Topic: Lost job  (Read 10588 times)

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Re: Lost job
« Reply #80 on: February 27, 2004, 02:46:42 pm »
Yeah, we did highjack it. Us vets can talk military later. BTW, congrats on all the honors man! I would have LOVED being part of your company's medical team.    


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Re: Lost job
« Reply #81 on: February 27, 2004, 04:09:32 pm »
Sorry to hear you were fired by retards.  I work at a BK and I'll tell you that I know a true moron when I see one.  I make the most noise of ANYONE in that place besides the far upper management.  But you wanna know something?  It's a starter job.  The only reason why I'm not management is because I'd have to deal with even more stupidity than just being crew.

You're young yet, as am I.  I'm considering builing custom computers, so if anyone has any advice for me, fire it off in PM's  As for you, Clark, just refuse to be walked on, but do it diplomatically.  

Clark Kent

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Re: Lost job
« Reply #82 on: February 27, 2004, 06:19:27 pm »

You're young yet, as am I.  I'm considering builing custom computers, so if anyone has any advice for me, fire it off in PM's  As for you, Clark, just refuse to be walked on, but do it diplomatically.    

Right now, I'm a little tired of being diplomatic.  That child that was shoving me was the first one that I raised my voice to at that job.  It's possible that I could have been percieved as confrontational by trying to get in his way.  I wasn't sure what to do, with him spouting off at the mouth and getting violent with me regardless of being in his way, so I just assumed that I would have to find a way to passively detain him until help arrived, which it never did.  
Thinking it over, it really pisses me off that an entire week went by without me hearing a thing, and then I was fired expressely for a "grave situation," and told specifically that any point of view I offered would not be accepted.
I did turn in my uniforms this morning.  One of my former supervisors (kinda an office space situation) was very friendly with me as I walked in the door.  I had planned it to be quick, drop the clothes off and leave, so that's exactly what I did.  I didn't even bother to reply to him.
Typically, I'm a very soft spoken and friendly individual- the student who greeted me with "F--- you you piece of s--- high school drop out mother f-----" was greeted with "good morning, could you hold on one second..." by me.  I'm tired of it though.  I've been run over by too many cars, gotten too many broken noses, cuts bruises, spit on, kicked cussed out etc for a man that 6'1", 225 with hardly an ounce of fat on him.  I never start fights, and I don't plan to, but I think the proper course of action is to simply not give anyone anything to go on anymore.  No more social pleasantries, no good morning smiles, no conversation, nothing.  Perhaps if everyone sees me as allof, cold and emotionless, I'll get better results.  This is also not the first time I've gotten in trouble when I never laid a finger on someone for assault.  I think next time it would be best to just start breaking bones, as long as I'm going to be punished for it anyway.


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Re: Lost job
« Reply #83 on: February 27, 2004, 06:38:20 pm »
 Go to the police station and swear out a complaint against the punk. Swear out an assualt warrant. Then go to the labor board (or the dept. of labor in your area). File a complaint against the guy/gal that fired you. Contact the school board and file a complain against him/her there as well. Make it hard on them all.

Remember the old saying, "The squeaky wheel gets the grease".


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Re: Lost job
« Reply #84 on: February 28, 2004, 04:19:27 am »
1) See a psycologist. Depression is a disease that is treat able. And if neglected can ruin and even kill you. (exp. suicide)
2) Learn to take pride in yourself. Or others will walk all over you.
3)Rationalize is nothing without action. Think of something and then persue it.
5)Find a support group. Local YMCA, Church, Collage,etc

If you made it though collage then you can deal with people.

Ideas, Get a job in Forest and Wildlife conservation. Night shift guard. Be a druck driver. Be a taxi driver. Become a custodian. Etc.



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Re: Lost job
« Reply #85 on: February 28, 2004, 09:35:26 am »
Agreed, depression does kill, most people know about me in 97.

INS is hiring if you are interested in being a border patrol agent, and they even do like the military and put you in school for espanol! You being a vet, you have hiring preference.  

Clark Kent

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Re: Lost job
« Reply #86 on: February 28, 2004, 10:47:35 am »
INS wouldn't be that bad, I think, but being up in minnesota, it's not much of an option, unless I wanted to move all the way down there.
The truth is I'm already seeing a psychologist, and have been for quite some time.  Not much ealse I can say about that.


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Re: Lost job
« Reply #87 on: February 28, 2004, 11:18:34 am »
Heck man, you think INS is just in the SW of our nation? Who do you think is on our borders all the way around? They do more than just bust illegals and check cars and truck at ports of entry, they also check ships arriving at the Great Lakes, etc... Of course they are like the military though, they say go south, you gotta go, but hey, at least they pay for the move.

You being up north, the person that posted is correct, Forestry Dept. might be pretty cool too.  


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Re: Lost job
« Reply #88 on: February 28, 2004, 03:24:48 pm »
Clark, if you are in the Twin Cities area check out one of the many small manufacturing plants, it's a job and some of them are probably worth staying with. From what I have been told they are always looking for people although I can't say for certain since I won't go down there and I am even finding Duluth to be too big for me.  


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Re: Lost job
« Reply #89 on: March 01, 2004, 04:54:44 am »
Take stock in what you have.

Family and friends who love you.

A job is what you isn't who you are. You aren't a failure if you have troubble getting work. Plenty of good folks have had work related issues --- myself included.

Jobs...possessions...all things that can be replaced and are only the way you pay the bills. No matter how ruff things get the people who know and love you will always do so.