Topic: Echos of The Past...  (Read 6139 times)

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Echos of The Past...
« on: February 22, 2004, 01:30:05 pm »
I wonder if anyone rememebers me?Have all the faces changed?
I used to be a more regular frequenter of this place.

Heavily into cars, with a Swedish Girl friend, Living in the UK, drove a Porsche and a BMW, worked for Jaguar?
Well things have changed somewhat.Anyone?
No longer with My Swedish ex.
Just came back from an "epic" 5 week road trip across the USA,where I covered 10,000 miles at the end of last year, which spanned from Thanksgiving to New Years day!
WHat ever happened to Redshift?
Or Smithy_2K1
Don Dawson?



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Re: Echos of The Past...
« Reply #1 on: February 22, 2004, 03:48:03 pm »
RedShift I believe still lurks, although does not post so much.
Smithy_2k1 is now James_Smith (there was a server problem and many lost accounts, including Smithy and Sirgod.)
DD was banned, left, and might be back. I'm not sure, I don't keep track honestly.  

But I'm still here!


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Re: Echos of The Past...
« Reply #2 on: February 22, 2004, 04:46:32 pm »
Once I read that Jaquar part, It clicked. Yep I remember you Man. How are things going?


Dash Jones

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Re: Echos of The Past...
« Reply #3 on: February 22, 2004, 04:53:40 pm »
I believe I remember about the Swedish G/F, and thus I guess I remember thee, but do you remember me, or us, or we?

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Dash Jones »


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Re: Echos of The Past...
« Reply #4 on: February 22, 2004, 05:08:02 pm »
Hey bro, long time no see. Welcome back and I hope you enjoyed your time in the US. Did you find your way into So Cal?


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Re: Echos of The Past...
« Reply #5 on: February 25, 2004, 05:40:06 pm »
Hey folks!

Thanks for remembering me!
I of course remember you all, Iceman,
Stephen, had any local Oklaholma meets recently?

And Dash, weren?t you either from Ireland, or didn?t you visit there and contribute to threads about there once?

Hey EE how?s the Honda Prelude? In fact my US road trip took me all over the place. As stated I covered 10,000 miles in 5 weeks. From Thanksgiving to New Years eve. The car wasn?t the best, I had to pick a Dodge Intrepid, because I  knew I was to drive through some snow-and wanted to avoid rear wheel drive.
I flew into Ohio, to see a lady friend of mine, at first things were rosy between me and her and we had some fun, but she soon fell ill with that nasty flu affliction that was going around the USA at the time. So I left her quick smart, and luckily didn?t catch anything myself. I made it to West Virginia, and stayed with another friend for 4-5 days, before heading up toward Seattle , Washington, as my other friend had a party there. I left W Va on Monday morning and had to be on the West Coast by the weekend. I drove up through the mid west and through Missouri. I had to stop off at a BMW specialist in Kansas, who I bought some rocker arms that will allow my BMW back home to rev to 7500 rpm plus. I made it to the West Coast on time, had a blast! Was a great party. I was let down by my friend Jianna (whom I?ve known for years upon years) but that didn?t  matter too much later when me and her friend who was hosting the party got along well.
I hopped across the border and stopped off in British Columbia (where I once lived for a year) and saw some old friends and met up with the creator of a Trek chat room/forum I?ve gotten to know.

Other places of note I stopped off  were Ashland Oregon-which was great fun and friendly, and of course I stopped off at San Fran and later further south in LA.

I had never before been to Texas but I just HAD to see the folks who put together Starship Exeter at   and did so. Jimm Johnson (Capt Garrovich) is a home loving family man with a newly born kid. He gave me insight into their episodes and some of their props and even offered me a part as an extra when they do their next episode shoot. I was most impressed at their improvisation of Sci fi effects. Perhaps I shoud cover more about starship exeter in a separate dedicated post. Anyway, lots more happened, Unfortunately on my trip back up to Ohio for New years, my ?friend?-who was il and who I?d originally gone to see  let me down. Such is life and people. All in all quite an amazing road trip where I met some interesting and wacky people! My favourite part ?and where I had the most fun is STILL Seattle

Until later-see you all around!  


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Re: Echos of The Past...
« Reply #6 on: February 25, 2004, 07:05:05 pm »
Heh, I'm Redshift now   I thought the new handle reflected my posting habits more accurately.

Glad your keeping your pecker up as you seemed quite down after your split with space kitten. Heck, there's nothing like a good road trip to get to know the world and yourself at the same time. So, you went cruising around the US and you met the guys from starship lucky jammy bastard!  

Just kidding mate, hope your well. Any luck with finding work in the US?  


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Re: Echos of The Past...
« Reply #7 on: February 26, 2004, 12:17:13 am »
Lurker-good to see you again:Naaah, no luck at all.
Just some "nearlys", Mercury Marine in WI were very interested and then they had a reshuffle as were Honda Raciing USA.
I've so much had it with the house prices here and qualified engineers being paid the same as train drivers or chefs, in comparison to other countries, I've even been looking toward Australia now. Alot of my collegues have moved over to Holden down under...
The good news is that the American economy is picking up..
I'm confident something will come up. How are things on the woman front for you?
Space Kitten no longer talks to me, she won't have anything to do with me, unfortunately, I still miss her, but what can I do?
The starter motor on my Porsche gave up the ghost last night outside Tescos and there was this aweful gringing noise. I realy hope the flywheel is still ok. Now I have a busy weekend ahead of me!


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Re: Echos of The Past...
« Reply #8 on: February 26, 2004, 10:04:26 am »
Hey mate! Long time and all that.

Hope you haven't knackered that flywheel, don't like the sound of grinding coming from that area of a car....still the same 928?


  • Guest
Re: Echos of The Past...
« Reply #9 on: February 26, 2004, 12:56:11 pm »

Hey mate! Long time and all that.

Hope you haven't knackered that flywheel, don't like the sound of grinding coming from that area of a car....still the same 928?  

Hi ya James, how's the course going?
Still want to be an engineer over here after what I've written? *LOL*
Yes it's still the same 928
I did alot of resserch and found out that it was highley unlikely I'd damaged the ring gear. The fly wheel has so so many teeth over a large diameter where as the starter pinion is much smaller and less tough. I think in fact the armature is not being engaged to the flywheel prpoerly by the solenoid.

So still the same 928-I didn't want to spalsh out £40,000 on a Porsche 911 and then find out I have gotten a job abroad, because the car would be harder to sell to a more select market.


  • Guest
Re: Echos of The Past...
« Reply #10 on: February 26, 2004, 02:09:10 pm »

Lurker-good to see you again:Naaah, no luck at all.
Just some "nearlys", Mercury Marine in WI were very interested and then they had a reshuffle as were Honda Raciing USA.
I've so much had it with the house prices here and qualified engineers being paid the same as train drivers or chefs, in comparison to other countries, I've even been looking toward Australia now. Alot of my collegues have moved over to Holden down under...
The good news is that the American economy is picking up..
I'm confident something will come up. How are things on the woman front for you?
Space Kitten no longer talks to me, she won't have anything to do with me, unfortunately, I still miss her, but what can I do?
The starter motor on my Porsche gave up the ghost last night outside Tescos and there was this aweful gringing noise. I realy hope the flywheel is still ok. Now I have a busy weekend ahead of me!

I'm sure as the US economy picks up you'll get something as you have a damn good skill set to draw upon.

Nothing is happening on the woman front for me and to be honest I'm not really looking, (some say that's when you often find someone, lol). Right now I've kind of craved solitude, not in a bad way or anything, just sort of want some piece and quiet right now, spend some time getting to know myself better. Still playing pool for my local team, (going to play in about 15 mins), but I've got another job now working in a bank! The branch is very close to where I live so it's conveniant but of course there are plenty of opertunities in the organisation as the company is so big, (begins with a B so I'm sure you can guess which bank  ).

Just about to spend some silly money on upgrading my PC this weekend so I'm sure this is going to take up some of my time too, (hopefully time playing games, not getting the damn computer to work as is usually the case!)

Don't know what to say about your Swedish-ex. Easy for me to say, I know, but you can only move on if you try and put it out of your mind. As i said earlier fate can usually throw someone at you when your over someone and not looking. Funnily enough I went to Sweden last November with some mates. Went to Stockholm for a few days, stayed in a hostel, (which was cheap but really nice), and generally had a great time. Wasn't as expensive as I thought, except for the beer, but the people were really nice and seemed to really like English people something I don't usually expect when going to a foriegn country.

OK, gotta go get ready so take care and have fun!  


  • Guest
Re: Echos of The Past...
« Reply #11 on: February 26, 2004, 02:40:08 pm »
If I had a knife, I could slice through the nostalgia in this thread right now.  lol, good to see you're back K.  Did you make it up north to Boston at all? lol.  


  • Guest
Re: Echos of The Past...
« Reply #12 on: February 27, 2004, 07:47:17 pm »

If I had a knife, I could slice through the nostalgia in this thread right now.  lol, good to see you're back K.  Did you make it up north to Boston at all? lol.  

Hello Iceman, Every road trip that I've ever gone to the USA, I've spent  the LEAST time on the East Coast-Its the part I know least well. This is suprising as I've been over many many times and covered loads of miles ( my best trip was in Autumn of 2001!). This is probably because I know the least people from the East Coast. Closest was some time spent in Georgia in 1999 and some time in West Virginia and Pensylvania (Lake Erie) in 2001!

Perhaps I should rectify this in my next US trip!


  • Guest
Echos of The Past...
« Reply #13 on: February 22, 2004, 01:30:05 pm »
I wonder if anyone rememebers me?Have all the faces changed?
I used to be a more regular frequenter of this place.

Heavily into cars, with a Swedish Girl friend, Living in the UK, drove a Porsche and a BMW, worked for Jaguar?
Well things have changed somewhat.Anyone?
No longer with My Swedish ex.
Just came back from an "epic" 5 week road trip across the USA,where I covered 10,000 miles at the end of last year, which spanned from Thanksgiving to New Years day!
WHat ever happened to Redshift?
Or Smithy_2K1
Don Dawson?



  • Guest
Re: Echos of The Past...
« Reply #14 on: February 22, 2004, 03:48:03 pm »
RedShift I believe still lurks, although does not post so much.
Smithy_2k1 is now James_Smith (there was a server problem and many lost accounts, including Smithy and Sirgod.)
DD was banned, left, and might be back. I'm not sure, I don't keep track honestly.  

But I'm still here!


  • Guest
Re: Echos of The Past...
« Reply #15 on: February 22, 2004, 04:46:32 pm »
Once I read that Jaquar part, It clicked. Yep I remember you Man. How are things going?


Dash Jones

  • Guest
Re: Echos of The Past...
« Reply #16 on: February 22, 2004, 04:53:40 pm »
I believe I remember about the Swedish G/F, and thus I guess I remember thee, but do you remember me, or us, or we?

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Dash Jones »


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Re: Echos of The Past...
« Reply #17 on: February 22, 2004, 05:08:02 pm »
Hey bro, long time no see. Welcome back and I hope you enjoyed your time in the US. Did you find your way into So Cal?


  • Guest
Re: Echos of The Past...
« Reply #18 on: February 25, 2004, 05:40:06 pm »
Hey folks!

Thanks for remembering me!
I of course remember you all, Iceman,
Stephen, had any local Oklaholma meets recently?

And Dash, weren?t you either from Ireland, or didn?t you visit there and contribute to threads about there once?

Hey EE how?s the Honda Prelude? In fact my US road trip took me all over the place. As stated I covered 10,000 miles in 5 weeks. From Thanksgiving to New Years eve. The car wasn?t the best, I had to pick a Dodge Intrepid, because I  knew I was to drive through some snow-and wanted to avoid rear wheel drive.
I flew into Ohio, to see a lady friend of mine, at first things were rosy between me and her and we had some fun, but she soon fell ill with that nasty flu affliction that was going around the USA at the time. So I left her quick smart, and luckily didn?t catch anything myself. I made it to West Virginia, and stayed with another friend for 4-5 days, before heading up toward Seattle , Washington, as my other friend had a party there. I left W Va on Monday morning and had to be on the West Coast by the weekend. I drove up through the mid west and through Missouri. I had to stop off at a BMW specialist in Kansas, who I bought some rocker arms that will allow my BMW back home to rev to 7500 rpm plus. I made it to the West Coast on time, had a blast! Was a great party. I was let down by my friend Jianna (whom I?ve known for years upon years) but that didn?t  matter too much later when me and her friend who was hosting the party got along well.
I hopped across the border and stopped off in British Columbia (where I once lived for a year) and saw some old friends and met up with the creator of a Trek chat room/forum I?ve gotten to know.

Other places of note I stopped off  were Ashland Oregon-which was great fun and friendly, and of course I stopped off at San Fran and later further south in LA.

I had never before been to Texas but I just HAD to see the folks who put together Starship Exeter at   and did so. Jimm Johnson (Capt Garrovich) is a home loving family man with a newly born kid. He gave me insight into their episodes and some of their props and even offered me a part as an extra when they do their next episode shoot. I was most impressed at their improvisation of Sci fi effects. Perhaps I shoud cover more about starship exeter in a separate dedicated post. Anyway, lots more happened, Unfortunately on my trip back up to Ohio for New years, my ?friend?-who was il and who I?d originally gone to see  let me down. Such is life and people. All in all quite an amazing road trip where I met some interesting and wacky people! My favourite part ?and where I had the most fun is STILL Seattle

Until later-see you all around!  


  • Guest
Re: Echos of The Past...
« Reply #19 on: February 25, 2004, 07:05:05 pm »
Heh, I'm Redshift now   I thought the new handle reflected my posting habits more accurately.

Glad your keeping your pecker up as you seemed quite down after your split with space kitten. Heck, there's nothing like a good road trip to get to know the world and yourself at the same time. So, you went cruising around the US and you met the guys from starship lucky jammy bastard!  

Just kidding mate, hope your well. Any luck with finding work in the US?  


  • Guest
Re: Echos of The Past...
« Reply #20 on: February 26, 2004, 12:17:13 am »
Lurker-good to see you again:Naaah, no luck at all.
Just some "nearlys", Mercury Marine in WI were very interested and then they had a reshuffle as were Honda Raciing USA.
I've so much had it with the house prices here and qualified engineers being paid the same as train drivers or chefs, in comparison to other countries, I've even been looking toward Australia now. Alot of my collegues have moved over to Holden down under...
The good news is that the American economy is picking up..
I'm confident something will come up. How are things on the woman front for you?
Space Kitten no longer talks to me, she won't have anything to do with me, unfortunately, I still miss her, but what can I do?
The starter motor on my Porsche gave up the ghost last night outside Tescos and there was this aweful gringing noise. I realy hope the flywheel is still ok. Now I have a busy weekend ahead of me!


  • Guest
Re: Echos of The Past...
« Reply #21 on: February 26, 2004, 10:04:26 am »
Hey mate! Long time and all that.

Hope you haven't knackered that flywheel, don't like the sound of grinding coming from that area of a car....still the same 928?


  • Guest
Re: Echos of The Past...
« Reply #22 on: February 26, 2004, 12:56:11 pm »

Hey mate! Long time and all that.

Hope you haven't knackered that flywheel, don't like the sound of grinding coming from that area of a car....still the same 928?  

Hi ya James, how's the course going?
Still want to be an engineer over here after what I've written? *LOL*
Yes it's still the same 928
I did alot of resserch and found out that it was highley unlikely I'd damaged the ring gear. The fly wheel has so so many teeth over a large diameter where as the starter pinion is much smaller and less tough. I think in fact the armature is not being engaged to the flywheel prpoerly by the solenoid.

So still the same 928-I didn't want to spalsh out £40,000 on a Porsche 911 and then find out I have gotten a job abroad, because the car would be harder to sell to a more select market.


  • Guest
Re: Echos of The Past...
« Reply #23 on: February 26, 2004, 02:09:10 pm »

Lurker-good to see you again:Naaah, no luck at all.
Just some "nearlys", Mercury Marine in WI were very interested and then they had a reshuffle as were Honda Raciing USA.
I've so much had it with the house prices here and qualified engineers being paid the same as train drivers or chefs, in comparison to other countries, I've even been looking toward Australia now. Alot of my collegues have moved over to Holden down under...
The good news is that the American economy is picking up..
I'm confident something will come up. How are things on the woman front for you?
Space Kitten no longer talks to me, she won't have anything to do with me, unfortunately, I still miss her, but what can I do?
The starter motor on my Porsche gave up the ghost last night outside Tescos and there was this aweful gringing noise. I realy hope the flywheel is still ok. Now I have a busy weekend ahead of me!

I'm sure as the US economy picks up you'll get something as you have a damn good skill set to draw upon.

Nothing is happening on the woman front for me and to be honest I'm not really looking, (some say that's when you often find someone, lol). Right now I've kind of craved solitude, not in a bad way or anything, just sort of want some piece and quiet right now, spend some time getting to know myself better. Still playing pool for my local team, (going to play in about 15 mins), but I've got another job now working in a bank! The branch is very close to where I live so it's conveniant but of course there are plenty of opertunities in the organisation as the company is so big, (begins with a B so I'm sure you can guess which bank  ).

Just about to spend some silly money on upgrading my PC this weekend so I'm sure this is going to take up some of my time too, (hopefully time playing games, not getting the damn computer to work as is usually the case!)

Don't know what to say about your Swedish-ex. Easy for me to say, I know, but you can only move on if you try and put it out of your mind. As i said earlier fate can usually throw someone at you when your over someone and not looking. Funnily enough I went to Sweden last November with some mates. Went to Stockholm for a few days, stayed in a hostel, (which was cheap but really nice), and generally had a great time. Wasn't as expensive as I thought, except for the beer, but the people were really nice and seemed to really like English people something I don't usually expect when going to a foriegn country.

OK, gotta go get ready so take care and have fun!  


  • Guest
Re: Echos of The Past...
« Reply #24 on: February 26, 2004, 02:40:08 pm »
If I had a knife, I could slice through the nostalgia in this thread right now.  lol, good to see you're back K.  Did you make it up north to Boston at all? lol.  


  • Guest
Re: Echos of The Past...
« Reply #25 on: February 27, 2004, 07:47:17 pm »

If I had a knife, I could slice through the nostalgia in this thread right now.  lol, good to see you're back K.  Did you make it up north to Boston at all? lol.  

Hello Iceman, Every road trip that I've ever gone to the USA, I've spent  the LEAST time on the East Coast-Its the part I know least well. This is suprising as I've been over many many times and covered loads of miles ( my best trip was in Autumn of 2001!). This is probably because I know the least people from the East Coast. Closest was some time spent in Georgia in 1999 and some time in West Virginia and Pensylvania (Lake Erie) in 2001!

Perhaps I should rectify this in my next US trip!


  • Guest
Echos of The Past...
« Reply #26 on: February 22, 2004, 01:30:05 pm »
I wonder if anyone rememebers me?Have all the faces changed?
I used to be a more regular frequenter of this place.

Heavily into cars, with a Swedish Girl friend, Living in the UK, drove a Porsche and a BMW, worked for Jaguar?
Well things have changed somewhat.Anyone?
No longer with My Swedish ex.
Just came back from an "epic" 5 week road trip across the USA,where I covered 10,000 miles at the end of last year, which spanned from Thanksgiving to New Years day!
WHat ever happened to Redshift?
Or Smithy_2K1
Don Dawson?



  • Guest
Re: Echos of The Past...
« Reply #27 on: February 22, 2004, 03:48:03 pm »
RedShift I believe still lurks, although does not post so much.
Smithy_2k1 is now James_Smith (there was a server problem and many lost accounts, including Smithy and Sirgod.)
DD was banned, left, and might be back. I'm not sure, I don't keep track honestly.  

But I'm still here!


  • Guest
Re: Echos of The Past...
« Reply #28 on: February 22, 2004, 04:46:32 pm »
Once I read that Jaquar part, It clicked. Yep I remember you Man. How are things going?


Dash Jones

  • Guest
Re: Echos of The Past...
« Reply #29 on: February 22, 2004, 04:53:40 pm »
I believe I remember about the Swedish G/F, and thus I guess I remember thee, but do you remember me, or us, or we?

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Dash Jones »


  • Guest
Re: Echos of The Past...
« Reply #30 on: February 22, 2004, 05:08:02 pm »
Hey bro, long time no see. Welcome back and I hope you enjoyed your time in the US. Did you find your way into So Cal?


  • Guest
Re: Echos of The Past...
« Reply #31 on: February 25, 2004, 05:40:06 pm »
Hey folks!

Thanks for remembering me!
I of course remember you all, Iceman,
Stephen, had any local Oklaholma meets recently?

And Dash, weren?t you either from Ireland, or didn?t you visit there and contribute to threads about there once?

Hey EE how?s the Honda Prelude? In fact my US road trip took me all over the place. As stated I covered 10,000 miles in 5 weeks. From Thanksgiving to New Years eve. The car wasn?t the best, I had to pick a Dodge Intrepid, because I  knew I was to drive through some snow-and wanted to avoid rear wheel drive.
I flew into Ohio, to see a lady friend of mine, at first things were rosy between me and her and we had some fun, but she soon fell ill with that nasty flu affliction that was going around the USA at the time. So I left her quick smart, and luckily didn?t catch anything myself. I made it to West Virginia, and stayed with another friend for 4-5 days, before heading up toward Seattle , Washington, as my other friend had a party there. I left W Va on Monday morning and had to be on the West Coast by the weekend. I drove up through the mid west and through Missouri. I had to stop off at a BMW specialist in Kansas, who I bought some rocker arms that will allow my BMW back home to rev to 7500 rpm plus. I made it to the West Coast on time, had a blast! Was a great party. I was let down by my friend Jianna (whom I?ve known for years upon years) but that didn?t  matter too much later when me and her friend who was hosting the party got along well.
I hopped across the border and stopped off in British Columbia (where I once lived for a year) and saw some old friends and met up with the creator of a Trek chat room/forum I?ve gotten to know.

Other places of note I stopped off  were Ashland Oregon-which was great fun and friendly, and of course I stopped off at San Fran and later further south in LA.

I had never before been to Texas but I just HAD to see the folks who put together Starship Exeter at   and did so. Jimm Johnson (Capt Garrovich) is a home loving family man with a newly born kid. He gave me insight into their episodes and some of their props and even offered me a part as an extra when they do their next episode shoot. I was most impressed at their improvisation of Sci fi effects. Perhaps I shoud cover more about starship exeter in a separate dedicated post. Anyway, lots more happened, Unfortunately on my trip back up to Ohio for New years, my ?friend?-who was il and who I?d originally gone to see  let me down. Such is life and people. All in all quite an amazing road trip where I met some interesting and wacky people! My favourite part ?and where I had the most fun is STILL Seattle

Until later-see you all around!  


  • Guest
Re: Echos of The Past...
« Reply #32 on: February 25, 2004, 07:05:05 pm »
Heh, I'm Redshift now   I thought the new handle reflected my posting habits more accurately.

Glad your keeping your pecker up as you seemed quite down after your split with space kitten. Heck, there's nothing like a good road trip to get to know the world and yourself at the same time. So, you went cruising around the US and you met the guys from starship lucky jammy bastard!  

Just kidding mate, hope your well. Any luck with finding work in the US?  


  • Guest
Re: Echos of The Past...
« Reply #33 on: February 26, 2004, 12:17:13 am »
Lurker-good to see you again:Naaah, no luck at all.
Just some "nearlys", Mercury Marine in WI were very interested and then they had a reshuffle as were Honda Raciing USA.
I've so much had it with the house prices here and qualified engineers being paid the same as train drivers or chefs, in comparison to other countries, I've even been looking toward Australia now. Alot of my collegues have moved over to Holden down under...
The good news is that the American economy is picking up..
I'm confident something will come up. How are things on the woman front for you?
Space Kitten no longer talks to me, she won't have anything to do with me, unfortunately, I still miss her, but what can I do?
The starter motor on my Porsche gave up the ghost last night outside Tescos and there was this aweful gringing noise. I realy hope the flywheel is still ok. Now I have a busy weekend ahead of me!


  • Guest
Re: Echos of The Past...
« Reply #34 on: February 26, 2004, 10:04:26 am »
Hey mate! Long time and all that.

Hope you haven't knackered that flywheel, don't like the sound of grinding coming from that area of a car....still the same 928?


  • Guest
Re: Echos of The Past...
« Reply #35 on: February 26, 2004, 12:56:11 pm »

Hey mate! Long time and all that.

Hope you haven't knackered that flywheel, don't like the sound of grinding coming from that area of a car....still the same 928?  

Hi ya James, how's the course going?
Still want to be an engineer over here after what I've written? *LOL*
Yes it's still the same 928
I did alot of resserch and found out that it was highley unlikely I'd damaged the ring gear. The fly wheel has so so many teeth over a large diameter where as the starter pinion is much smaller and less tough. I think in fact the armature is not being engaged to the flywheel prpoerly by the solenoid.

So still the same 928-I didn't want to spalsh out £40,000 on a Porsche 911 and then find out I have gotten a job abroad, because the car would be harder to sell to a more select market.


  • Guest
Re: Echos of The Past...
« Reply #36 on: February 26, 2004, 02:09:10 pm »

Lurker-good to see you again:Naaah, no luck at all.
Just some "nearlys", Mercury Marine in WI were very interested and then they had a reshuffle as were Honda Raciing USA.
I've so much had it with the house prices here and qualified engineers being paid the same as train drivers or chefs, in comparison to other countries, I've even been looking toward Australia now. Alot of my collegues have moved over to Holden down under...
The good news is that the American economy is picking up..
I'm confident something will come up. How are things on the woman front for you?
Space Kitten no longer talks to me, she won't have anything to do with me, unfortunately, I still miss her, but what can I do?
The starter motor on my Porsche gave up the ghost last night outside Tescos and there was this aweful gringing noise. I realy hope the flywheel is still ok. Now I have a busy weekend ahead of me!

I'm sure as the US economy picks up you'll get something as you have a damn good skill set to draw upon.

Nothing is happening on the woman front for me and to be honest I'm not really looking, (some say that's when you often find someone, lol). Right now I've kind of craved solitude, not in a bad way or anything, just sort of want some piece and quiet right now, spend some time getting to know myself better. Still playing pool for my local team, (going to play in about 15 mins), but I've got another job now working in a bank! The branch is very close to where I live so it's conveniant but of course there are plenty of opertunities in the organisation as the company is so big, (begins with a B so I'm sure you can guess which bank  ).

Just about to spend some silly money on upgrading my PC this weekend so I'm sure this is going to take up some of my time too, (hopefully time playing games, not getting the damn computer to work as is usually the case!)

Don't know what to say about your Swedish-ex. Easy for me to say, I know, but you can only move on if you try and put it out of your mind. As i said earlier fate can usually throw someone at you when your over someone and not looking. Funnily enough I went to Sweden last November with some mates. Went to Stockholm for a few days, stayed in a hostel, (which was cheap but really nice), and generally had a great time. Wasn't as expensive as I thought, except for the beer, but the people were really nice and seemed to really like English people something I don't usually expect when going to a foriegn country.

OK, gotta go get ready so take care and have fun!  


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Re: Echos of The Past...
« Reply #37 on: February 26, 2004, 02:40:08 pm »
If I had a knife, I could slice through the nostalgia in this thread right now.  lol, good to see you're back K.  Did you make it up north to Boston at all? lol.  


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Re: Echos of The Past...
« Reply #38 on: February 27, 2004, 07:47:17 pm »

If I had a knife, I could slice through the nostalgia in this thread right now.  lol, good to see you're back K.  Did you make it up north to Boston at all? lol.  

Hello Iceman, Every road trip that I've ever gone to the USA, I've spent  the LEAST time on the East Coast-Its the part I know least well. This is suprising as I've been over many many times and covered loads of miles ( my best trip was in Autumn of 2001!). This is probably because I know the least people from the East Coast. Closest was some time spent in Georgia in 1999 and some time in West Virginia and Pensylvania (Lake Erie) in 2001!

Perhaps I should rectify this in my next US trip!

Offline KJetron

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Re: Echos of The Past...
« Reply #39 on: June 01, 2006, 03:38:13 am »
Well it's been over TWO years since I last popped in to see what had changed! Does anyone rememeber me NOW?

I no longer work for Jag, I no longer live in the UK, have moved to Germany.

I'm engaged and seriously considering getting married.

So, where's Don Dawson, Smithy_2K1, lurker/redshift, Hilton, Carlosbott, Iceman , SirGod , Musashi now?

Still visit?

What happened to Taldren?
I found this via Google.....

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Re: Echos of The Past...
« Reply #40 on: June 01, 2006, 07:00:35 am »
I recall the name.

SirGod is still around (going by Stephen now). C-Los (Carlossbott?) is still here, Musashi is still here but I do not think he plays the game anymore. Hilton is still around. Have not seen redshift for quite some time though, and Don Dawson has been banned (a few times).

Taldren Closed its doors in 2004, there was much speculation but I chalk it up to losing the fanbase with SFC3's departure from the games roots and bad deals with publishers (Activision and whoever was the publisher for the unfinished Black 9 game).

Quicksilver (WARNING - FLASH site  >:() is still at the SFC game and recently released a product for the DS ( :(  :thumbsdown:), but we hold out hope for an SFC4 and they have not ruled it out.

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Re: Echos of The Past...
« Reply #41 on: June 01, 2006, 08:09:56 am »
Yep still here Bro, Hows everything going over in Germany?

Heh, If your Engaged, I guess It's kinda good to be serious about getting Married.  :P :P :P

"You cannot exaggerate about the Marines. They are convinced to the point of arrogance, that they are the most ferocious fighters on earth - and the amusing thing about it is that they are."- Father Kevin Keaney, Chaplain, Korean War

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Re: Echos of The Past...
« Reply #42 on: June 01, 2006, 10:38:44 am »
Carlosbott = Cyberkada

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