Topic: Tonight's Enterprise  (Read 29414 times)

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Re: Tonight's Enterprise
« Reply #20 on: March 03, 2004, 11:59:46 pm »

that said, next weeks eppisode will be interesting.  

Well, just one problem: it's a repeat.

I for one believe that everything that Daniels showed Archer will come to pass.  Archer is instrumental in forming the Federation, the Xindi end up joining it, the Klingons end up joining it, and then they fight a big war with the Sphere Builders in the 26th Century.  Makes sense, and it keeps the timeline more or less intact.  Imagine the humans, Vulcans, Andorians, and Xindi taking on the Romulans...


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Re: Tonight's Enterprise
« Reply #21 on: March 04, 2004, 12:19:28 am »
well, still doesnt explain why we never hear of them in TOS unless they end up wanting to be left alone.

and who are the sphere builders? why not give them a name? will that whip the time line out er somthing? me thinks its a plot device.


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Re: Tonight's Enterprise
« Reply #22 on: March 04, 2004, 01:37:16 am »
Perhaps the sphere builders are the preservers.  


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Re: Tonight's Enterprise
« Reply #23 on: March 04, 2004, 02:54:07 am »
I'm in agreence with you, I'm not sure how thier going to get out of that one, with the enterprise crippled like that? Man oohh Man.


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Re: Tonight's Enterprise
« Reply #24 on: March 04, 2004, 03:01:08 am »
Archer travels back in time to just before he took off to fly the shuttle/bomb, and goes with a more diplomatic solution thus saving the Entriprise from ever getting smacked down.  There you go.

or... the Xindi use their superior manufacturing plants (you know... the ones they used to make the weapon) to rebuild the Enterprise in record time, so that it can take the lead against a group of the species that created the spheres.

or... they reverse the polarity on the remaining hull plating and it magnetically (spelled magically) pulls matter together from space to rebuild the sections of the systems and hull that were damaged (my personal favorite as it will have no explanation and is just stupid to it's core.  You know, like almost plot device they use.  I still can't beleive they are sticking with the "quantum dating" thing.)  


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Re: Tonight's Enterprise
« Reply #25 on: March 04, 2004, 04:31:11 am »
Enterprise J???

Anyone got any pictures?

Sky One just got done with that Western Episode, erm, Northern Star in the UK.  Guess we've got a while to wait for this one.


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Re: Tonight's Enterprise
« Reply #26 on: March 04, 2004, 10:21:42 am »

well, still doesnt explain why we never hear of them in TOS unless they end up wanting to be left alone.

Seeing how there are at least 150-odd member worlds during TOS' time, they'd be easy to miss, perhaps.


and who are the sphere builders? why not give them a name? will that whip the time line out er somthing? me thinks its a plot device.  

We shall find out soon.  Remember that "she" the Xindi Primate and Xindi Aborreal were discussing with Degra, the one that they implied told them everything about Earth and their intentions towards the Xindi?


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Re: Tonight's Enterprise
« Reply #27 on: March 04, 2004, 10:46:20 am »
If you want to be slightly spoiled, go to and look at the brief synopsis and guest stars for "Damage" and "The Forgotten".

It's not hard to guess where the arc is going....

Perhaps T'pol's "secret" will explain her emotional behavior? (I mean beyond the ratings need to see her hooters...)  


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Re: Tonight's Enterprise
« Reply #28 on: March 04, 2004, 10:54:08 am »

Perhaps T'pol's "secret" will explain her emotional behavior? (I mean beyond the ratings need to see her hooters...)  

The secret was mentioned in the most recent Communicator magazine.  All I can say is is that is the most controversial decision ever done and it's up to Jolene Blalock to pull the performance off, because a lot of people are going to be ticked.


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Re: Tonight's Enterprise
« Reply #29 on: March 04, 2004, 10:59:04 am »

 All I can say is is that is the most controversial decision ever done and it's up to Jolene Blalock to pull the performance off, because a lot of people are going to be ticked.  

What are they planning on doing? Switching the catsuit for heavy flannel pajamas? No more gel-decom!?!?!
The expanse is found to decompose silicon, and she shrivels away??!?!



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Re: Tonight's Enterprise
« Reply #30 on: March 04, 2004, 11:04:37 am »
I'm still waiting for the giant monty python type foot to come down, squash the enterprise crew and put it out of our misery.


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Re: Tonight's Enterprise
« Reply #31 on: March 04, 2004, 11:10:57 am »

I'm still waiting for the giant monty python type foot to come down, squash the enterprise crew and put it out of our misery.  

I think it already did that... in the form of 4 Xindi ships


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Re: Tonight's Enterprise
« Reply #32 on: March 04, 2004, 11:31:54 am »

The expanse is found to decompose silicon, and she shrivels away??!?!  

if i was drinking milk, i am sure i would have spewed it through my nose at this point. hehe.


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Re: Tonight's Enterprise
« Reply #33 on: March 04, 2004, 01:38:34 pm »
T' Pol has struck me as being more of a Romulan than a Vulcan.. Just a Romulan pretending to be a Vulcan.. sort of a spin that Spock did in TNG as he was a Vulcan pretending to be Romulan.

It is just how she strikes me.. and Pon' Far makes Vulcans and Romulans insane for an undetermined ammount of time.. usually lasting more than 2 weeks (according to source TOS and some non canon books).. they get a blood fevered 7 year itch...

anyhow just how I view T' Pol


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Re: Tonight's Enterprise
« Reply #34 on: March 04, 2004, 02:10:30 pm »
OK...I would like to elaborate on what I meant by "what kinda ending was that???"

1. Right away, you end with the  Enterprise one shot away from being space dust.

2. You've lost too much of the crew out of the 3 holes shot in the hull..almost enough so that either you get Xindi on the ship(if  Enterprise survives) or time travel is used.

3. The biggest one...did anyone...ANYONE at all....see a "to be continued" text at the end?? could that mean that they're really unsure if this is going to be solved, let alone the series keep on going? Enterprise was slated to go 7 seasons, like TNG, VOY, and DS9....but if this tells the tale, 3 is it.




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Re: Tonight's Enterprise
« Reply #35 on: March 04, 2004, 02:28:17 pm »
Let me suggest an interesting precedent that you are all probably aware of.  The events concluding TNG (whatever those episodes were titled, "All Good Things..." or something like that)  might be thought of as never having occured.  I forget the specific denouement but since the phenomenon involved a temporal distortion that propogated into the past, it appeared the original timeline was restored, i.e. The Enterprise does go to Far Point Station, etc.  In the same manner, we might suggest that the Enterprise events do indeed consist of an alternate time line that was initiated in some manner by the temporal incursions due to the Temporal Cold War or any other temporal blundering that came about before some accords were drawn concerning temporal activities.  So, when the events of Enterprise sort themselves out, there is the possibility of the effects propogating back in time and foward in time to set things right and restoring the TOS timeline. Hell, if the Enterprise never did go to FarPoint station, we might consider the whole of TNG as an alternate timeline.   It sounds like a cop-out but it is pretty cool as well.  I have been able to consider Enterprise with a somewhat uncritical eye but indeed merely considering it an alternative timeline or a reimagining.  I look forward to whatever they do with the show and hope that it isn't summarily axed.


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Re: Tonight's Enterprise
« Reply #36 on: March 04, 2004, 03:03:45 pm »
I think that T'Pol is pregnant. This would explain strange behavior & mood swings as well as actually SHOWING her emotions.
As for her possibly being a Romulan in disguise, I thought there were physical differences between roms & vulcs? oh well, just me.


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Re: Tonight's Enterprise
« Reply #37 on: March 04, 2004, 04:19:08 pm »
No, Vulcans and Romulans are identical.. the both originated on the planet Vulcan...

the only difference between the 2 races is that back in the dark ages of the Vulcan history (as explained in TOS by Spock) Vulcans were overwhelmed by their emmotions making the Gengis (sp?) Khan clan look like a bunch of sissies. One Vulcan stepped forward and started the philossphy of Logic, and from their it turned into their religion, then into their culture, then into who they are as a being..

now, as pointed out in TNG, back in the ancient days of Vulcan.. the Vulcan race split into 2 factions.. one's who embraced thier emmotions and shaking logic as a lifestyle (though still use logic to make decisions) called themselves Romulans (where name came from is unknown) and the 2 factions of Vulcan civilization fought each other.. Romulans to destroy the Logical sect that had been established, Vulcans because it was logical to preserve their way of life.. thus the war raged.. in the mean time technonogy progressed and space travel progressed then deep space, then Warp for Vulcans.. at such time, the Romulan clan were on the brink of losing to the Vulcan clan since Vulcan's were using flawless logic to plan and wage war... such were the Vulcan "Dark Times" as the shows call them.. the Romulans on the brink of defeat set off into deep space not to be heard from again for many generations / centuries ???? then Vulcan's discovered Earth and Humans were capable of Warp Travel and thus first contact.. and let the rest of TOS history write it in...

as such, there is no difference between the looks of a Rom and a Vulcan what so ever.. they are the same race.. however since time has past so much between worlds, the Vulcan's call them their Cusins...

Why do you think that Spock was repeatedly trying for reunification??? to bring the Romulans and Vulcans back together as 1 race instead of 2....

This was the Vulcan Civil War...

think of it as the North vs the South..

Uninted States of America vs Confederate States of America

Yankees vs Rebels

same difference.. all because of different points of view...

that is why after watching several episodes of enterprise.. T' Pol fails a lot at holding her emmotions in.. only a Vulcan very lax in logic (which a Vulcan starts to learn from the day they are born {cirta Undiscovered Country, Spock remembers his birth}) would show this level of emmotion that T' Pol shows.. and before they are even considered TRUELY Vulcan, they go through several rituals (Cirta : TMP), usually done at an early age... around 20 or 30.. something like that (Vulcans age much slower than Terrans, usually living 200+ years (Cirta TOS, ST: IV : TVH, TNG x2 episodes).. so Logic would be foremost and as preached in Tos, TMP, and in episodes of TNG and on Voyager.. Vulcans showing emmotion is a disgrace, a slap in the face of Logic...

So, with as much emmotion as T 'pol shows in Enterprise, one can only conclude that she is actually Romulan acting like a Vulcan, thus slipping up ocassionally by showing blatant emmotion.. The reason Archer and crew know no difference is #1 humans dealt with Vulcans rarely (Cirta Enterprise Episode 1), and #2 Supposedly no Human had has dealings with Romulans.. or if they had, they hadn't lived to tell the tale...

that is my reasoning behind T' Pol... Hope it makes sence...


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Re: Tonight's Enterprise
« Reply #38 on: March 04, 2004, 04:56:28 pm »
  I want to say one thing,They're hurtin they're smokin hot!!!
  You can't pin this one on the Orion Cartel No you can't
  Yes this will be one of those time travel things afterall Captian Archer is not supposed to know about the Federation and it is not around in his time.This one of those temporal prime directives that is being broken now Captian Braxton will have to clean this up to considering he has been busy cleaning up Captian Janeways mess now he will have to clean up this aswell are you with me so far.Thay can not keep breaking the temporal prime directive all the time this is giving me a headache having to figure it all out.I wished they they would stop all this time travel stuff and Enterpise J it keeps on going that far does it boy this is giving me a headache and I don't even want to think of the Enterpise Z.There is one thing though did you notice those 20th century fire extinguishers  a nother headache where did they come from?
 That is it I want to go and rest my head now but this is one of those time travel episodes.
 And don't for get you can not pin this on th Orion Cartel  
« Last Edit: March 04, 2004, 05:07:11 pm by Age »


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Re: Tonight's Enterprise
« Reply #39 on: March 04, 2004, 05:03:27 pm »
 This looks intersting but long Pestalence so I will to get back to later at work now the boss is not around you could be right.Stranger thing have happened.