Topic: Tonight's Enterprise  (Read 29434 times)

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Re: Tonight's Enterprise
« Reply #140 on: March 03, 2004, 08:15:05 pm »
Well that tears it.  B&B saw their empire falling, so they decided to f--k it up so no-one could fix it.

For an aside, anyone notice how closely the Enterprise-J resembled the new original?

More proof that this is a new timeline.


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Re: Tonight's Enterprise
« Reply #141 on: March 03, 2004, 08:17:52 pm »

Enterprise now has a chance to truly impress me!

Yeah, yeah, some of the plot points were ridiculously amateurish.  But put that aside for a moment.  Look at the shape of the ship and crew at the end.  Shot to hades, streaming atmosphere, and crew members floating out to death in space.  How are they possibly going to survive this and triumph?  If the series can wrap-up this cliffhanger without resorting to the big Time-Travel Reset Button (tm) then I will be impressed.

However, I'm really expecting Patrick Duffy to step out of the shower next week.


IKV Nemesis D7L

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Re: Tonight's Enterprise
« Reply #142 on: March 03, 2004, 08:30:50 pm »

 If the series can wrap-up this cliffhanger without resorting to the big Time-Travel Reset Button (tm) then I will be impressed.



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Re: Tonight's Enterprise
« Reply #143 on: March 03, 2004, 09:09:03 pm »
See, that's just the problem. The Time Travel stuff is just the latest in these stupid over-reliance on technobabble solutions that this team used throughout Voyager. It is, quite literally, the deus ex machina (God from the machine, for those who slept through the segment in literature class about Greek plays) that pulls their bacon out of the fire on way too many occasions now. It reminds me of 1950's and 1960's era DC comics, where they would come up with a cover to sell the comic, and then create some contrived story premise in order to create the outlandish cover situation. It's the sign of a bunch of writers who are completely out of ideas, and need to move on to something else, as most of the writers who penned those cheesy comics did.  


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Re: Tonight's Enterprise
« Reply #144 on: March 03, 2004, 09:17:43 pm »
Enterprise herself cannot be salvaged.  The only way her crew can make it out of this without timetravel is if (somehow) Earth sent a few NR or NW ships after Enterprise as backup and they (somehow) modified their warp 3 and 4 hulls to accommodate warp 5+ speeds.  Or, the Xindi that were thrown out of the Reptilians' ship start firing on the Reptilians, and allow the surviving Enterprise crew (both of them) passage on their ships.

But, as I said, poor NX-01 is beyond repair.


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Re: Tonight's Enterprise
« Reply #145 on: March 03, 2004, 09:29:04 pm »
ya one of the episodes, didnt they say ther built/building the nx-02 or something?

what if they solve the xindi conflict and archer/crew return home (via xindi help) and take command of that ship?

doubt it, but who knows with these writers  


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Re: Tonight's Enterprise
« Reply #146 on: March 03, 2004, 09:35:03 pm »
Remember that station they found that repaired them before?  Maybe they'll go through an odd spacial anomoly (a strange convergence of several probably) that will repair the ship as it passes through. lol.    


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Re: Tonight's Enterprise
« Reply #147 on: March 03, 2004, 09:40:35 pm »

Enterprise herself cannot be salvaged.  The only way her crew can make it out of this without timetravel is if (somehow) Earth sent a few NR or NW ships after Enterprise as backup and they (somehow) modified their warp 3 and 4 hulls to accommodate warp 5+ speeds.  Or, the Xindi that were thrown out of the Reptilians' ship start firing on the Reptilians, and allow the surviving Enterprise crew (both of them) passage on their ships.

But, as I said, poor NX-01 is beyond repair.  

Bah!  Voyager shook off worse flesh wounds than this, and she was several million light years from the nearest repair facility.  And don't worry about the trip home.  The Xindi were just about to open a conduit that would teleport their weapon and four of their cruisers to earth, right?  They should be able to instantly teleport Enterprise straight to the repair shop at Jupiter station.  (You know, after they have a Politically Correct love-fest and decide we are all brothers after all.)

Tell me again, why is it the Xindi decide to abandon this wonderful transportation technology when they eventually join the Federation?  NCC-1701D could have made great use of it more than a few times.  I know Voyager would have viewed it as a godsend.

-S'Cipio  (Still waiting for Patrick Duffy.)
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Scipio_66 »


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Re: Tonight's Enterprise
« Reply #148 on: March 03, 2004, 09:43:21 pm »
ya know, you have a good point...
if there were xindi on enterprise j...


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Re: Tonight's Enterprise
« Reply #149 on: March 03, 2004, 09:57:14 pm »
From transcript of the chat with Scott Bakula last night:



Chris: I want to tell you that as someone who watched the original series in the 1960's I think that this is the first Star Trek show to really pick up the torch passed by Captain Kirk. The other shows were great and I watched them all, but your Enterprise has a real sense of exploring the unknown. My question is: What can I, as a fan, do to keep Enterprise on the air. Thank you. Live long and prosper.

SB: Send any kind of response or any kind of pleas to Les Moonves at CBS.


Does that mean UPN is axing its flagship for the series?!?

EDIT: I just read the rest of the chat, and I found out we have to wait 5 BLOODY WEEKS to get the rest of the story!!!

« Last Edit: March 03, 2004, 10:02:37 pm by Maxillius »


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Re: Tonight's Enterprise
« Reply #150 on: March 03, 2004, 10:00:14 pm »

-S'Cipio  (Still waiting for Patrick Duffy.)

You're right, of course. I think I'm starting to hear the shower as we speak.  


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Re: Tonight's Enterprise
« Reply #151 on: March 03, 2004, 10:04:27 pm »

From transcript of the chat with Scott Bakula last night:



Chris: I want to tell you that as someone who watched the original series in the 1960's I think that this is the first Star Trek show to really pick up the torch passed by Captain Kirk. The other shows were great and I watched them all, but your Enterprise has a real sense of exploring the unknown. My question is: What can I, as a fan, do to keep Enterprise on the air. Thank you. Live long and prosper.

SB: Send any kind of response or any kind of pleas to Les Moonves at CBS.


Does that mean UPN is axing its flagship for the series?!?  

There have been rumors of Enterprise being on shaky ratings ground recently. The reason for asking that all pleas be sent to the CBS chairman is that Viacom owns both, and has apparently appointed Moonves as the head of their television division.  


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Re: Tonight's Enterprise
« Reply #152 on: March 03, 2004, 10:43:41 pm »
while enterprise is one of its best rated shows, it also cost money to produce. why keep it running when you can make a reality show which has comprable ratings for a fraction of the cost.

this is business folks. cut-throat business.

that said, i think scippy pointed to what will happen.

i think that some how archer will convince the council (how they get archer from the reptilians who knows) of the real threat (the sphere building people - who we still dont know who is yet).. the xindi will actually be the ones who repair the enterprise and send her home.

that said, next weeks eppisode will be interesting.


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Re: Tonight's Enterprise
« Reply #153 on: March 03, 2004, 10:52:34 pm »
 First Enterprise episode in two or three months I sat down and watched, and it ends with Enterprise a floating wreck. Grr.

Well, she is only a wreck. I honestly thought she was going to blow.  So that's how Bismark/Scharnhorst must of felt in their final hours.

Checked the synopsis for the next episode on Seems this episode is legit, no time traveling.

T'Pol is a confused individual. Has sex with Trip, sheds tears for Archer. Is this how Vulcans act when they start to loose control over their emotions?  
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Tremok »


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Re: Tonight's Enterprise
« Reply #154 on: March 03, 2004, 10:57:16 pm »
Yup it did look similar, did anyone notice the prometheus and nova class ships fighting, or was it just me, and the vulcan chick tpol, loosing all her control over her emotions, damn I have seen vulcans pissed in many episodes, but she was really pissed off and upset, like i said early, i dont think of it as star trek, just enterprise, but i have to say the people flying out of enterprse was kool, the show isnt that bad, but i can understand why people get upset, the timeline thingy is crazy,

And another thing, did you hear the klingons are in the federation in the future, now that shocked me, i always thought they would be just allies, at the end of voyager, the klingon were still apart from the feds, and in the end of tng, the future aspects i mean, the klingons were enemies too, i know it was a different timeline and all but i still think the klinks in the federation, hmmmm, sounds fishy, another thing is no one was around in the ship, ent j i mean, they were in battle no sounds no people, nottin, just a window lol,

and Thu11s Federation Archimedes Class (Conventional nacelles)
looks really close to that of the ent j, the colors off, and the saucer is thinner, but the hull resembles it alot,

adam out


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Re: Tonight's Enterprise
« Reply #155 on: March 03, 2004, 10:58:40 pm »
the writers seem not to understand what control over emotions mean, that is not a vulcan, shes more like a half romy and vulcan

adam out


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Re: Tonight's Enterprise
« Reply #156 on: March 03, 2004, 11:36:01 pm »
My Complaint, is that we gotta wait SIX WEEKS for the conclusion.  I thought these kind of cliff hangers were only supposed to be for the Season Finales!!!  


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Re: Tonight's Enterprise
« Reply #157 on: March 03, 2004, 11:37:53 pm »
I hate when they do that, it gets me so pissed, waiting and waiting, its not fun, it used to get me angry, now im furious

adam out


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Re: Tonight's Enterprise
« Reply #158 on: March 03, 2004, 11:59:46 pm »

that said, next weeks eppisode will be interesting.  

Well, just one problem: it's a repeat.

I for one believe that everything that Daniels showed Archer will come to pass.  Archer is instrumental in forming the Federation, the Xindi end up joining it, the Klingons end up joining it, and then they fight a big war with the Sphere Builders in the 26th Century.  Makes sense, and it keeps the timeline more or less intact.  Imagine the humans, Vulcans, Andorians, and Xindi taking on the Romulans...


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Re: Tonight's Enterprise
« Reply #159 on: March 04, 2004, 12:19:28 am »
well, still doesnt explain why we never hear of them in TOS unless they end up wanting to be left alone.

and who are the sphere builders? why not give them a name? will that whip the time line out er somthing? me thinks its a plot device.