Topic: Need P/C help  (Read 7756 times)

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Re: Need P/C help
« Reply #60 on: February 22, 2004, 01:48:28 am »

I'm waiting for Win98SE to arrive in mail, but for right now I'm stuck with WinME. Now, when I check for errors it takes forever and never gets anywhere, and yes, the computer I'm using has Norton A/V. If I reinstall Windows on this machine, do I lose all programs and such that were on it already? I'm trying to get this machine squared away.

I miss my Sony Vaio, I would be playing RDSL right now.    

No, it will not erase apps already installed. Just slip your ME disc into the CD drive and hit install.



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Re: Need P/C help
« Reply #61 on: February 22, 2004, 01:50:35 am »

Yes you lose everything and you will have to reinstall everything after you reinstall windows unless you have a means of backing them up first.

And why are you useing win98 should be useing win2000 at least.  

I'm sorry, Kahlee, but your info is absolutely incorrect. I have re-installed ME on several boxes and have yet to lose one installed app yet.



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Re: Need P/C help
« Reply #62 on: February 22, 2004, 04:19:05 pm »

Try downloading updated versions of Format.exe from Microsoft.  Dell might have provided a "non standard" copy to prevent people who don't know better from formatting the C: drive.

Ha! Memories!

I DO recall typing, "format *.*" trying to clean out a floppy and instead wiping out my oh, so big! 30 MB MFM HD on my old Leading Edge Model D2 (Daewoo 80286 processor; hey, that was a sweet computer; I wish everything was STILL command line)!  It took me a couple times of doing that before I learned my lesson!  

Fortunately, only thing that was on there were a few word processor files and some Generic CAD diagrams; no games, of any kind!... which were backed up on my, oh, so big! 720 kB 5.25" floppies!   (I didn't even get a mouse, math chip (80287, natch), nor 3.5" floppy drive 'til much, much later!  But by then, even I knew better than to use "format" without specifying the drive!  Ah, da skool o' hard noks.