Taldrenites > General Starfleet Command Forum

Mr Ferrett

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... but neither do humans using ALT-F4, tractoring you into a planet/asteroid ...

--- End quote ---

If you get pushed into a solid object, you deserve it.

I agree with that alt-f4 and map border tricks are low. But the rock tricks should be legit. I find it disturbing that no one ever makes bad mistakes in battle, and everyone suffers from oppenet's cheese. (but that's another thread)

Back to topic:
I fully understand that the bugs ARE present for some people. but not 100% of the people (not me, and apparently EE).
So I would submit that the bug (at least stardate-stop) is not entirely unrelated to PC configs.

If any of you have access to the PC magazine "CPU" they have a good article on page 14. It lays out the diffrences between the X-Box and a PC regarding the hardware necessary to display the same game. You'll find it interesting.

Yes it is wrong but we are not talking about sony here we,re talking about taldren a very small company and as software companys go they live on a knife edge for instance here in the u.k the mighty rage who made some brill games (anyone played hostile waters very cool) in their time has just been dismantled and the guys are splitting up to go work for other software firms which is very sad they made classic games (mags said hostile waters was one of the next gen games for the millenium and it got reviews of 90% and over but it just not sell well enough unlike that piece of crap the sims )...  

Son of Technobabble:
Ah, the omnipresent bug complaints... Now, do you really think that posting how unplayable this game is on the devs' forum will encourage them to speed up the release of the patch? Please...

Possibly, Taldren games are over the average in buginess, but i fail to see the point in whining about the same problems over and over again. If you continue to annoy (no offense intended) the devs, then you will simply be ignored.
If you happen to run into a bug, report it, and let them fix it. They will (or at least they did with SFC2). If they don't, then don't buy their next game.

I don't think it's ok that a late beta is sold like a finished product, but the fact is, it has been done. So what. Life isn't fair. After all, if they got your money and you are disappointed by the quality of the product, all you can do is... not to buy the expansion (and come here to complain).
They could seat back and enjoy, because they know that there is a trek fan legion that will buy whatever they throw at them. Instead of that, they read these boards and (supposedly) try to fix the game.

My point after all this crap is that whining is a waste of your time (Hmm... I'm replying so i guess it's a waste of mine too  ) and it doesn't really produce anything valuable. This is a proven fact.

BTW I am NOT a fan of Taldren, I just realized that liking SFC3 is much better than hating it.
And I have run into several bugs in both SFC2 and SFC3...  

How did this game get released? GREED

The executives at Activision consulted with their bean counters.

Conclusion: Nemesis is being released to theatres at the end of 2002, we want the game "out the door" by then.

Reasoning: Shove a theatre admission in the box, purport a patch to fix all the troubles(100+ at last count) and we
can take the money and run. Hopefully our client base will just piss and moan on the forum sites until we can get
the final version working. This should placate them for the time being.

Result: Star Trek genre gamers feel taken advantage of and generally distrustful of the publisher and designer.

Future: Reduced sales on upcoming releases due to customer loyalty being compromised.

Activision executives fire bean counters to re-coup the losses.



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