Topic: DM aka Bill Nuy, the Science Guy  (Read 3857 times)

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Re: DM aka Bill Nuy, the Science Guy
« Reply #20 on: March 01, 2004, 10:24:03 pm »
Thanks for all the replies folks, I'll do my research in the morning on UV lamps (seen them at Home Depot), I may have to go that route until the days of summer (longer days) get here. Chihuahua City sure isn't Austin, Texas!    


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Re: DM aka Bill Nuy, the Science Guy
« Reply #21 on: March 02, 2004, 10:28:06 am »


I'm a materials/mechanics guy. Optics? Sorry.....

I could google around, but without a good optics background, it's easy to think you know something when you don't....

What are you trying to do anyhow? Fry giant ants?  

Wouldn't a concave mirror be better for that than a convex mirror?  

Your thinking Gargoyles ala U6 on.



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Re: DM aka Bill Nuy, the Science Guy
« Reply #22 on: March 02, 2004, 08:59:18 pm »
Roughly 20 percent of the energy will be absorbed into the mirror as heat, the rest will be reradiated in whatever direction the mirror is pointed at. The UV spectrum will be reradiated along with the visible light.


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Re: DM aka Bill Nuy, the Science Guy
« Reply #23 on: March 02, 2004, 09:35:30 pm »
Thanks SL, now I have to compare prices of those mirrors vs UV lamps at home depot. I already got two bushes blooming, and it's only early March! All the other people's bushes are sucking wind. Then again I changed the soil. Base black soil, then Miracle grow fertilized soil from U.S., then peat moss from Canada, then a layer of wood shavings and chunks. I'll e-mail you a before and after picture tomorrow, as the other side is still Mexican Chihuahua soil style. Funny thing is, the house is in Colonia Santa Rosa, and few people have rosebushes, or a yard for that matter. I will admit, my next door neighbors on the corner are very poor (they use a woodburning stove. They saw me changing things and picking up the trash in front of the house in the street, next thing I knew the whole family was cleaning their pitiful yard. I might redo their yard for them and pay for the plants and soil out of my own pocket, though they will have to water them themselves. The wealthier neighbors? Have not done jack sh*te.    


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DM aka Bill Nuy, the Science Guy
« Reply #24 on: March 01, 2004, 07:55:52 pm »
Dm, or any of you other scientific oriented people. When mirrors reflect sunlight, do they also reflect UV rays and all that stuff?

Does anyone know about how much those circular mirrors that are used in stores to protect against thieves and also for traffic cost?  


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Re: DM aka Bill Nuy, the Science Guy
« Reply #25 on: March 01, 2004, 08:10:54 pm »
Correction:Apparently mirrors do reflect all wavelengths equally, at least that is what the few sources I looked at stated, which seems weird to me as not all materials are equally transparent to all wavelengths and it also seems to ignore the Photoeletric Effect when light strikes the silvered backing.

Froogle search for security mirror  
« Last Edit: March 01, 2004, 08:54:52 pm by NoCuteName »


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Re: DM aka Bill Nuy, the Science Guy
« Reply #26 on: March 01, 2004, 08:16:30 pm »
I'm a materials/mechanics guy. Optics? Sorry.....

I could google around, but without a good optics background, it's easy to think you know something when you don't....

What are you trying to do anyhow? Fry giant ants?  


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Re: DM aka Bill Nuy, the Science Guy
« Reply #27 on: March 01, 2004, 08:19:21 pm »

I'm a materials/mechanics guy. Optics? Sorry.....

I could google around, but without a good optics background, it's easy to think you know something when you don't....

What are you trying to do anyhow? Fry giant ants?  

Wouldn't a concave mirror be better for that than a convex mirror?


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Re: DM aka Bill Nuy, the Science Guy
« Reply #28 on: March 01, 2004, 08:24:16 pm »
All visible light wavelengths plus the IR spectrum. Light photons aren't reflected on a mirrored surface, but absorbed and re-radiated.  


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Re: DM aka Bill Nuy, the Science Guy
« Reply #29 on: March 01, 2004, 09:00:55 pm »
Fire ants do not like it here in Chihuahua, the soil is not to their liking, they like Americans, especially in the Southwest, ugh, they sting like HADES.

Reason for asking? UV is what plants use for photosynthesis, right? I'm almost finished with the rose garden in front of the house (I'll post a pic later), but the season is May, yet some people that took care of their roses in a lil nursery I found already have blooms! Roses require about 6-8 hours straight sunlight a day, the ones in the front yard get screwed, so I want to reflect UV to the front of the house, then when summer comes along, I can redirect it elsewhere (like at the water heater or storage area and pump on top of the roof?).

BTW SL, I got some people here in Mexico very interested in that product you showed me, good job man!   They were like wow! This technology is out there? I said yes, it sure is! I also showed them the SVO and biodiesel sites, wait until I can get my hands on a diesel Volkswagen Cabriolet convertible (86-89) in Texas and convert it to run on one of Mexico's most abundant products, corn oil! I have to be careful though if that project ever comes to fruition, Pemex and the govt. do NOT take kindly to alternatives, and in Mexico people who buck the corrupt system (Mexican, American, whoever) have a habit of "disappearing."    


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Re: DM aka Bill Nuy, the Science Guy
« Reply #30 on: March 01, 2004, 09:43:40 pm »
Fire ants suck! I only like fire ants when they are on fire.


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Re: DM aka Bill Nuy, the Science Guy
« Reply #31 on: March 01, 2004, 10:22:10 pm »
I remember when I was a kid seeing their huge mounds and pouring gasoline into their big nest, then lighting a match and watching them come running like Hades out of there only to die in the open.

I saw an interesting program on ants on the Discovery channel, I did not know that Australia and Africa each have a species of ants that are very aggressive and eat cows, sheep, and yes, people! And they are big, mean, and very fast!  


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Re: DM aka Bill Nuy, the Science Guy
« Reply #32 on: March 01, 2004, 10:24:03 pm »
Thanks for all the replies folks, I'll do my research in the morning on UV lamps (seen them at Home Depot), I may have to go that route until the days of summer (longer days) get here. Chihuahua City sure isn't Austin, Texas!    


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Re: DM aka Bill Nuy, the Science Guy
« Reply #33 on: March 02, 2004, 10:28:06 am »


I'm a materials/mechanics guy. Optics? Sorry.....

I could google around, but without a good optics background, it's easy to think you know something when you don't....

What are you trying to do anyhow? Fry giant ants?  

Wouldn't a concave mirror be better for that than a convex mirror?  

Your thinking Gargoyles ala U6 on.



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Re: DM aka Bill Nuy, the Science Guy
« Reply #34 on: March 02, 2004, 08:59:18 pm »
Roughly 20 percent of the energy will be absorbed into the mirror as heat, the rest will be reradiated in whatever direction the mirror is pointed at. The UV spectrum will be reradiated along with the visible light.


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Re: DM aka Bill Nuy, the Science Guy
« Reply #35 on: March 02, 2004, 09:35:30 pm »
Thanks SL, now I have to compare prices of those mirrors vs UV lamps at home depot. I already got two bushes blooming, and it's only early March! All the other people's bushes are sucking wind. Then again I changed the soil. Base black soil, then Miracle grow fertilized soil from U.S., then peat moss from Canada, then a layer of wood shavings and chunks. I'll e-mail you a before and after picture tomorrow, as the other side is still Mexican Chihuahua soil style. Funny thing is, the house is in Colonia Santa Rosa, and few people have rosebushes, or a yard for that matter. I will admit, my next door neighbors on the corner are very poor (they use a woodburning stove. They saw me changing things and picking up the trash in front of the house in the street, next thing I knew the whole family was cleaning their pitiful yard. I might redo their yard for them and pay for the plants and soil out of my own pocket, though they will have to water them themselves. The wealthier neighbors? Have not done jack sh*te.