All of the Ship Classes(save for the Soulwolf-Zero) are named after some of you guys
More will come...but this is my first wave(they have to be textured first)
XCA: Orta-Class, USS Soulwolf-Zero NSX-001
DN/BB: Dufrane-Class, USS Excelsior-Xenos NSX-200-S
BC: Seraph-Class, USS Exeter-Rexus NSX-028
CA: Reverend-Class, USS Constellation-Angelos NSX-055
CL: Racal-Class, USS Republic-Neos NSX-072
NCL: O'Neal-Class, USS Hermes-Zephyss NSX-083
Fleet Pics to be posted soon

And yes I am working on a new Enemy for these bad boys