Topic: Ganymad or Anyone who can....  (Read 1596 times)

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Ganymad or Anyone who can....
« on: March 08, 2004, 09:53:44 am »
Help me with some stuff

I really liked the info you provided me in the other post to Ann, I really would appreciate anything else you can give me on feds, klinks, rommies, or etc...

like weapons, shields, hull armor, maneuverability

Klingon photons are stronger than feds?????
Disruptors, differences btwn rommies, and klinks, should I give klingons 1 and 2, and rommies 3and 4, I know the disruptors in SFC2OP are all the same except range, but is that a good idea lol lol, It give rommies the advantage

Hull klingon and fed?????

Shields on all of them????  whose weakest, where rear, forward, stronger, etc.....

Manurverablilty please?????

And anything else you think is good info to know

Adam out

PS thanks an advanced


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Re: Ganymad or Anyone who can....
« Reply #1 on: March 08, 2004, 04:03:13 pm »
well - always happy to lend a hand

this is going to be a long post so let me tell you something before u read it. i canceled my tng mod a long time ago and the following stuff is mostly tmp. but maybe it can help u a little bit with your mod.

weapons. i use the weapons in sfc in a empire specific way.

phaser-2  = main ship phasers (alot of them in very limmeted arcs like fa,ra,frr,fll,sfbr,sfbl)
i use it because i didn want to give the federation with its phaser boats a range advantadge

phaser-1  = megaphasercannons and small basephasers (180degree arcs) - very few ships
phaser-4  = starbases and battlestations only  (same arcs as on the ships - limited)

i use quite limeted arcs on most of my ships - makes it  more tactical and helps balancing out the phaser firepower of the federation - for example : my fca (conny refit - 18 phaser 2 and 2x2 photons)

my feddies have quit a short range punch and acceptable punch on midrange due the many phasers
all photon tubes are doubletubes - to simulate the fast firing torptubes in tmp.

for comparism:
fff - oberth - 2ph2 - 2phot
fdd- destiny - 8 ph2 - 4phot
fcl - baker - 16 ph2
fncl - mirinda - 14 ph2  - 4phot (2xfara - arc) -  2 ph1
fnca - belknap - 16 ph2 - 4phot
fca - conny r - 18 ph2 - 4phot
fcc - constelation - 14 ph2 - 8phot
fbc - excelsiot - 24ph2 - 8 phot
fdn - yorktown - 14ph2 - 12 phot
fcva - frontier - 14 phaser2 - 8phot - 2ph1
fdnh - ulysses - 24 ph2 - 12 phot
fbb - dont use a fed bb at the moment - im waiting for wz`s missouri class bb


disrupter 3 = main weapon
heavy photons = heavy weapon (i use them in my tmp mod because i dont have to save that "slot" for quantums)
heavy disrupter = only on the battleship together with disruptors of type 3 - klink-rom tech exchange

kff - BoP - 2dis3 -1hphot
kdd -k17 - 2dis3 - 2 hphot
kcl - d5/6 - 7 dis3 - 1 hphot
kca - d7t - 8dis 3 - 2hphot
kcb -c7- 12dis3 - 2hphot
kbc - d8? (warriorsanger) -14 dis3 - 3hphot
kbch -d9? (emperor) - 18dis3  - 3hphot
kdn -l24 -18dis3 - 4 hphot
kbb - b10/11 - 16 dis3 - 5hphot - 6hdis

early era: no primary weapons
mid era: disrupter 3 on all rom/klink-ships
late era: heavy disrupters on the new romulan designs (never more than 6 on a ship)
all eras heavy weapons: pl-f,pl-g,pl-s,pl-r

....dont have them all in memory.

primary:dis4 (lyrans are quit advanced)
heavy: esg , esg-lance

gorn: ph-x ( not too many but i allways liked to see gorn phasers as big turrets with overload option so i choosed the ph-x)
heavy: pl-e,pl-d ,heavy ph-B (plasmas and phaser b are a deadly combination - u will never miss the enveloping option to crack the shields of an enemy)

main: ph-g
heavy: fusions and hellbores (nothing too special)

isc: (is the most advanced in my mod)
main: phg2

mirak: main: dis1 , ph 3 (they arent as advanced as the other empires)
heavy:all kind of missle racks exept mirv

orions: all kind of weapons exept the isc weapons

im still considering if i shouls add tholians to the mod. than things might change a bit.

hull armor:

all empires (plasmausers, feds , hydrans ) have hull armor - most: gorn(very much armor because of weaker shielding) and klinks , then roms and fed on a level with the hydrans. lyrans have very few armor , same with the isc and mirak


worst:gorn, folowed by federation and isc. roms (depends on era rom klink ships are the best, old series are the worst),mirak is midfield same with hydrans - best and unbeaten: the klinks (the d7 has turn rate b)

shields: best allround: fed and new roms then isc. klinks use very strong front shields and damn weak rear shields - same with lyrans but their shilds are better balanced between frond and aft.gorn are somewhat weak but they got a hefty punch and alot of armor. hydrans are in the middle of all of them isc is good but nothing special.

energy: all disruptor using empires (especialy klinks at roms) have about 10 to 15% more energy than their counterparts in the galaxy.federation,gorn and isc are the most flexible while the mirak are kinda low on warppower( they just dont need that much)

hull - easy: gorn,fed,isc the stronges , rommies , klingons and lyrans the weakest hull.mirak and hydrans in the better part of the midfield.

sensors and labs: the most advanced are isc and fed,folowed by rommies lyrans and klinks, klinks have some more special sensors to make weaponsfire more accurat) mirak and gorn are a bit behind. hydrans in the midfield

empire summery:

fed:strengths: lots of phasers, few blindspots (arcwise - they got lots of arcs), flexible energy management, good hulls
very good labs and sensors
weaknesses: 2nd worst maneuverability, often weak rear weapons, limited arcs,rely on short range combat most times ,photons are easy to counter with ecm.

klinks: strength: good arcs, best maneuvering, constant firepower , good energy,massiv front shieldm good armor,long range weapons
weaknesses: weak hulls, very weak rearshield , few tractors, limited sensors,low alpha strikes in normal mode

roms:strength - plasmas and their puch combined with their flexibility, good shields and sensors , best direct hit punch
weaknesses: most weapons in forward arcs, weak hulls,few transporters and spareparts

gorn: strength: massive weapon arrays , very good arcs , very very few ships with blindspots,great hull and armor
weaknesses: low shilding, few tractors,worst maneuvering,no het

lyran: strong weapons, good arcs(but nothing compared to the gorn) , well shielded and quit good maneuvering
weaknesses: soft hulls, energy problems , bad rear weaponry

strenghts: short range punch WOOHOOOOOOOOOOOO and long range bombardment, best fighters,
very balanced ships
weaknesses: nothing seriusly - some dont have tractors.

mirak: strength: lots of phasers (but only ph3) , good mix of abilities, lotsa spareparts, fast like hell!!! loads of shuttles and good fighters
weaknesses : limited amount of ammo, rely very much on the first 2 or 3 strikes , shortrange primary weapons,no labs

isc: good arcs (forward and side, good fighters, thick hull and superb sensors, ppd and plasma x! gatling 2 is dangerous too
weaknesses - weak rear arcs, weak armor, high movement costs,few spareparts.

thats it for now

if u have any questions just ask

greatings from





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Re: Ganymad or Anyone who can....
« Reply #2 on: March 08, 2004, 06:39:06 pm »
Nice looking mod, just one real problem.  Races without phasers are little more than targets for the Mirak.  Disrupters, Photons and non Defensive plasmas cant even shoot at incoming missiles.  So the Klinks, and Romulans are at a serious disadvantage, and Lyrans would have to use their ESGs and hope that theres enough juice to get the incoming missiles.  


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Re: Ganymad or Anyone who can....
« Reply #3 on: March 09, 2004, 08:13:04 am »
my lyrans have alot of tractors (my lca has 3tractors , lbc has 4,dn has even 6) + the esg so not too many trouble with missles here.
the klinks got amd6 on nearly all ships only the base versions dont have them but they got some tractors and they are pretty fast.
my romulans do have a missle problem, especialy the old series - only 1 tractor on most ships and very few mines.
rom-klink era ships dont have the amd the klingons use but they can switch their plasmas to defense and they cary a good deal of mines.
my late era rommies have a whole bunch of plasmas wich can be set to defensiv + they carry more tractors.

my mirak have alot of missles (amd12 and alot of ph3 to counter them) and quit big launchers. so they do a massive strike but i limited the relads to a maximum of 2 so thy have to use that strike very accurat to win the battle. the mirak do have a little advantage in fleet engagement against disruptor races tough. but thats the only situation when missles are a real danger. in a 1 vs 1 theyre easy to conter.


btw: here are some new suggestions (i reconsidered some weapons choices) for all who want to make a tmp/tos->tmp  mod tos

new weapons profile without tholians and andromedans (tmp only)

mir:ph3,dis-1,all types of racks exept mirv(pirates only),fdis,fmissles,mines

heres the new weapons profile with andromedans and tholians (tos/tmp):

fed:ph-2,ph-1,ph-3(for tos ships),phot,mines,ph-4
mir:dis-1,all types of racks exept mirv(pirates only),fdis,fmissles,mines
tho: dis2,hellb (i made a new hellbore texture simulating the netgun),maybe fhellb

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by ganymad »


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Ganymad or Anyone who can....
« Reply #4 on: March 08, 2004, 09:53:44 am »
Help me with some stuff

I really liked the info you provided me in the other post to Ann, I really would appreciate anything else you can give me on feds, klinks, rommies, or etc...

like weapons, shields, hull armor, maneuverability

Klingon photons are stronger than feds?????
Disruptors, differences btwn rommies, and klinks, should I give klingons 1 and 2, and rommies 3and 4, I know the disruptors in SFC2OP are all the same except range, but is that a good idea lol lol, It give rommies the advantage

Hull klingon and fed?????

Shields on all of them????  whose weakest, where rear, forward, stronger, etc.....

Manurverablilty please?????

And anything else you think is good info to know

Adam out

PS thanks an advanced


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Re: Ganymad or Anyone who can....
« Reply #5 on: March 08, 2004, 04:03:13 pm »
well - always happy to lend a hand

this is going to be a long post so let me tell you something before u read it. i canceled my tng mod a long time ago and the following stuff is mostly tmp. but maybe it can help u a little bit with your mod.

weapons. i use the weapons in sfc in a empire specific way.

phaser-2  = main ship phasers (alot of them in very limmeted arcs like fa,ra,frr,fll,sfbr,sfbl)
i use it because i didn want to give the federation with its phaser boats a range advantadge

phaser-1  = megaphasercannons and small basephasers (180degree arcs) - very few ships
phaser-4  = starbases and battlestations only  (same arcs as on the ships - limited)

i use quite limeted arcs on most of my ships - makes it  more tactical and helps balancing out the phaser firepower of the federation - for example : my fca (conny refit - 18 phaser 2 and 2x2 photons)

my feddies have quit a short range punch and acceptable punch on midrange due the many phasers
all photon tubes are doubletubes - to simulate the fast firing torptubes in tmp.

for comparism:
fff - oberth - 2ph2 - 2phot
fdd- destiny - 8 ph2 - 4phot
fcl - baker - 16 ph2
fncl - mirinda - 14 ph2  - 4phot (2xfara - arc) -  2 ph1
fnca - belknap - 16 ph2 - 4phot
fca - conny r - 18 ph2 - 4phot
fcc - constelation - 14 ph2 - 8phot
fbc - excelsiot - 24ph2 - 8 phot
fdn - yorktown - 14ph2 - 12 phot
fcva - frontier - 14 phaser2 - 8phot - 2ph1
fdnh - ulysses - 24 ph2 - 12 phot
fbb - dont use a fed bb at the moment - im waiting for wz`s missouri class bb


disrupter 3 = main weapon
heavy photons = heavy weapon (i use them in my tmp mod because i dont have to save that "slot" for quantums)
heavy disrupter = only on the battleship together with disruptors of type 3 - klink-rom tech exchange

kff - BoP - 2dis3 -1hphot
kdd -k17 - 2dis3 - 2 hphot
kcl - d5/6 - 7 dis3 - 1 hphot
kca - d7t - 8dis 3 - 2hphot
kcb -c7- 12dis3 - 2hphot
kbc - d8? (warriorsanger) -14 dis3 - 3hphot
kbch -d9? (emperor) - 18dis3  - 3hphot
kdn -l24 -18dis3 - 4 hphot
kbb - b10/11 - 16 dis3 - 5hphot - 6hdis

early era: no primary weapons
mid era: disrupter 3 on all rom/klink-ships
late era: heavy disrupters on the new romulan designs (never more than 6 on a ship)
all eras heavy weapons: pl-f,pl-g,pl-s,pl-r

....dont have them all in memory.

primary:dis4 (lyrans are quit advanced)
heavy: esg , esg-lance

gorn: ph-x ( not too many but i allways liked to see gorn phasers as big turrets with overload option so i choosed the ph-x)
heavy: pl-e,pl-d ,heavy ph-B (plasmas and phaser b are a deadly combination - u will never miss the enveloping option to crack the shields of an enemy)

main: ph-g
heavy: fusions and hellbores (nothing too special)

isc: (is the most advanced in my mod)
main: phg2

mirak: main: dis1 , ph 3 (they arent as advanced as the other empires)
heavy:all kind of missle racks exept mirv

orions: all kind of weapons exept the isc weapons

im still considering if i shouls add tholians to the mod. than things might change a bit.

hull armor:

all empires (plasmausers, feds , hydrans ) have hull armor - most: gorn(very much armor because of weaker shielding) and klinks , then roms and fed on a level with the hydrans. lyrans have very few armor , same with the isc and mirak


worst:gorn, folowed by federation and isc. roms (depends on era rom klink ships are the best, old series are the worst),mirak is midfield same with hydrans - best and unbeaten: the klinks (the d7 has turn rate b)

shields: best allround: fed and new roms then isc. klinks use very strong front shields and damn weak rear shields - same with lyrans but their shilds are better balanced between frond and aft.gorn are somewhat weak but they got a hefty punch and alot of armor. hydrans are in the middle of all of them isc is good but nothing special.

energy: all disruptor using empires (especialy klinks at roms) have about 10 to 15% more energy than their counterparts in the galaxy.federation,gorn and isc are the most flexible while the mirak are kinda low on warppower( they just dont need that much)

hull - easy: gorn,fed,isc the stronges , rommies , klingons and lyrans the weakest hull.mirak and hydrans in the better part of the midfield.

sensors and labs: the most advanced are isc and fed,folowed by rommies lyrans and klinks, klinks have some more special sensors to make weaponsfire more accurat) mirak and gorn are a bit behind. hydrans in the midfield

empire summery:

fed:strengths: lots of phasers, few blindspots (arcwise - they got lots of arcs), flexible energy management, good hulls
very good labs and sensors
weaknesses: 2nd worst maneuverability, often weak rear weapons, limited arcs,rely on short range combat most times ,photons are easy to counter with ecm.

klinks: strength: good arcs, best maneuvering, constant firepower , good energy,massiv front shieldm good armor,long range weapons
weaknesses: weak hulls, very weak rearshield , few tractors, limited sensors,low alpha strikes in normal mode

roms:strength - plasmas and their puch combined with their flexibility, good shields and sensors , best direct hit punch
weaknesses: most weapons in forward arcs, weak hulls,few transporters and spareparts

gorn: strength: massive weapon arrays , very good arcs , very very few ships with blindspots,great hull and armor
weaknesses: low shilding, few tractors,worst maneuvering,no het

lyran: strong weapons, good arcs(but nothing compared to the gorn) , well shielded and quit good maneuvering
weaknesses: soft hulls, energy problems , bad rear weaponry

strenghts: short range punch WOOHOOOOOOOOOOOO and long range bombardment, best fighters,
very balanced ships
weaknesses: nothing seriusly - some dont have tractors.

mirak: strength: lots of phasers (but only ph3) , good mix of abilities, lotsa spareparts, fast like hell!!! loads of shuttles and good fighters
weaknesses : limited amount of ammo, rely very much on the first 2 or 3 strikes , shortrange primary weapons,no labs

isc: good arcs (forward and side, good fighters, thick hull and superb sensors, ppd and plasma x! gatling 2 is dangerous too
weaknesses - weak rear arcs, weak armor, high movement costs,few spareparts.

thats it for now

if u have any questions just ask

greatings from





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Re: Ganymad or Anyone who can....
« Reply #6 on: March 08, 2004, 06:39:06 pm »
Nice looking mod, just one real problem.  Races without phasers are little more than targets for the Mirak.  Disrupters, Photons and non Defensive plasmas cant even shoot at incoming missiles.  So the Klinks, and Romulans are at a serious disadvantage, and Lyrans would have to use their ESGs and hope that theres enough juice to get the incoming missiles.  


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Re: Ganymad or Anyone who can....
« Reply #7 on: March 09, 2004, 08:13:04 am »
my lyrans have alot of tractors (my lca has 3tractors , lbc has 4,dn has even 6) + the esg so not too many trouble with missles here.
the klinks got amd6 on nearly all ships only the base versions dont have them but they got some tractors and they are pretty fast.
my romulans do have a missle problem, especialy the old series - only 1 tractor on most ships and very few mines.
rom-klink era ships dont have the amd the klingons use but they can switch their plasmas to defense and they cary a good deal of mines.
my late era rommies have a whole bunch of plasmas wich can be set to defensiv + they carry more tractors.

my mirak have alot of missles (amd12 and alot of ph3 to counter them) and quit big launchers. so they do a massive strike but i limited the relads to a maximum of 2 so thy have to use that strike very accurat to win the battle. the mirak do have a little advantage in fleet engagement against disruptor races tough. but thats the only situation when missles are a real danger. in a 1 vs 1 theyre easy to conter.


btw: here are some new suggestions (i reconsidered some weapons choices) for all who want to make a tmp/tos->tmp  mod tos

new weapons profile without tholians and andromedans (tmp only)

mir:ph3,dis-1,all types of racks exept mirv(pirates only),fdis,fmissles,mines

heres the new weapons profile with andromedans and tholians (tos/tmp):

fed:ph-2,ph-1,ph-3(for tos ships),phot,mines,ph-4
mir:dis-1,all types of racks exept mirv(pirates only),fdis,fmissles,mines
tho: dis2,hellb (i made a new hellbore texture simulating the netgun),maybe fhellb

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by ganymad »