Maybe I'm way off base here. I'm definitely not "in the know" anymore than anyone else is (and less than many), but here's my two cents worth, anyway.
I think that Activision has no understanding of Taldren's commitment to their games and their fans. Activision has a one patch policy, from what I understand. This might mean that if they accepted an incomplete patch for a game that then the developer would have fulfilled their commitment to Activision and the game could go incomplete with no recourse on the developer. This might also set some legal precedent for others to follow suit and not properly complete their games.
Of course, anyone who's been here for any length of time knows that's not the way Taldren does things. We have continued to receive, updates, patches, fixes, things added because we want them, etc... for years on their games. Even from ex-employees (Thanks again, Dave.
) who have continued to show a commitment to us and pride in their product. (Thanks also to Khoromag, and I'm sure others, who have worked hard for us. If I've left anyone out, I'm sorry.)
Not to stick up for Activision. If their agreements not only allows, but creates the situation for a game to be able to go over a year without an official patch, then there's no excuse for such a stupid agreement from such a large, and presumably, professional company. There's probably more than one lawyer that isn't earning their paycheck IMO for this to have happened.
speaking from my experience with Taldren, I'm certain that they are doing all that they can to get SFC3 right. I'm sure that it pains them everytime that they read a, "Hey, when are you going to fix my game!" post about SFC3. As far as them buying the rights to patch the game goes, no offense, but that'd be like you paying your employer to let you work for them. Not something that I'd be willing to do.