Topic: TMP FED wip1  (Read 8724 times)

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« Reply #20 on: February 25, 2003, 11:43:04 pm »
I had hit it! *throw my old F-DD away*


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« Reply #21 on: February 26, 2003, 05:56:21 am »
You know, for those of you, inluding SkinMan, who joined this forum or started modelling say within a year or so ago or less than that, I need to remind you that the old-timers have been here ever since the game came out in I think 1999, and during APOC's heyday and the friendships that the old-time modelers made between themselves, the way we offered support was to say things truly and without frills, because this is the way we not only helped each other out but allowed the modeler to see his own work from a totally different perspective.....which is a more powerful and valuable insight than 1000 positive comments you could hear, which if you think about it are rather empty and only go to inflate one's ego more and more to the point that one actually becomes deaf to the voices of others that do not praise. Yes, it was criticism, but we spoke our minds, and we thanked each other for it. And if one can calmy hear.....really hear.....the criticism of his own work that other people had, only then could he work together with other modelers to create grand projects, like the D2 mod or what have you. If you can't stand to hear actualy become a loner and useless to others in a project.

These days, and my other old-time modelers agree, that the new modelrs who have come on very recently are way too sensitive and like to hear only praises.....hey, not that it's up to me or whoeevr to try and save the world, but the fact is that posts these days are nothing but empty sweetness piled upon more of the same......that in a way is brainless and is just non-thought piled on non-thought. I dont know about everybopdy else, but I for one think the act of craeting something is a thinking process that involves not only the modeler but also the viewing public who wiill and should offer their input and observatiosn. Othweriwse, if you don't believe that, then you are saying that the only reason for posting your work in public is to collect praises for it. But hey, that's just my opinion.

By the way Skin, everybody else has joined up at Frost-Work's to work on sevrral new grand projects for SFC, BC, et al, you know, one of those grand collaborative projects reminiscent of the way things were a few years ago where people had to have great teamwork skills...........why aren't you there?


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Re: ...
« Reply #22 on: February 26, 2003, 07:21:45 am »
Agen Atrahasis you have opened your mouth for me to only make you look dum. For one thing i am over at frostworks i am even a memeber of it. But unlike some people i dont have to be in the spotlight all the time.
 I am working on a new webpage and i have asked peter the owner of fromworks to keep it hush hush till the webpage is ready for trafic. Thats why maybe you think i am not around. But Trust me i am every whear.

Now about the apoc and stuff, i have ben hear from the start, my name  was not always skinman on the Taldren forums if most of you new who iw as you probly would be in shock and my oldwebpage still has the old apoc logo on,something peter pointed out to me,  Because i was a memeber of apoc for a long time.

 Atrahasis you realy know nothing about me and about a month now you have made every thing i do into some fight with you and and have just ben a real pain in my butt. I don't know what it is, if you just dont like me fine don't like me but dont lower your self to be a @ss just to try and piss me off, Because i just ignore it and laff at you because how dum it make you look, and ethers are geting sick of it to.

Yes i do like people i respect to poin stuff out errors with my models and textures that i could fix. But like i said its only people i respect that i realy take what thay say to heart, and after all you have said and did i have ZERO respect for you,and thats all your doing before this last month probly i would ahve taken you works to heart, but now after all you have said and did, i never will.

ChrisJohnson  pointed out that my ship looked to him a little squished , i took what he said and realy looked over my work and then asked him to point it out to me so i could fix it. I have never had a problem with Chris and he dont just go from forum to forum and post to post flaming and saying stuff to piss people off. So i have respect for what he says.Atrahasis maybe you should be more like him.

What it all reay comes down to Atrahasis I realy don't care what you think of my work now, i got nothing to prove to you, no mater what you say and do i will not care.
 I do the low poly models for fun and to give people something new to put in thair game, so the game don't get boring and old.

If you want to keep talking crap and doing what you do go for it, but i will just ignore you . I have no time with my 3d work to play your flame war game, i have models and textures to make.




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« Reply #23 on: February 26, 2003, 07:32:14 am »
Now Now play nice...

i cant stand flame wars on the best of days, and i can stand them even less when its about pointless things.

I dont know about other cases, but in this case certinaly Atra wasnt picking on you. The only time he said anythign wrong in that post, was that you were one of the people that have only started in the past year.

I think you took what he said to be offenceive and it wasnt...atleast to what i read. He was talking about how the community used to be, and how perhaps people in general should offer more critasism than mindless 'nice ;-)' comments.

Sometimes ofcourse we have to remember that people generally dont see anything wrong, and with artists that are as experiences are yourselfs your goign to get alot of people who generaly just like the work and have nothing bad to say.

I suggest you both either try to work out whatever these issues are OUT of the forums, or agree to disagree and be professional. I am in no way saying either of you are acting unproffesionally, its not my place to. But i am offering these statement as my advice to anyone that has similar problems.



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Re: ...
« Reply #24 on: February 26, 2003, 07:44:27 am »
I hope Atrahasis is not working on the Frost-Work's grand projects.
RipperMan , you should take a look at skins posts  you will see Atrahasis in all his post saying and trying  to anger skin.

 So RipperMan, are You  playing the Devil's Advocate ?

Captain GodSmack

Then shall he answer you saying, Verily i say unto you, Inasmuch as ye did it not to one of the least of these, ye did it not to me.

Rod O'neal

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Re: ...
« Reply #25 on: February 26, 2003, 07:51:17 am »
I said earlier that if you told me that your post was meant as constructive critisism, that I would apologise. You didn't direct your post directly to me and didn't come straight out and say that there was no ill intent in yours, but, if so,  I'm sorry if I wronged you. I have been here less than a year, so it might have been in response to me. I actually was trying to stop any arguing.
Please don't think that I am saying that I think you are wrong or have nothing to be upset about because I'm willing to say I'm sorry. I honestly can't tell you that you took it wrong, and as you have pointed out, his comments that are directed to you by name, are inacurate. To put it as gently as I know how.
I enjoy both of your modelling contributions and I hope to get more great models from you both. Hopefully, with both of you at Frost-Works, things will improve, with time.


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Re: ...
« Reply #26 on: February 26, 2003, 07:54:56 am »
RipperMan i have tryed to stop this and just ignore Atra, and i will do it once agen to try and stop this and get some peace. But as you will see, He will not stop.
 I am not a healthy person and i am having some life threating helth problems i just dont got the time or the health to deal with him and his stress any more.




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Re: ...
« Reply #27 on: February 26, 2003, 09:11:22 am »
here we go again. ugh.

anyways, I still wanna know what the pod is for.


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Re: ...
« Reply #28 on: February 26, 2003, 09:28:54 am »
Starforce i don't know what the pod is  LOL. This is my first TMP fed. I have no clue what it is, i found it on a tmp ships schematic and was thinking it looked cool so i made one and put it on my shiIp

What i realy need is some tmp schematic that shows the tmp ship or ships and the  dif parts fo the ship and thair names, so i know what im looking at. I know some stuff but not as much as i would like to know.

Any help on this would be cool.



« Last Edit: February 26, 2003, 09:50:05 am by TheSkinMan »


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Re: ...
« Reply #29 on: February 26, 2003, 09:46:12 am »

Starforce i don't knwo what the pod is for LOL. This is my first TMP fed i ahve no clue what it is, i found it on a tmp ships schematic and was thinking it looked cool so i made one and put it on my shiIp

What i realy need is some tmp schematic that shows the tmp ship or ships and the  dif parts fo the ship and thair names, so i know what im looking at. I know some stuff but not as much as i would like to know.

Any help on this would be cool.




lol...the old "I dunno what it does but I'll stick it on anyways" philosophy..hahah that's priceless. I'm not sure what I got fer tmp crap over here. Atleast...not color

there's a huge schematic resource...I think mackie or someone had it over at BCU..or it came up somewhere...

this is what I was looking for. Beware of some truely ugly ships though...
« Last Edit: February 26, 2003, 09:51:02 am by starforce2 »

Lord Schtupp

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Re: ...
« Reply #30 on: February 26, 2003, 10:18:15 am »
To me the pod looks like a small secondary hull/navigational deflector-sensor housing or dillythium fuel storage/Orion slave girl whipping facility. Hard to tell....

Oh I was just joking about the dilythium fuel thing lol  

Looks great sman


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Re: ...
« Reply #31 on: February 26, 2003, 10:23:58 am »
the only other tmp ship I know of to have a similar device is on mindblips site, the ashton. It's under light cruisers or something..on blacktide.


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Re: ...
« Reply #32 on: February 26, 2003, 11:12:45 am »
Ya i have ben to that schematics webpage, but the schematics they have dont tell you what part is what on the ships.



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Re: ...
« Reply #33 on: February 27, 2003, 04:04:35 am »
Lord Bile recently did a new Constittion class  at our forums, maybe u shoudl check that out ;-)  


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Re: ...
« Reply #34 on: February 27, 2003, 05:17:59 am »
Whooaaaaa.....hold your horses Skin, I just posted my honest thoughts, if anything in this thread is getting ugly it's your responses.


For one thing i am over at frostworks i am even a memeber of it.

My mistake, but a few days ago Pneumonic81 told me you had not registered, and other modelers were actualy glad you hadn't. When did you sign up, this morning? Good for you.


Now about the apoc and stuff, i have ben hear from the start, my name  was not always skinman on the Taldren forums if most of you new who iw as you probly would be in shock and my oldwebpage still has the old apoc logo on,something peter pointed out to me,  Because i was a memeber of apoc for a long time.

Really? Would you care to tell us who you are/were? Why the ID change and all the secrecy.


 Atrahasis you realy know nothing about me

Actually, I have learned quite a bit about you from the other modelers who have watched you and your work for the past year or so more closely than I have. As you might have observed I am not here for stretches of time. Let's see, the things I know about you, testified by other modelers who remmeber things from your posts:

1) You're 17 years old.
2) You said you have been to college.
3) You have a persecution complex you said.
4) You sometimes get pissy and whiney and threaten to leave modelling for good when someone says something you dont like about your work.
5) A lot of the other modelers don't like you.
6) You're native American.
7) Your moniker is based on Native American mythology re the Skin Walkers, who are spirits (usually evil ones) who can occupy/possess a body and jump around, usually to do mischief.


and about a month now you have made every thing i do into some fight with you and and have just ben a real pain in my butt.

Not true, I have made honest comments about your work, for about a month now. I think because I first noticed you when you flamed a good friend of mine and denigrated him for not having gone to college while you had, therefore your work was better....?


I don't know what it is, if you just dont like me fine don't like me but dont lower your self to be a @ss just to try and piss me off

I'm not TRYING to piss you off, I am making honest comments about your public displays, but you seem to be flying off teh handle about them. If I were really tryingt to piss you off I would be using a heck of a lot more aggressive language and tone. As it is now though, you caught my attention when you denigrated a couple of good friend of mine, and I am just looking over your works now. What's the big deal? In fact, I would like to be friends with you but you have a really bad attitude towards me, and Pneumonic81 whom you publicly villified and swore at at the forums, plus a whole bunch of other people, and this makes it harder to accept you.


Yes i do like people i respect to poin stuff out errors with my models and textures that i could fix. But like i said its only people i respect that i realy take what thay say to heart, and after all you have said and did i have ZERO respect for you

You mean the same disrespect and meanness you showed to P81 and other people?


What it all reay comes down to Atrahasis I realy don't care what you think of my work now, i got nothing to prove to you, no mater what you say and do i will not care.

Good, then you won't mind me evaluating your other works when I feel the need to say something. You should just keep ignoring me, but I will continue to give my hoinest appraisals about your work if I want. I just hope you don't fly off teh handle too often.


 I do the low poly models for fun and to give people something new to put in thair game, so the game don't get boring and old.

Your motive is good, but while you're doing it do you have to denigrate, swear at, and geenrally disrespect all the other modelrs around you?



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Re: ...
« Reply #35 on: February 27, 2003, 09:28:50 am »
Actually, Atrahasis all the people hear on the taldren forums the sfc3 and the bc forums know quite a bit about you . modelers who have watched you and your big fat mouth for the past year or so more closely than I have. As you might have observed I am not here for stretches of time. Let's see, the things I know about you, testified by other modelers who remmeber things from your posts:

1) You're a @#%$
2) You said your a college teacher but if you are, the schoolbord should remove you.
3) You have a ego complex you  Must be making up for a small @W#$%
4) You sometimes get pissy and whiney and threaten to leave modelling for good when someone says something you dont like about your work. Or get p81 to fight your battles for you.
5) 99%of the other modelers don't like you.
6) You have not made a model in years/months and all you do is trash talk the moderls that are doing hard work.
7) Your just a jealuse lamer and we all wish you would just go a way, Realy you are lame

You have made NO honest comments about skins work , From the start you have tryed to make skin look bad, But you have only made you look bad.

Skin will never be friends with  trash like you and he has never disrespected p81, if skin and p81 are having a problem its from you in the middle making problems.  
Atrahasis you say skin said this, skin did this, and that. but he has not.  All he did was post his work and you show up and be the noob you are and start trouble. I think you have head problems, and should get some help.
We are all sick of you and your talk.

Skin has tryed to stop this and just let it go, but you will not. Be a man and just stop before you lose what little dignity and respect you have, if you have any at all.

RipperMan now do you see what skin was saying?

Captain GodSmack

Then shall he answer you saying, Verily i say unto you, Inasmuch as ye did it not to one of the least of these, ye did it not to me.
« Last Edit: February 27, 2003, 09:37:28 am by Savage »


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Re: ...
« Reply #36 on: February 27, 2003, 01:28:13 pm »
Could everybody shut the F**K UP! I've been following this pointless fued for several weeks and this is worse than when Atra and Don were fighting! (Well apart from the language Don used but...) Savage, why are you posting this obvious flame? Do you really want Atra to fight with Skin? Coz it really sounds like it from your post, Atra is not an @#%$ - whatever expletive you meant by that. You have no right to judge his fitness to teach as you have no idea what he teaches or whether or not he is good at it, the penis insults are just low, he has not in my experience thrown a wobbler whenever someone criticised his work and he is not a jealous lamer and not everyone here wishes he would go away, especially not me. You insinuate that Skin and P81's problems are caused by Atra - what are you smokin, pass me some, you don't seen to have any basis for that statement other than 'I think Atra sux so I'll say he's starting fights'.

Oh and before anyone replies to this, think before you type and don't drag me into this saying that I'm Atra's rentboy or some other stupid lame-ass insults. And lastly NO-ONE better say I'm Atra under a different name. This is my last post on this thread and on any where Atra and Skin start argueing coz no one listens to me you just all seem to wanna fight with each other - why do you think this board used to get so many trolls and flamers? Coz we can't stop f**kin arguing!


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Re: ...
« Reply #37 on: February 27, 2003, 09:28:55 pm »

Actually, Atrahasis all the people hear on the taldren forums the sfc3 and the bc forums know quite a bit about you . modelers who have watched you and your big fat mouth for the past year or so more closely than I have. As you might have observed I am not here for stretches of time. Let's see, the things I know about you, testified by other modelers who remmeber things from your posts:

1) You're a @#%$
2) You said your a college teacher but if you are, the schoolbord should remove you.
3) You have a ego complex you  Must be making up for a small @W#$%
4) You sometimes get pissy and whiney and threaten to leave modelling for good when someone says something you dont like about your work. Or get p81 to fight your battles for you.
5) 99%of the other modelers don't like you.
6) You have not made a model in years/months and all you do is trash talk the moderls that are doing hard work.
7) Your just a jealuse lamer and we all wish you would just go a way, Realy you are lame

You have made NO honest comments about skins work , From the start you have tryed to make skin look bad, But you have only made you look bad.

Skin will never be friends with  trash like you and he has never disrespected p81, if skin and p81 are having a problem its from you in the middle making problems.  
Atrahasis you say skin said this, skin did this, and that. but he has not.  All he did was post his work and you show up and be the noob you are and start trouble. I think you have head problems, and should get some help.
We are all sick of you and your talk.

Skin has tryed to stop this and just let it go, but you will not. Be a man and just stop before you lose what little dignity and respect you have, if you have any at all.

RipperMan now do you see what skin was saying?

Okay, Savage.  I'm not gonna give an opinion about whatever conflict Atra and Skinman have going, because I don't know what its origins are and I don't care; it's something between them and they can hash it out.  I have no idea who's right and I don't so much care.  Like I said, it's their problem to sort out.

What I am going to say is that your denigration of Atrahasis is unnecessary and incorrect.  Atra is a pleasant person in my experience, and a fine modeler - I have a number of his models on my hard drive.  He's always been pleasant with me in the past - he's a good guy all around.  If he isn't producing models at the rate you like to see, well, he's giving the things out for free.  Doesn't give you much room to complain, does it?

None of this should be construed as a denigration of Skinman; I have his Romulan version of the Klingon BOP, and I still think it's an excellent ship.  This has nothing to do with him - I am just replying to what I think is an unnecessary and baseless attack on Atra.

I'm done now, except for this:


Then shall he answer you saying, Verily i say unto you, Inasmuch as ye did it not to one of the least of these, ye did it not to me.  

If you're a Christian, then perhaps you should watch the tone of your post if you're gonna quote Christ in your sig.  I'm not saying this to be self-righteous; I can say some hostile things myself.  I just try not to do so at the same instant I'm representing myself as a Christian.  If I've misinterpreted something here, then I apologize in advance.  

James Formo

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Re: ...
« Reply #38 on: February 27, 2003, 10:06:04 pm »


What I am going to say is that your denigration of Atrahasis is unnecessary and incorrect.  Atra is a pleasant person in my experience, and a fine modeler - I have a number of his models on my hard drive.  He's always been pleasant with me in the past - he's a good guy all around.  If he isn't producing models at the rate you like to see, well, he's giving the things out for free.  Doesn't give you much room to complain, does it?

I'm done now, except for this:


Then shall he answer you saying, Verily i say unto you, Inasmuch as ye did it not to one of the least of these, ye did it not to me.  


I snipped this quote.

Turn that comment around about models being free and no room to complain.

Skinman gives his models out for free. Skinman posted pics before he strted this asking people which one he should do.

Then he gets his model complained about. I wouldn't blame him if he don't give it out.

There are always more comments about what needs to be fixed on a model.    Its his model he can make it how he wants.

If you pay him then maybe you have some say.  


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Re: ...
« Reply #39 on: February 28, 2003, 05:52:44 am »

 And lastly NO-ONE better say I'm Atra under a different name.  

Hhehhhe don't worry LeStat, I think only Don Dawson was ever crazy enough to think that about every second poster.