Let's get together and murder the tunes...at least we'll do it with style and reverently...just tell me which 12 string to bring..I'm playing my Epiphone dove...don't have a good electric, so we'll have to stick to the acoustical

it's good to find a fellow yes person...
been starting a new hobby..rebuilt a Silverstone banjo and an Eko 6 string..working on an Eko Ranger 12 string (I like Eko, have had an Eko 12 string since '71)...my Fender Dobro is under the clamps right now, since it fell face down when my guitar stand fell over...hope it all works out, but I have a freind who is a luthier, and he gives me good advice (though I think he'd rather I throw him the business).
He's making a custom left strung guitar for my wife (who insists on the Dexter Sinister)

...he let's me watch while he's cutting inlays and setting the sides, bottom, etc..I'll learn it all eventually, and hope to make my own guitar in a year or two.