Topic: Tonight's Enterprise  (Read 29432 times)

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Re: Tonight's Enterprise/For IKV Nemisis
« Reply #200 on: March 09, 2004, 04:33:57 pm »
  My KD7L will beat your KD7L al I have to do is decloak and fire my overload photons at you.Disruptors don't do much damage and Klingons use photons to it is really our heavy weapons disruptors being primary.I will be east on you my Klingon name is Koras we even have a seat on the council.Till then good hunting and Quapla  
« Last Edit: March 09, 2004, 04:39:37 pm by Age »


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Re: Tonight's Enterprise/For IKV Nemisis
« Reply #201 on: March 09, 2004, 04:45:05 pm »

  My KD7L will beat your KD7L al I have to do is decloak and fire my overload photons at you.Disruptors don't do much damage and Klingons use photons to it is really our heavy weapons disruptors being primary.I will be east on you my Klingon name is Koras we even have a seat on the council.Till then good hunting and Quapla  

 I am just wanting to get my posts up so I no longer be an extra in a red shirt I don't want to die you know there the ones who keep getting killed did they have set it to 50 not 25 or I would be out of this red shirt.  


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Re: Tonight's Enterprise
« Reply #202 on: March 09, 2004, 05:18:30 pm »
Hmm... E2...supposedly 3 generations in the future, any chance we'll see that lovely NCC-1701 in that episode?  

IKV Nemesis D7L

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Re: Tonight's Enterprise/For IKV Nemisis
« Reply #203 on: March 09, 2004, 06:45:18 pm »

  My KD7L will beat your KD7L al I have to do is decloak and fire my overload photons at you.Disruptors don't do much damage and Klingons use photons to it is really our heavy weapons disruptors being primary.I will be east on you my Klingon name is Koras we even have a seat on the council.Till then good hunting and Quapla  


(All the below assumes SFC2EAW or OP not SFC3 )

How fast does your ship move while cloaked and holding overloads?  Cloak is 20 pts (I think) and holding overloads is another 8 points, 2 for shields, 1 for life support, 1 for fire control.  No ECCM so when you do uncloak you are moving dead slow and attacking vs a shift of at least 2.    Your photons will most likely all miss, assuming that when you finish uncloaking and are allowed to fire them I am still within range 8.  

While your photon ship is cloaked my overloaded disruptors will remove your shield (87% hit at 0 range against cloaked vessels).  Then as you uncloak a careful mizia will strip your weapons (before you are allowed to fire them) followed by your being hit with a hammer (0 range suicide shuttle).   If you happen to be going fast enough to trigger them you will also be hit with a t-bomb shower (7 t-bombs will do nice damage themselves while allowing lock on to up the damage of my other weapons).

You see there is a reason none of the enemies of the Klingon Empire use cloaks.  They are next to useless versus overloaded disruptors.  

Note:  Klingons are better without ridges.      


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Re: Tonight's Enterprise/For IKV Nemisis
« Reply #204 on: March 10, 2004, 02:53:07 am »
   I would have no problem considering I can move at a very high speed and considering that I have four scatter pack ready your suicide shuttle won't do much and you would never get at 0 range
   I can stay cloaked and it does not cost me a lot so when you think you are close enough to fire those wimpy disruptors even the Federation and Hydrans know this I will uncloak and fire my overloaded photons and you probably know what they feel like when a Federation CA fires them at you and cloaking works real well with Romulans though arrogant.
  I would say that I have a better chance to make the kill on your ship that is 64 points of damage campared to 40 with overloaded disruptors even with normal photons I can do 32 points if you remember the closer my photon tubes are thats a very good thing and very bad thing if you get that close and all I have to do is cloak agian suicide shuttles can not lock on to cloaked ship remember
  I will have to try this on you sometime when I get my own server and then we will see who the Victor is untill then Quapla and good hunting.I really prefer the name IKV Blue Fire.
  I prefer ridges to bonk someone in the head with and I would not tell how fast it goes but fast enough not like those Romulan ships and think how fast Fed. ship travels at when they have overloads I just like seeing them fire off!  
« Last Edit: March 10, 2004, 05:02:05 am by Age »


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Re: Tonight's Enterprise/For IKV Nemisis
« Reply #205 on: March 10, 2004, 04:51:55 am »
   Well I just took out the Disruptor version of K D7L and I comepletly destroyed it I did this in reverse order and it took me out easly that is the AI I mean and I was useing overloaded Disruptors and I did everything I could to take it out but it took me out and it was going really fast and even uncloaked it really goes fast
  You will not be able to beat my K D7L it is too much of a ship for yours I even took out I-CCZ with my ship easly lets say 0% internal damage 90% shields they can not beat the cloak.I will say this though my speed with overloaded Photons is above 15 with increase to the shields about half way
  You are no match for my ship.You would give up before I destroy you and your ship I just hate to say that.
  But for Good Hunting and Quapla and may Kayless be with you  
  What is your Klingon name anyway?  


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Re: Tonight's Enterprise/For IKV Nemisis
« Reply #206 on: March 10, 2004, 07:55:03 am »
Boasting about a cloaked ship?

Mr Age, red shirt extraordinaire, may I introduce you to the lyran CWLP Sabbycat? Meow  


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Re: Tonight's Enterprise/For IKV Nemisis
« Reply #207 on: March 10, 2004, 09:33:50 am »

   Well I just took out the Disruptor version of K D7L and I comepletly destroyed it I did this in reverse order and it took me out easly that is the AI I mean and I was useing overloaded Disruptors and I did everything I could to take it out but it took me out and it was going really fast and even uncloaked it really goes fast
  You will not be able to beat my K D7L it is too much of a ship for yours I even took out I-CCZ with my ship easly lets say 0% internal damage 90% shields they can not beat the cloak.I will say this though my speed with overloaded Photons is above 15 with increase to the shields about half way
  You are no match for my ship.You would give up before I destroy you and your ship I just hate to say that.
  But for Good Hunting and Quapla and may Kayless be with you  
  What is your Klingon name anyway?  

Fear my R-KE.


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Re: Tonight's Enterprise/For IKV Nemisis
« Reply #208 on: March 10, 2004, 11:45:34 am »
 King Eagles rock, but I like Firehawks better.    


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Re: Tonight's Enterprise/For IKV Nemisis
« Reply #209 on: March 10, 2004, 05:59:38 pm »
   What exactly do you mean about King Eagles rock and you like FireHawks better explian this
   This has nothing to do with the rock band does it .I don't think so please explian this
   Thanks considering you didn't do the same
   oh btw I am catching up to you in posts that is I wonder who is going to be out of thier red shirt first.  
« Last Edit: March 10, 2004, 06:01:53 pm by Age »


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Re: Tonight's Enterprise/For IKV Nemisis
« Reply #210 on: March 10, 2004, 06:06:09 pm »
  I would never fear that R-KE it goes to slow
  ps I am trying to get my numbers up but is that your ship anyhow or favourite one.  


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Re: Tonight's Enterprise/For IKV Nemisis
« Reply #211 on: March 10, 2004, 06:10:55 pm »
   Lyrans most oftenly do like animals with claws considering they have thier own.The are not mush of a warrior animal like Dog is can take any pain and still fight back.  

IKV Nemesis D7L

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Re: Tonight's Enterprise/For IKV Nemisis
« Reply #212 on: March 10, 2004, 06:46:07 pm »

   Well I just took out the Disruptor version of K D7L and I comepletly destroyed it I did this in reverse order and it took me out easly that is the AI I mean and I was useing overloaded Disruptors and I did everything I could to take it out but it took me out and it was going really fast and even uncloaked it really goes fast

  You will not be able to beat my K D7L it is too much of a ship for yours I even took out I-CCZ with my ship easly lets say 0% internal damage 90% shields they can not beat the cloak.I will say this though my speed with overloaded Photons is above 15 with increase to the shields about half way

If you can maintain high speed while cloaking then your ship is not describable as a D7L (the KRC is a Romulan D7C/L conversion and takes 20 power to cloak, the D7L only has 39 total).  Over half your power should be taken by the cloak another 16 to overload the Photons leaving 3 for life support, shields, fire control, ECCM and movement.  So speed is not an option while cloaking, if you are anywhere near stock standards.  

So just what are the specs for your "custom" photon armed D7L?   Power (Warp, Impulse, APR, Batteries)?  Shield Strength?  Phasers?  Photons?  Missiles?  Cloaking cost?  BPV?


   You are no match for my ship.You would give up before I destroy you and your ship I just hate to say that.
  But for Good Hunting and Quapla and may Kayless be with you  
  What is your Klingon name anyway?  

I have gone into battle in a K-D7K and flown out in a F-SCS leaving behind a crippled F-CVA.  I have flown in with one ship and out with 6.  As a true Klingon I don't know how to give up.  

IKV Nemesis is the ship.  Kayn is the Captain.  As a true warrior of the Empire I place loyalty to the Empire, ship and crew above myself.  


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Re: Tonight's Enterprise/For IKV Nemisis
« Reply #213 on: March 10, 2004, 07:28:14 pm »

   What exactly do you mean about King Eagles rock and you like FireHawks better explian this

 You don't understand ship types, and their effects on combat?

This has nothing to do with the rock band does it .I don't think so please explian this

Are you serious?


   oh btw I am catching up to you in posts that is I wonder who is going to be out of thier red shirt first.    

I have no interest in post count, its just a number, nor in titles, its just cute, but hardly important, why do you care about it?    


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Re: Tonight's Enterprise/For IKV Nemisis
« Reply #214 on: March 11, 2004, 03:29:25 am »
  My Ship is certianly is a K D7L and a fine ship it is The IKV Blue Fire.My specs I am an honorable Klingon and it is my honor to tell you this my exact total warp power is 58 and my BPV is 213.I would have to look up the rest for you.  
  I guess you have heard that Klingon Engineers have been testing with photons torpedoes and cloaking devices and they say that the photon is more mightier than those old disruptors and that the cloak gives us an element of surprise and mostly defence,That is why they have been testing out KE3Y and KD7T both have photons and have found them preferable to disruptors.The KE3Y they found the cloak a good for defensive purposes
 You took out an F-CVA with a KD7K with all those fighters on you.I find that hard to believe I had a hard time taking it out with KD6DB even with type 4 missles How did you end up with six ships you don't have that many transporters aviable to you and you don't carry that many marines aswell are you being honorable I do not like dishonorable Klingons any how that is what I can tell you so far.My House has plenty of good quality ships you would be impressed with my
K F5L it to has photons and can cloak it one that I use in the Empires Space.

 I to place Loyalty to the Empire,the Council,my crew,my ship,my house and then myself
 How is that I do have seat on the coucil
 Your Name is Kayn is it I haven't heard much from that house have you been paying your Taxes to the Empire if not we wil confiscate everything you own I guess that is why you have that unrefited K D7L that is an embaresment on the Empire.Cannot aford to refit it shame.

  You want ot know my cloaking cost divide it by four as for the same as you only I can launch four SPs or 4WW they do go after suicide sh*tlles.
  Untill next time Quapla  


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Re: Tonight's Enterprise/For IKV Nemisis
« Reply #215 on: March 11, 2004, 03:38:15 am »
  Well, I guess you will have to explian this to me about King Eagles and Fire Hawks what are they.

  Yes there was a rock band called the Eagles nice listening to music .

  I am not thinking of my post count now but I woulld like to get out of this red shirt .  


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Re: Tonight's Enterprise/For IKV Nemisis
« Reply #216 on: March 11, 2004, 03:48:09 am »
  That Lyran lifgt Cruiser is nothing campared to a KD7L mine or Kayns either would destroy you I don't know how you fight with those espacially with plenty of missles coming at you.You must hope that you don't see Mirak or Kzinti CA,DN or BB even a FF would be scary to you How do you do it
  That is the Gods of War have Spoken  


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Re: Tonight's Enterprise/For IKV Nemisis
« Reply #217 on: March 11, 2004, 04:18:35 am »
Lmao, you don't have a clue, do you? Now I admit the CWLP wouldn't stand a chance against a heavily modded ship, but then again, anyone can make a modded uber ship and then brag about it, can't they? As for my ability to defeat missile using opponents, just pop into the D2 forum and ask people there about me and my little Lyran ship  


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Re: Tonight's Enterprise/For IKV Nemisis
« Reply #218 on: March 11, 2004, 10:30:20 am »

Lmao, you don't have a clue, do you? Now I admit the CWLP wouldn't stand a chance against a heavily modded ship, but then again, anyone can make a modded uber ship and then brag about it, can't they? As for my ability to defeat missile using opponents, just pop into the D2 forum and ask people there about me and my little Lyran ship    

Moggy play nice or someone will bring up the STL incident.


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Re: Tonight's Enterprise/For IKV Nemisis
« Reply #219 on: March 11, 2004, 10:50:29 am »
That was all about fighters Sten, totally irrelevant