Topic: Cardassian Galor Type 3  (Read 1086 times)

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Cardassian Galor Type 3
« on: March 02, 2004, 08:15:42 pm »
Ok I just finished watching Star Trek: The Next Generation "Ensign Ro" on Spike TV, and I was watching the part towards the end when the galor type 3's moving into attack range against the bajoran vessel, then I saw the galors fire a pulse weapon, almost seemed like a yellow phaserish color disruptor pulse, wierd, and I also noticed that the weapon array in the front was yellow and not red like in DS9, can anyone shed some light into this, I was under the impression that the had no torpedoes or pulse weapons, just phasers, now I see this episode and this is wierd, now I know what you guys are going to say, its the damn star trek writers, they always do boo boos and stuff, but this episode is before DS9 Dominion Wars, so which is the real thing, or maybe the type 3 has other weapons and the types 1 and 2 have phasers, any ideas, thanks guys

adam out


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Cardassian Galor Type 3
« Reply #1 on: March 02, 2004, 08:15:42 pm »
Ok I just finished watching Star Trek: The Next Generation "Ensign Ro" on Spike TV, and I was watching the part towards the end when the galor type 3's moving into attack range against the bajoran vessel, then I saw the galors fire a pulse weapon, almost seemed like a yellow phaserish color disruptor pulse, wierd, and I also noticed that the weapon array in the front was yellow and not red like in DS9, can anyone shed some light into this, I was under the impression that the had no torpedoes or pulse weapons, just phasers, now I see this episode and this is wierd, now I know what you guys are going to say, its the damn star trek writers, they always do boo boos and stuff, but this episode is before DS9 Dominion Wars, so which is the real thing, or maybe the type 3 has other weapons and the types 1 and 2 have phasers, any ideas, thanks guys

adam out