Topic: GaW is lost, suggestions for a Taldren Unique product?  (Read 20091 times)

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GaW is lost, suggestions for a Taldren Unique product?
« on: February 23, 2003, 06:34:43 pm »
Okay, we dont even need to mention prior products in this thread, there is no need. We all know what we want, and what we have gotten, and what we wont get.

Now, what would we LIKE to get in the future? Erik has mentioned "Polaris" and other than the North star and some obsolete sub-launched MIRVS, I have no idea what this might be, so I cant comment on that.

Erik has professed interest in making a down-loadable product that was subscription based, and offered new ships/spells/weapons/characters/whatever for download on a regular basis.

What type of suggestions can we make? B9 is obviously an RPG set in the near future and has a sci-fi basis and is not a Taldren only product, they are making it for someone else.

Some have posited the idea of a Naval simulation, either WW1 or WW2 based loosely on the prior products Taldren has put out. The 2D nature of the prior products would be perfect for this type of simulation. Likewise, a military simulator, such as a tank or the like would work quite well in this engine.

Or, others have suggested a totally scratch sci-fi setting, complete with massive amounts of starsystems to explore, 3D combat, etc. This would allow for complete ship customization and total mixing of technology that is unavailable and undesirable in the current and past products.

Obviously arguing over spilit milk wont fix anything, and does nothing but hack everyone on all 3 sides off, so lets forget the past and look to the future. We will be getting our apparently single patch tomorrow and then that shall be that, for all intents and purposes it appears, so whats next?

Some have suggested going with a B5, or BattleStar Galactica model, but that would again involve the same exact problems that the Trek/SFB universe create.

Maybe a mechwarrior style game, but not based on Battletech? I say it should be something DIFFERENT, there are FAR too many FPS games out there, and FAR too many RTS games as well.

Maybe a nice wooden ships combat model? You could then be the Captain of a much smaller and decidedly SLOWER Enterprise...

Obviously there are enough modelers out there to completely stock a game, and likewise enough very skilled writers such as our friend Blyre to create missions/back-story, etc.

Perhaps if Taldren could go it alone on a product and it be very sucessful, they could return to their roots and give ALL of us what we would like, but they have to become self-sufficient first, so they can operate like Blizzard.


1)A naval simulator that progresses from the first Dreadnaughts starting around 1900 up to 1945 if naval warfare is your only desire, or up to or past 2000 if you want to move onto carriers and harpoon launching subs.

2)A totally scratch sci-fi, FTL universe with customizable ships, a myriad of races and technologies and hundreds of starsystems to explore/exploit/conquer. After all, in a new universe, "WE DONT NEED NO STEENKING PRIME DIRECTIVE!" do we?

3)A tank simulator ranging from the first very primitive tanks in WW1 to the modern M1A1 and the T80 would rock.

Also, as mentioned in ratboys post, having mutliple crew stations filled by different online players would RULE. Imagine having that M1A1 with a tank commander, gunner, and driver! Or a wooden sailing ship with a captain, lookout, gunnery officers, etc.


Have a nice day!  


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Re: GaW is lost, suggestions for a Taldren Unique product?
« Reply #1 on: February 23, 2003, 06:44:38 pm »
Well I dont like the co-op bit mentioned, however I do like the old style navel combat. Also fully 3d battles in space would rock.. looking to the future but still enjoying the past.


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Re: GaW is lost, suggestions for a Taldren Unique product?
« Reply #2 on: February 23, 2003, 06:53:01 pm »
Oh, well obviously the co-op part would have to be optional, what if you coudnt find someone with good lag to team up with you, etc. It would be a nice option, however.

And I agree, I am still playing prior products but only in single player as my favorite method of play, MP is currently under repair for both titles currrently installed.  But things change, hopefully soon!

Thanks for the response.

Have a nice day!  


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As I said years ago, REAL SFB turn-based SFC!
« Reply #3 on: February 23, 2003, 07:00:39 pm »

I said this years ago, make a real turn-based SFB rule set into SFC and beef up the AI like a chess machine. The closer they get to real Armorilo Design Board SFB rules which took 20 years to balance, the better people will like it.  


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Re: As I said years ago, REAL SFB turn-based SFC!
« Reply #4 on: February 23, 2003, 07:08:37 pm »
Well, Id give my left-nut for such a thing, but it seems VERY unlikely.

Then again, Xcom I + II did VERY well being turn based, so who knows? Id buy it, thats for damn sure, but I dont know how many others would, and again, it would involve lic. issues with ADB (no problem, Im sure) possibly Activision and most assuredly, the Lucifer of SFB, Parmount, who despies SFB.

Have a nice day!  


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Re: As I said years ago, REAL SFB turn-based SFC!
« Reply #5 on: February 23, 2003, 09:04:16 pm »
Space combat in Weber's Honor Harrington universe.

Rod O'neal

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Re: GaW is lost, suggestions for a Taldren Unique product?
« Reply #6 on: February 23, 2003, 09:21:24 pm »
Someone mentioned in another post "Starfire". It was published by TFG and I believe, I might be wrong here, written by SVC.  The first time I saw B5 it reminded me so much of Starfire. Not the storyline, but the tactical aspects. Probably a whole lot less of a licensing problem than B5. It's much more strategic than previous Taldren games.

SPQR Renegade001

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Re: GaW is lost, suggestions for a Taldren Unique product?
« Reply #7 on: February 23, 2003, 09:41:43 pm »

Some have posited the idea of a Naval simulation, either WW1 or WW2 based loosely on the prior products Taldren has put out. The 2D nature of the prior products would be perfect for this type of simulation. Likewise, a military simulator, such as a tank or the like would work quite well in this engine.

The 2D nature of their existing engines would discount the air power available in these wars. If It's to be wet navy, I would think exploring Europe's Imperial Age would be a better place to go. This would open a rich era begining about 1500 and ending just prior to WWI. OTOH, this would leave any product subject to a tradeoff between history and game balance. If history is to be observed, there will be long spans of time where this empire or that empire will face a heavy handycap that may last for 100s of years.

Myself, I would rather see them look to the stars and create their own material. Free from preconception, history and conflicting cannon details, they could create the game they want to make, as opposed to the one that history hands them or one with attached strings causing conflicts elsewhere.

Anyone up for a MMPOG blending a space warfare game with a solid empire builder?
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by SPQR Renegade001 »


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Re: GaW is lost, suggestions for a Taldren Unique product?
« Reply #8 on: February 23, 2003, 10:54:41 pm »
All good ideas.

How about a game that's very much like the first 2 X-Com titles, but multiplayer?  Take control of a marine or alien, team up with other live players on the net and invade earth with UFOs or protect earth from UFOs.  


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Re: GaW is lost, suggestions for a Taldren Unique product?
« Reply #9 on: February 23, 2003, 11:40:29 pm »
I'd be happy as a pig in mud with a decent Warhammer 40000 title. Combination of Battlefleet Gothic & Space Hulk


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Re: GaW is lost, suggestions for a Taldren Unique product?
« Reply #10 on: February 23, 2003, 11:49:48 pm »
I want SFC4 with no SFB rules and all star trek and that non ending space thing that some one posted about in a nother
post and no more hexs (die hexs die).Just pure un-tanted star-terk. (I thing im going to cry) I know there will be no SFc for a
long time but a guy can dream cant he I mean is that not what this post is about.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by shadow-viper »


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Re: GaW is lost, suggestions for a Taldren Unique product?
« Reply #11 on: February 24, 2003, 12:01:44 am »
Would someone explain to me how you can lament something that was never a reality in the first place?



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Re: GaW is lost, suggestions for a Taldren Unique product?
« Reply #12 on: February 24, 2003, 12:23:17 am »

Gameplay would be a mix of Klingon Academy, Independance War, and SFC. Constantly "ingame", meaning your always in space. Not issueing orders like Bridge Commander, but not the standard fighter simulation like Klingon Academy. True space movement including inertia. Ablility to upgrade and swap weapons and systmes like in SFC3.  


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Re: GaW is lost, suggestions for a Taldren Unique product?
« Reply #13 on: February 24, 2003, 12:41:08 am »
Long live pure un-tanted star-terk!

I think they should develop a spelling and grammar program. Seems like we need one around here more and more.


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Re: GaW is lost, suggestions for a Taldren Unique product?
« Reply #14 on: February 24, 2003, 02:07:44 am »

Long live pure un-tanted star-terk!

I think they should develop a spelling and grammar program. Seems like we need one around here more and more.  

I like the idea of calling it Star Terk. But whatever it is it has to have an angle. Otherwise it is just another game. SFC's angle was SFB, but I don't think there are any other board games to take on that would give you the same sort of angle.  Maybe Flat Top or Dauntless (Airforce) perhaps, could do the translation but they aren't really multiplayer enough.

Along with SFB my other favorite game was the original Illuminati (SJG). A PC version of this could be real cool, especially when combined with the sort of informational depth that is in Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri. And lag wouldn't be such a problem for gameplay.

Hmmm Star Terk Illuminati, Sounds cool!  


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Re: GaW is lost, suggestions for a Taldren Unique product?
« Reply #15 on: February 24, 2003, 06:48:00 am »
Something along the lines of Ambrosia's Escape Velocity (Mac only) but with the much better combat engine of SFC would be wonderful.

Credo Narth

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Re: GaW is lost, suggestions for a Taldren Unique product?
« Reply #16 on: February 24, 2003, 07:00:59 am »
My vote would be to go for an SFB-based game in real time, make it 3-d, and take Star Trek out of it to get around the licensing problem. Throw in a galaxy full of hexes and let us all have at it for the rest of our lives.

It would be cheap to get out the door; after all, Taldren have got the base engine in use right here. The D-4 universe would need to be greatly expanded, so you'd have core teritory, then the further away you got, the less controlled the hex, and the wilder the space.

And keep the game modifiable, so that the modders could unofficially put the Star Trek chips back into it.  


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Re: GaW is lost, suggestions for a Taldren Unique product?
« Reply #17 on: February 24, 2003, 07:03:50 am »
On gathering my thoughts whilest waiting here for the patch:

Battlestar galactica would be a great basis for a 2D but idealy 3D based stratagy type sim, along with Babylon 5. Both these programs rocked in my oppinion, would love the option to play them.

Also yeah the Co-Op thing would be nice, but I think it would cause more problems than benefits and Im not talking about lag. The idea of large fleets of equal piers is what I like though, what is missing from this game is that you can have 3 DN's in one fleet, this just wont happen. You would have a supporting cruiser or two, but due to the large slow nature of the DN it would need that manouverable firepower as back. I think thats how real battles tend to work and this sort of restriction would emphasis team work.

Furthermore different ship types would also be nice, like marine transports, close quater ships, long range firepower etc. These sort of things just add to the stratagy element, only wish it was practiced more.

This can be implemented in a wide variety of games, whichever, I quite like the Homeworld style of things (is that like cussing here?), and remember some of the rather excellent Star Trek and B5 mods that came out of that game. The sort of large scale fleet combat found in that game was excellent, yet it seemed to miss some of the ship resource managment of the SFC series. Perhaps a combination I dont know just wasting time till that download link pops up...

Activsion is the best place to look first right?

Daew Anahos

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Re: As I said years ago, REAL SFB turn-based SFC!
« Reply #18 on: February 24, 2003, 07:14:24 am »

Space combat in Weber's Honor Harrington universe.  


I can almost now imagine yelling at the computer, "all SD's roll ships! Imcoming missiles! Fire counter missiles!"


(You are in a Havenite ship)

First Officer: Sir, that ship is the NIKE! She's Harrington's ship!

You: Damn! Initate surrender procedure #1! We're screwed!



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Re: GaW is lost, suggestions for a Taldren Unique product?
« Reply #19 on: February 24, 2003, 08:52:01 am »
Any attempts to use existing materials as backstory for a new game would most certainly lead to similar issues that plague the existing series ( Licensing, "Canon vs. Non-Canon", etc. ).  What about a  moderated on-line combination of 4X empire building with 3D realtime space combat.  The concept would be that players are grouped and assigned to areas within a massive volume of gamespace, they build empires from scratch ala MOOI,II,III and contact other empires as they grow.  The players determine ship design ( within a balanced framework ), powersources, weapons, etc.  There would be a full diplomacy system for alliances mergers, tech transfer, etc.  The framework would allow for pirate cartels, freelancers, just about anything you could imagine.  This concept avoids the pitfalls of licensing and backstory holy wars.  The players create the history.  Just my opinion, I would pay a few bucks a month.