Topic: Tonight's Enterprise  (Read 29421 times)

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Re: Tonight's Enterprise/For IKV Nemesis
« Reply #240 on: March 12, 2004, 11:48:57 am »
Hey Age, I've modded ships before, too.  I found plans for the K-A12 Super Heavy Battleship.  All you need to do is start with the B11K and convert everything to X tech.  Instead of Phaser 1's, make them Phaser X's, and replace the phaser 3's with phaser G's.  Replace the stadard Dizzies with the heavy version.  And lastly, give it a 50-75% increase in power.  You should be able to move speed 16 charging everything.

NOTHING can stand in your way.

oh, and ask me about the PPD hose


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Re: Tonight's Enterprise/For IKV Nemisis
« Reply #241 on: March 12, 2004, 04:21:43 pm »
   It is certianly a lot more funner.If I could take out the Bird Of Prey in No.3 I would destroy all of you and that is from the twenty third century where this game takes place and it comes with true cloak .There is no need for ECM/ECCM
the ships main computer handles that anyway .I never heard of that being said in the TOS TV show or Movies .Even If I took out K Tinga from No. 3 I will destroy all of you in an instant.How long have you tried playing with the ships in no.3 those ship can take beating and survive not these wimpy ones in OP when you play online how long can you keep lets
say KE4K agiasnt say F-FFG not very long can you.I hope you can see where I am coming from.These ships are good a board game but not in the computer world  yes in those old ATs,XTs and 286s that were so slow but with the knew chips ,ram, video cards and direct X which as difinely speeds up the game you need tougher ships especially when you are knew to the game.I can see a 10 or 12 year old just giveing up in the single player campiagns because they keep loseing thier ships all the time and can not build any prestige.I would seggest all of you D2 players go and play no,3 for awhile the onley thing I would like to see better is the the ships blow up.What I am trying to say is that I can take Brel class or Kvort class of ship and take out  K B10.
   The defalut speed slider is 9 that the speed I play EAW and OP at in single and could online .The ship in Interplays version are nothing moers than exageration.I have e mailed both Interplay and Taldren to come out with more authentic
ships like you see in no.3.Yes these ship are great except the KF5 series I would like to see Kvort which is a DD.The only problem with these ships in they are completely under powered have weak shielding and they don't have the right weapons on them.In the true world of Star Trek do you think that the Federation with its standard F-CA be out match by that I-CCZ no way and they have more than one type of photon.I have seen in the movies Mark 1 to 3 in TNG to 6 I believe now do you see what I am saying . This has gone to a higher level than a board game and if we were all sitting around with each other playing that board game this would be great but not in the electronic computer or any other video systems eg.PS2 X Box N Cube if these games were played on those consoles do you think the woulf look the same no way jose.This why I am asking Taldren to come out with newer versions so we can refit our own ships and play online .I would seggest to get off line and get back into the single player set the to 9 take an FF agianst a CA or take a stock K-D7L up agianst I-CCZ and fight it up close with in range 5 or closer and see who wins set the speed to 9 I see you 8 in GW. well I like 9 but go fight that ISC ship or go and fight one of the ISC players in hear like Maxillis onley up close 5 or closer and see who gets whipped.
  I tell right now who will win it will be Maxillis with that tough ISC ship of his and you in a K-D7K or L with those weak shields weaponery and only 2 shuttles to use decoys that is not enough and those wimpy dizzies in overload that will do 40 points of damage compared to those plasma S doing 60 points of damage ouch you would defintely will lose
try it in a skirmish sometime but up close and at game speed slider 9 you will still lose and I said up close with in range 5 .It would be good Day to Die .If you were to refit that ship like mine you would definetly would win but not stock with dizzies which is not the true heavy  weapon in the Klingon Empire the photon is.I hope Taldren reads these post to get an Idea of how to improve the game.Is there anyway to manipulate those servers to think you have the right shiplist when you would like use your Modified one ?This until Taldren comes out with new version with refit section
that may be some time or if adim is checking this maybe thay can spread some light on this .It is different playing single than online remember those campiagns when yiu only could have 8 parts and when you ran out you had to back to
star base to get more .Just go play in no.3 for awhile and take OP break and see how those ships perform when you refit them that is don't get cought up in the weaponery either think of transpoter,tractor beam .Computer and best for last
the impulse drive and thrusters for Klingon or Romulan the cloak and then go take out for test check it out warp to
 I think I typed enough here I hope you can see what a convincing argument I am that I am trying to you  read it more than once download it print it an keep reading until you can what I am trying to say .
 If anyone playes K-D7K or L agianst Maxillis IN a I-CCZ my money is on Maxillis .It is a good day to die      


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Re: Tonight's Enterprise/For IKV Nemisis
« Reply #242 on: March 12, 2004, 04:28:34 pm »'re a wacky guy and I can't remember the last time someone's posts have made me giggle the way yours have.  Thanks for the entertainment, man.  Good stuff....  



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Re: Tonight's Enterprise/For IKV Nemesis
« Reply #243 on: March 12, 2004, 04:31:04 pm »
  Go beat them Maxxy the Nemisis and Dogmatrix and Corbimite with that I-CCZ show them how you can take out a K-D7K or L
 with in range 5.My money is on you Maxxy go destroy that stock ship of thiers
 Quapla Maxxy  


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Re: Tonight's Enterprise/For IKV Nemesis
« Reply #244 on: March 12, 2004, 04:34:54 pm »
  I forgot to mention that my shields are the same as yours just stock  


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Re: Tonight's Enterprise/For IKV Nemesis
« Reply #245 on: March 12, 2004, 05:03:32 pm »
Can't... hold.... back... much... longer.... must... flame... n00b!!!


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Re: Tonight's Enterprise/For IKV Nemesis
« Reply #246 on: March 12, 2004, 06:50:53 pm »

Can't... hold.... back... much... longer.... must... flame... n00b!!!  

Don't fight it Corbomite. Let it flow.  

IKV Nemesis D7L

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Re: Tonight's Enterprise/For IKV Nemesis
« Reply #247 on: March 12, 2004, 07:03:21 pm »

   Well Kayn hear are my ship statistics in the Vessel library
    BPV 210
    Movement Ratio 1.00
    Turning Class 1
    Crew 46
    Marines 16 Stock Complement
    Total Warp Power 40
    Impulse Power 8
    Auxiliary Power 4
    Total Engine Power 52
    Battery 5
    Transporters 7
    Tractors 5
    Shuttles 2+2
    Cloaking cost 5
    4 Times Photon
    2 Times Missle Rack B
    5 Times Phaser 1
    4 Times Phaser 2
    2 Times Amd

    There you go all my ships stats does not sound like BB to me F-BCE has 51 Power and it known to be a Battle Cruiser

The cloak cost for the R-KCR BCH is 24 points, your ship is cloaking for 1/5th what it should.  The turn class of 1 is giving your BCH the maneuvering of a Klingon E or F series hull, totally unreasonable.  It should be 3 (same as a C7)  if you wish to be what most would consider reasonable.

Now go back and read your prior post where you specified that your ship had 58 warp, not total power.  The Klingon D6/D7 "Battlecruiser" is usually considered to be a heavy cruiser (30 warp, 39 total power).  The BCE is classed as a Heavy Battlecruiser.  A size class higher than the D7 series (and the D7 is small for a cruiser hull).  Your ship is closer to being a K-C7TY, with too much power.  

Lower the warp by 6-8 points while raising the cloaking cost to be inline with the Romulan KCR and you would not have too unreasonable a vessel.  In a D7L I would have a chance against that ship whether played by Human or AI.   (This assumes that you have not failed to list anything like fighters or armour that you have added).


  If youlike stock ship then I really think this in either the General War and other D2 battles be played the the way y   you     bought the Game no other modifications should be made no Firesoul shiplist ,WW misssion packs ,EEK Karnak ,Magnumman     or Tracet G. pack aswell and all the rest aswell as the 2552 Patch It should be played the way it came out of the  box with the excepton of Interplays Patch to be played on Window XP.

You rather miss the point.  You began boasting of how your D7L could beat my stock ship, while only mentioning that your ship used cloak and photons.  You did not in anyway indicate that your ship was anything more than a D7L variant.  In fact you later stated that it was indeed a D7L.  Yet here with your specs you compare it to a BCH.  A BCH should beat a CC.   Though it is possible to beat a BCH with a cruiser.  I have taken a Fed BCH (played by a human) with a D6B, though the D6B did not survive the victory.

When comparing ships they should be created following the same rules.  Your so called D7L was created using a totally different mindset and design rules from the standard ships in the game, the standard ships to which you were comparing yours.  If you want your ships to be considered reasonable they have to be designed with the same philosophy as the existing vessels, yours is not.

 I hope you are trying to understand what I am trying to say hear if you are going to modify this game then accept  modified ships aswell and there are three Empires who use plasma torpedoes I think another Empire not just the Federation should use the photon and I know it should be the Klingons It does make for more fun game.With stock Ships it seems the only one other than the Federation are the Orion Pirate Cartels useing the photon.I am just doing what the rest of you are doing with this game. Who makes the rules in the General War or other D2 Star Fleet Cammand Games that goes on Game Spy Arcade.I hope you and the rest can see wear I am coming from .I modified my fighter aswell and shuttles didn't Firesoul do that?I am on Shred server right now and I am tyring to decide on cable or  phone.

I hope all of you can understand what I am saying and who makes up the rules for all of this?  

Right now I am on the General wars server flying a K-FD7K.  

The Firesoul list is rather unique in that it translates the vast majority of the SFB ships to SFC2OP.  Something that many of us (including myself) greatly appreciate.  All those ships (outside of the mods Firesoul was forced to make to adapt to SFC rules compared to the SFB original) are designed and playtested by a consistant set of rules and have been evolved to avoid being overpowering compared to other ships of the same class and time frame.

So long as a shiplist mod is self consistant it is likely to be accepted.  Where it tends to be rejected is when it treats a race or ship class unfairly.  I doubt for example you would like playing on a server where you had ships comparable to the stock list and your opponents has ships like your modified D7L?

For my own use (and certain friends) I plan to create a modified list.  It will replace the Orion/Orion with the (Babylon 5) Shadow vessels (marked to be unplayable by humans) off of the RDSL server list.  There will also be a few modified Klingon and Romulan vessels.  Among the changes are replacing the disruptors on all cloaking Klingon vessels with Photons and adding variants using Plasma F instead.   The E3Y that we discussed earlier will have the photon split onto separate mounts.  The Romulan mods are mostly minor changes to the Warbird/War Eagle series.  None of the mods are designed to give players a super ship.  Some of the mods actually weaken the vessels.  (WB with no phasers, transporters or tractors for example).


 I tried using that NCAL and I was Killed off in less than 3 minutes it was agianst Z-MDC+ 190FX misssles I really do like AMDS I do not knlw how to use the ESG. properly like it says inthe book but I try do it differently and it does not work .I guess I would not make a great Lyran the only Empire that I am good at are the Federation and Klingons .I really like using the K E4D to get started though you can make up a lot of points with those FX missles agianst the Hydrans and I am going at speed 31 to aviod thier fighters no mod. I can usually take out thier big BCs with it no ECM/ECCM aswell does that really work?Do you care for the ISC?
When I sign on in D2 do not draft me for the Lyrans I will tell you when I am ready in the forums I can not wiat.

Each race and vessel has its own style.  Playing a Mirak in the same style as an excellent Romulan player will lose (as one example).   The ISC does not match my style.  I can play Klingon, Lyran, Romulan, Hydran, Fed and at least some pirates.  I have  rarely played Mirak.  Gorn and ISC just do not match my style.  

As to individual Klingon hulls I prefer the F5, F5B, F5K, F5C, F5L, FW, FWK, FWC, FWL and D6/7 D6/7B D6/7K, D7C, D7L.  Unless forced to by circumstance I do not fly the specialty versions.  The FD7K that I am flying now is one that I have not flown before but it is an interesting ship.  I have also used the D7T.  You might wish to try a D7T in skirmish vs 3 Z-DF+, a battle I fought online (my opponent had slow missiles) the very first battle I fought in the D7T.  

When it comes to ECM/ECCM and its importance it depends much on weapons and ranges.  The Photon is one of the best weapons in the game but it is very susceptible to ECM.  

Though you will probably not like it one of the things that you should do is try flying small non specialty ships in early era.  Set difficulty to Admiral as well.  


Where can I get information on the GW?I am not deluding myself .

Link to General War thread      

IKV Nemesis D7L

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Re: Tonight's Enterprise/For IKV Nemisis
« Reply #248 on: March 12, 2004, 07:35:25 pm »

   It is certianly a lot more funner.If I could take out the Bird Of Prey in No.3 I would destroy all of you and that is from the twenty third century where this game takes place and it comes with true cloak .There is no need for ECM/ECCM
the ships main computer handles that anyway .I never heard of that being said in the TOS TV show or Movies .Even If I took out K Tinga from No. 3 I will destroy all of you in an instant.How long have you tried playing with the ships in no.3 those ship can take beating and survive not these wimpy ones in OP when you play online how long can you keep lets      

Now I see.  An SFC3 player who does not understand that SFC3 is not the game that (most) SFC players wanted.   It is unfortunate that they named SFC3 as part of the SFC series when it is not a part.  

How about you play your game and leave SFC2 to those who can handle the challenge of those "wimpy" ships?  We will leave the super ships to the arcade game players.  

Just a note, the K'Tinga is the D7T in SFC2.  The Bird of Prey is the E3Y.

A point for you to ponder.  Compared to the release version of SFC1, SFC2 had the shields reduced by 50%.  The ships were made weaker to keep us happy.  When you can understand that perhaps we can talk.  Until then, enjoy yourself.  I will just continue to have fun with my "wimpy" Stock D7L  and other SFC2 ships.



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Re: Tonight's Enterprise/For IKV Nemisis
« Reply #249 on: March 12, 2004, 09:32:30 pm »
 It seems some of us were discussing 23rd century ships, while the other fellow is going on about 24th century ships, which explains why he didn't know what a King Eagle and a Firehawk was.

 I prefer SCF2OP era ships, to what was done in SFC3.


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Re: Tonight's Enterprise/For IKV Nemesis
« Reply #250 on: March 13, 2004, 04:03:20 am »
    I would just like to see more empires use the photon other than the Federation I do not have them mounted on the sides only in the front.I would like to know though are you a star trek fan or just like playing the game .If you were a Star Trek fan you would now the real names of those three ships if you followed the movie and the TOS series .The Klingons
never used disruptors as there heavy weapons inthe 23rd Century only the photon remember the motion pictures where three Klingon K D7s shot photons in the begining of the movie not disruptors. the disruptor is there primary weapon
remember in Star trek 5 where Kirk is standing on the hill and a Kvort destroyer pulls and beams him on board and Spock is on board It would have been nice if game used the authentic ships with few exagerations aswell as weaponery.This would then be based on fact and they did do that in no.3 becuase if it Star Trek Those were the ships and weapons they used in TNG series.That is why it deserves to have the name Star Trek on it it is Authentic not some exageration.This why I am asking Taldren to come out with newer versions of EAW and OP They could use the same ships except for the The K5 series the Kvort would is the DD they used in the movies and that is what they should use.They could exagerate weapons for other Empires but not Federation,Klingon or Romulan .I admit these games are fun and I really enjoy them but it isn't really Star Trek .What I am trying to say is if you are to put a name like Star Trek on a game Keep as authentic as possible.It would be like putting a game to called Dukes of Hazzard and the car being a 1967 Chevelle
when in fact in was 1969 Charger not authentic.This the only reason I am saying this it is like fake dice in poker game.When I do play online  with you people I wil use the same ships as you do but this is not Star Trek .I would if everyone agrees like to see few photons Cloaking Klingon ships though mounted in nose like E3Y and D7T and option increase power to 5 for all ships and one rack on those Fed. ships for the hot keys eg.FGSC+3 times G Rack one rack per ship STC1 FBCG had 4 times B in Vol.2 2 times G and 2 times B this does not suit the hot keys well I have my missle racks on my no4 Key and when there are two it shows up as multible I have to click on each to see how many I have left I am not saying doing this with complete drone ships just those that aren't.I knew I coud have broken this into to paragraphs.
  I was just pointing out that those that like no.3 it is Defintely Star Trek .I do on the other hand like the 23 rd
century .I really do prefer Capt.Kirk Ships to that of Capt. Picard .The only reason I used cloaking cost at 5 is my shield do not drop like they are supposed to to free up energy for the cloak.If you look in the weapons,energy and ecm panel you will see a place that is used to make these ship cloak that is why they put it there .It just be nice to make Klingon ships as authentic as possible .The only real Empires I play good at are the Federation and Klingon .I found it hard to put a klingon ship up against an ISC ships the only way was a long drawn mizia fight .I prefer an alfa strike not a long drawn out battle or does it get that way GW or online .I hope we can understand each other you are using an axagerated ship and I am trying to be authentic as possible like in Star Trek .I have only had my games for 1 year now and I am knew to all of this but I do know my Star Trek and would like to see as real as possible.Do you ever fight the ISC in GW or online .Those ships are hae to much power over forty and they all have better shielding than anyone else.I just like like taking them on with an equal ship.I asked David Farrell if coulf put a patch togeter to give certian Empires more power he told me to do it myself .I won't mention his name but another user sent me his ship edit patch .I hope this sheads somme light between you and I .
 Ps Star Trek 5 did you see the disruptor on that Kvort DD?
 Have you played SFC3 and it does deserve the name      


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Re: Tonight's Enterprise/For IKV Nemesis
« Reply #251 on: March 13, 2004, 06:43:30 am »


   Well Kayn hear are my ship statistics in the Vessel library
    BPV 210
    Movement Ratio 1.00
    Turning Class 1
    Crew 46
    Marines 16 Stock Complement
    Total Warp Power 40
    Impulse Power 8
    Auxiliary Power 4
    Total Engine Power 52
    Battery 5
    Transporters 7
    Tractors 5
    Shuttles 2+2
    Cloaking cost 5
    4 Times Photon
    2 Times Missle Rack B
    5 Times Phaser 1
    4 Times Phaser 2
    2 Times Amd

    There you go all my ships stats does not sound like BB to me F-BCE has 51 Power and it known to be a Battle Cruiser

The cloak cost for the R-KCR BCH is 24 points, your ship is cloaking for 1/5th what it should.  The turn class of 1 is giving your BCH the maneuvering of a Klingon E or F series hull, totally unreasonable.  It should be 3 (same as a C7)  if you wish to be what most would consider reasonable.

Now go back and read your prior post where you specified that your ship had 58 warp, not total power.  The Klingon D6/D7 "Battlecruiser" is usually considered to be a heavy cruiser (30 warp, 39 total power).  The BCE is classed as a Heavy Battlecruiser.  A size class higher than the D7 series (and the D7 is small for a cruiser hull).  Your ship is closer to being a K-C7TY, with too much power.  

Lower the warp by 6-8 points while raising the cloaking cost to be inline with the Romulan KCR and you would not have too unreasonable a vessel.  In a D7L I would have a chance against that ship whether played by Human or AI.   (This assumes that you have not failed to list anything like fighters or armour that you have added).


  If youlike stock ship then I really think this in either the General War and other D2 battles be played the the way y   you     bought the Game no other modifications should be made no Firesoul shiplist ,WW misssion packs ,EEK Karnak ,Magnumman     or Tracet G. pack aswell and all the rest aswell as the 2552 Patch It should be played the way it came out of the  box with the excepton of Interplays Patch to be played on Window XP.

You rather miss the point.  You began boasting of how your D7L could beat my stock ship, while only mentioning that your ship used cloak and photons.  You did not in anyway indicate that your ship was anything more than a D7L variant.  In fact you later stated that it was indeed a D7L.  Yet here with your specs you compare it to a BCH.  A BCH should beat a CC.   Though it is possible to beat a BCH with a cruiser.  I have taken a Fed BCH (played by a human) with a D6B, though the D6B did not survive the victory.

When comparing ships they should be created following the same rules.  Your so called D7L was created using a totally different mindset and design rules from the standard ships in the game, the standard ships to which you were comparing yours.  If you want your ships to be considered reasonable they have to be designed with the same philosophy as the existing vessels, yours is not.

 I hope you are trying to understand what I am trying to say hear if you are going to modify this game then accept  modified ships aswell and there are three Empires who use plasma torpedoes I think another Empire not just the Federation should use the photon and I know it should be the Klingons It does make for more fun game.With stock Ships it seems the only one other than the Federation are the Orion Pirate Cartels useing the photon.I am just doing what the rest of you are doing with this game. Who makes the rules in the General War or other D2 Star Fleet Cammand Games that goes on Game Spy Arcade.I hope you and the rest can see wear I am coming from .I modified my fighter aswell and shuttles didn't Firesoul do that?I am on Shred server right now and I am tyring to decide on cable or  phone.

I hope all of you can understand what I am saying and who makes up the rules for all of this?  

Right now I am on the General wars server flying a K-FD7K.  

The Firesoul list is rather unique in that it translates the vast majority of the SFB ships to SFC2OP.  Something that many of us (including myself) greatly appreciate.  All those ships (outside of the mods Firesoul was forced to make to adapt to SFC rules compared to the SFB original) are designed and playtested by a consistant set of rules and have been evolved to avoid being overpowering compared to other ships of the same class and time frame.

So long as a shiplist mod is self consistant it is likely to be accepted.  Where it tends to be rejected is when it treats a race or ship class unfairly.  I doubt for example you would like playing on a server where you had ships comparable to the stock list and your opponents has ships like your modified D7L?

For my own use (and certain friends) I plan to create a modified list.  It will replace the Orion/Orion with the (Babylon 5) Shadow vessels (marked to be unplayable by humans) off of the RDSL server list.  There will also be a few modified Klingon and Romulan vessels.  Among the changes are replacing the disruptors on all cloaking Klingon vessels with Photons and adding variants using Plasma F instead.   The E3Y that we discussed earlier will have the photon split onto separate mounts.  The Romulan mods are mostly minor changes to the Warbird/War Eagle series.  None of the mods are designed to give players a super ship.  Some of the mods actually weaken the vessels.  (WB with no phasers, transporters or tractors for example).


 I tried using that NCAL and I was Killed off in less than 3 minutes it was agianst Z-MDC+ 190FX misssles I really do like AMDS I do not knlw how to use the ESG. properly like it says inthe book but I try do it differently and it does not work .I guess I would not make a great Lyran the only Empire that I am good at are the Federation and Klingons .I really like using the K E4D to get started though you can make up a lot of points with those FX missles agianst the Hydrans and I am going at speed 31 to aviod thier fighters no mod. I can usually take out thier big BCs with it no ECM/ECCM aswell does that really work?Do you care for the ISC?
When I sign on in D2 do not draft me for the Lyrans I will tell you when I am ready in the forums I can not wiat.

Each race and vessel has its own style.  Playing a Mirak in the same style as an excellent Romulan player will lose (as one example).   The ISC does not match my style.  I can play Klingon, Lyran, Romulan, Hydran, Fed and at least some pirates.  I have  rarely played Mirak.  Gorn and ISC just do not match my style.  

As to individual Klingon hulls I prefer the F5, F5B, F5K, F5C, F5L, FW, FWK, FWC, FWL and D6/7 D6/7B D6/7K, D7C, D7L.  Unless forced to by circumstance I do not fly the specialty versions.  The FD7K that I am flying now is one that I have not flown before but it is an interesting ship.  I have also used the D7T.  You might wish to try a D7T in skirmish vs 3 Z-DF+, a battle I fought online (my opponent had slow missiles) the very first battle I fought in the D7T.  

When it comes to ECM/ECCM and its importance it depends much on weapons and ranges.  The Photon is one of the best weapons in the game but it is very susceptible to ECM.  

Though you will probably not like it one of the things that you should do is try flying small non specialty ships in early era.  Set difficulty to Admiral as well.  


Where can I get information on the GW?I am not deluding myself .

Link to General War thread      

   Well I just tried what you said use a small ship in erly era and set it to Admiral and it was more difficult
   I was in a stock KE4K going up agianst a Hydran H-CU it was using t- bombs and ECM .I thought the AI did not
   Use any of that .I put my which I had to redue when I installed Strats shiplist chooser so now my K D7L is 192
   BPV and has power of 49 I took it agiast I-CCZ and it did the same I lost these to I was killed .I tried it agian
   they way I used to with F-CB I slowed to speed four and sent the decoy out and then fired my overloaded photons .
   Idid eventually destroy it but i did take heavy damage with only 29 power left .The thing that bothers in the
   game is when they keep saying that shield have colapsed or lost no.4 or 3.I have to continueously look at the
   Shield panel I though I need mopre power to keep the shields from going down or losing 1 or 2 of them .I tried
   everthing I could to take out H-CU.What would you have done ? Is this the way you play online?  


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Re: Tonight's Enterprise/For IKV Nemesis
« Reply #252 on: March 13, 2004, 12:09:18 pm »
Hey...what the hell is all this?? lol...this started out as a bash at the ending of 2 weeks ago's its a fight over whos ship is better??? If anyone can tell me how mods, a Klingon D7, and Enterprise have something in common just let me know!!!



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Re: Tonight's Enterprise/For IKV Nemesis
« Reply #253 on: March 13, 2004, 01:32:07 pm »

Hey...what the hell is all this?? lol...this started out as a bash at the ending of 2 weeks ago's its a fight over whos ship is better??? If anyone can tell me how mods, a Klingon D7, and Enterprise have something in common just let me know!!!


Well, Tiger, I think I can put it in a single sentence.

A modded D1 that appeared on Enterprise later became the venerable D7.

I hope this clears up any confusion


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Re: Tonight's Enterprise/For IKV Nemesis
« Reply #254 on: March 13, 2004, 03:47:21 pm »
Very enlightening lol...I dont recall seeing a D1....ill have to review the episode...:)



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Re: Tonight's Enterprise/For IKV Nemesis
« Reply #255 on: March 13, 2004, 04:42:27 pm »
 I'd be happy to get back to bashing the show.

It just seems to me the end is near for 'Enterprise.'


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Re: Tonight's Enterprise/For IKV Nemesis
« Reply #256 on: March 13, 2004, 06:47:50 pm »

Well Enterprise is proving to be a disappointment. I lost interest when they started talking about photon torpedos.

Just for reference, Star Fleet Command is based upon a board game called Star Fleet Battles. Star Fleet Battles came out before the movies. Although the stock models in the game are from the movies, the ships and tactics are from the board game. Thinks work a bit differently in the game relative to the movies.

I have played around with a D7 equipped with disruptors and a fore/aft photon. Frankly, I found the weapons don't mix well on a single ship. Besides running up the power requirements and BPV value, tactics are fundamentally different to use the weapons. And a D7 armed only with Photons just seems wrong  

Personally, I find the cloak to be a useless in SFC2/OP. Maybe because the ships I play require more than 5 points to cloak! Whenever I have an opponent go under cloak, I sit back, slow down,  and relax while overloading all my weapons. Then, as the enemy uncloaks I do a HET and perform an alpha strike before the opponent finishes decloaking. The vulnerability of a ship while cloaked and uncloaking is a big tactical disadvantage.

A note on shields: They don't really take any power. Sure, they can be reinforced but in battle one rarely has power available for reinforcement (at least with stock engines). The art is basically to turn "fresh shields" to your opponent while you attempt to repeatedly hit the same shield of your opponent.

You want excitement? Take a stock D6 against a mirak CS with slow drones.. . . .



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Re: Tonight's Enterprise/For IKV Nemesis
« Reply #257 on: March 13, 2004, 08:24:44 pm »
Nah. Most exciting battle I ever had over the LAN here at uni was with me in a K-E3Y vs. a mate in a Romulan police Snipe. Took forever to kill him with the pitiful power and weapons of that glorified PF...


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Re: Tonight's Enterprise/For IKV Nemesis
« Reply #258 on: March 13, 2004, 09:15:30 pm »

Well Enterprise is proving to be a disappointment. I lost interest when they started talking about photon torpedos.

I agree. It'd be fine if they'd just said they'd juiced their existing torpedoes with antimatter warheads, but noooo, Bermaga wants a reference to Voyager, so Bermaga *gets* a reference to Voyager.

Still, Season 3 has been (for the most part) quite promising, so far. Azati Prime, I'll admit, had me at the edge of my seat. However, I do know a few things which are making me SERIOUSLY interested in continued viewing of Enterprise:

SPOILERS! Highlight to read:


1. No magic reset button for the NX-01 this time. We start the next episode, entitled "Damage", right where we left off, with the Enterprise getting hammered...!  

2. T'Pol's completely out of character behaviour will also be explained- it's discovered that she's become chemicially addicted to Trellium-D (remember, Vulcan Psycho Dust?  ) Also, she wont have Phlox's magic wand to help her through it, she's going to have to go cold turkey, and it'll be interesting to see Jolene Blalock play an ex-drug addict as well as a Vulcan...!  

3. The season finale, Zero Hour, features the return of Shran. Instant bonus  

4. Also, it's been fiercely rumoured that the weapon will make it to Earth in the season finale, and that as well as Shran, Soval and Forrest are also guest starring. Vulcans, Starfleet, and Andorians working together to stop the Xindi weapon, and finish the job Archer and Enterprise couldnt...!!      

Personally, I cant WAIT to see how this turns out....!!  




Just for reference, Star Fleet Command is based upon a board game called Star Fleet Battles. Star Fleet Battles came out before the movies. Although the stock models in the game are from the movies, the ships and tactics are from the board game. Thinks work a bit differently in the game relative to the movies.

I have played around with a D7..... yada yada yada....  <snip>

Looks like people are determined to hijack this particular thread  



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Re: Tonight's Enterprise/For IKV Nemesis
« Reply #259 on: March 13, 2004, 10:21:55 pm »
 That spoiler is quite interesting, and yes, people seem determinded to thread jack, so it seems.

At this point, I don't think we will see anymore Picard/Trek movies, and if Enterprise isn't picked up, Trek will have to aghain start over, but I have seen that before, the 70s was a long time, yet we did have a cartoon and novels to fill it in.