Topic: Help the Ferret!  (Read 15338 times)

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Re: Help the Ferret!
« Reply #40 on: February 18, 2004, 07:56:17 pm »
E-mail my wife in Austin, I believe she got a flat screen monitor and mine that I used with the Sony Vaio was a 17 inch I believe? Works great. She can talk more about which one she wants to use and Í'm not sure the flat screen is hers. People will need to pull together to pay freight shipping on the darn thing, I believe Ferret lives in Hawaii?

Her name is Leda Morris and my permanent address is in Austin, Texas.

Her e-mail is

Just tell her that you are friends of mine from Taldren (Star Trek, she'll understand), and ask her what the status is. It is not light by any means, but is energy star efficient and can handle any video cards on the market.  


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Re: Help the Ferret!
« Reply #41 on: February 19, 2004, 10:55:26 am »

I have a spare monitor, but it is limited to 640x480 and really creates a headache...  

*Snicker*  Hey that's what we are useing now!  Ferret asked our son's if it was OK for us to use their comp's monitor and they being the helpful little monsters that they are said 'sure'!  

I don't like it. (<---- OOOOOOO I have missed this little yellow guy!)

My eyes are bleeding!  

We have no idea what is wrong with the one we have now other than it just won't come on.  The comp is fine.  The power cord and link to the comp is fine.  The monitor just won't turn on!  @#!*%&

Damn it I thought that monitors last longer than the comp does!  BLEH


Sorry I'll be good.  

Mahalo Nui Loa for all the help!  I will try to get ahold of your lovely wife, JMM, and see what we can work out.  It would be the awesome to have something bigger to look at!    


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Re: Help the Ferret!
« Reply #42 on: February 19, 2004, 11:01:25 am »
Ferret, please check out postal or airfreight charges from Cali to Hawaii for a 17 inch monitor. If it is very expensive it may behoove us to contribute money and you just buy in Hawaii, also let us know how much a flat screen monitor runs as well, Leda has one, but she has not tested it on the Sony yet, and she did not get drivers with it, but I'm sure they are available on the net.

I already have two charity cases to deal with on Mar 1st, but I could probably spare 25 dollars or so. Ciggies are MUCH cheaper here in Mexico than in the U.S.  


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Re: Help the Ferret!
« Reply #43 on: February 19, 2004, 08:00:08 pm »
Hehe, I actually have two older 15 Inch monitors that I'd be happy to send out. Esp/ To the likes of Ferret and Alien. Only Problem is The cost of shipping smething as heavy as they are to Hawaii. But IF we can figure something out, they are more then welcome To them both.

Stephen More then willing to pay back the community who has given so much to him.



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Re: Help the Ferret!
« Reply #44 on: February 19, 2004, 08:01:46 pm »
If I hadn't donated all my old monitors to charity, I'd hand deliver one to them, if only to go back to Hawai'i.


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Re: Help the Ferret!
« Reply #45 on: February 19, 2004, 10:21:50 pm »
I'd be willing to donate a couple bucks for a monitor...unfortunatly I don't have any spare ones at home otherwise I'd be happy to send one.

As far as shipping is concerned it might be better in the long run to just collect donations from individuals and buy a new one. It will be around 50-60 dollars to ship to Hawaii --- and that's just from CA.  


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Re: Help the Ferret!
« Reply #46 on: February 19, 2004, 10:34:30 pm »
Not if it is an LCD....


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Re: Help the Ferret!
« Reply #47 on: February 19, 2004, 11:05:09 pm »

I'd be willing to donate a couple bucks for a monitor...unfortunatly I don't have any spare ones at home otherwise I'd be happy to send one.

As far as shipping is concerned it might be better in the long run to just collect donations from individuals and buy a new one. It will be around 50-60 dollars to ship to Hawaii --- and that's just from CA.  

Ouch. that's high. Hsta, can you give us some prices from Hawaii? amybe we can all Just chip in and get them one then.



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Re: Help the Ferret!
« Reply #48 on: February 19, 2004, 11:23:36 pm »
Either way if they decide on shipping an LCD or collecting a bunch of money to buy a new monitor I'm still happy to help. I can overnight a money order to any address in America so as soon as a decision is made on a course of action please shoot me over an email with the address and name


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Re: Help the Ferret!
« Reply #49 on: February 20, 2004, 06:58:04 am »
Punisher, since we all know the old monitors are heavier than Hades, and we do not want to bother Taldren with this, if we send donations can one of you Cali people be in charge of the funds? This is all dependent on how high the cost of a new monitor is in Hawaii vs sending funds to Cali and buying one and shipping it. Still awaiting word from Ferret and crew on prices where they live.

BTW folks, we have talked about a Taldren community fund and it is not feasible as of yet, and I'm highly against helping people get new video cards, toys that they want, etc... but sometimes rules can be broken, and I can only imagine what it is like to be using a crap monitor and not being able to communicate with the world and friends from the forums. So Ferret and crew are myexception to my own personal rule. Mar charity is already taken, and April is campaign fund contribution time to Rep Lamar Smith and Sen Hutchison for me.  Nope, not a lot of money either, I'm a firm believer in no campaign contributions over 100 dollars per corp or person.  

The Postman

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Re: Help the Ferret!
« Reply #50 on: February 20, 2004, 07:39:05 am »
I am not at work right now or I would do it. Has somebody checked on the USPS rates for a 15 " to the islands. The rate would be the same as if you shipped it across town.  I would guess $30 - 40 would do it at parcel post rate with insurance and del confirmation. Just a thought.  


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Re: Help the Ferret!
« Reply #51 on: February 20, 2004, 01:08:21 pm »
Sure I'd be happy to help in that regard.

I buy most of my computer hardware from PC-Club in San Diego here's a page

Might be able to find something cheaper at Fry's



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Re: Help the Ferret!
« Reply #52 on: February 20, 2004, 02:09:42 pm »

Not if it is an LCD....  

That would indeed rock.  Does anyone have an LCD they can spare, though?


Ouch. that's high. Hsta, can you give us some prices from Hawaii? amybe we can all Just chip in and get them one then.

Wow.  Shipping to HI is prohibitive, to say the least.  The $50-$60 estimate from Cali looks accurate, but I can't get detailed numbers without gathering zip codes to plug in.

Ferret and Alien are currently using the 15" monitor (in 256 color mode, it sounds like) from their boys' computer for the time being.  Alien is hoping somone will have a good 17" monitor they can spare since the 15" ones, and I quote, "rip the eyeballs out of her skull."

... believe me, Gorn eyeballs look funky enough as it is without having them rolling around on a computer desk.    

Whether they buy a new one or just need help with shipping, I have at least $25 squirreled away to give to the cause.

Heck, I wouldn't even have a computer at home myself if members of this community hadn't donated the parts for me to put one together over a year ago!  (SL-Pun, Frey, to many to list actually!)


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Re: Help the Ferret!
« Reply #53 on: February 20, 2004, 02:21:30 pm »
They have been in contact with Leda in Austin, she says the 15" flat monitor she has sucks, but Leda and Ferret can see for themselves by e-mail or messenger. If it does not work out, I was thinking of sending you a money order in their name and maybe others can contribute, and when they have reached however much a good monitor runs (no ferret, no 21"flat screens, ok? I use a 19" or 17" Digiview (I forget, all I know is it is kickbutt) in Texas) then you could mail the money orders to them from Cali to Hawaii and they could go buy one? Like I said, I'm not into contributing for hardware or toys for P/Cs unless I have no need for it, but being in Mexico I can understand that it would drive me nuts not being able to communicate with you guys and gals whenever I wanted (which is every day  .

I wish they would get online and let us know what they want, that way if they do not want the 15" flat monitor from Leda, then I can have her go get a money order and mail it to you SL.

Ferret, if you and wifey are reading this, if you decide to go donation route, remember to pm me your name and address so that when I mail a donation to SL for you peeps the info on the money order will be correct. Also since you have been in contact with Leda, you can find out the brand name and get reviews on it. I never bothered with it since I liked the Digiview and like auto techs say Ïf it ain't broke, dont fix it."

Thanks SL for taking the football on this one, I'm in Mexico so I cannot do much good. Heck, if I was in Texas I would get Leda to drive me to Seth's house and help him with his car. God knows I owe him for being there when I needed him and for his P/C expertise.



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Re: Help the Ferret!
« Reply #54 on: February 20, 2004, 06:41:39 pm »
Aloha guys!

Sorry Alien is not getting back on you guys like she should be on this.
Right now in all truth, I'm really uncertain what specifics she has given through her e-mails trough on whom she contacted.
 But form my perspective reading all your posts, I'm really grateful to see all your support.
  A flat screen would Kick some major A  but, I'm not going to ask for much. (I really didn't expect Alien to do this in the first place) as for the other stated topic I'll look into shipping costs and all but, right now I really cannot say much since Alien seems to be taking care of most of this buisness.

 I'll make sure, I sit her in fron t of our borrowed monitor (Thie kids 15" from an old Aptiva) and have her 'chat' with all of you.

Thanks again guys and I'll get down with some major specifics soon.



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Re: Help the Ferret!
« Reply #55 on: February 20, 2004, 10:28:35 pm »
WOW you guys are just the BEST!  What would I do without you?!

Well the last email I receved from Leda (JMM's wonderful wife) didn't tell me the size of the monitor but if it is a 15 incher I just CAN'T use it.  Hel sitting here looking at my kids' one is starting to give me a pain in the back of my head like you wouldn't beleive.  

And I did get to call UPS and they want to know how big the box is and what zip code it is coming from and going too.  I can guestimate the box and give my info but I don't know the zip in CA.  Humm I'll try Oakland's zip that would at least get me a round-about estimate right?  

second day air - $114.56!!  And the lady I talked to said that was the only way they could send it because of the size and weight of the box?!

Sometimes living in paradise is a big pain in the @$$.  

I love you guys, I do!  And I just want to thank you all for all the support and help you have given me over the years and now esp.!  

Damnit.  Ya'll are making me weepy.  I hate crying it upsets the husband and kids.  

I don't know what to do now.


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Re: Help the Ferret!
« Reply #56 on: February 20, 2004, 11:36:24 pm »
The prohibitive cost of shipping is going to be somewhat of an issue and besides why not devote the  funds used for shipping to buying a good monitor?

Post office won't ship a box that big, unless you want to send it parcel post which takes about 6-8 weeks. Our only real options are fedex and UPS.

Instead of sending money to me it might be best in the long run to get an address for ferret and just send it directly there....after they get enough bucks then they can go to their local electronics store and pick it up. I can plenty 50 bucks to help out....just need an address to send it to.


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Re: Help the Ferret!
« Reply #57 on: February 21, 2004, 01:55:43 am »
$25.00 Pledge here SL, so we have $75.00 in pledges so far. I'd like to match you, but as you know I'm in Mexico for healthcare, and even though VA says I'm eligible for healthcare anywhere, VA or civilian, I need an answer from VA in El Paso first as for right now I'm paying out of my own pocket (hence going to Mexico where healthcare is cheaper). Also on Mar 1st Talon's wife loses her job and they have a daughter for college, and the other charity is for Vlad's mom. Apr 1st is political donations to Rep Lamar Smith (my district's rep) and for Sen Hutchison (TX, on the committee for dept. of VA). They are well aware of Khamisaya and my conditions, and have helped me a LOT. Plus Rep Lamar Smith understands Americans concerns about the illegal alien issue. That is another thread though.

How much is postage to Hawaii? Being a state I would imagine that it is normal postage? Let us know how much a good monitor costs in Hawaii, ok? We do not want go overboard on this.  


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Re: Help the Ferret!
« Reply #58 on: February 21, 2004, 10:47:56 am »
I'll pitch in another $25.00 for them. It's worth It just to get the weekly Madlibs from those two.  



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Re: Help the Ferret!
« Reply #59 on: February 21, 2004, 05:39:22 pm »
That would all be incredibly helpful!  

I ment to get back at ya'll a lot earlier today but Ferret decided that I should sleep in and didn't wake me up till Mr. Happy showed up . . .  Most of you know what happens with Mr. Happy gets excited!

Anywho, after I post this and have a bit o' lunch we'll be visiting our millitary exchanges and comp stores to price out the 17" and 19" monitors.  Who knows?  There might be some mad sales going on and with the millitary we can at least put the item on layaway.  Maybe.  There might be a 'no layaway' policy for comp stuff.

Again,  I am !

I am really enjoying these new faces!