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Just out of Curiosity

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Re picking you opponent apart from a distance. I haven't tried this online (my game machine isn't on the net
{I know, for shame}) but it works in single player, both campaign and conquest.

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No human with a clue would let you do this. This is another tactic that works well (particulary against Borg) against AI. A human will anticipate and use warp to close.  

D. Boon's Ghost:

Re picking you opponent apart from a distance. I haven't tried this online (my game machine isn't on the net
{I know, for shame}) but it works in single player, both campaign and conquest.
  A ship with 3 forward Quantum Torps, and at least class 5 shields can sit at about 40 from a star base
and take it down...

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I am sure I am wrong on this, but no other race has anything that resembles the Federation Q-torps.  A respected player mentioned last evening, that he sits out at a range of 60 to snipe.  60!  (ugh)
As a Romulan, I can only dream... and stick with alphas.  



I've seen many go after my cloak first, then the warp core.  

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Well, that's mostly because if you try to repair the cloak...you lose all repair capability.


I read sometime ago, that they are going to beef up starbases a bit in the patch, so that you can't snipe them anymore. They get weapons with range 50 or 60, don't know exactly, but sniping was no longer possible.

  Originally posted by: D. Boon's Ghost

I am sure I am wrong on this, but no other race has anything that resembles the Federation Q-torps. A respected player mentioned last evening, that he sits out at a range of 60 to snipe. 60! (ugh)
As a Romulan, I can only dream... and stick with alphas.

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Yes we Romulans have to use this tactic, it is the only tactic that ensures victory......... or at least survival.


grey one:


Re picking you opponent apart from a distance. I haven't tried this online (my game machine isn't on the net
{I know, for shame}) but it works in single player, both campaign and conquest.

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No human with a clue would let you do this. This is another tactic that works well (particulary against Borg) against AI. A human will anticipate and use warp to close.    

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I'm not sure how a human player (as opposed to Fed) would stop you with only immobile installations left. I admit that I don't see this as useful for other races (maybe the Klinks with their own super torp) but it was addressed to the question of slowly picking an opponent appart.  


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