I've been thinking that the Mirak have needed better ships for some time now. I would love to play the Mirak cruisers from the SFC: EAW opening movie. You'll note the STOCK ZCAs are NOT 100% Identical to the ones in that short intro but that's another issue...
I really don't like the STOCK Mirak carriers and for awhile I've actually been using the retextured SFB Juggernaught in its place, LOL. So I today I decided to retexture the ST: BC Frieghter and ST: BC Transport Dark Matrix converted for us. Using STOCK Mirak fighter textures and here's what I came up with so far:
Images curtosey of Dark Matrix and these ships may be found at his site here:
http://klingonfanatic.20m.com/images/auxiliary_zcvs.jpgThese are still WIP and I used CV to get these pics. I'm not satisfied with the rear engines at the moment...
Hopefully, Kreeargh and Pataflafla will reappear with their MIrak WIPs but in the meantime, this is what I've been up to.
If there is enough interest, I'll get these up at SFU.