Linksys LNE100TX ver 5.1
It was either that or a POS brand I never heard of. So here I am with 100 Mbs instead of 10 Mbs, and it's still slow going. Vicky's nephew said it has to be the cable company here as their equipment is years behind us. That could very well be true. It could also be all the frigging cyber cafes C.C. has, who knows? I'd love to tell them to quit hogging up bandwidth that I pay for! My last hope is more RAM before I fly out of E.P. to Austin and see what happens after he installs it.Not too bad a product, perhaps if I ever get the guts to build my own, I'll just use this one, though I saw on Best Buy's homepage they have 10/100/1000 Kbs ethernet cards! WOW! That would probably rock on my roadrunner and Sony P4.

Well, no OP or anything for almost a month, you guys and gals are stuck with me on the forums until then, hehehehehehe.
We all have personal preferences when it comes to motherboards, P/C brands, Intel vs Pentium, etc... I got what I could trust even though they had the el cheapos at 5-10 dollars a piece with a floppy disk. The Linksys came with a CD and everything, and was only 6 dollars more than Office Depot in the U.S. $30 vs $24.99, though the 15 percent tax rate sucks. I'm also sick of people bothering me in the parking lot of Home Depot, they want to help carry whatever you have in your cart, even if you are perfectly capable of doing it yourself, so today I had everything downloaded and this guy walks up and tries to grab my cart to take it back to the "corral" of carts (yet they still expect a tip!). I shot off with my cart and put it in the corral and he was just glaring at me, I told him "Welcome to America!"
My greatest disappointment of the day besides wasting money (which I detest), was Home Depot did not have the long UV lamps for sale like they did last week. Seems noone was buying any so they shipped them back to the U.S.

Oh well, my babies (rosebushes) will just have to wait for longer days as mirrors would look tacky on the corner of the fences, even though the fences are very artistic and steel. I'm very disappointed that they did not put primer on the metal fence before painting it.

I guess a little rust on a white fence means nothing to them, but it does to me.