Topic: teeny update(s)..FASA-time.. (dumdumdeedumdum,deedumdum,deedum)  (Read 3424 times)

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Re: teeny update(s)..FASA-time.. (dumdumdeedumdum,deedumdum,deedum)
« Reply #20 on: February 21, 2004, 06:29:59 pm »
The G W Bush was part of the D2 model set and has no home at the moment that is known to me. It's a three engine dreadnought config built from excelsior type components. Of course I would be happy to forward the model.

I gave a second try at sending the Andor sreen shots. It was a bad day for a D16 Kisarza but I was using some pretty ludicrous specs at the time. More interested in the model pics than ballance. There is a difference in your email address from Mare Ibrium and your sig page, i think. I'll check back in the morning to see if you need or want the G W Bush or if someone knew of a link.  
« Last Edit: February 22, 2004, 09:47:34 am by Rogue »


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Re: teeny update(s)..FASA-time.. (dumdumdeedumdum,deedumdum,deedum)
« Reply #21 on: February 22, 2004, 12:14:55 am »

That usually works.  

Also, does as well..

Another note...

We're finished the Larson around here boys and girls... ready for some pix?

I'll wait for the people filing in at the back to sit down... yup.. waiting... still waiting..

Good.. there we go.  

Okay, took Bernard's suggestion and decided to add the torps to the ship.  Small problem..

Nowhere to put them.  Above the lights meant figuring out how the heck I was going to illuminate the area, because the torp launcher would block light from the light and cause the lower reg not to be lit in the front.  Never would pass the Fed beauty inspectors.  So scratch that.  And too low meant lopping off the sensor and having this weirdly shaped launcher down there.  Again, Feddie beauty pageant rules say,"No".  So what to do..

Then had an idea.  There's already an assembly in place down there.. the light assembly itself.  All I'd have to do is to add the torp launcher into the light structure and we're good to go.  (buzz) Nope.. it blocks out the light.  So after playing around with things for a while, I decided to simply remove everything except the photon tubes themselves and add them in down there.  And it worked nicely.  

Don't know how canon a combo light/torp launcher is, but hey, it looks pretty and addresses the torp problem that Bernard had raised nicely.  

And finally, here's the new look and pix..

So there we go.. all complete and ready for download...

And this is just ship #1.. I also have that announcement that Nannerslug was hinting at as well.

Enjoy, and let me know how she looks guys..
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by atheorhaven »