Well.. I'm thinking about moving. I can't afford rent for where I currently live and have opted BUYING a condo.
.. now, this affects
http://klingon.stasis.ca/ since it is hosted on my
grandfathered and impossible to get static IP DSL.
.. in other words, the site will eventually disapeer since I'm actually hosting it in my home.
The site will go offline, maybe even permanently.Now you have to understand that I have to give my landlord 60 days written notice of termination of lease. This means this won't occur overnight.. however I know some of you use this site because it hosts patches and such. It's a mirror for many other things, too.
So: you want to grab soemthing from my site? Now's the time. You want to mirror? Go for it.
Also: this will mean that I will have to figure out how and where I need to host my projects in the future, once I've moved.
-- Luc