Topic: Day of the Eagle: The Return of Herr Burt  (Read 24341 times)

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Herr Burt

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Day of the Eagle: The Return of Herr Burt
« on: January 19, 2003, 03:13:22 pm »
Just a bit of a heads up (way in advance) for those who might be interested.

I've begun work on a new D2 server, entitled Day of the Eagle.  This server would run for about two weeks, and would cover the time-frame of 2273 through 2277, inclusive.  This would be the "surprise" invasion of the Federation by the Romulans during the General War, and the subsequent Gorn counter-invasion.   It stops just short of the introduction of the PF

*Playable races would be the Romulans, Federation (Eastern Half only), and Gorn.
*Gorn and Romulans would have access to carriers and fighters.  (Yes, this works)
*I hope to have Romulan bombers installed on the Gorn/Romulan front, but this is not definite
*The concept would be a two-on-one three-way server.  Each race would have its own victory conditions.  It would be theoretically possibe (but damned unlikely) that all three races could score some level of victory.
*Tholians should be present as a nonplayer race.
*I intend to add drogues.  (If you don't know what they are, they will be a neat surprise.)

Hopefully, several people will be willing to show up and participate in "the more interesting" front of the General War.

There is no timetable yet; my efforts are still early.  Watch this space.  

-Herr Burt
Happy Warmongering!  
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Herr Burt »


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Re: Day of the Eagle: The Return of Herr Burt
« Reply #1 on: January 19, 2003, 03:33:39 pm »
So does that mean you are going to have Robin Trower looping in the back ground instead of the stock music?
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Corbomite »

SPQR Renegade001

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Re: Day of the Eagle: The Return of Herr Burt
« Reply #2 on: January 19, 2003, 04:11:25 pm »

There is no timetable yet; my efforts are still early.  Watch this space.  

You tease you! :P

Sounds like some good stuff there, assuming you can get enough Rommies to keep the Feds from opening their Romulan McDonnald's branch office before the end of the campaign.

[sharp provoking barb]

On the other hand, by dis-allowing the use of the Federation Western Fleet and allowing the Romulans our superior carriers, they'll likey be crying for help from their cold-blooded breathren before the end of the first day.

[/sharp provoking barb]

(Gorn rescuing the Federation from the Romulans... How poetic )    


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Re: Day of the Eagle: The Return of Herr Burt
« Reply #3 on: January 19, 2003, 04:15:46 pm »
I'm not entirely sure what will happen with Romulan fighters in SFC. I just hope it's painful for the Federation.  


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Re: Day of the Eagle: The Return of Herr Burt
« Reply #4 on: January 20, 2003, 11:02:33 pm »
That bit about having the Tholians but not letting them be a player race was a tease just for me wasn't it you Bastich!!!!

I want my dizzies!!!!!!  And you know how much i loved the Tholians in SFB!!!!  


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Re: Day of the Eagle: The Return of Herr Burt
« Reply #5 on: January 21, 2003, 11:08:23 am »
Oooooh.....this sounds VERY cool.  I'm not even sure which team i'd pick.

After flying enough on the SFC3 Triangle X server to earn over 400K as a Borg and about 250K as a Romulan over the past week and a half, I'm ready for SFC2 again.  SFC3 can be fun...but to me, it lacks even a modicum of strategic campaign depth.  I enjoy SFC2-style comabt much more than that of SFC3, as well.



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Re: Day of the Eagle: The Return of Herr Burt
« Reply #6 on: January 21, 2003, 07:14:54 pm »

I should think not.  Not if I have anything to say about it  ;P




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Re: Day of the Eagle: The Return of Herr Burt
« Reply #7 on: January 21, 2003, 07:55:20 pm »

Oooooh.....this sounds VERY cool.  I'm not even sure which team i'd pick.

After flying enough on the SFC3 Triangle X server to earn over 400K as a Borg and about 250K as a Romulan over the past week and a half, I'm ready for SFC2 again.  SFC3 can be fun...but to me, it lacks even a modicum of strategic campaign depth.  I enjoy SFC2-style comabt much more than that of SFC3, as well.


I don't think D2 has a big enough player base for strategic play anymore in a full 8 race campaign. The Kitties in AOTK had the right strategy but did not have the "bodies" to carry  out the plan to fruition.

That's why I opted for a more econ-centric VCs style in the pending "ISC Invasion" campaign.  Races that don't have the players show up will lose right away if the numbers are too lop-sided.  


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Re: Day of the Eagle: The Return of Herr Burt
« Reply #8 on: January 22, 2003, 03:35:53 am »
Fire it up!


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Re: Day of the Eagle: The Return of Herr Burt
« Reply #9 on: January 22, 2003, 05:10:13 am »

 posted by Karnak

I don't think D2 has a big enough player base for strategic play anymore in a full 8 race campaign. The Kitties in AOTK had the right strategy but did not have the "bodies" to carry  out the plan to fruition.

That's why I opted for a more econ-centric VCs style in the pending "ISC Invasion" campaign.  Races that don't have the players show up will lose right away if the numbers are too lop-sided.  

Which is why I think a combined shiplist merging the allied races is a very good idea. Not only does it fix resupplying at allied bases, it allows neutral space to be changed to a non-used empire (meaning neutral coop is a non-issue), and it gives players the opportunity to try other races ships, while being able to change back to one's they are familiar with with no problems.

The only drawback I see to a combined shiplist is the fact that players will be able to put very nasty (dare I say "cheesy"? yes I dare say it ) multi-race combos together (and from past experiences, sadly this WILL happen); a situation that will only be cured by imposing a 1 ship per player rule, thus allowing for a relaxing of the complicated CnC rules. Bases and planets will need teamwork to attack, rather than massed ai swarms (before Iaidoka jumps in here :P ), promoting better play all round imho.


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Re: Day of the Eagle: The Return of Herr Burt
« Reply #10 on: January 22, 2003, 05:14:28 am »
Btw, Herr Burt, you can put me down as a Romulan for this scenario. As much as I like playing Gorn, (and was tempted to make this my Fed server), the underdogs will need many players. I'm hoping the bulk of the Klingon players will choose Rom for this, then we'll have a very interesting setup. Thanks to you and your co-admin for setting this up


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Re: Day of the Eagle: The Return of Herr Burt
« Reply #11 on: January 22, 2003, 09:16:51 am »
Yeah...I'd be leaning towards Rom, too.  I'm an underdog kind of guy and I would be surprised if the size of the other two teams didn't flat out dwarf the Romulan contingent.

I like flying Rommie, too.  I'm not all that good to start with, but I'm certainly worse at flying romulan than I am it will be a challenge, to be sure.  I've flown a lot of Romulan in various campaigns, I just don't have a lot of PvP experience in Rom ships.



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Re: Day of the Eagle: The Return of Herr Burt
« Reply #12 on: January 22, 2003, 10:08:27 am »
That must be why I like the KDR/KDP and KCR and KRCS so much....hehhe....


SPQR Renegade001

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Re: Day of the Eagle: The Return of Herr Burt
« Reply #13 on: January 22, 2003, 10:23:30 am »
Herr Burt,

2 questions:

1). Are you planning on using ADB or Taldren as the source for your ships and fighters?
2.) When you get close, would you consider a preliminary release of your shiplist/fighterlist? We Rommies could sure use some practice with fighters (esp if their SFB speed, plasma based fighters), and I?m sure the opposing team would like some Sim time as well.


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Re: Day of the Eagle: The Return of Herr Burt
« Reply #14 on: January 22, 2003, 10:50:45 am »

Herr Burt,

2 questions:

1). Are you planning on using ADB or Taldren as the source for your ships and fighters?
2.) When you get close, would you consider a preliminary release of your shiplist/fighterlist? We Rommies could sure use some practice with fighters (esp if their SFB speed, plasma based fighters), and I?m sure the opposing team would like some Sim time as well.

Fighters with Plasma F's might be a little OTT unless the are slow say speed 20.   I think Pharoah proposed some ISC plasma based fighters for one of the shiplists which had F-Torps but were slow as a balancing act.  

Should be and interesting/fun server.  I think I'll fly Romulan so I can kill my friends  

To prevent this from turning into a complete hex-munching fest, I suggest a french-vannilla ship list with nothing more exoctic than a command crusier (Make the BCHs available when/if the year is right).  No carriers, bombardment ships, or any other cheese.  But I know that is just a pipedream      


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Re: Day of the Eagle: The Return of Herr Burt
« Reply #15 on: January 22, 2003, 12:48:39 pm »

The only drawback I see to a combined shiplist is the fact that players will be able to put very nasty (dare I say "cheesy"? yes I dare say it ) multi-race combos together (and from past experiences, sadly this WILL happen); a situation that will only be cured by imposing a 1 ship per player rule, thus allowing for a relaxing of the complicated CnC rules. Bases and planets will need teamwork to attack, rather than massed ai swarms (before Iaidoka jumps in here :P ), promoting better play all round imho.  

Grumble Grumble, Mutter

Grumble some more.

In the end, my opinion doesn't count. If the rules get so restrictive that I will no longer have fun, it will be obvious because of my absence.

Every campaign the restrictions get tighter and tighter.  Every campaign there are fewer and fewer of us.  Coincidence?  Perhaps.

All the bitching and moaning about how the game isn't any fun anymore because of multiple ship fleets reminds me a lot of the naval brass types who were convinced right before WWII that the next big naval war would be a war of battleships.  That was of course before the advent of pt boats and carriers.  Kinda changed the whole thing didn't they. Pt boats made destroyers more important and carriers made carriers the kings of the seas and relegated the battleship to an escort roll for the carriers.


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Re: Day of the Eagle: The Return of Herr Burt
« Reply #16 on: January 22, 2003, 01:22:02 pm »

Fighters with Plasma F's might be a little OTT unless the are slow say speed 20.   I think Pharoah proposed some ISC plasma based fighters for one of the shiplists which had F-Torps but were slow as a balancing act.  

To prevent this from turning into a complete hex-munching fest, I suggest a french-vannilla ship list with nothing more exoctic than a command crusier (Make the BCHs available when/if the year is right).  No carriers, bombardment ships, or any other cheese.  But I know that is just a pipedream      

Hey Diehard (with a Vengenance), I doubt that there is going to be too much cheese since he did state that the timeline would be for the years 2273 to 2277.   The BCH's don't come out until much later.   Plus which, knowing Herr Burt like I do, he will surely keep the ships vanilla-ish since that is the style of campaign he typically likes.   The fighters for the Gorn and Romulan's will problably be based on SFB specs, so PF shouldn't even come into play.   Then again, I could be wrong.

Hey, why don't you come and try the Gorn this time.   We'll be coming to save your Federation butts from the Nassty, trickssy, evil Romulans.   There's nothing like flying into combat with the biggest, baddest, squarest flying brick that the SFC universe has ever seen.    Takes a licken, and keeps on ticken.

New Gorn motto:   We'll bring the the WHOOPIN, you bring the ASS.    

Oh, don't forget the song of choice when charging into battle:

Enjoy, one and all,



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Re: Day of the Eagle: The Return of Herr Burt
« Reply #17 on: January 22, 2003, 01:42:46 pm »

Hey Diehard (with a Vengenance), I doubt that there is going to be too much cheese since he did state that the timeline would be for the years 2273 to 2277.   The BCH's don't come out until much later.   Plus which, knowing Herr Burt like I do, he will surely keep the ships vanilla-ish since that is the style of campaign he typically likes.   The fighters for the Gorn and Romulan's will problably be based on SFB specs, so PF shouldn't even come into play.   Then again, I could be wrong.


Seriously, SFB fighters?  Does anyone want REAL F-14s in this game?  I sure as hell don't.

I didn't play on the 4 powers war because I knew it would be lopsided.   There is no way to balance a campaign like that out in a D2 because the Klink ships of that era sucked ass on a one-for-one basis.  Didn't Herbert make Command ships (which are by no means cheese) by making them more expensive?   What happened?  Didn't people wait and buy them any way?

If you want a balance campaign like this, you have to restrict the cheese.  What's stopping the Feds from all flying CADs and mucnching the entire map without even needing to win a PvP fight?

Please, the Federation, Gorn and Romulan Command Crusiers are all relatively balanced in terms of AI killing speed and PvP ability.  What the heck does adding more cheese accomplish?

PS:   I'm already a damm good Gorn Pilot.  I SUCK at Romulan and need the practice.    


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Re: Day of the Eagle: The Return of Herr Burt
« Reply #18 on: January 22, 2003, 02:13:04 pm »

Seriously, SFB fighters?  Does anyone want REAL F-14s in this game?  I sure as hell don't.

If they are restricted to SFB speeds then sure.


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Re: Day of the Eagle: The Return of Herr Burt
« Reply #19 on: January 22, 2003, 02:27:34 pm »
Iaidoka, I hear (read) what you're saying. But, would you really want to go back to zero restrictions? Players with 3 CVAs? Or 3 D5Ds or 3 AD5s, or 3 NEC/NAC/NCD+, 3 PFTs, 3 KDPs, even 3 BBs ? etc.

I'm not trying to be more restrictive. I'm trying to be less restrictive. 1 ship per player - you can fly carrier, droner, escort, whatever (hopefully with the AOTK DN rule, relaxed so that it's voluntary! ). I know you promote massed fleets for base assaults. Teamwork can achieve the same thing.