Well there is a lot of stuff.. usually posted in the Dynaverse 2 forum on this board.
let see...
there is Firesoul's OP +v3.2 shiplist..
this adds close to 5000 ships total to the game across all the races
he has 2 installer packs available.. both are comaptible with the other.. however 1 pack contains models, the other no models.
Mission scripts.. then Nuclear Wessels has the Evil Dave mission pack (NWMissionTest.zip) which is over 100 missions for OP plus Single Player campaign set ups.. be sure to read the readme file in this package...
then there is Karnak's Evil El Karnak Mission scripts (EEK Missions) which is a good collection of scripts for use in single player and Dynaverse... this package contains the MCT single player campaign setups as well as a customized shiplist.
then ther eis Tracey G's patrol scripts.. there is no Single Player Campaign set ups, but it is easy enough to open up a *.mct file in notepad and edit the file to add the missions in...
then there is Firesoul's Fests + Multiplayer Skirmish pack.. I think that is self explanitory
then there is Mangunman's Multiplayer Skirmish Secotr Assault script which has a configuration utility to customise the script...
then there is the Firesoul edited Co-Op Ace Script which is a Multiplayer Skirmish script where you go against an enemy fleet... this is also customizable with a built in utility...
then there is a pack where I combined all of these together into 1 installer.... I call it the OP Enhancement package..
If you have time to Dl a big package and yor machine is tough.. such as a good graphics card and fast CPU and at lease 512 megs system memory.. then my big full package would be good.. however you would have to intall the package on a Clean install of OP....
my big package contains
the OP Bonus Missions as released by Taldren,
SFC OP Patch 2500-2552
Co-OP Ace Scripts
NW Nission pack
Karnak's EK Mission pack
Tracey G's Mission pack
over 90 Single player campaign setups
Firesoul's EAW to OP Mission Script conversions (takes EAW's Storyline scripts to OP)
Firesoul's EAW Sulu Bonus Mission Conversion to OP
Firesoul's OP + v3.2 shiplist with models
Pneumatic 81 and Atrahasis Dynaverse 2 model package (high resolution replacements of Fed and Klink and Rom models)
Magnum Man's Sector Assault
Shipedit and Shipedit OP for modding your shiplist for custom useage
Firesoul's Fest's + scripts
Firesoul's Model testing script (to make sure all your models work correctly)
This package is 165 MB large..
This is to be used on Out OF Box version only, do not use any patches with this package as it already contains the latest game patch. Install time.. approx 10 to 15 min.
you can Download it at :
http://www.sfcx.org/downloads/mirrors/Pestalence/OP_Enhancement_Pack_v1.04_High_Res_OPPLUS_Model.exeI have smaller packs of varying size with similar content, but not all the content listed above.. you would have to read the posting on it I made in these forums...
alternatively you can Download each part separately by searching these boards for the components.. but the single player setups that are in my package are setups that I made or altered to try to incorporate several things together...
you can examine the posting and get links to the smaller packs fron this posting thread.. these packs you will need to patch to v2552 separately, then install this package.
http://forums.taldren.com/ubbthreads/showflat.php?Cat=&Number=287104&page=0&view=collapsed&sb=5&o=&fpart=1&vc=1anyhow I hope that this helps.