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Quote:I know that the design is hard for some to accept(sorry about that)
Quote: Quote:--------------------------------------------------------------------------------I know that the design is hard for some to accept(sorry about that) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------hard to acsept if any one ever got any theng from star trek it shuld be acseptence if they dident then they didn't get Star trek and shuld stop whacing the shows bur all related matirial to the show and avoid any theg to do with it becose they obiosly don't get it and Aziel you heve nothig to be sory abult any way Aziel I love yore desgin i realy do one sugjestion on the textures try scaning aorganic patern like a skin from humans or any other creature ad play with the color scheme to maike it look more orgaic then it is alredy now if only some one do one of my litle ship'es
Quote: Im workig on the aditional views for sevral ships and hope to fiish them before we'r goig to be gradparents