Topic: Day of the Eagle: The Return of Herr Burt  (Read 24732 times)

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Herr Burt

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Day of the Eagle: The Return of Herr Burt
« on: January 19, 2003, 03:13:22 pm »
Just a bit of a heads up (way in advance) for those who might be interested.

I've begun work on a new D2 server, entitled Day of the Eagle.  This server would run for about two weeks, and would cover the time-frame of 2273 through 2277, inclusive.  This would be the "surprise" invasion of the Federation by the Romulans during the General War, and the subsequent Gorn counter-invasion.   It stops just short of the introduction of the PF

*Playable races would be the Romulans, Federation (Eastern Half only), and Gorn.
*Gorn and Romulans would have access to carriers and fighters.  (Yes, this works)
*I hope to have Romulan bombers installed on the Gorn/Romulan front, but this is not definite
*The concept would be a two-on-one three-way server.  Each race would have its own victory conditions.  It would be theoretically possibe (but damned unlikely) that all three races could score some level of victory.
*Tholians should be present as a nonplayer race.
*I intend to add drogues.  (If you don't know what they are, they will be a neat surprise.)

Hopefully, several people will be willing to show up and participate in "the more interesting" front of the General War.

There is no timetable yet; my efforts are still early.  Watch this space.  

-Herr Burt
Happy Warmongering!  
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Herr Burt »


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Re: Day of the Eagle: The Return of Herr Burt
« Reply #1 on: January 19, 2003, 03:33:39 pm »
So does that mean you are going to have Robin Trower looping in the back ground instead of the stock music?
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Corbomite »

SPQR Renegade001

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Re: Day of the Eagle: The Return of Herr Burt
« Reply #2 on: January 19, 2003, 04:11:25 pm »

There is no timetable yet; my efforts are still early.  Watch this space.  

You tease you! :P

Sounds like some good stuff there, assuming you can get enough Rommies to keep the Feds from opening their Romulan McDonnald's branch office before the end of the campaign.

[sharp provoking barb]

On the other hand, by dis-allowing the use of the Federation Western Fleet and allowing the Romulans our superior carriers, they'll likey be crying for help from their cold-blooded breathren before the end of the first day.

[/sharp provoking barb]

(Gorn rescuing the Federation from the Romulans... How poetic )    


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Re: Day of the Eagle: The Return of Herr Burt
« Reply #3 on: January 19, 2003, 04:15:46 pm »
I'm not entirely sure what will happen with Romulan fighters in SFC. I just hope it's painful for the Federation.  


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Re: Day of the Eagle: The Return of Herr Burt
« Reply #4 on: January 20, 2003, 11:02:33 pm »
That bit about having the Tholians but not letting them be a player race was a tease just for me wasn't it you Bastich!!!!

I want my dizzies!!!!!!  And you know how much i loved the Tholians in SFB!!!!  


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Re: Day of the Eagle: The Return of Herr Burt
« Reply #5 on: January 21, 2003, 11:08:23 am »
Oooooh.....this sounds VERY cool.  I'm not even sure which team i'd pick.

After flying enough on the SFC3 Triangle X server to earn over 400K as a Borg and about 250K as a Romulan over the past week and a half, I'm ready for SFC2 again.  SFC3 can be fun...but to me, it lacks even a modicum of strategic campaign depth.  I enjoy SFC2-style comabt much more than that of SFC3, as well.



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Re: Day of the Eagle: The Return of Herr Burt
« Reply #6 on: January 21, 2003, 07:14:54 pm »

I should think not.  Not if I have anything to say about it  ;P




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Re: Day of the Eagle: The Return of Herr Burt
« Reply #7 on: January 21, 2003, 07:55:20 pm »

Oooooh.....this sounds VERY cool.  I'm not even sure which team i'd pick.

After flying enough on the SFC3 Triangle X server to earn over 400K as a Borg and about 250K as a Romulan over the past week and a half, I'm ready for SFC2 again.  SFC3 can be fun...but to me, it lacks even a modicum of strategic campaign depth.  I enjoy SFC2-style comabt much more than that of SFC3, as well.


I don't think D2 has a big enough player base for strategic play anymore in a full 8 race campaign. The Kitties in AOTK had the right strategy but did not have the "bodies" to carry  out the plan to fruition.

That's why I opted for a more econ-centric VCs style in the pending "ISC Invasion" campaign.  Races that don't have the players show up will lose right away if the numbers are too lop-sided.  


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Re: Day of the Eagle: The Return of Herr Burt
« Reply #8 on: January 22, 2003, 03:35:53 am »
Fire it up!


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Re: Day of the Eagle: The Return of Herr Burt
« Reply #9 on: January 22, 2003, 05:10:13 am »

 posted by Karnak

I don't think D2 has a big enough player base for strategic play anymore in a full 8 race campaign. The Kitties in AOTK had the right strategy but did not have the "bodies" to carry  out the plan to fruition.

That's why I opted for a more econ-centric VCs style in the pending "ISC Invasion" campaign.  Races that don't have the players show up will lose right away if the numbers are too lop-sided.  

Which is why I think a combined shiplist merging the allied races is a very good idea. Not only does it fix resupplying at allied bases, it allows neutral space to be changed to a non-used empire (meaning neutral coop is a non-issue), and it gives players the opportunity to try other races ships, while being able to change back to one's they are familiar with with no problems.

The only drawback I see to a combined shiplist is the fact that players will be able to put very nasty (dare I say "cheesy"? yes I dare say it ) multi-race combos together (and from past experiences, sadly this WILL happen); a situation that will only be cured by imposing a 1 ship per player rule, thus allowing for a relaxing of the complicated CnC rules. Bases and planets will need teamwork to attack, rather than massed ai swarms (before Iaidoka jumps in here :P ), promoting better play all round imho.


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Re: Day of the Eagle: The Return of Herr Burt
« Reply #10 on: January 22, 2003, 05:14:28 am »
Btw, Herr Burt, you can put me down as a Romulan for this scenario. As much as I like playing Gorn, (and was tempted to make this my Fed server), the underdogs will need many players. I'm hoping the bulk of the Klingon players will choose Rom for this, then we'll have a very interesting setup. Thanks to you and your co-admin for setting this up


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Re: Day of the Eagle: The Return of Herr Burt
« Reply #11 on: January 22, 2003, 09:16:51 am »
Yeah...I'd be leaning towards Rom, too.  I'm an underdog kind of guy and I would be surprised if the size of the other two teams didn't flat out dwarf the Romulan contingent.

I like flying Rommie, too.  I'm not all that good to start with, but I'm certainly worse at flying romulan than I am it will be a challenge, to be sure.  I've flown a lot of Romulan in various campaigns, I just don't have a lot of PvP experience in Rom ships.



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Re: Day of the Eagle: The Return of Herr Burt
« Reply #12 on: January 22, 2003, 10:08:27 am »
That must be why I like the KDR/KDP and KCR and KRCS so much....hehhe....


SPQR Renegade001

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Re: Day of the Eagle: The Return of Herr Burt
« Reply #13 on: January 22, 2003, 10:23:30 am »
Herr Burt,

2 questions:

1). Are you planning on using ADB or Taldren as the source for your ships and fighters?
2.) When you get close, would you consider a preliminary release of your shiplist/fighterlist? We Rommies could sure use some practice with fighters (esp if their SFB speed, plasma based fighters), and I?m sure the opposing team would like some Sim time as well.


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Re: Day of the Eagle: The Return of Herr Burt
« Reply #14 on: January 22, 2003, 10:50:45 am »

Herr Burt,

2 questions:

1). Are you planning on using ADB or Taldren as the source for your ships and fighters?
2.) When you get close, would you consider a preliminary release of your shiplist/fighterlist? We Rommies could sure use some practice with fighters (esp if their SFB speed, plasma based fighters), and I?m sure the opposing team would like some Sim time as well.

Fighters with Plasma F's might be a little OTT unless the are slow say speed 20.   I think Pharoah proposed some ISC plasma based fighters for one of the shiplists which had F-Torps but were slow as a balancing act.  

Should be and interesting/fun server.  I think I'll fly Romulan so I can kill my friends  

To prevent this from turning into a complete hex-munching fest, I suggest a french-vannilla ship list with nothing more exoctic than a command crusier (Make the BCHs available when/if the year is right).  No carriers, bombardment ships, or any other cheese.  But I know that is just a pipedream      


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Re: Day of the Eagle: The Return of Herr Burt
« Reply #15 on: January 22, 2003, 12:48:39 pm »

The only drawback I see to a combined shiplist is the fact that players will be able to put very nasty (dare I say "cheesy"? yes I dare say it ) multi-race combos together (and from past experiences, sadly this WILL happen); a situation that will only be cured by imposing a 1 ship per player rule, thus allowing for a relaxing of the complicated CnC rules. Bases and planets will need teamwork to attack, rather than massed ai swarms (before Iaidoka jumps in here :P ), promoting better play all round imho.  

Grumble Grumble, Mutter

Grumble some more.

In the end, my opinion doesn't count. If the rules get so restrictive that I will no longer have fun, it will be obvious because of my absence.

Every campaign the restrictions get tighter and tighter.  Every campaign there are fewer and fewer of us.  Coincidence?  Perhaps.

All the bitching and moaning about how the game isn't any fun anymore because of multiple ship fleets reminds me a lot of the naval brass types who were convinced right before WWII that the next big naval war would be a war of battleships.  That was of course before the advent of pt boats and carriers.  Kinda changed the whole thing didn't they. Pt boats made destroyers more important and carriers made carriers the kings of the seas and relegated the battleship to an escort roll for the carriers.


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Re: Day of the Eagle: The Return of Herr Burt
« Reply #16 on: January 22, 2003, 01:22:02 pm »

Fighters with Plasma F's might be a little OTT unless the are slow say speed 20.   I think Pharoah proposed some ISC plasma based fighters for one of the shiplists which had F-Torps but were slow as a balancing act.  

To prevent this from turning into a complete hex-munching fest, I suggest a french-vannilla ship list with nothing more exoctic than a command crusier (Make the BCHs available when/if the year is right).  No carriers, bombardment ships, or any other cheese.  But I know that is just a pipedream      

Hey Diehard (with a Vengenance), I doubt that there is going to be too much cheese since he did state that the timeline would be for the years 2273 to 2277.   The BCH's don't come out until much later.   Plus which, knowing Herr Burt like I do, he will surely keep the ships vanilla-ish since that is the style of campaign he typically likes.   The fighters for the Gorn and Romulan's will problably be based on SFB specs, so PF shouldn't even come into play.   Then again, I could be wrong.

Hey, why don't you come and try the Gorn this time.   We'll be coming to save your Federation butts from the Nassty, trickssy, evil Romulans.   There's nothing like flying into combat with the biggest, baddest, squarest flying brick that the SFC universe has ever seen.    Takes a licken, and keeps on ticken.

New Gorn motto:   We'll bring the the WHOOPIN, you bring the ASS.    

Oh, don't forget the song of choice when charging into battle:

Enjoy, one and all,



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Re: Day of the Eagle: The Return of Herr Burt
« Reply #17 on: January 22, 2003, 01:42:46 pm »

Hey Diehard (with a Vengenance), I doubt that there is going to be too much cheese since he did state that the timeline would be for the years 2273 to 2277.   The BCH's don't come out until much later.   Plus which, knowing Herr Burt like I do, he will surely keep the ships vanilla-ish since that is the style of campaign he typically likes.   The fighters for the Gorn and Romulan's will problably be based on SFB specs, so PF shouldn't even come into play.   Then again, I could be wrong.


Seriously, SFB fighters?  Does anyone want REAL F-14s in this game?  I sure as hell don't.

I didn't play on the 4 powers war because I knew it would be lopsided.   There is no way to balance a campaign like that out in a D2 because the Klink ships of that era sucked ass on a one-for-one basis.  Didn't Herbert make Command ships (which are by no means cheese) by making them more expensive?   What happened?  Didn't people wait and buy them any way?

If you want a balance campaign like this, you have to restrict the cheese.  What's stopping the Feds from all flying CADs and mucnching the entire map without even needing to win a PvP fight?

Please, the Federation, Gorn and Romulan Command Crusiers are all relatively balanced in terms of AI killing speed and PvP ability.  What the heck does adding more cheese accomplish?

PS:   I'm already a damm good Gorn Pilot.  I SUCK at Romulan and need the practice.    


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Re: Day of the Eagle: The Return of Herr Burt
« Reply #18 on: January 22, 2003, 02:13:04 pm »

Seriously, SFB fighters?  Does anyone want REAL F-14s in this game?  I sure as hell don't.

If they are restricted to SFB speeds then sure.


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Re: Day of the Eagle: The Return of Herr Burt
« Reply #19 on: January 22, 2003, 02:27:34 pm »
Iaidoka, I hear (read) what you're saying. But, would you really want to go back to zero restrictions? Players with 3 CVAs? Or 3 D5Ds or 3 AD5s, or 3 NEC/NAC/NCD+, 3 PFTs, 3 KDPs, even 3 BBs ? etc.

I'm not trying to be more restrictive. I'm trying to be less restrictive. 1 ship per player - you can fly carrier, droner, escort, whatever (hopefully with the AOTK DN rule, relaxed so that it's voluntary! ). I know you promote massed fleets for base assaults. Teamwork can achieve the same thing.  


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Re: Day of the Eagle: The Return of Herr Burt
« Reply #20 on: January 22, 2003, 03:01:18 pm »


Hey Diehard (with a Vengenance), I doubt that there is going to be too much cheese since he did state that the timeline would be for the years 2273 to 2277.   The BCH's don't come out until much later.   Plus which, knowing Herr Burt like I do, he will surely keep the ships vanilla-ish since that is the style of campaign he typically likes.   The fighters for the Gorn and Romulan's will problably be based on SFB specs, so PF shouldn't even come into play.   Then again, I could be wrong.


Seriously, SFB fighters?  Does anyone want REAL F-14s in this game?  I sure as hell don't.

I didn't play on the 4 powers war because I knew it would be lopsided.   There is no way to balance a campaign like that out in a D2 because the Klink ships of that era sucked ass on a one-for-one basis.  Didn't Herbert make Command ships (which are by no means cheese) by making them more expensive?   What happened?  Didn't people wait and buy them any way?

If you want a balance campaign like this, you have to restrict the cheese.  What's stopping the Feds from all flying CADs and mucnching the entire map without even needing to win a PvP fight?

Please, the Federation, Gorn and Romulan Command Crusiers are all relatively balanced in terms of AI killing speed and PvP ability.  What the heck does adding more cheese accomplish?


Amen, Brother....

I was there (4 Powers).  It was ugly. ..and YES, people still got the ship they wanted, they just had to wait longer.  Problem was, a a Klingon, flying an F5C was bad enough....due to mission matching, flying anything larger was akin to suicide.

Amen on the rest, too. I think in a campaign like the one proposed, our honorable Fed friends could do without their CADs and NCDs, but even if they are let in...maybe this would be the perfecxt opportunity to allow any ship, but only ONE ship.


SPQR Renegade001

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Re: Day of the Eagle: The Return of Herr Burt
« Reply #21 on: January 22, 2003, 03:03:36 pm »


  Seriously, SFB fighters?  Does anyone want REAL F-14s in this game?  I sure as hell don't.

 If they are restricted to SFB speeds then sure.    

I tend to agree with the Gentlegorn in the tutu. Per SFB, Rom GSF fighters ran at (IIRC)speed 12 without their warp packs. They were better at pursuading the Feddies to NOT go somewhere than they were at hunting then down and killing them. Even with their packs, their speed would only be 24 (at the cost of half their damage points). F-14s were faster, but not by much. If the speeds are toned down to these levels, I see no issue with bringing in the SFB fighters.


  In reading the description of the Fed CAD in the SFB rulebook, it states that there really was only 1 CAD in the whole fleet.  That means this ship should most definately be put into rarified status to the extreme.  

On the topic of the SFB/F&E OOBs, a point to remember is that in a heavy night's gaming, we can chew through the F&E ship allocation for the entire General War. We should keep an eye on what is rare, but IMO only one ship should be treated as unique: the B10 (Really there were 3, but only one entered full service). I like the way AToK limited the capital hulls (I'm not talking about distribution. That's another thread),
When it comes to the other rare ships, I have to believe that pricing and shipyard rareity can work. If 4 corners still had issues with too many players flying the specials, then the pricing wasn't exaggerated enough. There must be a point where the PP cost of flying a CC over a CA is no longer worth it. Is it worth a 30% premium to fly an F-CC solo, when the CA is only lacking the rear phaser array? The same could be said for the KRCS vs. KR7B. How much are 2 plas-D really worth, before players will choose the ship of the line for solo play?  


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Re: Day of the Eagle: The Return of Herr Burt
« Reply #22 on: January 22, 2003, 03:17:00 pm »

In reading the description of the Fed CAD in the SFB rulebook, it states that there really was only 1 CAD in the whole fleet.  That means this ship should most definately be put into rarified status to the extreme.  

It's also fair to point out that the D5D and D6D were pretty restricted too. The D5D, while intended as a direct combat ship, never amounted to more than 20% of the total D5 production line, and the D6D was reserved for bombardment and fleet actions and almost never patrolled alone. But if you log onto any serious server, it's a rarity to find a Klink flying anything else prior to the C7.  


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Re: Day of the Eagle: The Return of Herr Burt
« Reply #23 on: January 22, 2003, 03:34:33 pm »

It's also fair to point out that the D5D and D6D were pretty restricted too. The D5D, while intended as a direct combat ship, never amounted to more than 20% of the total D5 production line, and the D6D was reserved for bombardment and fleet actions and almost never patrolled alone. But if you log onto any serious server, it's a rarity to find a Klink flying anything else prior to the C7.  

Since there won't be any klingons on this server go ahead and cut all the D5Ds and D6Ds out of the shiplist along with the Fed CAD


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Re: Day of the Eagle: The Return of Herr Burt
« Reply #24 on: January 22, 2003, 03:37:56 pm »

Agave said:
To prevent this from turning into a complete hex-munching fest, I suggest a french-vannilla ship list with nothing more exoctic than a command crusier (Make the BCHs available when/if the year is right).  No carriers, bombardment ships, or any other cheese.  But I know that is just a pipedream      

Hail my old friend. In this matter I must disagree. For the scenario described Carriers are a must at least in the way used by the federation. The Carrier MacAurther was the backbone of the federation offensive. The key is not to ban certain ships but to limit their availability.

For example in terms of carriers I suggest only two be allowed for the federation. In this way they become very valuable. I do agree that many cheese ships should be removed but it is important to make sure the main ships from the historical prespective are at least represented.



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Re: Day of the Eagle: The Return of Herr Burt
« Reply #25 on: January 22, 2003, 03:48:55 pm »
Don't misunderstand me, I am not a fan of Fed drone boats. Actually, I dislike pure drone boats period. I was simply pointing out that if you restrict one side's cheese, you should restrict everybody's. That being said, I'm thinking of bringing back Father Bruce for this server. What do I need besides beer, a few chocodiles, and a bottle of Tequila? I am a man of the cloth, so I will not wear a tutu.  


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Re: Day of the Eagle: The Return of Herr Burt
« Reply #26 on: January 22, 2003, 03:58:57 pm »
And it is only the eastern portion of the federation.
I interpret this as the Federation fleet assigned to the Fed/Rom border plus any reinforcment from the reserve fleet would be part of the order of battle.
So it would be possible that some units from the Federation shipyard are not available as they are assigned in other conflict in another theater taking place in the portion of their territory out of the campaign map.
On the other hand, the Gorns and Roms would be in this conflict with all they can muster.  

And for the MacArthur being a critcal unit in the offensive against the Roms, it was. I do not remember by heart but I think it was a little later than the proposed time frame of this campaign. The day of the eagle was the openning of the war and the CVA MacArthur's crash into the Rom Homeworld marked its end. I do not know when that CVA started to be active there.  

Lots of is good to see that people are interesrted by the idea of the campaign.  
« Last Edit: January 22, 2003, 04:19:22 pm by Remiak »


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Re: Day of the Eagle: The Return of Herr Burt
« Reply #27 on: January 22, 2003, 04:55:44 pm »

Iaidoka, I hear (read) what you're saying. But, would you really want to go back to zero restrictions? Players with 3 CVAs? Or 3 D5Ds or 3 AD5s, or 3 NEC/NAC/NCD+, 3 PFTs, 3 KDPs, even 3 BBs ? etc.

I'm not trying to be more restrictive. I'm trying to be less restrictive. 1 ship per player - you can fly carrier, droner, escort, whatever (hopefully with the AOTK DN rule, relaxed so that it's voluntary! ). I know you promote massed fleets for base assaults. Teamwork can achieve the same thing.  

Of course I'm not suggesting we go back, and there was nothing in my post that even came close to that suggestion, but how can you fail to see restricting my choice to fly multiple ships as less restrictive than what we have now?  It is clearly more restrictive.  It is simipler yes, but more restrictive.  

No.  2 players with 2 ships cannot achieve what 2 players with 4 ships between them can achieve.  It is not equivalent.



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Re: Day of the Eagle: The Return of Herr Burt
« Reply #28 on: January 22, 2003, 11:03:48 pm »
I'm in agreement with the 1 player 1 ship and vanilla shiplist group.  A setup like that would promote more p vs p IMHO, esp with dreadnaught limitations.   I know there are some that enjoy the multi-ship fleets, but they have had their turn on most of the recent servers (if not all) so give the rest of us ours.  Some might like the carrier battle group bit and they are entitled to their preferences, but give me my equivalent of a simple ship of the line ala HMS Victory anyday, ships of wood and men of steel baby!!!  


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Re: Day of the Eagle: The Return of Herr Burt
« Reply #29 on: January 23, 2003, 08:32:02 am »


Seriously, SFB fighters?  Does anyone want REAL F-14s in this game?  I sure as hell don't.

If they are restricted to SFB speeds then sure.  

Think about it.  An F-14 with DOUBLE INTERNALS and boosterpacks would fly at speed 30 and have and be able to take 12 points of damage.  


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Re: Day of the Eagle: The Return of Herr Burt
« Reply #30 on: January 23, 2003, 08:41:49 am »
Essentially, that's how Taldren's fighters are, so it wouldn't be that different. Although, you could guarantee that SFB deployment restrictions on the fighters would be generally ignored - e.g. : 1 in 3 Hydran fighters could be hellbore variants - in SFC every Hydran fighter is a hellbore variant.

I assume that we are not talking of having full sized drones on fighters? But using the Taldren fighter missiles? I actually have a SFB fighterlist.txt file, using Taldren fighter weapons.

Btw, I always wanted to fly the "Imperial Standard"

Oh, and Die Hard, if you fly Rom on this, I'll look forward to winging with you


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Re: Day of the Eagle: The Return of Herr Burt
« Reply #31 on: January 23, 2003, 09:06:23 am »



Seriously, SFB fighters?  Does anyone want REAL F-14s in this game?  I sure as hell don't.

If they are restricted to SFB speeds then sure.  

Think about it.  An F-14 with DOUBLE INTERNALS and boosterpacks would fly at speed 30 and have and be able to take 12 points of damage.  

SFB is a different game...for each arguments made, one can bring another counter.....never ending, here is an exemple:

"F14 are fine if the t-bombs affect all units in their blast not just the lead fighter."

In other words, lets see what can bring balance to us regardless if it is "SFB compliant" or not.  



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Re: Day of the Eagle: The Return of Herr Burt
« Reply #32 on: January 23, 2003, 09:40:53 am »


In reading the description of the Fed CAD in the SFB rulebook, it states that there really was only 1 CAD in the whole fleet.  That means this ship should most definately be put into rarified status to the extreme.  

It's also fair to point out that the D5D and D6D were pretty restricted too. The D5D, while intended as a direct combat ship, never amounted to more than 20% of the total D5 production line, and the D6D was reserved for bombardment and fleet actions and almost never patrolled alone. But if you log onto any serious server, it's a rarity to find a Klink flying anything else prior to the C7.  

Just as it's rare to find Feds in anything other than CADs and NCDs.     Well, of course until they can buy CVAs and BCGs or BCFs.  So what?  One uses the right/best tool for the job.  I assume that's common among my esteemed Federation counterparts as well.

I'd settle for making the CAD unique and limiting the production of D5Ds and D6Ds to more reasonable levels.  

The increased usage of drone ships amongst Klingons is a direct result of the harder mission packs.  Klingons are slow killers due to a weaker weapons suite than many races.  That means our missions times increase in the ED missions because we're faced with numerous targets pounding on our relatively weak hulls and shields.  It's very tough for a Klingon line ship to get the one or two quick kills needed to get through some of the tougher iterations of the ED missions.

To be truthful, I'd love it if some of my bretheren would follow my lead and decrease, if not do away with (as I have) the use of drone bombardment ships.  While they are often clearly the best value and the right tool for a given job, their use dulls other skills needed to fly Klingon.  However, when we are pitted in campaigns against both the Mirak, who obviously use drone ships, and the Feds, who also liberally use drone ships (and carriers), most often, the D6D or D5D is the best chance at survival, let alone success and perhaps ekeing out a PvP win if the opponent has poor drone defense skills (and there are plenty of those types out there).

Pehaps it's not the intent of some authors of messages on this subject, but I sure get tired of the back-handed swipes at Klingons in drone if the crap of other races doth not also stink.



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Re: Day of the Eagle: The Return of Herr Burt
« Reply #33 on: January 23, 2003, 10:36:29 am »

In other words, lets see what can bring balance to us regardless if it is "SFB compliant" or not.  



You got it.

Balancing races does NOT happen by increasing cheese ever.    


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Re: Day of the Eagle: The Return of Herr Burt
« Reply #34 on: January 23, 2003, 10:59:31 am »

It's a vicious cycle, we fly our droners to keep up with you and your droners whop are flying droners to keep up with us.

And we all have to do what we can to keep pace with the Mirak(when properly manned) who all fly droners.

So eliminate ALL dedicated drone/bombardment ships.   Problem solved.  Either that or tack on 50 to 100 points of BPV so they draw heinous AI.

The Mirak will still be the drone race as their "line" ships carry more drones.

So the ED missions were the cause of the Kilnks flying droners?    That is very funny.  

Let's face it, Feds, Klinks and Mirak have been equally guilty of flying bombarment ships for the explicately cheesey purpose of running missions quicker.   This is the cause of most of the imbalance in D2.  All 3 races are equally guilty in this regard and having a pissing contest over this is childish . . . .

Anyway, this thread is supposed to be about a General War mini campaign involving the Federation, Romulans, and the Gorn.   If you want this to be balanced and PvP to be the important,  make the shiplist "french-vanillia" with nothing more exotic then command crusiers.   Maybe allow a few DNs using the Field Marshall rules from AOTK.  RDSL will have more than enough cheese to sooth everyones appetites.   I hope the cheese on that server is so thick that everyone vommits from it and comes to their senses.  

If you add fighters for the Romulans and Gorns, this will turn into another ridiculous carrier war.  It is better to take the Federation ones away (boy am I gonna get lynched in the CiC   )

Stock missions.   The ED ones have gotten really old.  Epic battles should be against other players not hoardes of AI.

Looking forward to flying Romulan.  I don't have to get the horrid haircut, do I?

Thank you HerBurtt, thank you Karnak, thank you for anyone who wants to get a campaign going while rebuilds.   Please get a server operational before I go broke or catch VD.



  • Guest
Re: Day of the Eagle: The Return of Herr Burt
« Reply #35 on: January 23, 2003, 11:07:20 am »

If you add fighters for the Romulans and Gorns, this will turn into another ridiculous carrier war.  It is better to take the Federation ones away (boy am I gonna get lynched in the CiC   )

I don't know.  I'm kinda looking forward giving fighters a shot.  Get a chance to see how the other side lives.  Could be cool.  Much better to give than take away.


  • Guest
Re: Day of the Eagle: The Return of Herr Burt
« Reply #36 on: January 23, 2003, 11:32:29 am »
Dog, I didn't mean to raise your hackles. All Klinks, but especially those who fly D5C's or even rarer, D7's are worthy of respect. That being said, most of us Feds prefer our photons. AOTC(Attack of the Cheese) was the exception, not the rule(I'd never flown seriously a drone chucker before, and I only fooled around with an SCS at the end of IDSL). Given my drothers, Day of the Eagle would be closer to Die Hard's vanilla shiplist than the customized stuff we saw. No bombardment ships, no carriers, just individual, standard ships of the line. This may be heresy, but why not try a server that cuts the cheese?  


  • Guest
Re: Day of the Eagle: The Return of Herr Burt
« Reply #37 on: January 23, 2003, 12:08:24 pm »

Thank you HerBurtt, thank you Karnak, thank you for anyone who wants to get a campaign going while rebuilds. Please get a server operational before I go broke or catch VD.

I am learning to scuba dive this week so that I can be a certified frog-man in RL.  If I don't post here anymore next week, it means the sharks got me.:(

As for cheese issues, I think some leadership is needed from the server admins. The "cheese wars" have definitely got out of hand. I know of nutter Mirak GFL players that have given up on  servers due to the amount of flak they got over cheese, etc. Anytime a server starts losing nutter players then changes are needed:  no ifs, ands, or buts allowed, and end of discusssion.  

So, now that we agree changes are needed there are two ways I see in how cheese can be controlled:

1) Shiplist.   I got some help from concerned Feds in curtailing the PF OTT sit-rep in AOTK. So, Rom/Gorn PFs are back to 2/3 hard-points (ie. 4/5 Plasma Fs at once, c'mon...) and the R-THV and G-BCHV are down to 2 PFs.  I left the Lyrans alone because they need player enticement and they should be "ahead of the curve" on PF issues.  OK, so the Roms and Gorns are unhappy about it but I have to look at the bigger picture. The Feds were definitely out-classed in AOTK which indicated a fundamental break-down in the shiplist process used for that server.  You can always fly be on the receiving end of the PF cruisers.

2) CnC rules. The droner ships of non-Mirak races should be more expensive than normal line ships to account for their rarity.  Since there is no clear consensus on a new set of CnC rulea without the whole D2 community lobbing nuclear posts at each other I'll stick with the old contract formulated in AOTK.  But, I do prefer to fashion the ships in such a way that the law of the battlefield will prevail regarding CnC rules so it will be in a players best interest not to fly ship X in lieu of Ship Y.

3)  I think the main point of the harder missions was to lengthen the missions times. So, going with a min. 2v2 or 3v3 patrol should alleviate that. Not fling the player into a 8v2 matchup from the get-go resulting in Klingons going for droners just to survive.

IMHO, the servers that lower the cheese will ultimately attract the most players.  Anyway, the ISC invasion, many thanks to the GFL for their support, will start in February.  


  • Guest
Re: Day of the Eagle: The Return of Herr Burt
« Reply #38 on: January 23, 2003, 12:27:49 pm »

1) Shiplist.   I got some help from concerned Feds in curtailing the PF OTT sit-rep in AOTK. So, Rom/Gorn PFs are back to 2/3 hard-points (ie. 4/5 Plasma Fs at once, c'mon...) and the R-THV and G-BCHV are down to 2 PFs.  

Oh yes I quite agree.  Get those Gorn PFs back to 2 plasma per hardpoint.  We will definitely kick more butt once the AI is convinced that firing all 4 plasma is a silly waste of precious resources.   It tickles me to no end to see people suggest this as a way of toning the pfs down.  The sad part is once this is implemented and people realize their mistake, they will still cry foul.  I hope I'll be able to find a link to this post then to make sure they remember that it was not the Gorn or Romulans who insisted on this change.
« Last Edit: January 23, 2003, 12:28:17 pm by Iaidoka »


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Re: Day of the Eagle: The Return of Herr Burt
« Reply #39 on: January 23, 2003, 01:00:37 pm »

To a degree, you're right...previously, I think Feds, Klingons and Mirak HAD flown droners for mission speed purposes (even then, for differing internal reasons), however...with the advent of some of the ED missions, the continued use of drone bombardment ships (incredibly boring though it is) is due in large part, I think, to neccessity.  This is what I am meaning to say.

I don't fly them anymore and I never HAVE flown them much except during SFC2.NET 6.0, where I changed ships quite often, but used the D5D rather extensively.  As I said, I'd love it if my bretheren would go the same route, but many choose not to. Who can blame them?  Anyone else of any other race who can get their hands on one uses them.  

 I wonder what would happen if (with all due respect to my honorable Mirak friends) if all drone bombrdment ships were removed from the game and the Mirak were either given some new dog-fighters to compensate or they were removed as a playable race altogether (just once).  I wonder what new "imbalances" or cries of "cheese!" would arise?  If anyone thinks there wouldn't be any, then I have some beachfront property in Nogales, AZ to sell you.


SPQR Renegade001

  • Guest
Re: Day of the Eagle: The Return of Herr Burt
« Reply #40 on: January 23, 2003, 01:00:45 pm »
Damn guys.

Herr Burt ( & Co.), you have my apologies. If I'd known that the mention of SFB fighters would lead to all this noise over drone cheese, fighter cheese, PF cheese, ... I'd have left well enough alone. It was supposed to be a simple question.

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by SPQR Renegade001 »


  • Guest
Re: Day of the Eagle: The Return of Herr Burt
« Reply #41 on: January 23, 2003, 01:05:41 pm »

Dog, I didn't mean to raise your hackles. All Klinks, but especially those who fly D5C's or even rarer, D7's are worthy of respect. That being said, most of us Feds prefer our photons. AOTC(Attack of the Cheese) was the exception, not the rule(I'd never flown seriously a drone chucker before, and I only fooled around with an SCS at the end of IDSL). Given my drothers, Day of the Eagle would be closer to Die Hard's vanilla shiplist than the customized stuff we saw. No bombardment ships, no carriers, just individual, standard ships of the line. This may be heresy, but why not try a server that cuts the cheese?    

Heh...with all due respect, Father Ted...I've probably seen a heck of a lot more DV2 campaigns than you have and my experience in them, vast as it is, directly contradicts your notion of the level of CAD and NCD flying during AOTK was "the exception, not the rule."  Most people who fly drone chuckers, always fly drone chuckers.

i'm sure you'ld all love us to fly D7s.  The reasons for that are quite obvious.  

No heresy discerned on my part.  DieHard has rarely offered up anything some of us haven't already been talking about since before he ever arrived on the scene.  I've always been a propopent of shiplist modification restraint and I think DieHard and I agree more than we disagree on most of these related issues.

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by KBF-Dogmatix »


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Re: Day of the Eagle: The Return of Herr Burt
« Reply #42 on: January 23, 2003, 01:28:00 pm »

Looking forward to flying Romulan.  I don't have to get the horrid haircut, do I?

Die Hard,
Of course not, you have can always go bald.
Looking forward to seen you on "Day of the Eagle"


1) Shiplist. I got some help from concerned Feds in curtailing the PF OTT sit-rep in AOTK. So, Rom/Gorn PFs are back to 2/3 hard-points (ie. 4/5 Plasma Fs at once, c'mon...) and the R-THV and G-BCHV are down to 2 PFs. I left the Lyrans alone because they need player enticement and they should be "ahead of the curve" on PF issues. OK, so the Roms and Gorns are unhappy about it but I have to look at the bigger picture. The Feds were definitely out-classed in AOTK which indicated a fundamental break-down in the shiplist process used for that server. You can always fly be on the receiving end of the PF cruisers.

For the "ISC Invasion" server, you and the concerned Feds are absolutly right.
Your approach is one way to resolve the problem with players in plasma PF tenders. It is a solution that will satisfy the majority, afterall the Rom/Gorn players are just a small minority. Well done.
On a related topic, the Hydrans are ahead of the curve on fighter issues, does that mean all other fighter using races should only have half complement of fighters on any carrier larger than a light be the same as for the PF races?
Do you need concerned Roms to help make that decision?
Oups, it is no longer just a minority of players that are impacted anymore, players who had broken fighters and have been told about racial flavors for almost 2 years.
Could not do that to the majority...have to look at the "bigger picture" right.
Good leaders must always choose to please the majority, hence their continuous sucessfull leadership.

Sorry about the sarcasm (it is my firts post ever with sarcasm...where is Cleaven?), what you are doing might be right, I did not even begin to evaluate it, I do not even know what the rest of the yard contains for each race, but the way you do it does not feel right. Since you are the admin on that one, it is certainly your prerogative to do so, leaving us with ours as players.

Good luck in your scuba diving class.  Diving is very fun, you will enjoy it....and for sharks do not worry, shiplist review council members are much worst.

« Last Edit: January 23, 2003, 01:35:15 pm by Remiak »


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Re: Day of the Eagle: The Return of Herr Burt
« Reply #43 on: January 23, 2003, 01:36:23 pm »
No offense taken.Your experience outweighs mine, I'm simply stating the observations I've made since I started playing online. I'd be happy to try a vanilla shiplist. And with all due respect, the Klingons who fly stock ships are deadly in an equal PvP.    


  • Guest
Re: Day of the Eagle: The Return of Herr Burt
« Reply #44 on: January 23, 2003, 01:41:38 pm »
Stop that FatherTed, it was just starting to warmup in here. God knows I could use a little heat up here in Chicago today.

Karnak, thanks for improving the PF's. I hate it when they waste all four plasma at once.


  • Guest
Re: Day of the Eagle: The Return of Herr Burt
« Reply #45 on: January 23, 2003, 01:47:54 pm »
Lay off the drone chuckers, Doggy.  Personally I am looking forward to all of those PFs in my CAD+/NCD+ :P  


  • Guest
Re: Day of the Eagle: The Return of Herr Burt
« Reply #46 on: January 23, 2003, 01:59:52 pm »


 I wonder what would happen if (with all due respect to my honorable Mirak friends) if all drone bombrdment ships were removed from the game and the Mirak were either given some new dog-fighters to compensate or they were removed as a playable race altogether (just once).  I wonder what new "imbalances" or cries of "cheese!" would arise?  If anyone thinks there wouldn't be any, then I have some beachfront property in Nogales, AZ to sell you.


Here' the thing, Mirak "line" ships have more drones than the Federation and Klink "line" ships.   If dedicated bombardment ships were removed from a server, the Mirak would stil be the "drone" race since they have more drones.  Their racial flavor would not be removed.  

I disagree with you on their line ships not being able to hold their own.  Mirak Line ships are already awsome knife fighters.  Yes, their CA ships suck ass but the command cruisers are fine against the other races in terms of PvP balance.  



  • Guest
Re: Day of the Eagle: The Return of Herr Burt
« Reply #47 on: January 23, 2003, 02:01:10 pm »

Stop that FatherTed, it was just starting to warmup in here. God knows I could use a little heat up here in Chicago today.  

Sorry, it's in the balmy 30's down here in south Louisiana. The coldest I've ever been was a month I spent in Chicago about 5 years ago. Landed at O'Hare in the middle of a blizzard(very unnerving to feel an airliner bouncing down the runway like a car on a bad road). I don't think it ever got out of the teens. Brrrrrr....

Nonetheless, I think I will be Father Bruce for this one. But I WILL NOT WEAR A TUTU!    


  • Guest
Re: Day of the Eagle: The Return of Herr Burt
« Reply #48 on: January 23, 2003, 02:12:27 pm »
Come on up here, Ted.  The regular temp has been single digit +/- depending upon the days and the wind chill has been anywhere from -10 to -20 for the last week or two now...  


  • Guest
Re: Day of the Eagle: The Return of Herr Burt
« Reply #49 on: January 23, 2003, 02:19:15 pm »

Come on up here, Ted.  The regular temp has been single digit +/- depending upon the days and the wind chill has been anywhere from -10 to -20 for the last week or two now...  

 breaks out shorts, sandals, and Hawaiin shirt-  I'm on my way!  


  • Guest
Re: Day of the Eagle: The Return of Herr Burt
« Reply #50 on: January 23, 2003, 02:26:11 pm »
It was minus 6 when I got in the car this morning. Had to actually wear panties under my tutu. I'm sure we can find something for you in a low cut casic (sp?) though.


  • Guest
Re: Day of the Eagle: The Return of Herr Burt
« Reply #51 on: January 23, 2003, 02:35:59 pm »

It was minus 6 when I got in the car this morning. Had to actually wear panties under my tutu. I'm sure we can find something for you in a low cut casic (sp?) though.  

My testicles have frozen to my leg twice this week!  Damm the car cigarette-lighter comes in handy . . .  


  • Guest
Re: Day of the Eagle: The Return of Herr Burt
« Reply #52 on: January 23, 2003, 04:22:07 pm »

No offense taken.Your experience outweighs mine, I'm simply stating the observations I've made since I started playing online. I'd be happy to try a vanilla shiplist. And with all due respect, the Klingons who fly stock ships are deadly in an equal PvP.    

Heh...thanks.  I appreciate you saying that.  Like I have said...I wish more of the guys would forgo the obvious benefits of drone boats and fly some of the other stuff a lot more often.  My typical progression is F5/B -> F5C -> D7C -> D5 -> D5C -> D5L -> C7 -> C7V.  I generally don't fly dreads or BBs unless I'm obliged to by server/campaign conditions.  For kicks, I like to fly an FWL for a while when it becomes available. For its size, it rocks.

One of of the things I hate about disruptors is the different size flavors...the smaller the size, the less the maximum range with Dis1s having only a maximum range of 10.  


  • Guest
Re: Day of the Eagle: The Return of Herr Burt
« Reply #53 on: January 23, 2003, 04:27:47 pm »



 I wonder what would happen if (with all due respect to my honorable Mirak friends) if all drone bombrdment ships were removed from the game and the Mirak were either given some new dog-fighters to compensate or they were removed as a playable race altogether (just once).  I wonder what new "imbalances" or cries of "cheese!" would arise?  If anyone thinks there wouldn't be any, then I have some beachfront property in Nogales, AZ to sell you.


Here' the thing, Mirak "line" ships have more drones than the Federation and Klink "line" ships.   If dedicated bombardment ships were removed from a server, the Mirak would stil be the "drone" race since they have more drones.  Their racial flavor would not be removed.  

I disagree with you on their line ships not being able to hold their own.  Mirak Line ships are already awsome knife fighters.  Yes, their CA ships suck ass but the command cruisers are fine against the other races in terms of PvP balance.  


Actually, there's no need to disagree with me, since I have long held that Mirak line ships are just fine. I think we're on the same page there, as well.   I was just deferring to the guys who actually fly Mirak just about all the time.  They seem to think their line ships are largely useless in PvP...unless I have misread their opinions over the past year and a half.

I was basically throwing a bone out there since I really don't have much of a problem with the Mirak getting a D5L-type boat (like they had in AOTK), as long as it has the same two B-racks and not four.



  • Guest
Re: Day of the Eagle: The Return of Herr Burt
« Reply #54 on: January 23, 2003, 04:31:24 pm »

Yikes, DieHard...

73 degrees and sunny here...winds at about 2 mph.  Damn, I love Phoenix in the winter.



  • Guest
Re: Day of the Eagle: The Return of Herr Burt
« Reply #55 on: January 23, 2003, 05:06:38 pm »
The Mirak line ships, in the main, are fine against traditional allies. They lack the power to operate effectively against non-traditional plasma opponents. I actually liked the Z-BCH+. I thought it a more competitive ship, certainly not uber, but brought up to a par with the other BCHs. The MCC needs the 4 disruptors splitting up and given FAL/FAR arcs. No other changes are needed to make that a ship very comparable to my beloved D5L.



  • Guest
Re: Day of the Eagle: The Return of Herr Burt
« Reply #56 on: January 23, 2003, 05:46:03 pm »

Damn guys.

Herr Burt ( & Co.), you have my apologies. If I'd known that the mention of SFB fighters would lead to all this noise over drone cheese, fighter cheese, PF cheese, ... I'd have left well enough alone. It was supposed to be a simple question.



Ah another Herr Burt roast-a-thon.   I'm so excited.  

<gets our economy size jiffy pop popcorn (low sodium grumble) and sody pop>

Today I woke up to 14 Degrees (F)  (that's -201 (C) for you Euros) . With the wind chill factorit felt like,  well I think it is off the scale.  You know, the point where the weather people just use names instead of numbers.  Today's wind chill factor was "Arse  Shatters if You Hit It."   I understand up in New Jersey it was "Balls Freeze to Thighs."  

So . . . . .   I need to stay warm.  Please, by all means, roast Ol' Elizardbreath, erm, I mean Herr Bert.

<gets out hot cocoa mix (no fat no sugar (grumble)>

P.S.   Just what the hell is no fat no sugar ice cream??   I mean really, what is left??  It's scary.

P.P.S.  Yes, it is time for my medication. Why do you ask?

P.P.P.S.   And another thing <large hook comes from stage left and yanks J'inn away from keyboard>


  • Guest
Re: Day of the Eagle: The Return of Herr Burt
« Reply #57 on: January 23, 2003, 09:04:01 pm »

The Mirak line ships, in the main, are fine against traditional allies. They lack the power to operate effectively against non-traditional plasma opponents. I actually liked the Z-BCH+. I thought it a more competitive ship, certainly not uber, but brought up to a par with the other BCHs. The MCC needs the 4 disruptors splitting up and given FAL/FAR arcs. No other changes are needed to make that a ship very comparable to my beloved D5L.


This is true. Mirak Vs Lyran and Klingon are acceptable matchups and, as long as you don't use them the wrong way, are good battles. If the AI mission matching in Four Powers was a little bit easier I think a lot of people would have had a blast.  


  • Guest
Re: Day of the Eagle: The Return of Herr Burt
« Reply #58 on: January 23, 2003, 09:13:27 pm »

 One of of the things I hate about disruptors is the different size flavors...the smaller the size, the less the maximum range with Dis1s having only a maximum range of 10.

If it's any consolation, I'm too stupid to use proxies unless I'm attacking a starbase. A note on those range 10 dizzies. More than one person has won the SFB Fleet Captain's Tourney using them.  


  • Guest
Re: Day of the Eagle: The Return of Herr Burt
« Reply #59 on: January 23, 2003, 09:50:24 pm »
Hmmmm, Remiak I don't really care how many PF's they put on a Romulan heavy, because as long as the PF's come out with a quick load, then Feds will complain. One thing I would like to see is the Condor SCS. This is supposed to be really mean and about the only reason to fly a Romulan DN I would think. Of course it would get removed too quick as well. But it would be fun to see it as an advanced mod to the shiplist. Of course a basic shiplist (where the only PF change is a UI) needs to be done first.  
« Last Edit: January 23, 2003, 09:57:43 pm by Cleaven »


  • Guest
Re: Day of the Eagle: The Return of Herr Burt
« Reply #60 on: January 23, 2003, 11:22:26 pm »


To a degree, you're right...previously, I think Feds, Klingons and Mirak HAD flown droners for mission speed purposes (even then, for differing internal reasons), however...with the advent of some of the ED missions, the continued use of drone bombardment ships (incredibly boring though it is) is due in large part, I think, to neccessity.  This is what I am meaning to say.

I don't fly them anymore and I never HAVE flown them much except during SFC2.NET 6.0, where I changed ships quite often, but used the D5D rather extensively.  As I said, I'd love it if my bretheren would go the same route, but many choose not to. Who can blame them?  Anyone else of any other race who can get their hands on one uses them.  

 I wonder what would happen if (with all due respect to my honorable Mirak friends) if all drone bombrdment ships were removed from the game and the Mirak were either given some new dog-fighters to compensate or they were removed as a playable race altogether (just once).  I wonder what new "imbalances" or cries of "cheese!" would arise?  If anyone thinks there wouldn't be any, then I have some beachfront property in Nogales, AZ to sell you.


The only time I was in a droner in ISDL was when the kzin had hexs in the middle of the map you cant take out rom dreads in a nebula in a M-DD or a M-MCC
Nothing to do with faster mission times most of the time I get the same mission times in a M-DD as I do in a drone ship


  • Guest
Re: Day of the Eagle: The Return of Herr Burt
« Reply #61 on: January 24, 2003, 10:34:35 am »


 One of of the things I hate about disruptors is the different size flavors...the smaller the size, the less the maximum range with Dis1s having only a maximum range of 10.

If it's any consolation, I'm too stupid to use proxies unless I'm attacking a starbase. A note on those range 10 dizzies. More than one person has won the SFB Fleet Captain's Tourney using them.  

Oh..I don't doubt it...just as I don't doubt there are a lot of people out there who are better captains than I am.  I just know you take a lot of damage in ED missions when trying to employ them.  Quite often, I find myself turning one or both off...because you just can't fly slow enough to charge them anyway...heheh.



  • Guest
Re: Day of the Eagle: The Return of Herr Burt
« Reply #62 on: January 24, 2003, 10:36:14 am »


The only time I was in a droner in ISDL was when the kzin had hexs in the middle of the map you cant take out rom dreads in a nebula in a M-DD or a M-MCC
Nothing to do with faster mission times most of the time I get the same mission times in a M-DD as I do in a drone ship  

Thats because an M-DD is basically a drone ship  

That's because, basically, almost all Kzin ships are drone ships...heheh.  It's their weapon, after all...heheh...


Herr Burt

  • Guest
Re: Day of the Eagle: The Return of Herr Burt
« Reply #63 on: January 24, 2003, 11:20:38 am »

<Reads sudden influx of posts>


A few more bits of info:

*Yes, I'm going for SFB-style fighters.  Not to worry.  Those Rom and Gorn fighters are cool, but not as cool as you might first think they are.
* Remember, this is the Gorn, the Romulan, and the Eastern Federation fleets at war.  The Federation was already fully engaged on the Klingon
front and was caught rather flat-footed when the Romulans launched their "surprise" invasion.  I don't think drone-cheese is going to be a problem.
* The return of Father Bruce, eh?  Hmmmm....... gotta dig up some old photos.  

Happy Warmongering!

-Herr Burt
Those who do not remember history are doomed never to be able to repeat it.


  • Guest
Re: Day of the Eagle: The Return of Herr Burt
« Reply #64 on: January 24, 2003, 11:24:51 am »
Yep utter cheese with a drone control of 6  
The DF is The droner granted the DD is the best ship to fly for a kzin till late imho (and in early is got to be close to the best DD in the game)
Klingons dont get a good ship(not counting escorts) till the D5 class ships come out imho


  • Guest
Re: Day of the Eagle: The Return of Herr Burt
« Reply #65 on: January 24, 2003, 11:28:41 am »
Cant have a dyna with out a drone flame war even if there are no drones in it (not counting feds as they are still in)


  • Guest
Re: Day of the Eagle: The Return of Herr Burt
« Reply #66 on: January 24, 2003, 11:57:43 am »
Its funny how many people seem to forget that the kzin main heavy weapon is drones
As far as I rember feds and klingons both get amd and G racks before kzin ships get them
Most people think that 6 (or in some case's more)drone racks is pure cheese(ok I tend to agree here)4 racks are droners
and 2 racks are a fair chlange
Might be why there is a decline in both klingon and kzin players

Well enough of all this Ill play as gorn (or rom if numbers are low)


  • Guest
Re: Day of the Eagle: The Return of Herr Burt
« Reply #67 on: January 24, 2003, 12:49:49 pm »

Its funny how many people seem to forget that the kzin main heavy weapon is drones


Yep..that's what I'm saying.  Expecting a Kzin to not field as many drone racks as he can is silly...unless, of course, he has been provided with a viable alternative (read: an new, D5-like dogfighter).

I'm going to go Rom.  I suspect they will be the underplayed side in this one.



  • Guest
Re: Day of the Eagle: The Return of Herr Burt
« Reply #68 on: January 24, 2003, 01:28:08 pm »


Its funny how many people seem to forget that the kzin main heavy weapon is drones


Yep..that's what I'm saying.  Expecting a Kzin to not field as many drone racks as he can is silly...unless, of course, he has been provided with a viable alternative (read: an new, D5-like dogfighter).


The Z- MCC already seems pretty Kick-ass and on par with the D5L.  Same amount of Phaser 1s, Dizzies, 2 more drones racks (which are Cs), same power, and a B turn mode.   Seems like an awsome dogfighter already.  

Designation: Z-MCC
BPV: 129
Crew: 43
Marines: 14
Shield 1: 36
Shield 2 & 6: 30
Shield 3 & 5: 24
Shield 4: 24
Total Shields: 168

Movement Cost: 0.67
Turn Mode: B
Total Warp Power: 24
Impulse Power: 4
Aux Power: 5
Total Engine Power: 28
Battery: 3

Transporters: 3
Tractors: 2
Mech Tractors:
Shuttles: 2

4x Disruptor 3
2x Missle Rack B
2x Missle Rack C
6x Phaser 1
2x ADD 6  


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Re: Day of the Eagle: The Return of Herr Burt
« Reply #69 on: January 24, 2003, 01:59:30 pm »

In reading the description of the Fed CAD in the SFB rulebook, it states that there really was only 1 CAD in the whole fleet.  That means this ship should most definately be put into rarified status to the extreme.  

I was saying that since AOTK started.  Aside from that, when I fly Federation, I personally would rather have my photorps than rely on missiles.  You can try to dodge a torpedo, and you can try to jam a torpedo, but you bloody well can't OUTRUN or shoot down a photon torpedo. <g>

There's more to be desired than improved anti-cheese formula  The true weapon of the Romulans, the cloaking device, isn't quite implemented right.  People often downplay the effectiveness of the Condor and Praetor DNs, but the reality is, they're gigantic warbirds, capable of cloaking and still moving at a decent clip
(well, at least if you're not trying to energize all of your weapons at once anyways.  If they're already charged you're set.  Granted, most people forget you can turn off individual hardpoints, etc., but that's a different discussion).  I really like the CON+, for example.  Against the AI, and in a perfect world, vs. a player, a CON+ suddenly appearing out of nowhere in front of a CVA just long enough to deliver all of its torpedoes would leave a lasting impression, and it would hide again and the fighters wouldn't really be able to hit it as it ran away.  For Romulans plasma torpedoes, especially a lot of them simultaneously, ARE the weapons, and the phasers are nothing but long-range point defenses  Much the same argument can be made for Gorn ships except that Gorn can take a lot more internal hits before their ships break down so they can afford to take a few extra missile hits.

Or how about the fact that AI ships with fighters only ever carry level-1 patrol fighters?  Isn't there a way to fix that to make them more of a challenge??  The only AI-controlled enemy that ever launched fighters heavier than a level-1 patrol fighter was when I tried to attack a starbase with fighters in one player mode.

But I digress.

Since this is a game, and we can set the parameters of our role-playing scenario any way we wish, then we should definitely customize the shiplist to emphasize "normal" ships.  We need to think about the ships in terms of what they're meant to be used for.  The Federation would never deploy lots of bombardment ships on long-range patrol because they would run out of ammunition all of the time.  A better philosophy is heavier shields and lots of torpedoes for that.  (Now if they would just introduce aft torpedo arcs on more ships like the NCM...)  PFs that have more armaments than a heavy cruiser are also silly (and would be expensive and difficult to build).  What we should see the most of is ship designs that would be most practical for day-to-day fleet operations if they were really out there in the field.  If that means that certain technologies in a campaign are never implemented, so what?

We could pretend that the general war didn't start until 2276, and there was no ISC war.  Then the Federation would have primarily CAIs and not CBs, it wouldn't have implemented the CVS, etc, and most ships would have no missiles.  There wouldn't be any DNG/DNH ships for the empires and no BBs, except for maybe a single B10 for the Klingons.  There wouldn't be any DWs or FFBs, it would be NCLs.  No NCAs or NCDs.  The Romulans wouldn't be flying any old series ships any more as there would have been no need and they would have all been replaced with Sparrowhawk-class ships.  Their biggest assets would be the K7Rs they bought in the 60's and the handful of FHA's they had built.  The Klingons wouldn't have a D5 design at all because they would never have lost all their D7s in the war yet.  The Hydrans would probably have a fleet with fewer variants.  The possibilities go on and on.  

Just something to think about.

« Last Edit: January 24, 2003, 03:20:15 pm by Sartonius »


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Re: Day of the Eagle: The Return of Herr Burt
« Reply #70 on: January 24, 2003, 03:07:15 pm »



Its funny how many people seem to forget that the kzin main heavy weapon is drones


Yep..that's what I'm saying.  Expecting a Kzin to not field as many drone racks as he can is silly...unless, of course, he has been provided with a viable alternative (read: an new, D5-like dogfighter).


The Z- MCC already seems pretty Kick-ass and on par with the D5L.  Same amount of Phaser 1s, Dizzies, 2 more drones racks (which are Cs), same power, and a B turn mode.   Seems like an awsome dogfighter already.  

Designation: Z-MCC
BPV: 129
Crew: 43
Marines: 14
Shield 1: 36
Shield 2 & 6: 30
Shield 3 & 5: 24
Shield 4: 24
Total Shields: 168

Movement Cost: 0.67
Turn Mode: B
Total Warp Power: 24
Impulse Power: 4
Aux Power: 5
Total Engine Power: 28
Battery: 3

Transporters: 3
Tractors: 2
Mech Tractors:
Shuttles: 2

4x Disruptor 3
2x Missle Rack B
2x Missle Rack C
6x Phaser 1
2x ADD 6  

Mace I agree in most part it is a good dog fighter but the D5L dizzys are split our share the same hard point plus the D5L has improved dizzy arc's plus better sheilds
I would take the D5L over the MCC any day

Sorry if I seemed a little short with you (been up 24 hours strait and still counting )
Klingons and kzin ships in most part are on a par its when we fight non drone races thats where the trouble starts
Vc's were ment to blance out hex fliping it did to some degree
I dont like to see many new ships added some races need them some dont

But adding better ships than the stock ships meens most people will fly those better ships in stead of the stock(makes sence to fly the best ship you can )
I think it much better to add tweaks to ships keep them very small if there are too big you will get crys of cheese
Hex fliping is not so slow in the ED missions I can most of the time do them in just under 3 minutes in klingon or kzin ships
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by LongTooth »


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Re: Day of the Eagle: The Return of Herr Burt
« Reply #71 on: January 24, 2003, 05:16:50 pm »
Yes, is close, but the stock MCC has all disruptors on one hardpoint and I think FA firing arcs.  During AOTK, the ship was modified, if I recall correctly, to break up the dizzy hard point and expand the disruptor arcs.  I felt that was all fine and dandy except that the ship (and another one not too far different from it) retained all of its drone racks AND came out a few years before the D5L.  As a result, it became something BETTER than a D5L with these edits.  I was proposing that if it was going to be like a D5L, it should lose its C-racks.  If the racks were to be retained, then the disruptor arcs should have returned to FA...some sort of give and take.

Sometimes when I make my posts, I take it for granted that people are aware of certain things on which I base my opinions.  In this case, I assumed everyone was aware of the hardpoint issue as well as the midifications made to this ship for AOTK's shiplist.

That said, even the stock, original Taldren MCC is a decent boat, though I haven't flown on in probably over a year and a half, so my recollection on the ship's actual combat merits is sketchy at best.

« Last Edit: January 24, 2003, 05:18:00 pm by KBF-Dogmatix »

Herr Burt

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Re: Day of the Eagle: The Return of Herr Burt
« Reply #72 on: January 25, 2003, 06:54:21 am »

That bit about having the Tholians but not letting them be a player race was a tease just for me wasn't it you Bastich!!!!

I want my dizzies!!!!!!  And you know how much i loved the Tholians in SFB!!!!    

But Chuut, I began designing this campaign as a gift for you!  I was convinced you'd feel right at home in a ship that had seeking weapons but had no dizzies.  

-Herr Burt the heckler  


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Re: Day of the Eagle: The Return of Herr Burt
« Reply #73 on: January 27, 2003, 09:23:31 am »

For the "ISC Invasion" server, you and the concerned Feds are absolutly right.
Your approach is one way to resolve the problem with players in plasma PF tenders. It is a solution that will satisfy the majority, afterall the Rom/Gorn players are just a small minority. Well done.
On a related topic, the Hydrans are ahead of the curve on fighter issues, does that mean all other fighter using races should only have half complement of fighters on any carrier larger than a light be the same as for the PF races?
Do you need concerned Roms to help make that decision?
Oups, it is no longer just a minority of players that are impacted anymore, players who had broken fighters and have been told about racial flavors for almost 2 years.
Could not do that to the majority...have to look at the "bigger picture" right.
Good leaders must always choose to please the majority, hence their continuous sucessfull leadership.

Sorry about the sarcasm (it is my firts post ever with sarcasm...where is Cleaven?), what you are doing might be right, I did not even begin to evaluate it, I do not even know what the rest of the yard contains for each race, but the way you do it does not feel right. Since you are the admin on that one, it is certainly your prerogative to do so, leaving us with ours as players.

Good luck in your scuba diving class.  Diving is very fun, you will enjoy it....and for sharks do not worry, shiplist review council members are much worst.


I think I got the shiplist about right based on the Rom/Gorn feedback.  
Thank you for your input.  

Please PM or email if you have any concerns and I promise the best impartial consideration I can humanely give.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Karnak »


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Re: Day of the Eagle: The Return of Herr Burt
« Reply #74 on: January 27, 2003, 10:48:01 am »
First off, let me state for the record that we want it done right. So take your time.

Now then, with all of that positive reinforcement, WHEN THE HELL IS IT GOING TO START?!?! The natives are starting to get a little restless for a good server.    


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Re: Day of the Eagle: The Return of Herr Burt
« Reply #75 on: January 27, 2003, 12:13:08 pm »
Doggy, because you didnt like us getting the better arcs on the MCC, we reverted the ship back to stock except for the dizzy split.  It still doesnt hold a candle to the D5L.  I wanted FAR and FAL arcs on it to give it a little better shot against the FLL and FRR arcs the D5L had, just to make up for the turn mode and shields.  And you know drones dont mean a thing in PvP hehe!

Its still a good ship though, and with the split arcs that were done on alot of our heavy and medium cruisers in early during AOTK, it offered our pilots something else to fly for a change.


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Re: Day of the Eagle: The Return of Herr Burt
« Reply #76 on: January 27, 2003, 12:25:06 pm »

You may beg to differ, of course, but I think this is an equitable way to go about it.  The hardpoint split is warranted and makes a decent ship much better (IMHO).  Drones may not mean that much in PvP (in many cases), they do mean something and they are certainly still available to the Mirak player. Take two drone racks off and put thew FAL/RAL arcs on if drones are meaningless in PvP, eh?    You still have the nice 12x drone control (D5L only has 6x) and that's something significant, I think.

I guess I just didn't see the fairness in splitting up the hardpoints, increasing the firing arcs AND retaining all four drone racks.  I may be among the minority on that point and I'd accept that, of course.

Refresh my memory...when does the MCC come out?

BTW...I'm totally in favor of seeing you're disruptor hardpoints split up.  I think that's a good move that should improve the viability of some already fairly nice ships...and some that just suck without the split.

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by KBF-Dogmatix »


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Re: Day of the Eagle: The Return of Herr Burt
« Reply #77 on: January 27, 2003, 02:31:32 pm »
Doggy, I think Fluf is right.  The Mirak do not have much equivalent to the D5L or similar.  I think we could have used the better arcs without upsetting game balance, only improviing it.

As for the upcoming Herr Burt server i will fly Romulan.  Looking forward to learning SFC2 Roms!  Some good PvP should be on the way.  The server sounds exciiting.


Herr Burt

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Re: Day of the Eagle: The Return of Herr Burt
« Reply #78 on: January 27, 2003, 02:49:18 pm »

First off, let me state for the record that we want it done right. So take your time.

Now then, with all of that positive reinforcement, WHEN THE HELL IS IT GOING TO START?!?! The natives are starting to get a little restless for a good server.    

Hiya, Father Bruce.  

Thanks for the postive reinforcement.

Real life has given me a real kick in the pants this last week (in a good way!) so progress has been slower than I originally expected.
I'll try and post some updates as things move along.  Right now, I'd say we are still looking at two weeks (minimum) before I am set to begin.
Also, someone else has agreed to do something *really* nice for me on the mission-front, so I'm really happy about that.  Hopefully,
everyone else will be too.

-Herr Burt