Topic: TOS Connie Idea...  (Read 1895 times)

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TOS Connie Idea...
« on: March 05, 2004, 04:04:16 pm »
I was wondering of late if anyone had considered doing a retexture of the TOS Constitution that resembled the NX-01, making her look more advanced rather than more primitive than her predessessor.


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Re: TOS Connie Idea...
« Reply #1 on: March 05, 2004, 04:13:37 pm »
Aw, c'mon...

... don't you think a "one-piece" smooth uniformly colored hull is "more advanced" than a mosaic of gray metallic patches of varying shades?  

... don't you think the (budgetarily inspired) minimalist control panels and knobs and switches are "more advanced" than all this rather today-looking realistic set of instrumentation panels and such?

... and doesn't the phaser I (with pistol grip) of Captain Kirk's multiracial Starfleet look more futuristically "ray-gun-ish" than the more today's video game inspired look of the phase pistol (which comes in a foam cut-outted briefcase!!) of Archer's 99.9999% human Starfleet?

Oops... got OT here... back to the ship- the lack of detail of Kirk's Enterprise is more, in my opinion, "advanced" than Archer's because they're so darned advanced, they did away with seams, rivets, hatches, ...  sort of like comparing today's consumer electronic products to those of the early 20th century!

Anyhow, I hope you don't mind my disagreement here!  


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Re: TOS Connie Idea...
« Reply #2 on: March 05, 2004, 05:22:26 pm »
It has been done Man
Anduril did it...USS Phoenix if I am not mistaken  


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Re: TOS Connie Idea...
« Reply #3 on: March 05, 2004, 05:26:39 pm »

... and doesn't the phaser I (with pistol grip) of Captain Kirk's multiracial Starfleet look more futuristically "ray-gun-ish" than the more today's video game inspired look of the phase pistol (which comes in a foam cut-outted briefcase!!) of Archer's 99.9999% human Starfleet?

Actually if you compare Archer's crew to Kirk's they are pretty close.  Both have almost the same racial diversity (1 black, 1 asian, 1 UK, 1 corn fed, 1 Vulcan) the only real changes are the lack of an Eastern European, and the addition of another Alien (albeit still kind of a country doctor in style).   So, really Archer has more aliens onboard than Kirk did (at least as far as we saw).
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by EmeraldEdge »

Captain Ron

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Re: TOS Connie Idea...
« Reply #4 on: March 05, 2004, 06:50:14 pm »
Yes but in the first series it was the budget that caused that. In the current series the budget is hugh by comparsion (even if you adjust for time and inflation) so what is the excuse for not having a better representation.


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Re: TOS Connie Idea...
« Reply #5 on: March 05, 2004, 07:09:46 pm »
Let's face it...Gene is rolling in his grave the way that Enterprise has been done. Look at the SW's all consistant with their timeline, because the creator is still alive and controlling things. You really think Goerge would have allowed the Episode one ships look more advanced than the Jedi ships? B & B have screwed it all up, so why bother with 'em...unless you want to retext them to look LESS advanced.

Sorry, my .02    


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Re: TOS Connie Idea...
« Reply #6 on: March 05, 2004, 08:20:06 pm »
Well opinions aside, the original DID have a very minimalist look. I guess I see as "retro future", as seen through the eyes of a 2st century viwer looking at a 1960s vision of the future. IMHO, the original series is the best of the bunch, and the "look" of the show today has no real bearing on its quality.

Anyhow, I'd just like to see an alternate progression of the timeline, a "retooled" Constitution reflecting that timeline. I love diversity, different takes on the theme.

So, I'd like to see this "Phoenix". Azel, would you happen to have one lying around?


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Re: TOS Connie Idea...
« Reply #7 on: March 06, 2004, 01:10:02 am »
Umm... I was really talking about the phaser pistols...



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Re: TOS Connie Idea...
« Reply #8 on: March 06, 2004, 02:39:10 am »

Let's face it...Gene is rolling in his grave the way that Enterprise has been done. Look at the SW's all consistant with their timeline, because the creator is still alive and controlling things. You really think Goerge would have allowed the Episode one ships look more advanced than the Jedi ships? B & B have screwed it all up, so why bother with 'em...unless you want to retext them to look LESS advanced.

Sorry, my .02    

Actually, Rodenberry would, at best, not care at all.  He might even approve of the changes.  In the novelization of TMP, he had Kirk mention some sort of documentaries or entertainment programs based on reports from the five year mission.  Kirk says that the representations are not very accurate, neither in story nor visually.  If we assume that the programs Kirk denounces are the same as TOS, then it would seem that Rodenberry was trying to deconnonize TOS, at least partly.  After all, TMP was supposed to be just a couple of years after the series ended, yet based on the designs one might assume at least twenty years between the eras, or more.  I think Rodenberry's attitude was that the look of TOS should not be considered cannon, because it was restricted by budget, and should not limit modern creativity.  I am sure that he would be pissed off about the horrible writing in the last two series, but I don't think he would really be too concerned about continuity, especially visual or stylistic continuity.