I'll agree to some extent PPD, but did you know Chihuahua has made more progress in the last 5 years than in the past 20? I just wish they would make driving courses mandatory like in the U.S. and if they get caught for speeding, make them pay and take the course over again. Get rid of those darn speedbumps and stupid steel balls embedded in the road.

What's even worse, highway 45 goes from Chihuahua City to El Paso and Santa Teresa, N.M. ports of entry, 2 lane highway, granted I can go 90 most of the time, but the law is the left lane is for passing only, so when you keep all vehicles on one lane, what happens? It wears out much quicker!

They have soooo much open land between C.C. and El Paso they could EASILY build a three or four lane highway in either direction and make it like the autobahn. And those bastiches have three tolls on the way, for what???? Sure as heck not to expand the highway.