i use the following for tmp era:
federation: primary:phaser-2 (standart), phaser-1(megaphasercannons),phaser-4(starbases)
heavy: photons , mines
klingon: primary:disruptor-3(standart) , heavy disruptor (on some few ships/romulan tech exchange)
heavy: heavy photons,mines
romulan: primary: heavy disruptors (late era only), disruptor-3(klingon tech ships , no primaries on early era ships)
heavy: plasma-R, plasma-S, plasma-G, plasma-F, mauler, mines , nuclear mines
gorn: primary: disruptor-2
heavy: phaser-B,plasma-E , plasma-D, mines
lyran: phaser X,disruptor-4
hydran: primary:gatlingphaser
heavy: fusionbeam , hellbore
mirak:primary:phaser-3, disroptor-1
heavy:all kinds of missle racks(exept mirv),mines
isc: primary:gatlingphaser-2,phaser-A
heavy: plasma-X, plasma-I, ppd
orions: all weapons exept the isc weapons
most weapons were renamed:
ph-1 phaser class 1
ph-2 phaser class 2
ph-3 phaser class 3
ph-4 heavy phaser class 4
ph-G phaser class 3-G
ph-G2 phaser class 2-G
ph-X phaser class 1X
ph-A assaultphaser
ph-B battlephaser
dis-1 disruptor class 1
dis-2 disruptor class 2
dis-3 disruptor class 3
dis-4 disruptor class 4
h-dis disruptorbeam
mlr heavy disruptorbeam
f-dis light disruptor
f-phot light photon
phot photons class F
h-phot photons class K
pl-R plasma Class R-R
pl-S plasma Class R-S
pl-G plasma Class R-G
pl-F plasma Class R-F
pl-E plasma Class G-E
pl-X plasma Class I-X
pl-D plasma Class G-D
pl-I plasma Class I-I
esg expandidc sphere generator
esg-l plasma beam
fus fusionbeam
hellb hellbore
racks werent renamed
empire specific:
ph-1 (fed) phaser type VIII
ph-2 (fed) phaser type VII
ph-3 (mir) phaser type Ceta
ph-4 (fed) phaser type XII
ph-G (hyd) phaser type G
ph-G2 (isc) multiple phaser
ph-X (lyr) phaser Mk. 10
ph-A (isc) epm phaser
ph-B (gor) attackphaser
dis-1 (mir) disruptor type alpha
dis-2 (gor) disruptor type G
dis-3 (kli) disruptor Mk. VI ; (rom) disruptor RK-VI
dis-4 (lyr) disruptor Mk.III
h-dis (rom) disruptor R-1
mlr (rom) heavy disruptor R-A
f-dis (kli) light disruptor Mk.II
f-phot (fed) fighter photon III
phot (fed) photon type IV
h-phot (kli) photon Mk.III
pl-R (rom) plasma type R
pl-S (rom) plasma type S
pl-G (rom) plasma type G
pl-F (rom) plasma type F
pl-E (gor) plasma torpedoe
pl-X (isc) plasma I-XII
pl-D (gor) defensive plasma
pl-I (isc) plasma I-D-VI
esg (lyr) sphere shield
esg-l (lyr) plasmabeam Mk.II
fus (hyd) fusionbeam type 2
hellb (hyd) hellbore type 5
sugestion for other races
tholian: primary: disruptor-4(pulse cannon)
heavy:hellbore (netgun) - needs a different hellbore texture
andromedan: primary ph2
heavy: trb
fed: phaser 1, phaser x, phaser 2 , photons, heavy photons(quantums) , disruptor 4 (pulse phaser)
klingons: disruptors , heavy photons ,heavy disruptors
romulans : heavy disruptors, plasma f,g,s,r
species 8472: mauler and 127 battery (ouch!)
borg: ppd (cutting beam) ,phaser A ,plasma R ,maybe trb (other texture needed)
breen: phaser A , plasma E
jemhadar: phaser 4 , plasma X
cardassians : fusions, plasma E , photons , heavy photons
monsers : esg