Topic: Assorted Projects  (Read 1051 times)

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Assorted Projects
« on: February 26, 2004, 05:47:38 am »
Since I have no recollection as to whether i actually *showed* any of my pieces of work before I suddenly got too busy to keep up with SFC, I thought I'd show them now that I'm getting back into it again. These models are in various stages of completion, though all of them are at least 90% on the geometry.

Unfortunately, as I'm working for a game developer now, and currently up to my eyebrows in modelling work for  a demo to sell Acclaim, there's no telling exactly when these will hit an actual release point. But we can all hope for the best.

First up was my first foray into SFC3 models, an original ship design I christened the USS Dauntless. Unfortunately I don't have a lot in the way of clear shots of it, so the first two will be initial untextured MAX renders, and the third is the current texture state.

Current status: in-game. But a proper balancing hasn't been done yet. Only enough to see if it works, and to have some fun with ridiculous loadouts:

(large files)

Chances are good I'll be re-texturing from scratch (possibly re-modelling, too) now that I have some more experience under my belt.

Second on my list, A romulan ship, the Raven. Or Dhael Ih'llaihr, if that's your preference. I think this one's probably my favorite of them, for a number of reasons. The forward structure isn't necessarily finalized, but it's the best I've managed to get put there so far. Texturing's about half-done, on the version that's sitting on my HDD. These are Lightwave renders.

The last of the trek-universe models in my list is another Fed, in this case a small craft, right around Runabout-sized. the Wraith is intended as a covert-Ops ship, made withthe best stealth materials the federation has to offer. Lightly armed with only a pair of phaser strips on the leading edges of the 'wings', the mission profile is likely a hostile-territory scout. For game purposes, I'm recommending a Cloak-I. there may be some final texture changes, but this one's ready for export otherwise.

And, on to the non-trek...

First, and original design i'd originally had pegged for Freelancer, and ended up tossing together an SFC3 version while I was at it... just a little fighter design in piratical regalia.

And a little something I threw together for kicks because I had a nice reference picture handy....

Done for a low-poly demonstration in one of my classes, but easily exported if I want to....

And finally... Kier Darby of made a low-poly version of his
 Gorgeous White Star from Babylon 5 that I've been considering asking for permission to port into SFC3.

My work is (for the moment) available on an ask-for-it basis. To wit, if you like something you see and want it for a mod (except the WS, which I don't hold the rights on) drop me a line and we'll talk. A PM here or on Battleclinic works fine(and be sure to post a reply, too ), or my email at is checked whenever I remember to do it. I'm also open to offers of re-texturings or assistance getting finished-- same procedure applies. I'm generally genial to those who are polite, so don't expect a model nazi here.

Comments are welcome, but keep them constructive, please... suggestions welcome, but I reserve the right to not agree with them.


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Re: Assorted Projects
« Reply #1 on: February 26, 2004, 10:10:02 pm »
not bad, i like the blue fighter and the yamato is nice also.


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Re: Assorted Projects
« Reply #2 on: February 27, 2004, 08:26:13 am »
Great stuff!

Almost more eye candy than my brain can handle!

I want 'em all in SFC ('cause I'm a greedy little collector).    


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Re: Assorted Projects
« Reply #3 on: February 27, 2004, 08:28:29 pm »

Great stuff!

Almost more eye candy than my brain can handle!

I want 'em all in SFC ('cause I'm a greedy little collector).      

Hehehehe so am I