Taldrenites > General Starfleet Command Forum

Mr Ferrett

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I said it a while back, that beta testers should all be fired for allowing some of these glaring bugs to sneak through, but I also have the feeling that Taldren crew were aware of them and simply decided to fix them in a latter patch...sucks but I guess that's how gamming co.'s run their show now.  

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You hit the nail right on the head...You know, I wish that in my line of work (Roofing and Siding) I could sign a contract for a job.....Get ALL the money up front for it....Put 3/4 of the roof or siding on a house or building...Tell the people that I'll be back in a few months to finish it and "patch" any holes that occured....Man that would be something!!!!

But you see...The problem with that is the very simple fact that I would be SUED!!!!!

---------- OR--------------

I sign a contract....Do the job half-assed....And come back and patch leaks for a year....Boy that would piss the customer off!!....And guess what!!!!!.....I would get SUED!!!!!

The problem with the PC Gaming Industry is the fact that they DO NOT have hard laws regarding quality or content...In other words....Unregulated....They can get away with anything (or most anything)    

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Careful. You tread on thin ice Padowan; change your language just slightly and you'll be banned.

Its all true though.  

If Taldren is concerned about people saying their games are buggy, maybe they should put more (some?) effort into making them not buggy in the first place.

This point can be (and has been argued), but I believe Taldren's products are of below average quality.  Not even close to the industry standard of "buggyness".  SFCII:OP and SFCIII are virtually unplayable IMO.  

If they'd like me to stop bitching, please contact me about refunding my $14.95 I overpaid for SFCII:OP in the bargin bin.      

 This point can be (and has been argued), but I believe Taldren's products are of below average quality. Not even close to the industry standard of "buggyness". SFCII:OP and SFCIII are virtually unplayable IMO.  

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Yes, unplayable. Especialy when the only problem that I notice is the cloak follow bug. GAME STOPPING!  

Kai Lee speaks the truth, the poor chap got banned before like this.    


This point can be (and has been argued), but I believe Taldren's products are of below average quality.

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I don't presume to know what "average" means in the context.

But to Taldren's credit. They are persistent. and They DID fix their games.

Many of your bang on the initial holes. (which I agree are present) How many of you commented on the after-sale support that Taldren put up with? The Dyn2? EAW patches?

They are not the speediest in the bunch. But they do get the job done.

I think we can all agree that had SFC2 been released in the 2036 state, everyone would be a lot happier. Well it didn't. which sucks. But considering that we have finally gotten 2036. That's still better than nothing!

As for OP refund. If you didn't do your homework (if it's in the bargain bin, then it has been out for a while, it's not like being sucked into pre-ordering...) before finally purchasing...
Well you can always try EB's trade-in program.

BTW  you don't know what has or hasn't to dowith PC configs. (for example, I have never experienced this stardate-stop bug in my _admitted_limited_ single player campaign.) Anything and everything is related to PC configs. Unless you know the code, or it's an universal problem that inflicts everyone(not some, not few, but everyone) , the PC config cannot be discounted so easily.
Also, don't presume to know what the beta testers knew or did not know. the Publisher works in mysterious ways.

Lastly, I for one am glad that Tladren made SFC2 (bug or no bug,) Just seeing the game come into being is merit enough for the wait. But that again, I love SFC2. and many don't.


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