Topic: Should these be finished? *DELETED*  (Read 2823 times)

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Captain Ron

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Should these be finished? *DELETED*
« on: February 27, 2004, 03:38:41 am »
Post deleted by Captain Ron


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Re: Should these be finished?
« Reply #1 on: February 27, 2004, 04:04:48 am »
Er....... no. No point to devote that much time and effort to a design that, well...... doesn't look very appealing. Excel-Galaxy kitbashes aren't exactly in high demand...


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Re: Should these be finished?
« Reply #2 on: February 27, 2004, 05:39:45 am »
Im not gonna vote, because there is no third option.
Basically, i say, whatever you want, since your the one who made her.

However, i will innocently recommend extending the length of the nacelles and lowering the width of them. That way it wont look like it has cancer.
« Last Edit: February 27, 2004, 05:40:57 am by Fury_of_a_Seraph »


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Re: Should these be finished?
« Reply #3 on: February 27, 2004, 06:26:52 am »

However, i will innocently recommend extending the length of the nacelles and lowering the width of them. That way it wont look like it has cancer.

So.... basically you recommend it have Excelsior nacelles? Good idea. =)


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Re: Should these be finished?
« Reply #4 on: February 27, 2004, 07:02:04 am »
make the transitio betwi the pilons that hold the nucels and the ucels them selfs more smooth it shuld have some sort of a trasition platform betwin the nucels and the pielons
btw I second theabuve sugestion

Captain Ron

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Re: Should these be finished?
« Reply #5 on: February 27, 2004, 09:35:18 am »

Increased the length and thinned it out some, but was wondering how to fix the front part only want to keep that orginal shape but the new size (since i am learn this as I go anyone that knows how please leave a write up here). So this one will more than likily end up in the private collection along, but will probably complete it simply for the kitbashing experience it started out as.

Captain Ron

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Re: Should these be finished?
« Reply #6 on: February 27, 2004, 09:06:58 pm »

Ok here is the deal I have allot of unfinished projects and i was wondering if I should should bother with a few of them or not. This is one of the ones that is close, it still needs the engines to be retextured to match the rest of the ship. The question is should I bother or not with this one, as it will take 8-9 hours of work to redo the engines textures (mostly because I have troubles making up my mind).

So here is the picture of the WIP (one of the few you will ever see from me)


And the newest pick


Now this one has the general shape i wanted for the Engines, so they will not change unless some one can give me a good reason for them to be different (a good reason to you is not necessarily one for me). Now this one is also in the baic colours I was planning on using, it just needs detailing added on the engines. The Detailing can be done in two ways; the first by hand (usual method) or by editing on other textures (faster but usually not as appealing looking). So for this guy I will restart the poll here, that last ship will be thrown away as I have now edited the mesh so it is gone.

New Poll:

Should this class be finished?

The vote here will determine if I finish it in a way that will be released to the public, no matter what It WILL end up in my personal collection. A few of you have got ships from me that have never been released (unless you do it) so you know what a black hole that collection is if a ship is placed on that list.

So think it through and please post a comment, sometimes that is enough to get me to change my mind even if the vote is a no one. On a personal note I did ask for opinions so I would like to see them, and I will not Retaliate for it either, really I will not send the pink barbie connie I swear!


Captain Ron

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Re: Should these be finished?
« Reply #7 on: February 27, 2004, 09:11:00 pm »
Suck you can not edit a post with a poll in it, How the heck do you get a poll closed option then?


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Re: Should these be finished?
« Reply #8 on: February 27, 2004, 09:29:50 pm »


However, i will innocently recommend extending the length of the nacelles and lowering the width of them. That way it wont look like it has cancer.

So.... basically you recommend it have Excelsior nacelles? Good idea. =)  

uh, see...uh, no...thats not what i said.

But lets take a look at the overall design of the excelsior. Long body, long nacelles, short height, short saucer....
now lets look at say, the sovereign - which is as a graceful, if not more, design. Long nacelles, Longer-than-normal saucer, longer-than-normal engineering section. short height.

Short and wide nacelles on a ship with a short saucer and a very long body just plain doesnt look right

Captain Ron, honestly, i love the design so far.
It could be said that this refit of the excelsior was a refit that lasted for about 3 ships. it was intended to be as a testbed for the new galaxy-style nacelles. Since issues during the lost era where at such a high, they didnt want to pull back an Ambassador-class as a test bed.


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Re: Should these be finished?
« Reply #9 on: February 27, 2004, 10:00:24 pm »
Very interesting design sir.My question is, wouldn't the next logical phase in narcelle upgrading be to a Enterprise C style? And  IF  this was a test bed for the Ambassador Class  I think it would be interesting to perhaps see some Amb style texturing on the saucer,maybe an Ambassador style deflector as well? Just asking  . I say go with it.You can never have too many variations on a design.Besides it's another ship to add to my collection  
« Last Edit: February 27, 2004, 10:08:22 pm by ModelsPlease »


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Re: Should these be finished?
« Reply #10 on: February 27, 2004, 10:37:38 pm »

Very interesting design sir.My question is, wouldn't the next logical phase in narcelle upgrading be to a Enterprise C style? And  IF  this was a test bed for the Ambassador Class  I think it would be interesting to perhaps see some Amb style texturing on the saucer,maybe an Ambassador style deflector as well? Just asking  . I say go with it.You can never have too many variations on a design.Besides it's another ship to add to my collection  

I would agree except for a few things,

1)  if you notice, i said this could be a testbed for the Galaxy warp-nacelle system, developed when then ambassador was quite  the big-boy already. As i said, they wouldnt use an ambassador because it would be a waste of resources...why test it on a battlecruiser when you can test it on a heavy cruiser.

2) with the ambassador style saucer textures or deflector....they werent different in TNG, so why would they make a change and then revert back.

Captain Ron

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Re: Should these be finished?
« Reply #11 on: February 27, 2004, 10:53:14 pm »
The Excelsior hull would make a excellent test bed for a simple reason, it was in service for over 100 years. It would be so well know that all tests of different components would be ease to exclude what the ships effects on them are. It is a interesting thought but more than likily it would be limited to a few vessels for testing only they would probably never see service as a ship of the line.

Captain Ron

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Re: Should these be finished?
« Reply #12 on: February 28, 2004, 10:44:21 am »


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Re: Should these be finished?
« Reply #13 on: February 28, 2004, 10:45:37 am »
You're gonna bump without an update? thats just mean!

Captain Ron

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Re: Should these be finished?
« Reply #14 on: February 28, 2004, 01:04:05 pm »

Actually I forgot to add it.

The ship is nearly done, I just needto add the pen-stripe on the lower part of the engine and some on the top center to give it some colour. The real problem is that it needs a registry and that can go both ways either NX or NCC. If I go with a NCC that means it was an actual class and was in production (TNG doesn't support this), If I go with a NX then it will be of limited production but there is no facts on what the number range should be, all in all a pain.

So next comes the pictures, which will be from the model veiwer so resolution will be low. I will replacethe orginal pic as I need the space an that one is no longer valid anyways. So the pictures are above and updated.



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Re: Should these be finished?
« Reply #15 on: February 28, 2004, 01:14:32 pm »
Honestly, id go with NCC-8000 range, just off the top of my head.
The three ships of this class could have been pushed into service after their trials due to a lack of ships and the threat of war.


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Re: Should these be finished?
« Reply #16 on: February 28, 2004, 01:43:52 pm »
If they are new-builds then given the blatantly Galaxy style nacelles they should at least be from that era, something 50000+.

Prefferably you could make them old ships that were in mothballs that got used for the upgrade which would open the registry to anything you choose. This sounds more realistic to me buit I'd suggest they get a registry similar to the Excelsiors in DS9 - 40000+ like the Valley Forge or the Lakota. Just my ?0.02

Captain Ron

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Re: Should these be finished?
« Reply #17 on: February 28, 2004, 02:56:31 pm »
Well the poll seems to be going well so far all for and no against across two forums.

I like the upgrade idea because of the war so I took a lower number ship as it was probably retired, then brought back with updates for the war. I chose the U.S.S. Crockett NCC - 38955 So all I need to do now is run it in the game and take some screen captures for the download picture, once that is ready i can upload her, so it should be up in a few hours (need a nap first up late and woke up early).

So it will be out tonight!


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Re: Should these be finished?
« Reply #18 on: February 28, 2004, 02:58:03 pm »

Well the poll seems to be going well so far all for and no against across two forums.

I like the upgrade idea because of the war so I took a lower number ship as it was probably retired, then brought back with updates for the war. I chose the U.S.S. Crockett NCC - 38955 So all I need to do now is run it in the game and take some screen captures for the download picture, once that is ready i can upload her, so it should be up in a few hours (need a nap first up late and woke up early).

So it will be out tonight!  



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Re: Should these be finished?
« Reply #19 on: February 28, 2004, 02:59:59 pm »
If you can Capt,
I would make the Pylons deeper front to back...just so the ship has some better proportions an strength
Love the Idea though