K, I know how you feel man. You want to know how I found out that my stepdad died? I went and bought him a big bag of chocolate bars (variety pack) and arrived at the house (thank God my bad sis was not home). My mom answered the door, and I'm a rangewalker (military stuff for a really fast walker) and I go to the living room and I noticed his chair is empty and I turned around and asked mom "Where is Poppy?" Well, he died the night before, and I was not even informed. My mom told me noone had my number, well fluck, how hard is it to look in the phone directory and look for a Leda Morris or ask an operator?
It's hard for me to even look at the house. I have so many memories, some bad (I was a rebel and deserved my arse chewings), but also many good ones.
I know how you feel brother, but at least you are keeping busy, just as I am. Maybe I am on a variety of meds that VA would not prescribe for me, but at least I have no desire to self medicate myself into oblivion with alcohol, and I'm learning so much, not only about roses, ceramic tile, furniture refinishing and such, but also about Mexico and life.
I'll still be so glad to get home to our Texas!
Springtime is coming, and with me knowing how to do the files on my dig cam, think of all the honeys on Town lake hike and bike trail!
Remember the rear view VSFedwards put up? That's only a sample guys!