Topic: teeny update(s)..FASA-time.. (dumdumdeedumdum,deedumdum,deedum)  (Read 3430 times)

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teeny update(s)..FASA-time.. (dumdumdeedumdum,deedumdum,deedum)
« on: February 18, 2004, 02:30:46 am »
Well, despite the irritation of RL work, I have some new stuff done.  These are sort of old projects, sort of new.

One is a patch to the Andor to fix that back section, and while I was at it, some other sections that needed a little bit of work.


Looks better I think, and should make the Andor lovers happier.  

And the new texture is totally not attached to anything else, which'll make changing registries easier now on the back.

d/l link here:

Just put the patch in the same directory as your Andor, and it'll replace the .MOD file, plus add in the new textures..

Now, another in the same vein..

Told KF I'd work on this a while ago, and this is still really rough (without new textures anywhere yet), but you'll get the idea what it is I think..

Started on refitting p81's Larson today.. as I said, it's currently rough and needs some work yet, but it's a beginning.  

More news when I have it..
« Last Edit: February 18, 2004, 02:36:03 am by atheorhaven »


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Re: teeny update(s)..FASA-time.. (dumdumdeedumdum,deedumdum,deedum)
« Reply #1 on: February 18, 2004, 02:44:14 am »
May I ask where I can get this model so then I could utilize the patch.I think it's a cool Andor update.Thank you  


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Re: teeny update(s)..FASA-time.. (dumdumdeedumdum,deedumdum,deedum)
« Reply #2 on: February 18, 2004, 02:49:22 am »
It's on my site..

or a direct link to it..

I'd recommend that you take a boo around the site.. you can see lots of stuff up there.  

I just need to seriously update the pages to add in the new models and fix some links..


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Re: teeny update(s)..FASA-time.. (dumdumdeedumdum,deedumdum,deedum)
« Reply #3 on: February 18, 2004, 03:12:08 am »
Thank you Sir,I love the Dawnstar,and that TOS station   I look forward to an update on your site and new models.Great stuff indeed !
ModelsPlease = "A Model Junkie who just got a great fix  "


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Re: teeny update(s)..FASA-time.. (dumdumdeedumdum,deedumdum,deedum)
« Reply #4 on: February 18, 2004, 08:57:06 am »
Oh yeah, I'll second that!


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Re: teeny update(s)..FASA-time.. (dumdumdeedumdum,deedumdum,deedum)
« Reply #5 on: February 18, 2004, 09:53:27 am » sure do good work! The Andor did need a touch-up!

Semper Fi, Carry On


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Re: teeny update(s)..FASA-time.. (dumdumdeedumdum,deedumdum,deedum)
« Reply #6 on: February 18, 2004, 10:04:28 am »


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Re: teeny update(s)..FASA-time.. (dumdumdeedumdum,deedumdum,deedum)
« Reply #7 on: February 18, 2004, 11:51:56 am »
Quote: sure do good work! The Andor did need a touch-up!
Semper Fi, Carry On  

It did, hence I did.  

There may be a couple more that I may revisit.. but this one needed the update for sure (and a request was done to have that done).  Thanks for the thanks guys.. and keep the screen caps from ingame coming in, it's nice to see my stuff finally fly.  

Klingon Fanatic

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Re: teeny update(s)..FASA-time.. (dumdumdeedumdum,deedumdum,deedum)
« Reply #8 on: February 18, 2004, 04:32:57 pm »
Another fine set of movie quality pics!

Sorry Atheorhaven, I've been asleep at the forums, LOL.

Thanks for the update, I will incorporate this update immediately.

Keep all those ships coming out of the yards.



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Re: teeny update(s)..FASA-time.. (dumdumdeedumdum,deedumdum,deedum)
« Reply #9 on: February 18, 2004, 05:23:10 pm »
May I offer a personal thanks for updating the Andor. I was much impressed with your original effort and thought it too good not to get the final work it needed.

I'll throw this out there for when you are willing to consider... another project...  arghhh. I hate to even broach the subject but... A model set I have never seen done is a TMP version of the MaCarther and the Napoleon. I believe those starships represent the Federation CVA and SCS respectively. I would be hard pressed to think of a better man for that job. That would be an opporunity for a major gift to the SFC community. And they would probably be the defacto models for that purpose. Ghost/Anduril, I believe, made these in the TOS style and Anduril had been working on an updated one. But done in a TMP version... if it exists I've never seen it.

Only ponder doing it if it seems like fun and you would enjoy doing them. Help would be readily available as to acquiring the original models and specifications if or when you want them.

Peace bro and again thanks for updating that Andor refit.  


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Re: teeny update(s)..FASA-time.. (dumdumdeedumdum,deedumdum,deedum)
« Reply #10 on: February 18, 2004, 07:21:13 pm »
If you can point me to the original models, I'll be glad to at least look at them and see if I can see how they'd slap all together.. if it's not too rough, then I'll give 'er a shot.

But to plese my wife soon, I will have to take a break sometime pdq.. I put out the list of 20 projects I was working on in October, and it's Februrary now..
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by atheorhaven »


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Re: teeny update(s)..FASA-time.. (dumdumdeedumdum,deedumdum,deedum)
« Reply #11 on: February 18, 2004, 08:36:19 pm »

If you can point me to the original models, I'll be glad to at least look at them and see if I can see how they'd slap all together.. if it's not too rough, then I'll give 'er a shot.

But to plese my wife soon, I will have to take a break sometime pdq.. I put out the list of 20 projects I was working on in October, and it's Februrary now..  

Of course I am happy to do so. From the Fleetdock13 Federation archive they would be the FCVA and FSCS in the carriers catagory. The FSCS is the three engine version of the CVA. Similar models but you would know better than myself how much work we are really talking about.

 Fleetdock 13 Federation models

I have seen how prolific you have been in the recent past and know you have spent a lot of time doing this. For which model hounds, like myself, are grateful. But first and foremost this is supposed to be fun. And if we know what is good for us we know when to devote time to our woman. I hope this looks like fun to you but if it is too much on your plate then it would be easily understood.

Peace bro.    

PS I would be happy to send you the models themselves if downloading from FD13 proves frustrating. I'll check back when I get in from work tomorrow.
« Last Edit: February 18, 2004, 08:44:50 pm by Rogue »


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Re: teeny update(s)..FASA-time.. (dumdumdeedumdum,deedumdum,deedum)
« Reply #12 on: February 19, 2004, 03:03:14 am »
Let me try to grab them tomorrow evening and see how they look.. just want to get this one done first.  

Okay, got a substantial amount of work done on the Larson tonight.. new saucer and nacelle textures are complete, mesh work is (I think) done, and am almost done the new illumination maps.  Just have to check the ship all the way around for any windows I've missed, then it's color matching the textures and we're about ready for a release.

And thought that you guys would like to see what I've been looking at all evening.

Now the first thing I did after the new registries was to create a missing illumination texture for one of p81's original hull textures.  This covers everything except saucer and nacelle.  Then I rebuilt the nacelle itself, discarding my first kitbash nacelle attempt for a more subtle approach, and that worked nicely.  Then I noticed that the saucer had Khaliban's nicely colored windows, and the hull had p81's white squares.  

So, I textured in similarly colored squares into all of p81's windows to match.  Looked good.. but something was missing.. oh yeah, color and some lighting.  So I added lighting on the Feddie arrow and then looked up at that dark nacelle pylon.  Thought... "Hmmmm... nacelle glow".  And that nicely helped round that out.  Then it was tweaking, adjusting, and stealing time to render pix once my wife got home and reclaimed her machine.  And here's where we're at tonight..

So there we go.. pretty well everything left now is minor really..

More news (and maybe a release) tomorrow...

Bernard Guignard

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Re: teeny update(s)..FASA-time.. (dumdumdeedumdum,deedumdum,deedum)
« Reply #13 on: February 19, 2004, 04:53:33 am »
Hi Alec
    Great job on the Larson   one thing that bothers me is  the lack of photon torpedo tubes, I addressed that in a version where I added the tubes to the bottom of ship then having the sensor dish underneath check out the tmp benham Class or Larson class schematics that I drew on the TreknoGraphx List.
Keep up the  great work but take a break you deserve it  

Bernard Guignard

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Re: teeny update(s)..FASA-time.. (dumdumdeedumdum,deedumdum,deedum)
« Reply #14 on: February 20, 2004, 04:43:53 am »
bumping for information please  


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Re: teeny update(s)..FASA-time.. (dumdumdeedumdum,deedumdum,deedum)
« Reply #15 on: February 20, 2004, 05:37:58 pm »
Mr. Atheorhaven, a couple of things...

First is the work you are doing on the Larson. I like it. The strut textures are the most noticable but the update to the bridge was the most needed thing, If I remember the Larson you are working with.

Secondly, as a quick update about the Julius Caeser CVA... I don't know how I missed it but Anduril updated that model just a few weeks back. The last working pic was a size comparison...


and can be downloaded from the Galactic Fringe.  U.S.S. Julius Caeser    


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Re: teeny update(s)..FASA-time.. (dumdumdeedumdum,deedumdum,deedum)
« Reply #16 on: February 20, 2004, 08:28:00 pm »

bumping for information please  

updated pix above... just replaced a couple of the original WIP shots above with replacements because I literally had 5 minutes to get out the door this morning, and uploading them took 2 of them.  

Basic changes.. added the same textures to the primary textures as on the illumination ones, so all the white squares on the p81 texture that are used are gone now.  And color matched the texture to Khaliban's a bit better as well.. so there's one more texture that needs adjusting and it should be ready to go.  Though I may do a few tweaks to the mesh.. there's a couple of small areas that need work.  And I'm debating removing the blue glow as well because it glows on the bottom of the pylons as well right now.. which isn't going to look really hot.  I could reduce the size of it a little bit though.. dunno.  Might just remove it, add a light or two or something up there.  

Will decide tonight... one thing though... I was looking at the shots of the ship with the torp tubes underneath, and while I could do that.. I think it'd be better to do tubes a bit higher so that the torp complex wouldn't be right on top of the sensor installation.  I can add them, but it'd be better asthetically I think to have them a little bit higher on the lower saucer so the tubes were inhull.  Will also decide tonight..
« Last Edit: February 20, 2004, 08:44:38 pm by atheorhaven »


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Re: teeny update(s)..FASA-time.. (dumdumdeedumdum,deedumdum,deedum)
« Reply #17 on: February 20, 2004, 08:40:58 pm »

Mr. Atheorhaven, a couple of things...

First is the work you are doing on the Larson. I like it. The strut textures are the most noticable but the update to the bridge was the most needed thing, If I remember the Larson you are working with.

I can do a side by side render tonight or int the morning for comparison if everyone wants..


Secondly, as a quick update about the Julius Caeser CVA... I don't know how I missed it but Anduril updated that model just a few weeks back. The last working pic was a size comparison...
and can be downloaded from the Galactic Fringe.  U.S.S. Julius Caeser

So basically, if I do something like this:

that'd be the CVS that you were wanting?



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Re: teeny update(s)..FASA-time.. (dumdumdeedumdum,deedumdum,deedum)
« Reply #18 on: February 20, 2004, 09:52:04 pm »
Ah, if it were but that simple... just to make sure I'm communicating the idea. That would be that there never has been a TMP version of the CVA or SCS of this starship. Anduril's new CVA Julius Caeser is as much as anyone could ask for in a TOS model. And he  was  talking about doing the three engined version.

You have done impressive interpritations of some of some TOS models in the TMP style. So, if you can see a TMP conversion path for the 2 engine CVA and 3 engine SCS, then the TMP Federation fleet would have it's heavy carriers according to Starfleet Battles. That's the idea anyway. Of the two, the CVA is probably the most needed as the G W Bush, from the D2 model pack, makes for a fine SCS. And I am hoping that this would be for more than just me. I have to think that there are more than a few SFC players that would think the same thing.

Anyway, and above all, have fun and take your time with it. I respect the fact that you have invested massive amounts of time into modeling for the SFC community. So any other projects like this should be an exercise in fun and imagination rather than ending up as another friggin' model ya gotta build. Having said that, I was looking for some useful reference material about this and about all I could find was an excelsior style CVA, if this gives you any ideas...


PS, I'm planning on playing your Andor model this evening and will be looking for a couple of good screenshots. Have a good evening, bro.      
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Rogue »


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Re: teeny update(s)..FASA-time.. (dumdumdeedumdum,deedumdum,deedum)
« Reply #19 on: February 21, 2004, 12:28:38 pm »

You have done impressive interpritations of some of some TOS models in the TMP style. So, if you can see a TMP conversion path for the 2 engine CVA and 3 engine SCS, then the TMP Federation fleet would it's heavy carriers according to Starfleet Battles. That's the idea anyway. Of the two, the CVA is probably the most needed as the G W Bush, from the D2 model pack, makes for a fine SCS. And I am hoping that this would be for more than just me. I have to think that there are more than a few SFC players that would think the same thing.
Anyway, and above all, have fun and take your time with it. I respect the fact that you have invested massive amounts of time into modeling for the SFC community. So any other projects like this should be an exercise in fun and imagination rather than ending up as another friggin' model ya gotta build. Having said that, I was looking for some useful reference material about this and about all I could find was an excelsior style CVA, if this gives you any ideas...

Actually, this picture does give me some ideas of how I could get this done... and do you have some d/l links for the "Bush"?  If I make a TMP Feddie CVA and can get the persmissions for a general release, it'll definitely be for everyone.  And I may also use the idea of the "Bush" to do a SCS as well, depending on the idea there..


 PS, I'm planning on playing your Andor model this evening and will be looking for a couple of good screenshots. Have a good evening, bro.      

Definitely looking forward to it.. I've still not seen a lot of screenies yet, but I've seen a couple more recently (think I'm maybe at about 12 now, and I like to use the screenies as pictures in my slide show screensaver.  
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by atheorhaven »


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Re: teeny update(s)..FASA-time.. (dumdumdeedumdum,deedumdum,deedum)
« Reply #20 on: February 21, 2004, 06:29:59 pm »
The G W Bush was part of the D2 model set and has no home at the moment that is known to me. It's a three engine dreadnought config built from excelsior type components. Of course I would be happy to forward the model.

I gave a second try at sending the Andor sreen shots. It was a bad day for a D16 Kisarza but I was using some pretty ludicrous specs at the time. More interested in the model pics than ballance. There is a difference in your email address from Mare Ibrium and your sig page, i think. I'll check back in the morning to see if you need or want the G W Bush or if someone knew of a link.  
« Last Edit: February 22, 2004, 09:47:34 am by Rogue »


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Re: teeny update(s)..FASA-time.. (dumdumdeedumdum,deedumdum,deedum)
« Reply #21 on: February 22, 2004, 12:14:55 am »

That usually works.  

Also, does as well..

Another note...

We're finished the Larson around here boys and girls... ready for some pix?

I'll wait for the people filing in at the back to sit down... yup.. waiting... still waiting..

Good.. there we go.  

Okay, took Bernard's suggestion and decided to add the torps to the ship.  Small problem..

Nowhere to put them.  Above the lights meant figuring out how the heck I was going to illuminate the area, because the torp launcher would block light from the light and cause the lower reg not to be lit in the front.  Never would pass the Fed beauty inspectors.  So scratch that.  And too low meant lopping off the sensor and having this weirdly shaped launcher down there.  Again, Feddie beauty pageant rules say,"No".  So what to do..

Then had an idea.  There's already an assembly in place down there.. the light assembly itself.  All I'd have to do is to add the torp launcher into the light structure and we're good to go.  (buzz) Nope.. it blocks out the light.  So after playing around with things for a while, I decided to simply remove everything except the photon tubes themselves and add them in down there.  And it worked nicely.  

Don't know how canon a combo light/torp launcher is, but hey, it looks pretty and addresses the torp problem that Bernard had raised nicely.  

And finally, here's the new look and pix..

So there we go.. all complete and ready for download...

And this is just ship #1.. I also have that announcement that Nannerslug was hinting at as well.

Enjoy, and let me know how she looks guys..
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by atheorhaven »