Topic: Hidden Gamespy Code Leads to Vulnerabilities in Several Games  (Read 4996 times)

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  Hidden Gamespy Code Leads to Vulnerabilities in Several Games


Gamespy's CDKey validation toolkit is an SDK for games developers which
enables them to easily implement online management of users and cd-key

A flaw exists in the handling of query packets that can cause the game
server to crash. Yet more "security through obscurity" flaws are described
which give rise to the question of exactly how secure the user's
information is.


Vulnerable Systems:
 * Battlefield 1942 versions 1.6.19 and 1.6rc1
 * Contract Jack version 1.1
 * Gore version 1.48 (1.49)
 * Haegemonia version 1.0.7
 * Halo version 1.031
 * Hidden & Dangerous 2 version 1.031
 * Project IGI 2 version 1.04
 * Judge Dredd: Dredd vs. Death, version 1.01
 * Need For Speed Hot Pursuit 2, version 2.42
 * Terminator 3: War of the Machines version 1.0
 * TRON 2, version 1.042

The list of games is by no means complete. Other games are probably making
use of the CDKey validation toolkit as well.

Remote Server Crash Bug
A bug exists in the code that handles a query packet. The code that copies
the buffer that is delimeted by backslashes does so in an unsafe manner.
The following snippet of code demonstrates the programming error:

int size = strchr(buff + 1, '\\') - buff;
if(size > 32) return;
strncpy(querybuff, buff + 1, size);

It's plain to see two common programming errors. The first is not checking
the return value of the strchr() function. In fact there is no test for a
failure condition, such as a return value of 0. The second error is that
size is in fact a signed integer. If strchr() fails and returns 0 which
causes the strncpy function to reference negative offsets and therefore to
cause an exception.

Privacy Issues
Some hidden commands can be used to query the server about specific
user/s. For example, the 'ison' command is used to query whether a user
with a specified CD key or MD5 hash is playing on the server. If the
CD-key or hash of the user is known it becomes trivial to track the user
across the gaming network.

Analysis of Hidden Code
There are some undocumented, hidden functions in the CDKey SDK. These
functions are only activated when a packet with a special character is
received by the server, or when the server needs to validate a user's

The hidden function used to manage the "undocumented" queries is activated
when a packet starting with the char ';' (byte 0x3B) reaches the query
port of the game server of any user online. The query port is just the
same UDP port used to receive the information queries "basic", "info",
"status", "rules", etc.

In fact, the 0x3B is the backslash character (which is used to delimit a
normal query) XORed with the char 'g' of the gamespy string. The packet
sent to the server is simply XORed. The following code can be used to
encode/decode the packet:

void gamespyxor(u_char *string, int len) {
    u_char gamespy[] = "gamespy",
    for(gs = gamespy; len; len--, gs++, string++) {
        if(!*gs) gs = gamespy;
        *string ^= *gs;

In order to hide the undocumented commands from prying eyes of users
opening the executable using any hex editor, the code contains means for
building the commands on the fly in order to evaluate them against the
commands received from the packets.

:004422B7 B175 mov cl, 75
:004422B9 B06F mov al, 6F
:004422BB 56 push esi
:004422BC 8BF2 mov esi, edx
:004422BE B26E mov dl, 6E
:004422C0 884C240C mov byte[esp+0C], cl
:004422C4 884C2410 mov byte[esp+10], cl
:004422C8 884C2420 mov byte[esp+20], cl
:004422CC 884C2423 mov byte[esp+23], cl
:004422D0 33C9 xor ecx, ecx
:004422D2 85F6 test esi, esi
:004422D4 8844240D mov byte[esp+0D], al
:004422D8 88442412 mov byte[esp+12], al
:004422DC 8844241A mov byte[esp+1A], al
:004422E0 88442422 mov byte[esp+22], al
:004422E4 C644240E6B mov byte[esp+0E], 6B
:004422E9 C644240F00 mov byte[esp+0F], 00
:004422EE 88542411 mov byte[esp+11], dl
:004422F2 C64424136B mov byte[esp+13], 6B
:004422F7 C644241400 mov byte[esp+14], 00
:004422FC C644241869 mov byte[esp+18], 69
:00442301 C644241973 mov byte[esp+19], 73
:00442306 8854241B mov byte[esp+1B], dl
:0044230A C644241C00 mov byte[esp+1C], 00
:0044230F C644242163 mov byte[esp+21], 63
:00442314 88542424 mov byte[esp+24], dl
:00442318 C644242574 mov byte[esp+25], 74
:0044231D C644242600 mov byte[esp+26], 00

The portion of code comes directly from the file BF1942_w32ded.exe of
Battlefield 1942 Win32 dedicated server 1.6.19 but this "hiding technique"
is the same used in all the other vulnerable games and moreover also in
all the Gamespy products (..."Gamers trust us"...).

The generated commands are exactly: "uok", "unok", "ison" and "ucount".
The first 2 commands in reality are replies sent by the Gamespy master
server to the games servers when they request the validation of a cd-key
using the "auth" query.

Examples of some practical queries which can be used:

\uok\\cd\0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef\skey\1\errmsg\Valid CD Key \unok\\cd\0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef\skey\1\errmsg\Invalid CD Key \ison\skey\1\cd\0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef

Where "skey" is an ID number used to track replies to a specific query and
"cd" is the CD key hash. The CD key hash is simply the MD5 hash calculated
by the client on his
original CD key, it is sent by each client to the game server that uses it
to validate the client through the master server.

After the server assembles the commands in memory and they are evaluated
against the data from the packet, the server sends the reply. Examples of
replies follow:

\uon\\skey\1 the requested CD key is used in the target server \uoff\\skey\1 the requested CD key is not used in the target server \ucount\9 in the target server there are 9 players using CD key

Proof of Concept Examples
Just sending the magic backslash character should be enough to crash the
server. However, a small proof of concept code can be found at  

A tool that can be used to send the undocumented commands to the server
can be found at  <>

A tool that analyzes the packets can be obtained from  

And a tool that logs the encoded UDP commands can be downloaded from  


The information has been provided by  <> Luigi


This bulletin is sent to members of the SecuriTeam mailing list.
To unsubscribe from the list, send mail with an empty subject line and body to:
In order to subscribe to the mailing list, simply forward this email to:


The information in this bulletin is provided "AS IS" without warranty of any kind.
In no event shall we be liable for any damages whatsoever including direct, indirect, incidental, consequential, loss of business profits or special damages.


  • Guest
Re: Hidden Gamespy Code Leads to Vulnerabilities in Several Games
« Reply #1 on: March 02, 2004, 04:51:18 pm »
Bad programmer! No biscuit.  


  • Guest
Re: Hidden Gamespy Code Leads to Vulnerabilities in Several Games
« Reply #2 on: March 03, 2004, 02:35:19 am »
Must have been the first year work experience person who was on that day...


  • Guest
Hidden Gamespy Code Leads to Vulnerabilities in Several Games
« Reply #3 on: March 02, 2004, 11:13:48 am »
The following security advisory is sent to the securiteam mailing list, and can be found at the SecuriTeam web site:
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The SecuriTeam alerts list - Free, Accurate, Independent.

Get your security news from a reliable source.

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  Hidden Gamespy Code Leads to Vulnerabilities in Several Games


Gamespy's CDKey validation toolkit is an SDK for games developers which
enables them to easily implement online management of users and cd-key

A flaw exists in the handling of query packets that can cause the game
server to crash. Yet more "security through obscurity" flaws are described
which give rise to the question of exactly how secure the user's
information is.


Vulnerable Systems:
 * Battlefield 1942 versions 1.6.19 and 1.6rc1
 * Contract Jack version 1.1
 * Gore version 1.48 (1.49)
 * Haegemonia version 1.0.7
 * Halo version 1.031
 * Hidden & Dangerous 2 version 1.031
 * Project IGI 2 version 1.04
 * Judge Dredd: Dredd vs. Death, version 1.01
 * Need For Speed Hot Pursuit 2, version 2.42
 * Terminator 3: War of the Machines version 1.0
 * TRON 2, version 1.042

The list of games is by no means complete. Other games are probably making
use of the CDKey validation toolkit as well.

Remote Server Crash Bug
A bug exists in the code that handles a query packet. The code that copies
the buffer that is delimeted by backslashes does so in an unsafe manner.
The following snippet of code demonstrates the programming error:

int size = strchr(buff + 1, '\\') - buff;
if(size > 32) return;
strncpy(querybuff, buff + 1, size);

It's plain to see two common programming errors. The first is not checking
the return value of the strchr() function. In fact there is no test for a
failure condition, such as a return value of 0. The second error is that
size is in fact a signed integer. If strchr() fails and returns 0 which
causes the strncpy function to reference negative offsets and therefore to
cause an exception.

Privacy Issues
Some hidden commands can be used to query the server about specific
user/s. For example, the 'ison' command is used to query whether a user
with a specified CD key or MD5 hash is playing on the server. If the
CD-key or hash of the user is known it becomes trivial to track the user
across the gaming network.

Analysis of Hidden Code
There are some undocumented, hidden functions in the CDKey SDK. These
functions are only activated when a packet with a special character is
received by the server, or when the server needs to validate a user's

The hidden function used to manage the "undocumented" queries is activated
when a packet starting with the char ';' (byte 0x3B) reaches the query
port of the game server of any user online. The query port is just the
same UDP port used to receive the information queries "basic", "info",
"status", "rules", etc.

In fact, the 0x3B is the backslash character (which is used to delimit a
normal query) XORed with the char 'g' of the gamespy string. The packet
sent to the server is simply XORed. The following code can be used to
encode/decode the packet:

void gamespyxor(u_char *string, int len) {
    u_char gamespy[] = "gamespy",
    for(gs = gamespy; len; len--, gs++, string++) {
        if(!*gs) gs = gamespy;
        *string ^= *gs;

In order to hide the undocumented commands from prying eyes of users
opening the executable using any hex editor, the code contains means for
building the commands on the fly in order to evaluate them against the
commands received from the packets.

:004422B7 B175 mov cl, 75
:004422B9 B06F mov al, 6F
:004422BB 56 push esi
:004422BC 8BF2 mov esi, edx
:004422BE B26E mov dl, 6E
:004422C0 884C240C mov byte[esp+0C], cl
:004422C4 884C2410 mov byte[esp+10], cl
:004422C8 884C2420 mov byte[esp+20], cl
:004422CC 884C2423 mov byte[esp+23], cl
:004422D0 33C9 xor ecx, ecx
:004422D2 85F6 test esi, esi
:004422D4 8844240D mov byte[esp+0D], al
:004422D8 88442412 mov byte[esp+12], al
:004422DC 8844241A mov byte[esp+1A], al
:004422E0 88442422 mov byte[esp+22], al
:004422E4 C644240E6B mov byte[esp+0E], 6B
:004422E9 C644240F00 mov byte[esp+0F], 00
:004422EE 88542411 mov byte[esp+11], dl
:004422F2 C64424136B mov byte[esp+13], 6B
:004422F7 C644241400 mov byte[esp+14], 00
:004422FC C644241869 mov byte[esp+18], 69
:00442301 C644241973 mov byte[esp+19], 73
:00442306 8854241B mov byte[esp+1B], dl
:0044230A C644241C00 mov byte[esp+1C], 00
:0044230F C644242163 mov byte[esp+21], 63
:00442314 88542424 mov byte[esp+24], dl
:00442318 C644242574 mov byte[esp+25], 74
:0044231D C644242600 mov byte[esp+26], 00

The portion of code comes directly from the file BF1942_w32ded.exe of
Battlefield 1942 Win32 dedicated server 1.6.19 but this "hiding technique"
is the same used in all the other vulnerable games and moreover also in
all the Gamespy products (..."Gamers trust us"...).

The generated commands are exactly: "uok", "unok", "ison" and "ucount".
The first 2 commands in reality are replies sent by the Gamespy master
server to the games servers when they request the validation of a cd-key
using the "auth" query.

Examples of some practical queries which can be used:

\uok\\cd\0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef\skey\1\errmsg\Valid CD Key \unok\\cd\0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef\skey\1\errmsg\Invalid CD Key \ison\skey\1\cd\0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef

Where "skey" is an ID number used to track replies to a specific query and
"cd" is the CD key hash. The CD key hash is simply the MD5 hash calculated
by the client on his
original CD key, it is sent by each client to the game server that uses it
to validate the client through the master server.

After the server assembles the commands in memory and they are evaluated
against the data from the packet, the server sends the reply. Examples of
replies follow:

\uon\\skey\1 the requested CD key is used in the target server \uoff\\skey\1 the requested CD key is not used in the target server \ucount\9 in the target server there are 9 players using CD key

Proof of Concept Examples
Just sending the magic backslash character should be enough to crash the
server. However, a small proof of concept code can be found at  

A tool that can be used to send the undocumented commands to the server
can be found at  <>

A tool that analyzes the packets can be obtained from  

And a tool that logs the encoded UDP commands can be downloaded from  


The information has been provided by  <> Luigi


This bulletin is sent to members of the SecuriTeam mailing list.
To unsubscribe from the list, send mail with an empty subject line and body to:
In order to subscribe to the mailing list, simply forward this email to:


The information in this bulletin is provided "AS IS" without warranty of any kind.
In no event shall we be liable for any damages whatsoever including direct, indirect, incidental, consequential, loss of business profits or special damages.


  • Guest
Re: Hidden Gamespy Code Leads to Vulnerabilities in Several Games
« Reply #4 on: March 02, 2004, 04:51:18 pm »
Bad programmer! No biscuit.  


  • Guest
Re: Hidden Gamespy Code Leads to Vulnerabilities in Several Games
« Reply #5 on: March 03, 2004, 02:35:19 am »
Must have been the first year work experience person who was on that day...