The missing include you need is:
#include "CommonDefs.h"
assuming this is where you declared your eTeamTypes. My CommonDefs.h contains the following:
enum eTeamTypes
kPlayerTeam = kTeam1, // Primary (drafting) player
kPlayerAlly1Team = kTeam2, // Drafted or AI ally team1
kPlayerAlly2Team = kTeam3, // Drafted or AI ally team2
kEnemyTeam = kTeam4, // Primary Opponent (drafted) player
kEnemyAlly1Team = kTeam5, // Drafted or AI enemy ally team1
kEnemyAlly2Team = kTeam6, // Drafted or AI enemy ally team2
Yours won't look exactly like this because I've changed the identifiers for each of my teams as opposed to those used by the script wizard, but this is the deceleration your error message is looking for.