Topic: Tonight's Enterprise  (Read 29412 times)

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Re: Tonight's Enterprise/For IKV Nemesis
« Reply #260 on: March 13, 2004, 11:31:13 pm »

A modded D1 that appeared on Enterprise later became the venerable D7.

Couldn't we call that "Enterprise" D7 look-a-like a D6?

I know, I know; sorry I contributed to this particular hijack hijink    

P.S. When I first saw that think I jumped outta my seat.  


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Re: Tonight's Enterprise/For IKV Nemesis
« Reply #261 on: March 14, 2004, 12:02:16 am »

  Go beat them Maxxy the Nemisis and Dogmatrix and Corbimite with that I-CCZ show them how you can take out a K-D7K or L
 with in range 5.My money is on you Maxxy go destroy that stock ship of thiers
 Quapla Maxxy  

Lol...I've already handled "Maxy" in a lesser ship....heheh.



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Re: Tonight's Enterprise/For IKV Nemesis
« Reply #262 on: March 14, 2004, 02:12:10 am »


  Go beat them Maxxy the Nemisis and Dogmatrix and Corbimite with that I-CCZ show them how you can take out a K-D7K or L
 with in range 5.My money is on you Maxxy go destroy that stock ship of thiers
 Quapla Maxxy  

Lol...I've already handled "Maxy" in a lesser ship....heheh.


Many times lol.  However, the R-KE and I-CVLS are the 2 ships in the game that fit my style best.  I wasn't using either when I was defeated.


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Re: Tonight's Enterprise/For IKV Nemesis
« Reply #263 on: March 14, 2004, 02:17:48 am »
   They didn't in Movies did they well you were not watching it that well because I saw photons coming out of Klingon ships
 not disruptors.They do use up a lot of energy that is why the shields drop when they cloak .Have you play Star Fleet Cammand 3 if you have will notice they have true cloak you will see the shields drop when you cloak and if you know how to use it right you can easy destroy a ship when you uncloak .This game not like the real thing it challenging but is it worthy of the name Star Trek possibly not there are to many inacurracies in it.I seggest you stop play EAW%OP and play no.3 for a while and see the cloak really works .I would take the Klingon and Romulan tutorials .They did not use missles in the the TOS or Movies either and read up on them the novels,Tech books and the encyclopedia you can get
some of this at the library and the person who made the board game did do thier research on Star Trek.  


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Re: Tonight's Enterprise/For IKV Nemesis
« Reply #264 on: March 14, 2004, 03:28:51 am »
Age, you are basing the games in comparrison like comparing apples to oragnes.

if you take time to read the SFC, SFC II EAW, and SFC II OP game manuals, you will read inside the front cover that those games are based off of the board game Starfleet Battles and not on Star Trek the TV / Movie series.

Cloak in SFC titles before SFC 3 is true cloak per SFB and FYI it is a true cloak in the sence based on TOS series with William Shatner as Kirk..

for reference see the episode : Balance of Terror where they track the approximate location of the cloaked ship with motion sensors...

in TMP, they could trck cloak by exhaust (ion) emmissions, however the results were approximate until the vecinity got saturated, at which time the ship looking would lose track

Cloak did not change until TNG...

SFC 3 was an attempt to try to merge SFB components yet try to keep true with TNG timeline at the pre-Nemisis period in the time frame (SFC 3 leads into Nemisis movie supposedly)

Cloak is the ability to prevent the enemy from tracking.. in TNG it is represented by total wiping out of tracable emmitions and visual references with exception of spacial distortion and energy surges (although i can't see how they did away with the emmitions of exhaust)

in TOS, they were not able to see their target, but were able to approximately track it by exhaust trail and by motion sensors.. why do you think the Rom went to full stop???

to represent it in SFB, instead of a full visual cloak (although there is an alternate rules set to allow for visual cloak) they adjust damage that a ship takes and gives ships shields.. it is hard in SFC titles (not SFC 3) to damage a cloaked ship just firing at it...

you have to use T bombs to flash the target so tracking weapons can fire, tractor beam so you can retain a lock on enemy ship for full damage, or wait until they uncloak...

In SFC 3 you can ping the enemy and / or use probes to find cloaked ships, then you can tractor, but the cloaked ship is completely defenseless if located, with exception of AV.... ECM and shifting differences (ranges confused within the computer) is not taken into effect... thus the Cloak in SFC 3 is relatively weak with exception of the surprise effect of just popping up.. but any good pilot will keep their hand on the HET and tractors charged to nail a cloaked ship if they are stupid enough to be in close range.. and on top of that, with HET and a high speed, it is possible to keep a high AV against the popping up Cloaked ship.. thus making their shots useless after waiting all that time to charge up...

here is a damage chart for Cloaked ships in SFC II OP :

While under cloak, Weapons damage is reduced according to the following chart:
   33.3% chance weapon does normal damage.
   33.3% chance weapon does 1/2 damage.
   33.3% chance weapon does 1/4 damage.

and those charts only hold up IF you weapon hits for damage... and cloaking in OP will make tracking weapons lose track, depending on how fast you are going.. Plasma will just fizzle out and missles disappear because lock is lost.

so which SFC has the better cloak??? I think SFC OP does...

as for SFC 3 weapons, they are more canon than previous SFC titles.. SFB did not follow canon.. as such you are right with the disruptors... Klink primaries in all series is the disruptor, their secondary is the Photon. In this SFC 3 is true to canon. same goes for Romulan ships with disruptors and plasma.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Pestalence »


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Re: Tonight's Enterprise/For IKV Nemesis
« Reply #265 on: March 14, 2004, 04:49:07 am »
   I guess I depends on what you mean I could never get the hang of that saying.I used to car one a Ford to Chevy if mean that I could have .It seems though you cleared this all up.I did see the Klingons Bird of Prey move
faster than the Romulans .Thanks for clearing this all up Pestalence
   I apologize to the rest of you sorry for all of this although it did get my post count up thak you for that
   Sorry once agian
   The commercial has ended back to tonights Enterprise.
   I wonder if the Vulcans will come and rescue them or maybe the Romulans in there slow but deadly Eagle    


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Re: Tonight's Enterprise/For IKV Nemesis
« Reply #266 on: March 14, 2004, 09:02:05 am »
  Hmm, the real problem with the Klingon weapons from SFB actually goes to a drafting firm, Franz Joseph or something along those lines.

They did the blue-prints for the orginal NCC-1701, and as a follow up, they decided to put out a Klingon set. The drafter went over-board, adding lots of phasers because they looked good (According to Steve Cole, SFB's designer) and added nuclear missles and, of course, Disruptors. The many phasers were deemed 'defensive' for use only against drones. Disruptors were seen to be used on Klingon ships in TOS, they fired from the warp nacelles, a really crappy visual effect, only sceen in TOS' third season, but no drones.

The Kzin were added to the game (what SFC folks call the Mirak star league, since Larry Niven didn't want his Kzin to be part of Trek) to be a drone using race, to justify the Klingon ship filled with little phasers.

That, in short, is why SFC starships have drones and add-racks and all the other non-Trek cannon stuff, you see, they were added BEFORE their really was a Trek 'cannon' to draw on outside TOS.
« Last Edit: March 14, 2004, 09:04:12 am by FFZ »


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Re: Tonight's Enterprise/For IKV Nemesis
« Reply #267 on: March 14, 2004, 10:52:39 am »
The way I have all of the disruptor races figured (Klingon, Romulan, Lyran, Kzinti) is that they use disruptors as primary and point deffense weapons that correspond to their phaser counterparts that can be found on the Feds, Hydrans, etc., but also use heavier disrupters as a fast-firing heavy weapon. One exception to this rule for the TOS/SFB/TMP era would be the Romulans which use only plasma torpedoes as a heavy weapon.

I also like to think of the Klingons as using photon torpedoes as a heavy weapon, but also utilizing drones on a specialized basis on escorts and droners during the TOS/SFB/TMP era.    


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Re: Tonight's Enterprise/For IKV Nemesis
« Reply #268 on: March 15, 2004, 10:01:01 am »
Wow!!! How did I miss this little gem, I really need to get out of the D2 forum more often.  


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Re: Tonight's Enterprise/For IKV Nemesis
« Reply #269 on: March 15, 2004, 11:13:07 am »

Wow!!! How did I miss this little gem, I really need to get out of the D2 forum more often.    

That Cubs hat probably cast a shadow over your eye's.




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Re: Tonight's Enterprise/For IKV Nemesis
« Reply #270 on: March 15, 2004, 02:16:47 pm »


It just seems to me the end is near for 'Enterprise.'

Decision on Enterprise
Kill Enterprise after this season to keep Trek fresh for the next inevitable Trek Spin-off
Kill Enterprise now because it sucks and will never recover
Let Enterprise go into a 4th season and see where it goes
Leave well enough alone and let Enterprise Save Trek
Leave well enough alone and let Enterprise Kill Trek



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Re: Tonight's Enterprise/For IKV Nemesis
« Reply #271 on: March 15, 2004, 03:45:34 pm »
  I vote to let it go into the forth season.

The cast is good, the writing is the problem.


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Re: Tonight's Enterprise/For IKV Nemesis
« Reply #272 on: March 15, 2004, 06:36:42 pm »



It just seems to me the end is near for 'Enterprise.'

<FORM METHOD=POST ACTION=""><INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN NAME="pollname" VALUE="1079381807CFA_Admiral_Tiger">
<p>Decision on Enterprise
<input type="radio" name="option" value="1" />Kill Enterprise after this season to keep Trek fresh for the next inevitable Trek Spin-off
<input type="radio" name="option" value="2" />Kill Enterprise now because it sucks and will never recover
<input type="radio" name="option" value="3" />Let Enterprise go into a 4th season and see where it goes
<input type="radio" name="option" value="4" />Leave well enough alone and let Enterprise Save Trek
<input type="radio" name="option" value="5" />Leave well enough alone and let Enterprise Kill Trek
<INPUT TYPE=Submit NAME=Submit VALUE="Submit vote" class="buttons"></form>


I would have voted for:   Kill B&B and bring imaginative writers



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Re: Tonight's Enterprise
« Reply #273 on: March 16, 2004, 02:17:13 pm »
  I know what will happen ,Captain Archer will take a Quatum Leap back into the past and fix what went wrong this of
 coarse with Ziggys help that is that is magic answer    


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Re: Tonight's Enterprise/For IKV Nemisis
« Reply #274 on: March 18, 2004, 12:24:52 am »







Age, the King Eagle does suck in a running fight, with a top speed of 29 when fully armed.  However, if you ever want to defeat me, you'll have to slow down to get through my shields, as I can cloak to evade missiles.  

I've never flown the Firehawk, believe it or not...  I'm not much for the newer Romulan designs.  I like a fight where I'm out-gunned

As for that D7L with 50-something power, we'll see how my I-CCZ will take care of you.

AI is nothing.  I found out the hard way what a properly flown K-D5C can do.  Several times.  Meet me on GSA sometime and I'll show you how a *real* Romulan handles a Klingon  

   I said something about that in an earlier post.I will say it agian I took it out in less than two minutes I had a  my shield at 90% not mush internal damage but the ICCZ was taken out easly .You are one of those are you I hope the
Andromodians teach you a lesson you will never forget for the hard time you gave us before.
   This why the Klingon High Coucil has decided to refit our ships with photons and the cloak.Watch out for the Romulan and Gorn aswell
   I can't stand the ISC they have no honor
    Bye for now    


   I ahd 0% internal Damage How is that and 905 Shields to bad    


I cannot follow this conversation at all anymore.  What are we talking about here?


  Just go back and read a little further to where IKVNemisis starts    



whew... mouthful, huh?    


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Re: Tonight's Enterprise/For IKV Nemisis
« Reply #275 on: March 18, 2004, 02:06:04 am »








Age, the King Eagle does suck in a running fight, with a top speed of 29 when fully armed.  However, if you ever want to defeat me, you'll have to slow down to get through my shields, as I can cloak to evade missiles.  

I've never flown the Firehawk, believe it or not...  I'm not much for the newer Romulan designs.  I like a fight where I'm out-gunned

As for that D7L with 50-something power, we'll see how my I-CCZ will take care of you.

AI is nothing.  I found out the hard way what a properly flown K-D5C can do.  Several times.  Meet me on GSA sometime and I'll show you how a *real* Romulan handles a Klingon  

   I said something about that in an earlier post.I will say it agian I took it out in less than two minutes I had a  my shield at 90% not mush internal damage but the ICCZ was taken out easly .You are one of those are you I hope the
Andromodians teach you a lesson you will never forget for the hard time you gave us before.
   This why the Klingon High Coucil has decided to refit our ships with photons and the cloak.Watch out for the Romulan and Gorn aswell
   I can't stand the ISC they have no honor
    Bye for now    


   I ahd 0% internal Damage How is that and 905 Shields to bad    


I cannot follow this conversation at all anymore.  What are we talking about here?


  Just go back and read a little further to where IKVNemisis starts    



whew... mouthful, huh?    

   Lets not start this all over OK Lets just call it a Draw and Devote Back to tonights Enterpise OK