Fire ants do not like it here in Chihuahua, the soil is not to their liking, they like Americans, especially in the Southwest, ugh, they sting like HADES.
Reason for asking? UV is what plants use for photosynthesis, right? I'm almost finished with the rose garden in front of the house (I'll post a pic later), but the season is May, yet some people that took care of their roses in a lil nursery I found already have blooms! Roses require about 6-8 hours straight sunlight a day, the ones in the front yard get screwed, so I want to reflect UV to the front of the house, then when summer comes along, I can redirect it elsewhere (like at the water heater or storage area and pump on top of the roof?).
BTW SL, I got some people here in Mexico very interested in that product you showed me, good job man!

They were like wow! This technology is out there? I said yes, it sure is! I also showed them the SVO and biodiesel sites, wait until I can get my hands on a diesel Volkswagen Cabriolet convertible (86-89) in Texas and convert it to run on one of Mexico's most abundant products, corn oil! I have to be careful though if that project ever comes to fruition, Pemex and the govt. do NOT take kindly to alternatives, and in Mexico people who buck the corrupt system (Mexican, American, whoever) have a habit of "disappearing."