To me, it sounds like he is missing models.. Maybe deleted the opplus folder or pointed the installer to a different location.. which doesn't make much sense since he states the shiplist is loading fine, but getting black screen.. black screen represents missing models.. and OP + has been tested by everyone using it, so we know there is no missing models in the OP +3.2 kit.. so that leaves something wrong on your system, so either you installed incorrectly, or you deleted or moved content and the game can no longer find Models for use in game...
at least that is what it seems like to me...
another possibility is that Vid Card may not be up to the task.. however if that was the case, the models would show up as pure white and missing textures.. so it is not that...
I will wager to bet that if you delete the old OP game directory then reinstall OP, then use the OP + installer on the Game itself, it will work..
if you are trying to install to a separate directory, the OP + 3.2 will not work.. there are several models added and some models copied from your original game models.. so you MUST install OP + 3.2 on top of the OP game.
if you are worried about it effecting your original game, it will not.. the installer does not alter any original game content.. Using the Uninstall for OP + in the SFC OP Game directory will restore your game back to the condition it was in before OP + was installed...
Hope that this helps...