It's now a resolved issue guys.
The problem was not texture size at all, but two missing textures. Looking around, I found the two that were missing and plunked them in, and boom, we have a fully textured Yeager now.
MP, the new textures are in your AOL account. What I did on these was to clean them up a little bit for details first, then bumped them up and back from 1024 back to 512s so that all these were definitely 512s when they left here. When they arrived here, three of the textures were displaying at first at 513x512, but then showed correctly. So by resizing them up and back, that should've taken care of that issue, and they should now be all good.
Btw, no name in the credits other than Zorg and p81.. so I have no idea who originally did this one, MP or Rhaz do you know?
Nanner, I can send you the fixed version of this, but you should probably hang on with this one so that the kitbasher can be properly credited for this Yeager. They'd mentioned doing another as well at some point, maybe that's been done in the meantime.
Also scouting for better textures for both parts of this mesh that are compatible as I type this.. hopefully I have results to show..