Topic: Ideas for a Naming Convention of Mirak Ships and looking for something  (Read 1331 times)

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Honestly, im tired of looking at ZBB or ZCA as class names... What do you think would be a good naming convention?

Second, i was wondering if someone could be so kind as to Zip up the Stock Mirak ships and toss them to me over MSN or would be greatly appreciated.


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Re: Ideas for a Naming Convention of Mirak Ships and looking for something
« Reply #1 on: February 28, 2004, 02:29:10 pm »
With much thanks to Atolm, i have the Stock Mirak ships
But im still in need for ideas for naming conventions

Captain Ron

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Re: Ideas for a Naming Convention of Mirak Ships and looking for something
« Reply #2 on: February 28, 2004, 02:43:12 pm »
Do a search for the Man-Kzinti wars by Larry Niven They should at least give you some ideas there.


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Re: Ideas for a Naming Convention of Mirak Ships and looking for something
« Reply #3 on: February 28, 2004, 02:52:21 pm »
Well, Lyrans use cats of all types to name their Classes, and Mirak aren't K'Zinti... so why not dogs?

Chihuahua Police Ship. Dingo HDW. Border Collie CL. Timberwolf CC. Greyhound Fast Cruiser. Rottweiler CCH. German Shepherd DN. King Shepherd DNH. Royal Poodle CVA. Lone Wolf SSCS. Mastiff BB

How's that for suggestions?


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Re: Ideas for a Naming Convention of Mirak Ships and looking for something
« Reply #4 on: February 28, 2004, 03:26:21 pm »

and Mirak aren't K'Zinti... so why not dogs?

Actually, if you listen to the taunts in SFC2, the Mirak one howls like a werewolf, which is what I thought the portrait kind of looked like, Lon Cheney in a kimono or something.  Anyway, I've tended to refer to Mirak ships with canine-inspired names.  I arbitrarily dubbed the XCA the Bloodfang-class and I named a 24th Century ship of theirs the Howlrunner after something from Star Wars.


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Re: Ideas for a Naming Convention of Mirak Ships and looking for something
« Reply #5 on: February 28, 2004, 04:11:52 pm »
How about "Cerberus"...

Sorry, that's all I could think of....



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Re: Ideas for a Naming Convention of Mirak Ships and looking for something
« Reply #6 on: February 28, 2004, 04:56:20 pm »
Well, in my private universe the Kzinti/Mirak are the same. Cat-like.
This is what i did, i took the same idea as SFB Romulans in how they used the (INSERT-SOMETHING-HERE)HAWK and adapted it for what i this.

Thanks for the ideas though, im using the naming convention above for my Breen ships instead.


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Re: Ideas for a Naming Convention of Mirak Ships and looking for something
« Reply #7 on: February 29, 2004, 04:21:41 am »
As Kzin/Mirak RM for I assure you that we Mirak players most certainly consider ourselves feline.

Would love especially to rename or fighters. Mastiffs, Basenji, and Salukis are not to my liking.

Was thinking Slasher. Render, Raker, etc.

Here are a few links that may or may not be helpful

Slasher was a light cruiser class in Man Kzin wars.

Good luck