Topic: I walked outside and what did I smell  (Read 10531 times)

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Re: I walked outside and what did I smell
« Reply #20 on: February 17, 2004, 11:15:11 pm »




 Anyone remember the free cheese the govt used to give away? That was the best cheese I ever tasted!    

  That is HILARIOUS! i just said the same thing to a freind of mine when we were shopping.
 My faviorite dish was the GOVT. cheese, covered in the butter theay were giving away at the time too, On GOVT. rice

 Yeah. They did give away those two pound blocks of butter too. That was excellent butter. I could have lived on grilled cheese sandwiches. I do know that they were still giving away that cheese 10 years ago because a friend of mine was getting it.    

Hey, don't forget the peanut butter!  

 The secret to the peanut butter is you have to stir it up real good before you use it Yumm?  


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Re: I walked outside and what did I smell
« Reply #21 on: February 17, 2004, 11:27:10 pm »
 Ooooo yeah, amazing how tasty that govt food was.

Yep, it came with that nice peanut oil floating on top. Had to stir it up really well.  


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Re: I walked outside and what did I smell
« Reply #22 on: February 17, 2004, 11:43:45 pm »
  We should all put down our favorite recipes using Govt. food?   Theay started a thread like it some where else i think.  


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Re: I walked outside and what did I smell
« Reply #23 on: February 18, 2004, 12:01:12 am »

  We should all put down our favorite recipes using Govt. food?   Theay started a thread like it some where else i think.  

What? Like a $5 or less meal, requiring at least one object from the goverment food program?


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Re: I walked outside and what did I smell
« Reply #24 on: February 18, 2004, 12:02:50 am »
 Sure Ravok,      


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Re: I walked outside and what did I smell
« Reply #25 on: February 18, 2004, 09:30:57 am »
Imagine what I was smelling last night.  My son put Ramen noodles in the microwave with no water.  Within seconds the plastic container went into meltdown and the house was filled with smoke and the nastiest smell you can imagine.  I had all the doors and windows open with fans venting the house.  I was freezing my but off. My wife and kids went to her moms. The house still smells but is tolerable.  I hope my son learned a lesson here.  He also will not be going near the microwave for a while.


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Re: I walked outside and what did I smell
« Reply #26 on: February 18, 2004, 09:48:46 am »
HE HE I did that one time with a micowave pizza, Punched in the wrong numbers, after a bit I started to smell something burning and wounderd who left the stove on, only it wasnt the stove but the plate in the microwave. Burnt the pizza and melted the plastic plate all together. that was not a good smell either.


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Re: I walked outside and what did I smell
« Reply #27 on: February 18, 2004, 11:44:56 am »
sound good to me!  


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I walked outside and what did I smell
« Reply #28 on: February 17, 2004, 05:39:54 pm »
Somebody was cooking steaks on the grill , And I didnt know where it was comeing from either.


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Re: I walked outside and what did I smell
« Reply #29 on: February 17, 2004, 05:52:37 pm »
I would kill for something other then canned spegetti and meatballs, PB&J Sandwiches or $.25 frozen burrito's lol.


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Re: I walked outside and what did I smell
« Reply #30 on: February 17, 2004, 06:25:21 pm »
 ? Why are you eating that, EE?    


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Re: I walked outside and what did I smell
« Reply #31 on: February 17, 2004, 06:48:23 pm »
To save money. I am currently bringing in about $500-$600 a month on odd jobs, cant find anything worth my while. My share of rent and utilities alone are $400-$450 and that does not include gas for my car or food. So, I limit myself on what I buy for food. Believe it or not, you can make a pretty decent meal for a couple of bucks each. Unforutnatly, lease is almost up on this apt and I dont know what I am going to do, rent is going up. All should work out and I am not worried, it always does. Just got to do a couple more tricks a night or something
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by EE »


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Re: I walked outside and what did I smell
« Reply #32 on: February 17, 2004, 07:07:28 pm »

To save money. I am currently bringing in about $500-$600 a month on odd jobs, cant find anything worth my while. My share of rent and utilities alone are $400-$450 and that does not include gas for my car or food. So, I limit myself on what I buy for food. Believe it or not, you can make a pretty decent meal for a couple of bucks each. Unforutnatly, lease is almost up on this apt and I dont know what I am going to do, rent is going up. All should work out and I am not worried, it always does. Just got to do a couple more tricks a night or something

 Turning tricks. I hear you have to pay them, hehehe.

Seriously, I hate to hear that youre in such a bad situation. D*mn thats rough. I know how it is though. I hate to eat Ramen noodles for about a month. I can barely stand the site of them now. Of course, you get 6-10 for a buck. With some crackers, that very cheap eating.


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Re: I walked outside and what did I smell
« Reply #33 on: February 17, 2004, 07:11:55 pm »
EE, you are a bright, young man, and I might suggest the military. I know that you could ace the ASVAB and qualify for the college fund of whatever service you join. It's just four years brother, and a good experience and you will not be so stressed out (except during basic training). I got 30k on my Army College Fund, I believe now it is 60k? Divide that up by four years and that is a very tidy sum for college after you exit the military if you choose to do so.

Just a thought my friend. Besides, you get to travel and go places you have never been before, and if it is Germany you get to take your car for free! How can you beat that?

Regardless of what branch you join, they all serve good food and most installations have two man rooms in the barracks nowadays. You will find the environment a LOT more secure than most civilian neighborhoods.

Yes, you could have to go to war, and yes, you may see things you prefer NOT to see, or get exposed to things you never dreamed of, but that is what we got paid for, to protect our country and way of life at ALL costs.  


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Re: I walked outside and what did I smell
« Reply #34 on: February 17, 2004, 07:20:23 pm »


To save money. I am currently bringing in about $500-$600 a month on odd jobs, cant find anything worth my while. My share of rent and utilities alone are $400-$450 and that does not include gas for my car or food. So, I limit myself on what I buy for food. Believe it or not, you can make a pretty decent meal for a couple of bucks each. Unforutnatly, lease is almost up on this apt and I dont know what I am going to do, rent is going up. All should work out and I am not worried, it always does. Just got to do a couple more tricks a night or something

 Turning tricks. I hear you have to pay them, hehehe.

Seriously, I hate to hear that youre in such a bad situation. D*mn thats rough. I know how it is though. I hate to eat Ramen noodles for about a month. I can barely stand the site of them now. Of course, you get 6-10 for a buck. With some crackers, that very cheap eating.

  Blech! I did the same thing Ramen Noodles Mac& Cheese {generic of course} and eggs. Have never touched them since!


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Re: I walked outside and what did I smell
« Reply #35 on: February 17, 2004, 07:29:04 pm »
I remember Ramen soup very well, when I got out of the military in 95 my college fund was only 800 a month and a small eff apt. was 400, after electric and other bills, I did not have much left for food, and was even on the Texas Lone Star food stamp card for 3  months until my financial aid and unemployment kicked in months later.  


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Re: I walked outside and what did I smell
« Reply #36 on: February 17, 2004, 07:30:12 pm »



To save money. I am currently bringing in about $500-$600 a month on odd jobs, cant find anything worth my while. My share of rent and utilities alone are $400-$450 and that does not include gas for my car or food. So, I limit myself on what I buy for food. Believe it or not, you can make a pretty decent meal for a couple of bucks each. Unforutnatly, lease is almost up on this apt and I dont know what I am going to do, rent is going up. All should work out and I am not worried, it always does. Just got to do a couple more tricks a night or something

 Turning tricks. I hear you have to pay them, hehehe.

Seriously, I hate to hear that youre in such a bad situation. D*mn thats rough. I know how it is though. I hate to eat Ramen noodles for about a month. I can barely stand the site of them now. Of course, you get 6-10 for a buck. With some crackers, that very cheap eating.

  Blech! I did the same thing Ramen Noodles Mac& Cheese {generic of course} and eggs. Have never touched them since!

 Tell me about it. I was living on less than $10/week. Lost alot of muscle ( I had very little fat to begin with) and urinated alot because I was using water to keep the hunger pains down. On the bright side, my kidneys were well flushed.



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Re: I walked outside and what did I smell
« Reply #37 on: February 17, 2004, 07:32:28 pm »
 Anyone remember the free cheese the govt used to give away? That was the best cheese I ever tasted!    


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Re: I walked outside and what did I smell
« Reply #38 on: February 17, 2004, 07:39:18 pm »
I remember that Shadow, whatever happened to that program? We are still subsidizing dairy farmers I believe? It's only fair that people in need receive the food they need, we are the wealthiest nation in the worl right now, no? Unless Bush put us back in the stone ages already?  


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Re: I walked outside and what did I smell
« Reply #39 on: February 17, 2004, 07:47:19 pm »
 I dont know. I do know that there was alot of cheating going on. Here in my area, the woman that was in charge of distribution was padding the rolls and getting more than was allowed. She then sold the surplus. I remember that you got a box with cheese, rice, 5lbs. flour, canned veggies, ....I dont remember everything. But you got it once a month and with a little planning and with what you could buy, it would last quite a long time. You could also get free clothing at the same place here. They need to bring it back since there is a need around the country.

 I remember that with the box of food, my family would buy some powdered milk, sugar, and my grandfather had chickens. We ate pretty well when I was a kid. Well we didnt go hungery anyway.