You know, for those of you, inluding SkinMan, who joined this forum or started modelling say within a year or so ago or less than that, I need to remind you that the old-timers have been here ever since the game came out in I think 1999, and during APOC's heyday and the friendships that the old-time modelers made between themselves, the way we offered support was to say things truly and without frills, because this is the way we not only helped each other out but allowed the modeler to see his own work from a totally different perspective.....which is a more powerful and valuable insight than 1000 positive comments you could hear, which if you think about it are rather empty and only go to inflate one's ego more and more to the point that one actually becomes deaf to the voices of others that do not praise. Yes, it was criticism, but we spoke our minds, and we thanked each other for it. And if one can calmy hear.....really hear.....the criticism of his own work that other people had, only then could he work together with other modelers to create grand projects, like the D2 mod or what have you. If you can't stand to hear actualy become a loner and useless to others in a project.
These days, and my other old-time modelers agree, that the new modelrs who have come on very recently are way too sensitive and like to hear only praises.....hey, not that it's up to me or whoeevr to try and save the world, but the fact is that posts these days are nothing but empty sweetness piled upon more of the same......that in a way is brainless and is just non-thought piled on non-thought. I dont know about everybopdy else, but I for one think the act of craeting something is a thinking process that involves not only the modeler but also the viewing public who wiill and should offer their input and observatiosn. Othweriwse, if you don't believe that, then you are saying that the only reason for posting your work in public is to collect praises for it. But hey, that's just my opinion.
By the way Skin, everybody else has joined up at Frost-Work's to work on sevrral new grand projects for SFC, BC, et al, you know, one of those grand collaborative projects reminiscent of the way things were a few years ago where people had to have great teamwork skills...........why aren't you there?