Topic: WinXP pros, need some help  (Read 4548 times)

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Re: WinXP pros, need some help
« Reply #20 on: March 04, 2004, 12:35:46 am »

I didn't know that actually, thanks Javora.


You're not the only one, not many people know about that little trick.  As far as I know that little piece of information has only been on the net for about six months.  I've just seen it in a computer magazine about two months ago.  One thing is for sure Microsoft isn't going to tell you about it.  IMHO this discovery came about when people were taking the best of WinMe and merging those parts of WinMe with Win98se.  To my understanding this new hybrid Win98/Me is much more stable and runs smother.  I don't know what they are comparing it to though, I really hope they are not comparing the hybrid to WinMe.   My guess is they applied the same theory to Win2000 and WinXP.

Capt. Mike

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Re: WinXP pros, need some help
« Reply #21 on: March 04, 2004, 05:28:16 am »
You might try going to and getting thier utility.  I registered mine and run it daily just to free up the crap that really well after a reboot.



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Re: WinXP pros, need some help
« Reply #22 on: March 04, 2004, 06:14:05 am »
Brother T was right, I do not need to be messing with this stuff at 4:30 in the morning!   I tried and tried, I'll give you details of what happened after I wake up better today.

Thanks for the link Cpt. Mike, I take Taldren people far more seriously than a stupid ad or magazine. Brother Seth looked up the specs on this POS Dell, max is 512 Mb of RAM. I have 128 Mb RAM on my Sony Vaio but I bought it when they were using the supposed "next best RAM" and 6 months later they switched. Just so happens that the RAM my Sony uses is the most expensive on the market, and it being a P4 1.5, I'm not going to even bother. Better to wait to get a new high speed up to date system. I do however think that memturbo would be perfect for this POS Dell.  


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Re: WinXP pros, need some help
« Reply #23 on: March 04, 2004, 09:55:23 pm »

Brother T was right, I do not need to be messing with this stuff at 4:30 in the morning!   I tried and tried, I'll give you details of what happened after I wake up better today.

Thanks for the link Cpt. Mike, I take Taldren people far more seriously than a stupid ad or magazine. Brother Seth looked up the specs on this POS Dell, max is 512 Mb of RAM. I have 128 Mb RAM on my Sony Vaio but I bought it when they were using the supposed "next best RAM" and 6 months later they switched. Just so happens that the RAM my Sony uses is the most expensive on the market, and it being a P4 1.5, I'm not going to even bother. Better to wait to get a new high speed up to date system. I do however think that memturbo would be perfect for this POS Dell.  

pssh... just use cheap RAM.  I have a Compaq 5000 running 600MHz with 256 megs in it and with XP on it, it runs far and above better than it did with ME.  It doesn't pack up and restart itself anymore, and I played 6 DVDs in a row on it!!!  As long as it's DDR SDRAM and no greater then 256 megs/strip, they'll improve performance drastically.  I think 256 meg strips are somewhat cheap now, like $40 each.


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Re: WinXP pros, need some help
« Reply #24 on: March 04, 2004, 11:38:27 pm »
I'd also recommend going to  Black Viper's Web page.   I caught on to this one watching Tech TV and he's got lots of good information on the processes you've got running in the background and which can be safely turned off.  


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Re: WinXP pros, need some help
« Reply #25 on: March 05, 2004, 09:19:16 am »
Just wanted to say thanks Max and Joker. I left that MSconfig alone, I really need to get with Seth in person and learn the ways of the force. But I did find the disable commands so my startup lower right bar is EXACTLY the way I want it.

Even though I paid only 6 bucks more for the ethernet card here in Mexico vs U.S. (I looked at Best Buy's webpage and Office Depot's), memory is something you do NOT want to buy in Mexico (too bad we are not filthy rich, we could make our own P/C shop and import memory and mark it up only 25 percent or so and still sell like crazy). I'll wait until I fly back to Texas and pick some up.

Again thanks to everyone for taking the time to respond.  


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WinXP pros, need some help
« Reply #26 on: March 03, 2004, 10:07:09 pm »
No, I do not have a manual as it was loaded on this P/C because the Spanish ME was driving me nuts, and Vicky's nephew is studying software programming and had WinXP in English, and I have to admit, it kicks Win ME's arse!

Anyways, during startup, in lower right corner, I get sygate firewall (gotta keep that), safely remove hardware (do I need that or is it in the control panel as well?), local area connection (cable stuff, gotta keep that), Norton 2004 (gotta keep that), Adaptec CD (I'd rather that went into the my programs, not in the startup bar), MSN messenger (same as Adaptec, prefer I go to my programs to access), and yahoo messenger (same as Adaptec and MSN messenger, rather have it out of the startup bar).

How do I configure all this without deleting the programs? When all this crap loads at startup and is also in main screen, it is using a buttload of RAM, correct? Until I can get to E.P. Best Buy, I'm stuck with 128 Mb RAM, and I need to make sure this machine is optimized for the net.

Any suggestions or help would be appreciated.




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Re: WinXP pros, need some help
« Reply #27 on: March 03, 2004, 10:21:00 pm »
I'm surprised it's even running at all with 128MB!

Try right clicking on the icon for each item in the system tray and select Properties if available.  See if there is a box for Run on Startup.  If so, uncheck it.

You should also be able to right click on the icon in the system tray and choose Exit (but you'll have to do this each time if there is no way to stop it from running at startup).

Get more RAM asap

Good Luck!  


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Re: WinXP pros, need some help
« Reply #28 on: March 03, 2004, 10:21:04 pm »
Hiya Jack, this little tip will work with win 95 up...

Click start...Run...MSNconfig...and enter.

Click on startup, and Note the Programs there. This is everything that starts up when you turn your PC on.

Make alist of them for us, and We'll try and Match It up with what you want on, and off.




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Re: WinXP pros, need some help
« Reply #29 on: March 03, 2004, 11:23:55 pm »

Hiya Jack, this little tip will work with win 95 up...

Click start...Run...MSNconfig...and enter.

Click on startup, and Note the Programs there. This is everything that starts up when you turn your PC on.

Make alist of them for us, and We'll try and Match It up with what you want on, and off.



Oh my lord, Stephen, you're gonna let Jack lose with this tool:  




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Re: WinXP pros, need some help
« Reply #30 on: March 03, 2004, 11:32:24 pm »


Hiya Jack, this little tip will work with win 95 up...

Click start...Run...MSNconfig...and enter.

Click on startup, and Note the Programs there. This is everything that starts up when you turn your PC on.

Make alist of them for us, and We'll try and Match It up with what you want on, and off.



Oh my lord, Stephen, you're gonna let Jack lose with this tool:  



Yeha your right, I should have pointed him too...

Start... Run....

"regedit" ....


BTW, Jack, don't go into Regedit untill you have abit more confidence Bro.

Stephen Laughing at toastyO tonight.  


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Re: WinXP pros, need some help
« Reply #31 on: March 03, 2004, 11:48:01 pm »

Hiya Jack, this little tip will work with win 95 up...

Click start...Run...MSNconfig...and enter.

Click on startup, and Note the Programs there. This is everything that starts up when you turn your PC on.

Make alist of them for us, and We'll try and Match It up with what you want on, and off.



Just a little programing note, MSconfig will not work in Win2000.  However if you own a copy of WinXP you can copy the MSconfig file over to the Win2000.  This will allow you to run MSconfig on Win2000 as you would on WinXP.  Hope this helps.


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Re: WinXP pros, need some help
« Reply #32 on: March 03, 2004, 11:53:15 pm »
I didn't know that actually, thanks Javora.



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Re: WinXP pros, need some help
« Reply #33 on: March 04, 2004, 12:35:46 am »

I didn't know that actually, thanks Javora.


You're not the only one, not many people know about that little trick.  As far as I know that little piece of information has only been on the net for about six months.  I've just seen it in a computer magazine about two months ago.  One thing is for sure Microsoft isn't going to tell you about it.  IMHO this discovery came about when people were taking the best of WinMe and merging those parts of WinMe with Win98se.  To my understanding this new hybrid Win98/Me is much more stable and runs smother.  I don't know what they are comparing it to though, I really hope they are not comparing the hybrid to WinMe.   My guess is they applied the same theory to Win2000 and WinXP.

Capt. Mike

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Re: WinXP pros, need some help
« Reply #34 on: March 04, 2004, 05:28:16 am »
You might try going to and getting thier utility.  I registered mine and run it daily just to free up the crap that really well after a reboot.



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Re: WinXP pros, need some help
« Reply #35 on: March 04, 2004, 06:14:05 am »
Brother T was right, I do not need to be messing with this stuff at 4:30 in the morning!   I tried and tried, I'll give you details of what happened after I wake up better today.

Thanks for the link Cpt. Mike, I take Taldren people far more seriously than a stupid ad or magazine. Brother Seth looked up the specs on this POS Dell, max is 512 Mb of RAM. I have 128 Mb RAM on my Sony Vaio but I bought it when they were using the supposed "next best RAM" and 6 months later they switched. Just so happens that the RAM my Sony uses is the most expensive on the market, and it being a P4 1.5, I'm not going to even bother. Better to wait to get a new high speed up to date system. I do however think that memturbo would be perfect for this POS Dell.  


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Re: WinXP pros, need some help
« Reply #36 on: March 04, 2004, 09:55:23 pm »

Brother T was right, I do not need to be messing with this stuff at 4:30 in the morning!   I tried and tried, I'll give you details of what happened after I wake up better today.

Thanks for the link Cpt. Mike, I take Taldren people far more seriously than a stupid ad or magazine. Brother Seth looked up the specs on this POS Dell, max is 512 Mb of RAM. I have 128 Mb RAM on my Sony Vaio but I bought it when they were using the supposed "next best RAM" and 6 months later they switched. Just so happens that the RAM my Sony uses is the most expensive on the market, and it being a P4 1.5, I'm not going to even bother. Better to wait to get a new high speed up to date system. I do however think that memturbo would be perfect for this POS Dell.  

pssh... just use cheap RAM.  I have a Compaq 5000 running 600MHz with 256 megs in it and with XP on it, it runs far and above better than it did with ME.  It doesn't pack up and restart itself anymore, and I played 6 DVDs in a row on it!!!  As long as it's DDR SDRAM and no greater then 256 megs/strip, they'll improve performance drastically.  I think 256 meg strips are somewhat cheap now, like $40 each.


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Re: WinXP pros, need some help
« Reply #37 on: March 04, 2004, 11:38:27 pm »
I'd also recommend going to  Black Viper's Web page.   I caught on to this one watching Tech TV and he's got lots of good information on the processes you've got running in the background and which can be safely turned off.  


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Re: WinXP pros, need some help
« Reply #38 on: March 05, 2004, 09:19:16 am »
Just wanted to say thanks Max and Joker. I left that MSconfig alone, I really need to get with Seth in person and learn the ways of the force. But I did find the disable commands so my startup lower right bar is EXACTLY the way I want it.

Even though I paid only 6 bucks more for the ethernet card here in Mexico vs U.S. (I looked at Best Buy's webpage and Office Depot's), memory is something you do NOT want to buy in Mexico (too bad we are not filthy rich, we could make our own P/C shop and import memory and mark it up only 25 percent or so and still sell like crazy). I'll wait until I fly back to Texas and pick some up.

Again thanks to everyone for taking the time to respond.