They have been in contact with Leda in Austin, she says the 15" flat monitor she has sucks, but Leda and Ferret can see for themselves by e-mail or messenger. If it does not work out, I was thinking of sending you a money order in their name and maybe others can contribute, and when they have reached however much a good monitor runs (no ferret, no 21"flat screens, ok? I use a 19" or 17" Digiview (I forget, all I know is it is kickbutt) in Texas) then you could mail the money orders to them from Cali to Hawaii and they could go buy one? Like I said, I'm not into contributing for hardware or toys for P/Cs unless I have no need for it, but being in Mexico I can understand that it would drive me nuts not being able to communicate with you guys and gals whenever I wanted (which is every day

I wish they would get online and let us know what they want, that way if they do not want the 15" flat monitor from Leda, then I can have her go get a money order and mail it to you SL.
Ferret, if you and wifey are reading this, if you decide to go donation route, remember to pm me your name and address so that when I mail a donation to SL for you peeps the info on the money order will be correct. Also since you have been in contact with Leda, you can find out the brand name and get reviews on it. I never bothered with it since I liked the Digiview and like auto techs say Ïf it ain't broke, dont fix it."
Thanks SL for taking the football on this one, I'm in Mexico so I cannot do much good. Heck, if I was in Texas I would get Leda to drive me to Seth's house and help him with his car. God knows I owe him for being there when I needed him and for his P/C expertise.