.  Just don't expect the rest of us to buy it as reasonable....heheh.



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Re: Tonight's Enterprise/For IKV Nemisis
« Reply #99 on: March 12, 2004, 09:51:06 am »
Must.... fight... urge.... to..... reply....  to....silly.... n00b!!!!  
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Corbomite »