Topic: SFC3 Weapons + Mix Race Tech  (Read 1326 times)

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SFC3 Weapons + Mix Race Tech
« on: April 10, 2004, 02:50:54 am »
I realize this isn't necessarily the best thread for this topic, but the General SFC seemed too "general".  

Anyway, I am trying to alter the weapon stats in SFC3 and was curious the proper steps to take to make it work properly? What is the maximum weapon damage setting, what are appropriate cost settings and so forth? What I did try in altering it seemed to not have any effect on the weapon, any suggestions?

Also I added the SFC3 Beta Patch not realizing that it doesnt allow mix race tech, which nullifies my Defiant w/ Rom Cloak model, as well as some of my replacement pirate ships.  Is there any way to change this that I am overlooking.  I tried to remove the gf file that defined the feature, but that gave me an exception error; I also tried to just delete the line from the file as well, to no avail.  Is there any other way to circumvent this because I want my cloaking Defiant back!!  I like what they did with the patch, except that sole quirk.




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Re: SFC3 Weapons + Mix Race Tech
« Reply #1 on: April 10, 2004, 06:57:58 am »
If you go into the Common Settings folder, you should see a file called ItemRules  .
Open this and change the  MixRacialTech = 0  to  MixRacialTech = 1.  You should now be able to mix and match everything.  


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Re: SFC3 Weapons + Mix Race Tech
« Reply #2 on: April 11, 2004, 12:40:21 am »
Hmm, thought I tried that....will however try it again....

Now how about beefing up or lowing preexisting weapons damage? It seems there is more to it than just changing say the damage factor from X to Y...also, what is the maximum damage setting?


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Re: SFC3 Weapons + Mix Race Tech
« Reply #3 on: April 11, 2004, 06:44:36 am »
What sort of changes are you going for?
Certain aspects, I am lead to believe are hardcoded and can't be amended, eg Cloak/Decloak rate - although if anyone knows differently on this one in particular, I'd be delighted to be corrected!!

Other items are very easily amended, such as weapons damage, shield and engine strength, speed and maneouvrability, and the item's resistance to damage.  If you highlight the effect you're afer, I can hopefully point you in the right direction.

There could very well be limts to how strong you can actually make an item, but I am unware of these limitations.  Simply changing the Damage level should be enough to increase a weapon's strength.  Try setting one weapon to a ridiculously powerful level - make Damage say around 500 and watch the impact of that weapon on your test opponent... However, being able to destroy something in a single shot is a shortlived novelty and makes for brief but boring gaming.



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Re: SFC3 Weapons + Mix Race Tech
« Reply #4 on: April 11, 2004, 12:00:02 pm »
As far as I an tell, the Heavy Plasma Torp represents the highest damage setting.. 22....I recall attempting to make the Ion Cannon with a damage setting of 25, and the game wouldnt even run. Find the highest setting of any set of items (Fed shields, Borg engines, so on) and go from there...  


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Re: SFC3 Weapons + Mix Race Tech
« Reply #5 on: April 11, 2004, 12:01:06 pm »
For my Story (Star Trek XI: The Conspiracy Continues, I've set the health for all weapons cept the borg weapons to very low numbers, a Federation Photon Torpedo for example only takes 7.  I've also turned every engineer into blithering idiots when it comes to repair systems.  The result: ships that can be disabled with out targeting the Warp Core.  


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Re: SFC3 Weapons + Mix Race Tech
« Reply #6 on: April 11, 2004, 06:55:22 pm »
Thats a very interesting concept.  As it is with the Nonmodded SFC3 game and other modes, weapons take a lot of damage too be fully non-functional.  Heck, I sometimes load a few Ph-9s' or an extra heavy weapon and shut down the system during combat too give me a few extra hit points for my ship.  With your system, it would make Repair Parts more important for weapons and light damage could cause a system too go red or offline if your not careful.  Very interesting.

As for max damage output, The Heavy Plasma Torpedo in Nanner's GAW mod causes 50 points of damage.  Not sure why Reverend ran into problems increasing the Ion Cannons.


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Re: SFC3 Weapons + Mix Race Tech
« Reply #7 on: April 11, 2004, 07:11:58 pm »
The Heavy Plasma Torpedoes damage is 20.0 (in SFC v1.0).

Yeah, I had it crash like Reverend , when I tried to modify the tachyon pulse to 25.0.  



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Re: SFC3 Weapons + Mix Race Tech
« Reply #8 on: April 11, 2004, 10:27:37 pm »

The Heavy Plasma Torpedoes damage is 20.0 (in SFC v1.0).

Yeah, I had it crash like Reverend , when I tried to modify the tachyon pulse to 25.0.  


I figured out why it crashed.

I originally edited the file using Excel and in doing so it added extra comma's ( , )  into the file which is evidently bad.   I replaced the file and this time edited it with Notepad and the damage upgrade worked fine! upping the Tachyon pulse damage up to 16 actually makes it USEFUL!  


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Re: SFC3 Weapons + Mix Race Tech
« Reply #9 on: April 13, 2004, 12:10:40 am »
no kidding.... very familiar  to me too