Darn EE, now I will not be able to reach you to ask about dance or techno songs anymore.

God has looked out for you brother, take advantage of it and learn all you can, try to be the best you can be, and above all else (considering you will be working in electricity) be SAFE and take your time and do it right.
Yes, it is a trade skill, but that is a great thing, as us Americans are slowly losing our basic trade skills, hence part of the influx of illegals and legal immigrants with those trade skills needed. It's not the whole picture, but it is part of it. Once you learn your skill and have a few years under your belt, you will be making some very good money indeed as the population needs new houses and work sites, city services, etc... and all that requires new construction and jobs for people like YOU. Not only that, if you ever need side cash, there are many people that buy older homes and want them restored. I saw it all the time in Austin before I left as property values are going up so people would build additions to the houses near downtown or buy an old house and have them restored.
I have been learning here in Mexico as well, though I will never be a hard charger like I used to be. It shocks me as to how skilled some of the Mexicans are with ceramic tile and cement work (the roads still suck though).
You never know, maybe one day will come that all 3 countries (Canada, Mexico, U.S.) will have a true trade pact and there will be job opportunities for Americans in Mexico. I look at Chihuahua every day and see so much potential, yet as EZKill and others know, it is our govts. that keep us down.
Congrats EE, and I really mean it! Do not be a young fool like I was when I was 19 and had a dream job at a life insurance company (owned by friend of the family), and wine, women, song were more important than my job

I made myself look bad and lost a great opportunity, all in almost a year.
Now that being said, 80's dance scene, heavy bass and electronic beat "break em baby, shake em baby... break em baby shake em baby... This is the sound, this is the sound, this is the sound of hell... Where did she come from? The guy singing has this weird voice and he is talking about when you are stuck in the wrong place temptations...